Psychology Syllabus

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T I P - V P A A - 0 0 1 Revision Status/Date:


COURSE CODE DESCRIPTIVE TITLE CREDIT UNITS PRE-REQUISITE(S) NONE COURSE DESCRIPTION The course aims to provide the student with a general overview of the field of psychology. Various psychological approaches and theories will be discussed to develop a better understanding and appreciation of individuals. Emphasis will be on the scientific approach to facilitate personal awareness and development in the student. COURSE OBJECTIVES: 1 2 3 Provide a general overview of the field of psychology. Introduce the students to the scientific way of understanding human behavior and mental processes. Facilitate personal awareness and development. Teaching Learning Activities (TLAs) 3 PSYCH 003 General Psychology

Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs) No. At the end of the course, the students shall be able to: discuss the basic concepts and theories of psychology 1 apply psychological concepts and theories in ones self and/or human experiences. see the self and society in a more scientific and empirical way use psychology as tool for critical thinking in dealing with everyday human experiences reflect on personal experience 5 help understand and accept ones self and others 6 use psychology to facilitate individual and social change.

Assessment Tasks (ATs)

Lecture, interactive class discussion, visual aids, group learning activities Lecture, interactive class discussion, visual aids, group learning activities Lecture, interactive class discussion, visual aids, group learning activities Lecture, interactive class discussion, visual aids, group learning activities Lecture, interactive class discussion, visual aids, group learning activities Lecture, interactive class discussion, visual aids, group learning activities Lecture, interactive class discussion, visual aids, group learning activities

Quiz, recitation, group discussion or roleplay, essay Quiz, recitation, group discussion or roleplay, essay Quiz, recitation, group discussion or roleplay, essay Quiz, recitation, group discussion or roleplay, essay Quiz, recitation, group discussion or roleplay, essay Quiz, recitation, group discussion or roleplay, essay Quiz, recitation, group discussion or roleplay, essay

T I P - V P A A - 0 0 1 Revision Status/Date:


Week Prelim Period (Week 1-6)

COURSE CONTENT Topics 1. Orientation 2. Psychology as a Science - Definition and objectives - Historical background - Schools of Thought - Methods of Research and - Branches of Psychology 3. Psychological Development - Developmental Psychology - The Life Span - Heredity and environment - Prenatal dvpt. & factors affecting the unborn child - Post Natal and Major Developments -Theories by: Freud, Erikson, - Piaget & Kohlberg 4. Biopsychology - Definition & its concepts - The Human Nervous System * the neuron & the brain (CNS) * the sympathetic & the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) - The Endocrine and the Muscular System The Senses * sense of sight & hearing - sense of taste, smell and touch vestibular and kinesthetic sense Perception (Gestalt Psychology) * Types and Factors * The Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) * Errors and Disorders in Perception 5. Intelligence - Definition and factors - Theories: Spearman, Thurstone and Gardner - Assessment * Test & its kind * Characteristics of Test * IQ scales - The Mentally Gifted (MG) & the Mentally Retarded (MR)

No. of hours

18 hrs.

T I P - V P A A - 0 0 1 Revision Status/Date:


Midterm Period (Week 7-12) 6. Learning - Definition and types of Learning - Steps and factors of Learning - Theories of Pavlov, Thorndike, Skinner & Bandura - Reinforcement and reward 7. Motivation and Emotion - Definition, factors and patterns - Theories (Motvn & Emotn) Motvn: Freud, Maslow, Adler & Herzberg Emotion: James-Lange, Cannon-Bard, JB Watson, Shachters - Emotional maturity and control 8. Personality - Definition and factors - Theories * Freud, Jung, Sheldon, Galen, Hippocrates Temperament Theories - Assessment and Improvement 9. Mental Health and Mental Hygiene, Frustration and Conflict and Stress - Definitions of the Words - Factors, sources, types and effects of mental health, frustration & conflict Coping with stress (Adjustments) 18 hrs.

Final Period (Week13-17)

10.Psychological Disorder/Personality Aberrations -Definition -Characteristics of psychological illness -Neuroses and Psychoses -Mental disorders -Classifications -Psychotherapy and its components 11. Psychological, Social Issues and Problems Definitions of the ff. Terms and Their Causes: - Deviant Behaviors *Alcoholism *Smoking and drug addiction *Juvenile delinquency *Suicide and crimes *AIDS & HIV *Abortion and Premarital Sex * Prostitution

18 hrs

T I P - V P A A - 0 0 1 Revision Status/Date:


Course References

Basic Textbook References

Ma. Shirley Trajeco. (2011). Psychology in Perspective 2nd edition. AMMS Publication Gaerlan, Josefina, (2008). Principles of Mental Hygiene 5th Edition. Beltran, Jane. (2008) Abnormal Psychology. Soriano, Oscar G. (2010). Juvenile Delinquency and Crime Prevention

Web Based References Grades are computed using the formula as follows: PG = 0.50PE + 0.50 CSP MG = 1/3PG + 2/3 ( 0.50ME + 0.50CSM) FG = 1/3MG + 2/3( 0.50FE + 0.50CSF) The following are components of the Class Standing whenever applicable :

Grading System

Where : P - Prelim Grade MG- Midterm Grade FG - Final Grade PE - Prelim Exam ME - Midterm Exam FE - Final Exam CS - Class Standing (e.g. CSP, CSM, CSF for prelim, midterm and final respectively)

Course Policies

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JOCELYN TOLIO-ARCILLAS Faculty Members Printed Name and Signature Date: Date: Department Chair


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