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Destruction/ Loss / Damage or Delay of Baggage Info: The claim of compensation when your baggage is lost, damaged or delayed

during the transport is regulated by the EU regulation (EC) No 889/02. It defines a compensation up to 1 000 SDRs, which is about 1 200 Euro depending on the exchange rate. Only material damages can be claimed (i.e. expenses for essential products in the case of delay), but no immaterial damages (i.e. missed pleasures of holiday). When the baggage is handed over in delay you must pay attention to buy only essential products (for instance, it is not legitimate to buy a Gucci swimming suit when your baggage is in delay). You will only get a compensation for essential expenses. It is absolutely important to add the corresponding receipts of the goods. P.S. The text in italics has to be replaced by the right information. The text in grey has to be cancelled. Sender Place and Date Recorded delivery with reply paid To Name and address of air carrier For the Attention of Europisches Verbraucher Zentrum Brennerstrae 3 39100 Bozen

Name, Surname; Flight (Data of the flight) Loss / Damage or Delay during the Transport of Baggage Compensation according to Regulation (EC) No 889/02 Dear Sirs, with this letter I would like to report the loss of a piece of baggage /the damaging of my baggage/ the delay of my baggage during the flight .. (exact information about the flight number, date, place of departure and destination) (Please choose the right case and cancel the rest of the text)

For loss of baggage - At the airport of . (place) I had to notice that my luggage was not available. So I contacted immediately the counter for claims and filled in the form PIR (Property Irregularity Report) a copy of which is added to this letter. .. (specification of all other contacts by telephone or mail).

However, until now I have received neither my baggage nor a feedback from your air carrier company. For the purpose of quantifying the damage I would like to inform you about the content of my suitcase: List of all things in the suitcase, if possible proved by the copy of receipts, otherwise estimation of value, probably with a witness. Value of the suitcase: ______ .

For damage of baggage: - At the airport of (place) I had to notice that my suitcase (and its content) had been seriously damaged during the transport. So I contacted immediately the counter for claims and filled in the form PIR (Property Irregularity Report) a copy of which is added to this letter. .. (specification of all other contacts by telephone or mail). However, until now I have not received any kind of feedback from your air carrier company. For the purpose of quantifying the damage I would like to inform you about the extents of the damage: (Description and quantification of the damage) For damage of the suitcase: In addition to this letter I send you a copy of the costs estimate for the repair/ of the bill for the repair/of the bill for the purchase of a suitcase of the same value.

For delays: - At the airport of (place) I had to notice that my luggage was not available. So I contacted immediately the counter for claims and filled in the form PIR (Property Irregularity Report) a copy of which is added to this letter. As I was on holiday I was of course obliged to buy some essential clothes and toilet articles. The expenses for these goods are the following: List of expenses with a copy of the corresponding receipts. Only (number of days) days after the arrival I was informed that my suitcase had been found and that I could pick it up at the airport. (You can also ask the compensation for the travel costs to the airport).

Relying on the Regulation (EC) No 889/02 and the liability of air carriers I ask you to compensate for my expenses of _________ (demanded amount). Please send me the above mentioned sum within 15 days after receipt of this letter on the bank account below. I reserve all rights to take further legal action.

Yours faithfully Name and Surname Signature Bank Account: For Italian companies: BBAN For Foreign companies: IBAN and BIC (SWIFT) Enclosed please find: Copy of the Flight Ticket Copy of the Baggage Counterfoil Copy of Cost Esteem for Repair or Bill of new Suitcase (damage of baggage) Copy of Receipts for Expenses (delay of baggage) Attention! Keep a copy of this letter and enclosed documents. Never enclose original documents!

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