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Learning Curriculum Critical Thinking

1a. According to the curriculum what does learning mean? How would you recommend improving this definition? Why? According to the curriculum, learning is simply the process of becoming better at something that is useful. I think that this is not as inclusive as it could be. Often people learn about thinks that are not necessarily useful to them or to anyone else. Not everything we seek to learn is applicable to problems or for general improvement, but simply to satisfy curiosities or find pleasure. Regretfully, some people seek to learn things that wish to hurt themselves or others. In conclusion, learning is not always for useful activities. 1b. Why are competent professional very good at learning to learn? How is being good at learning relevant to being be a competent professional? Competent professionals (engineers included) need to be good a learning to learn if they wish to be successful. If these professionals did not practice this, they would simply fall behind. The economic and technical world is constantly shifting under the professionals feet. If they do not learn to balance and stride forward they will fall down. Because of this, a great professional will learn along the way and be eager to take on new challenges. 2. According to ABET, what does "getting an education" mean? That is, what are competencies defined by ABET? The competencies, in general, assert that a competent engineer has solid fundamental knowledge of the sciences and can apply them in math models, experiments, and designs. They can work in a team, behave professionally and ethically, and can communicate. That is, ABET wants all engineering programs to teach technical knowledge as well as life skills. 3. How would you define "getting an education?" How would measure whether or not you are getting an education. What do you want out of your education beyond a grade and a degree? I think a great gauge of for that question is to simply assess my own confidence when imagining myself in real engineering situations. Imagining myself in challenging situations and assessing my emotions, i.e. How stressed am I? as well as thinking of how I would solve the situation and then rating myself on how successful I surmise I would be helps me understand if I am prepared. If I am truly getting an education I will feel more and more confident in these hypothetical situations. I will feel like I have been there before and know a path to success. If I do not feel this way, it is likely that I am not getting and education.

4. What is your way of explaining neuroplasticity? How does this line up with your past experiences? That is, do your past experiences suggest that your brain has remodeled based on experiences? In my own words, neuroplasticity is how well a mind can quickly adapt to foreign information and make sense of it. I have had mixed experiences with this in the past. If I have been doing the something the same way for a long time, I will find it hard to change my behaviors. However, if I am learning something new, I find it easier to modify my knowledge and begin to make new, informed decisions about the data I am taking in. 5. What is your way of explaining Carol Dweck's MindSet theories? Which belief system do you think is followed by successful professionals (people like Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, the Wright Brothers, Will Smith). Why? I think that the mindset theory is a better description of reality than the traditional theory. I believe this theory to be true because of my own observations. The people I admire all exhibit these characteristics. Musician Conor Oberst, that, in my opinion, has produce highly laudable work, started out performing what some would argue as musical failures, but this was just him following a learning path. He continued learning and working and went on to produce great records. I see examples like this in many successful professionals lives. 6. What is your way of explaining the beliefs-to-results chain (BRC)? How can competent professionals use the BRC to improve both results while also having more fun. Actions are ultimately caused by ones beliefs. This is the basis for the BRC. If professionals results are not what they wish to have, then they may need to change one of their beliefs to match a successful result. Changing ones beliefs and getting great results will be fun as a result of doing well. 7. What is your way of explaining Ander's Ericsson's theory of deliberate practice? How would competent professionals apply this theory for themselves and for their team? The theory of deliberate practice describes that people have the power to improve their skill at any endeavor by following a set a simple steps. Although the steps are simple, the practice takes a lot of work input and patience. A competent professional would seek to apply this theory to achieve better results. Engineers are results oriented, and learning will bring in better results. This is a win-win.

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