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NATIONAL ASSEMBLY, and the authorities and the po wers that be in Nigeria for granting Nigeria to have what may look like a well o rganized review of the constitution. The Nigeria that everybody will subscribe t o must be a Nation where there is fairness, dignity, reward for labour, and vari ety in development and a commitment to eradicate corruption: political, economic , social and religious corruption. CONDITIONS FOR A UNITED NIGERIA 1. APOLOGY AND RESTITUTION. i. The Sharia North must tender an unreserved apology for religious intolerance and terrorism which has caused severe damage to the body, soul and spirit of Nigeria and Nigerian Christians and Igbo people. ii. The reason for apology and restitution is because after 100ye ars or after 50years we have not blended we have not arrived at any better civil ized posture and apart from that, the core north feels so badly challenged by Christians and the NdIgbo. They surfer from extreme Christo-phobia and Igbo-pho bia that they have resulted to attack them with bombs and bullets to war against them until they relocate or to extinction, they need to be carefully separated from each other to dose tension in such areas. It takes a high degree of bitte rness, resentments and emotional load of madness or psychopathic disposition to sustain these atrocities. There is a religious war going on, war against freedom arising from ancient animosity. iii. Are we ready to stay together as a nation? The north must apolo gize for throwing bombs on fellow Nigerians and for being in the state of war wi th fellow Nigerians on tribal and religious sentiments. If the core north wishes to exit from Nigeria, they should be allowed; it is a very fundamental pre revi ew step. It is not just reviewing the constitution but asking the segments of N igeria: are you ready to continue? Are you ready to abide by the constitution? iv. They must pay appropriate compensation for lives lost and foot th e bill for rehabilitation of damaged properties. Failure to do this means the No rth is no more ready to go with Nigeria; the north must pledge to brotherly love , peaceful coexistence, justice and fair play; failure to do this make this cons titution review a waste of time and a document of no consequence. 2. HUMAN RIGHTS: i. It is the inalienable property of all and every Nigerian. This is one un disputable, non-negotiable condition for the future Nigeria. ii. Every zone, state, and person; must not practice or condone religious an d political lawlessness. That is to say no section of this nation or persons, of ficer of this country is allowed or permitted to practice any form of oppressio n based on religion, social strata or gender. iii. No person, zone or state is permitted to infringe on the human right of anybody based on religion, political affiliation, gender, and age. iv. Anybody, any section not ready to abide with these provisions can not b elong to the new Nigeria. v. The new Nigeria would practice freedom of religion, freedom of worship, freedom of association (politically, economically), and any section of this coun try that cannot abide with this is advised to pull out. 3. JUSTICE AND EQUITY i. Religious jurisprudence should be expunged from the constitution. And al l religious court is subject to, made answerable to state and federal high court s. ii. Religious pilgrimages should not be the concern of Governments iii. In this era of privatization of education, power and communication,; rel igious practices and faiths should be completely privatized. Religion is a total

private affair before God. 4. A CRITICALLY CLEAN SECULAR CONSTITUTION i) The National Assembly should give Nigeria a clean and a clearly Secular Constitution, suffices to say that by the excesses of the Sharia states, wisdom dictates that any form or provision to religionise the Constitution will be a de stiny mistake for the country Nigeria. This is especially true as the unfolding events already show people taking this advantage as a liberty and license to hol d the nation to ransom. ii) It is advised that if National Assembly wishes to include religious clau ses and rights and provisions in the constitution, all religious blocks of the n ation should be officially informed and advised to summit their Memos of what th ey want to be included in the constitution for each of them. iii) It is not going to be a behindthe-screen affair, back door bill passage o r favour to be enjoyed by one particular religious block. iv) All religious blocks should be encouraged to submit their Memos to be in cluded in the constitution otherwise, any form of partiality or disfavor to any of the religious bodies will not go down well with Nigeria. v) In the new constitution, religion should be handled as a private affair, in line with the privatization programme going on already in the nations economi c sector. Religion should be completely privatized and left for individuals and religious bodies/religious blocks to pursue their own religious methods of livi ng and organizing their life. vi) It is important that the National Assembly be seen to be transparently i mpartial in this sensitive matter. 5. TYPE OF GOVERNMENT THE WAY FORWARD: I. NIGERIA SHOULD ADOPT AS A MATTER OF SURVIVAL INSTINCT TRUE FISCAL FEDE RALISM in a participatory democracy; not winner takes all. OR II. REGIONAL OR ZONAL PARLIAMENTARY CONFEDERACY III. GUIDED BY SECULAR (NON-RELIGIOUS) CONSTITUTION IV. SINGLE TERM 6-YEAR TENURE PRESIDENCY and for all elected officers. V. A National President presiding over 8-Zonal Vice Presidents as head of t he eight zones. VI. Legislative Houses: 1. State Houses of Assemblies. 2. Uni-came ra National Assembly VII. STRUCTURE : EIGHT ZONAL ARRANGEMENT Two other zones need be created in the middle belt, as distinct from two zones f rom the core north. The unit of federal Administration is the zone. The unit of Zonal government is the state. Nigeria should consist of Eight Federating zonal units. Namely 1. NWZ-Northern west zone: Sokoto, Kebbi, North Kaduna, Zafara North, Kano, Katsina 2. NEZ-North East Zone: Borno , Yobe, Bauchi, Gombe North, Jigawa. 3. EMBZ-Eastern Middle Belt Zone: Plateau, Adamawa, Taraba, Nasarawa, ne w state =>Borno South+ Gombe south. 4. WMBZ-Western Middle Belt Zone: Niger, Kogi, Benue, Kwara, South Kaduna, 5. SWZ-South West Zone: Lagos, Ondo, Oyo, Osun, Ekiti 6. MWZ-Mid West Zone: Delta, Bayelsa Edo 7. SEZ-South East Zone: Anambra, Imo, Abia, Enugu, Ebonyi 8. SSEZ-South South East Zone: Cross River, Akwa Ibom, Rivers VIZ. MAP ATTACHED 6. ELECTORAL PROCESSES The political parties will form government at the local or state governments acc

ording to their performances. Political parties will form government any where they win. A state government Area is One Unit Vote for President and Vice-President Electi ons: The local Government is one unit vote for the Governor, and the ward is the unit vote for Local Government Chairman. Two third majority winning is 2/3 states majority. Number of votes is immaterial . Just like the points awarded to football teams are not related to the number of goals scored to win: 13-0= 3 points 6-5=3 point. State Elections: State Elections are two in one that will determine local Gover nment and state Government. Winning parties will form government at local gover nment levels and state majority winner will form the state Government. Political Parties: Maximum of 4 political parties. Private candidates should be allowed. 7. EQUALITY OF NORTH AND SOUTH: i. Some people seem to insinuate that the south-east zone is not equal to a ll other zones, this means they have subtracted from the south as not being eq ual to the north. ii. The condition for continued unity is that the south is equal to the nort h. iii. The north and the south were independent entities pre amalgamation they have equal right and equal stake. iv. History had it that the south was more viable than the north, and that the amalgamation became necessary because the British were not making profit in the north; and that was the British reason for amalgamation. v. There is no way the south or any part thereof, can ever be said to be in ferior to the north. vi. Therefore the seven states of the North West zone is Federally equal to the five states in the south east zone. Shikena! vii. ALL ZONES ARE EQUAL. viii. ALL STATES WITHIN A ZONE ARE EQUAL. 8. FEDERAL ALLOCATION IS ON THE BASIS OF EQUALITY OF FEDERATING ZONES. 1. Federal Allocation to states and local governments should be on the basi s of equality of Zones. Allocations to each political zone should be equal. 2. And this allocation should be shared within the zone on the basis of equ ality to the states in the particular zone. 3. If you have Five States in your zone the five states will share the zona l allocation. If you have seven states the seven states will share the zonal all ocation.

9. STATE CREATION With the ZONES AS FEDERATING UNITS The rush and the madness to create more states will stop. It amounts to political insincerity for an insolvent state that is not self sust aining, to be divided into two disabled states. This will amount to political i rresponsibility and political suicide to create a states from a state that canno t not survive on its own. Let all hands be on deck to check the political ambitions of ravenous politician s who wants to transform every local government area to a state. Some states nee ded to be merged to reduce administrative costs for the benefit of the masses. Nigeria (923 768 sq km2) vs USA (9,826,630 sq. km) Going by the land size of United states of America and Nigeria, Nigeria has 36 s tates and America 50 states: using Nigerias appetite for state multiplication dem ocracy, USA would need be divided into one Hundred and fifty states to match Nigeria. That is, one hundred and fifty excellencies with their retinue of stat e commissioner, special advisers, personal secretary and secretary to state Gove rnment, plus House assembly members and their supportive staff would have crash

the economy of USA. Nigeria is about 923 768 sq km2, at that the state of Califo rnia is about half of Nigeria, should have about 18 governors. If USA has only fifty states, therefore the number of political units recommend ed for Nigeria should be about 8 16 for maximum political performance with minim al over head cost on tax payers and the masses. USA: 9,826,630 sq. km= 10 x the size of Nigeria. Therefore USA should be able to cope with about 360 Governors of Nigerian type. DIAGNOSING NIGERIA II THE BOKO HARAM POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY AND THE REST OF NIGERIA. Boko Haram is the socio-political philosophy of the core North. Her operational policy and principles. It is the back bone of the socio-political ego of the Muslim North: Born to rule others, and superiority complex. Boko Haram is north and north is Boko Haram. Many Christians politicians do not know the Bible not to talk of having any idea about the content of the Koran. Any Muslim who claims that Boko Haram activities are un-Islamic is very nave and ignorant of the Koran. These are half bred Muslims. All Boko Haram activities ( are regarded as righteous deeds) are supported by many verses of the Koran and Islamic literature. Those who are surprise are either deceiving the Nigerian masses or are corrupted ignorant Muslims. Boko Haram is the spirit and the doctrine of colonization of the Muslim Hausa Fulani against the rest of Nigeria. It is the working philosophy to perpetuate the neo-colonization agenda of the Muslim Hausa Fulani cooperation, which may eventually lead Nigeria to the Sudan experience: Division along religious bounda ries. Boko Haram is a sectional insurrection, and an Islamic Program. They are fighting an Islamic war, the jihad. The ancient evangelist of Islam evangelized with swords, bows and arrows, the modern evangelists now use bombs and bullets, let s see how it works out. You don t convert people with bombs and bullets but with your doctrine and pure life style, if yours is better than mine I will follow you and if not I will continue with mine. Outside this na wahala you de find and wahala you go get: (Fela). For Nigeria to remain one nation a serious effort is expected from the Hausa Fulani leaders to build a new generation of pro-Nigerian youths and to cure the outgoing generation of anti Nigeria mind set. Their youth are usually indoctrinated from tender age and grow up with it. This explains their ferocious attitude to brutally attack non indigenes for every flimsy unconnected reason as opportunities to attack non indigenes and Christians and their business and assets. A cartoon in a Scandinavian country tabloid or a miss world contest were strong excuses for murder and arson of Nigerians by fellow Nigerians. At independence the British officers vacated and handed over to Nigerian officers. The infant indigenised Nigeria Army was destroyed immediate post independence by the coup and counter coups.

In particular the northern elements in the army after gaining upper hand, were misdirected or indoctrinated to restructure Nigeria to the benefit of the north. The most popular retired generals did the worst evils against the south and the Christian faith. The Nigeria army was the Boko Haram apparatus of the North until 1999 and effectively kept the south in check and away from power. After the NADECO led anti-military campaign and the emergence of democracy, the north lost a vital arm of manipulation and oppression. With the entrenchment of democracy and the professionalism of the military they no longer have a total grip on power. The North needed a faceless army to harass Nigeria to continue her Boko Haram policy. TO REFRESH YOUR MEMORY: DIAGNOSING NIGERIA DIAGNOSING NIGERIA Boko Haram doctrine made it possible for the north to produce more Heads of state than the south. They succeeded in exchanging the baton between themselves during the military era while given the position of the vice to the south. It was Boko Haram that made a southern officer not to be bold enough or be acceptable to be head of state during the military era. During the military era, the northern officers of the Nigeria Army were the political lords over the rest and by extension the Christian community was subjugated. The Northern officers exchanged the baton of power of the presidency of Nigeria one after the other; assuming it was on the opposite, the North would not have agreed to such political insults khaki or Agbada but the south endured this political excesses and entered into slavery. -At independence in 1960, there were three regionsNorthern, Eastern and Western. In 1963, the civilian regime created a fourth region, Midwestern, out of the Western region. Then the Northern region had 14 provinces; western region (7 provinces), Midwestern region (2 provinces) and Eastern region (12) provinces that is, the south had 3 regions and 21 provinces while the north had one region and 14 provinces. However, the first military head of state, a son of the north in 1967, by a military decree, created 12 states; six in the north, and six in the south, therefore equalizing the south Military heads of state of the northern origin in succession created series of states and local government councils, that by 1996, the north had 19 states and 414 local councils and the south, 17 states and 355 local councils. Translate this to federal allocation disbursed over the years, and then you will have an idea of the magnitude of this political and financial fraud entrenched in the Nigeria constitution: this is legalized economic fraud and sabotage. The northwest zone (NWZ), the home to two retried presidents has seven states; while the south eastern zone (SEZ), the home of two vice presidents has five states. NWZ enjoys roughly 50% higher federal allocation than SEZ. Old

Kano state receives federal local government allocations almost equal the total of Lagos, Edo Delta and Bayelsa states together.! The north helped by sons in the military, heads of coups and conter coups, distorted the structure and polity of Nigeria; created a super north and an attenuated south. The result is what we are in now. The north was fraudulently empowered by the military guided by Boko haram philosophy of the north against the rest of Nigeria. Who said there is poverty in the north? Boko Haram built Aso Rock and provided a mosque but omitted a chapel for a Christian president because according to Alh. Gumi no Christian will ever be president of Nigeria. This is the doctrine of the North and practiced by all their politicians, religious leaders and royal fathers. Papa President Olusegun Obasanjo corrected this intentional religious terrorism act. It was Boko Haram that banned the importation of Christmas greeting card and took over Christians schools for chicken change. It centrally formulated policies that are antiChristian to hit the middle belt and the south. Boko haram made it possible for the North to have more senators/ reps/ states/ LGAs than the south without any physical population to justify it. federal nomadic education was established without federal riverine education. The spirit of Boko Haram created a sharia republic within a supposed secular federal republic of Nigeria without raising any political or spiritual dust. -Boko Haram fought ex-president Obasanjo with threats of impeachments and furnaced the face off between him and his vice. He was kept busy off tract until he needed a third term extension to complete essential programs. Another dimension of Boko Haram is presently keeping Mr. President Goodluck busy off schedule. Boko Haram reduced former vice president Jonathan to irrelevance during the crisis of former president Yar adua s sickness and demise. Fall in line or we impeach you. Boko Haram was the operational doctrine of the cabal that held Nigeria hostage until that Amazon from the east, Dr MRS Dora Akunyili, spoke up . Boko Haram is interested in strategic areas of Government, the military, the judiciary, the strong political parties, sport, petroleum, Agriculture, Education, etc. Make a research and find out where the north has been monopolizing or arranged to always succeed each other without interruption from the south. THE WAY OUT: BOKO HARAM CANNOT AND WILL NOT DIE OR STOP: however you wished or prayed for it, because it is in line with prophetic character of Ishmael (Gen 16: 7-13): and Nebuchadnezzar s dream in the book of Daniel Chapter 2. . Therefore be ready at all times to resist Boko haram philosophy until Armageddon do us part. Methods, approach, technics or and programs may be modified but the goal remains

Political wisdom is the principal thing: leaders west, east, south-south need to organize to become the back bone of Mr. president and the middle belt. The middle belt is the upper limit of safety for Nigerians and their investments: therefore deliberate efforts must be made to stand by the middle belt states in all their travails. Southern and Christian political leaders must especially be warned not to run to the north for anything: the mystery of the North is the mystery deception, mischievous unity, to divide and rule to truncate other Nigerians of their Nigeria. Boko Haram doctrine can never change. But everybody should know that Hausa Fulani is a minority in Nigeria compared to the rest. Therefore the rest of Nigeria, should tone up, sit up. Shape up to overrun any anti-Nigeria sentiments from any segment of Nigeria. Boko Haram can be checkmated when the rest of Nigeria learn to co-operate. The youth formations must be alert and responding. Governors, local Government chairmen, councilors are all inclusive and must join in the fight to put the radical Islamic sect under control. It is not a military or police affair but it is the people that will determine where the nation is going to. Youths all over Nigeria must be indoctrinated to resist Boko Haram. The Constitution should be reviewed to expunge all Boko Haram provisions. There must be political reawakening against internal colonization and resist all political oppression: a revolt against political subjugation and domination.

NIGERIA IN LABOUR: IN BOKO HARAM MATERNITY HOSPITAL Looking closely at the events unfolding in Nigeria it is a fact that Nigeria has started disintegrating: the moment a section of any country or nation contradicts or suspends a significant portion of the overall binding constitution that kingdom is divided and falling apart. When the northern states-the core north declared Sharia as a way of judicial governance and Islam as state religion that part of the north is no longer part of the whole. Although you will say sharia is in the constitution. That there is provision for Sharia courts in the constitution, does not translate to enable a state or a region s transmutation into a religious state to the detriment of the others. The north has already ceded from the Secular Federal Republic of Nigeria. They lack the courage to completely sever themselves, because of the monthly allocation that they still receive. The Sharia states have coagulated into a Sharia Republic of Nigeria and you are left with the Secular Republic of Nigeria. The core north has taken the bull by the horn to create a Sharia republic. So it is not surprising of recent when you hear Ogoni republic, Bakasi republic; Bayelsa declaring National

Anthem and National flag. They are all in line with the principles that guided the formation of Sharia Republic. Nigeria is in labour. Nigeria has delivered Sharia republic of Nigeria.She is going to deliver many others: others churning her tummy include to mention but a few: Oduduwa Republic of Nigeria, Biafra Republic of Nigeria or Igbokwenu Republic of Nigeria, Atlantis Republic of Nigeria. Or Canonical republic of the middle belt and east, ayelela, orunmila, ogun, esu republics. We are expecting many babies from Nigeria. The solution to it now is for those who want Nigeria to be one entity to stem the tide by the north retracting their sharia status; allow freedom of religion, stop hostilities against the church and Chris tians in the core north. If this is not done then the God of heaven will advance Nigeria to give birth to many more republics because Nigeria is incapable of ruling herself. In as much as fundamental human rights are being trampled on with impunity and immunity by Sharia republic of Nigeria other sections of Nigeria will copy. It is a matter of time. THE WAY FORWARD: NIGERIA SHOULD ADOPT AS A MATTER OF SURVIVAL INSTINCT I. TRUE FISCAL FEDERALISM OR II. REGIONAL OR ZONAL PARLIAMENTARY CONFEDERACY III. GUIDED BY SECULAR (NON-RELIGIOUS) CONSTITUTION IV. WARNING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Nigeria may not be twice lucky, survived internal strife and a civil war in the 1960s and half a century later another round of fatal hostilities is ravaging all Nigerians. Nigeria is a paradise about to be lost. v. FINALLY Finally, there is nothing scientifically wrong or bad about Boko Haram philosophy; it is a working arrangement between Hausa Fulani nationalities, it has worked successfully to achieve political and economic domination in favor of the operators. What is bad or wrong and inexcusable and inexplicable is the inability of the Yoruba and Igbo and others to CLONE it for their political advancement too. These two major tribes should broker a lasting alliance between themselves and all the nationalities of the south and middle belt to save and stabilize Nigeria and to recover their status and losses. They should strengthen their similarities in culture, economy and religious values to strengthen the alliance to resist this Boko Haram philosophy. A disciplined, strong cooperative democracy is the way forward. THE DILEMMA OF MR. PRESIDENT : THE DILEMA OF THE NATION Many strategic public and civil servants of Nigeria are cultic members of Boko Haram so exclaimed the president and commander in chief, Mr. President GoodLuck Jonathan sometime ago. Moles every where: the north had political power so long that they have their sons and daughters planted in strategic positions in government. And they are very brainwashed to the

born to rule philosophy of the north. The implication is that whether Nigerians like it or not, some members of the Nigeria family are in rebellion against the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Our security network is not weak, but the moles in the system. What is a mole? A mole is a disloyal officer, government persons: minister or adviser occupying a sensitive and strategic position in the network. The mole is not serving GNOSING NIGERIA D IAGNOSI the purpose of the office but rather using the position to pull down the system and gather information for the enemy Boko Haram. These are the noxious implications of Mr. President s remarks. The sovereignty of Nigeria is in danger of internal insurrection. The dilemma of a president is the dilemma of the nation. A kingdom divided against it self cannot stand, it has started falling. Boko Haram is the infant security forces of the sharia Republic of Nigeria taking on the divided security forces of Nigeria. All elements loyal to the Sharia Republic in the structure of Nigeria are there as agents to divulge vital information to their leaders and cooperate within themselves in the midst of other Nigerians to get the best of Nigeria for themselves. The other Nigerians ( the true Nigerians), are unsuspecting, patriotic, loyal and Open, must as a matter of necessity:=> Watch to fish out any Boko Haram elements, clique, caucus that may be operating in their offices, department, ministries, committees: they may be messengers, security guards, officers of all grades, special assistants to mention but a few, That was why Mr. President screamed that Nigeria is in precarious situation. His Excellency found out that Boko Haram agents are every where. Even in the cabinet, barracks, national assembly, among party officers, military officers, the SSS, royal fathers, political associates, name it. GNOSING NIGERIA DIAGNOSING NIGERIA The other Nigerians must be their brother s keeper to overcome. Do not be afraid, they are a minority. When two minorities join forces and operate in the midst of unsuspecting majority, they appear big and strong, but by the time the conspiracy is detected, measures should be put in place to curtail them and their tactics. Be suspiciously alert and be united to overcome. Boko Haram Civil and public servants and security officers are only loyal to their commanders and coordinators, mentors and godfathers. They are not loyal to their Nigerian bosses or departmental heads or the Mr. President. A cultic united 3 or 4 can hold 10 loose element to a ransom, control and enslave them, because unity is strength, and division is weakness and for sale and slavery. Or in another way, the united few Boko Haram in your section is strong enough to undermine, overrule and enslave the remaining divided majority. The days are at hand, when fights will break out between occult Boko Haram members and the other Nigerians counterparts in the ministries and parastatals and even in Aso Rock.

Overtime, the disunited, patriotic true Nigerians may become disadvantaged and become target of intimidation and subjugation. The united Boko Haram caucus corner juicy and strategic positions while the others are left with the drawers of water and hewers of wood port folios. What does this mean: it means while the average Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and James, Chukwu, Chima, Kayode, Umukoro, Edosa, Damlong etc are nationalistic and patriotic to the Nigerian dream, the cultic Boko Haram civil and public servants are northernistic, Islamic and disloyal . Let the others take note that United we stand, divided we fall. Be your brother s keeper. Watch and shine your eyes. Or the boko haram click operating in your department, office or committee will scheme you out. While you are nationalistic and patriotic to the core, they are northernistic and Islamic. Be your brother keeper in diversity. INPLICATIONS OF A VICTORIOUS BOKO HARAM Let us imagine that Boko Haram successfully defeats the Federal Republic of Nigeria and all of us, then her next of kin will surface to congratulate and take over the victory to celebrate a successful jihad! Thereafter, the Jihad is completed by the local faithful. They will overrun all states, nook and cranny of Nigeria to wipe out all Christians and Christianity; All churches will be converted to mosques, all royal line, Obas and princes are killed, every town where there is an Oba, Obi or Ovie are changed to Emirs and emirate councils: Emir of Port Harcourt, Emir of Warri, Emir of Benin City, Emir of Ughelli, Emir of Isoko land, Emir of Urhobo land, Emir of Edo Land, Emir of Onitsha, Emir of Aba, Emir of Enugu, Emir of Calabar, Emir of Itsekin land etc. Every body must become Muslim or be ready to be slaughtered: a stitch in time saves nine and prevention is better than cure are popular sayings of the wise and diligent. DIAGNOSING NIGERIA 1 (First published in June 2009, reedited October 2012) It is no more news, it is general information that some political scientists in the world, global power brokers, specialists viability analysts have pronounced that Nigeria is a failed state si nce thirteen years. They are not saying failing, they say failed. If Nigeria is compared to a living thing with anatomy, physiology and biochemistry it means all the systems have either closed down or are functioning below optimal level. It is a matter o f time, the end will come. This is not enemy diplomacy; but a sincere political observation/report from a friend to a friend. If we have the courage, it is a warning for us to rise up and save Nigeria. There is a first, second and third world, followed by failing state, after failing state then we have failed state. So, as a nation we are actually dead while thinking we are alive. After a failed state status, she may end up finally in a decomposed

state. According to some political analysts, Nigeria is no longer in the reckoning of serious minded nations. Nigeria has lost the honour of a living state or a nation that can affect the comity of nations. That Nigeria, a land flowing with green milk and black honey could become a failed state should interest lovers of Nigeria, lovers of Africa and the black race as a whole. This is because Nigeria as put together by the powers that be in 1914 with their pen and paper were actually creating a nation they thought or expected to be great. After about 100 years, the reverse seems to be the case, then there is need to examine the factors that led Nigeria to its present failed state. The question to ask is what did they see? They saw the following signs and symptoms: 1. Economic stagnation Nigeria s economy is characterized by a mono economy, development loan diversion and embezzlement, over invoicing, white elephant projects, massive looting of the nation to the point of collapse. The experts know how public funds are being frittered inside and outside Nigeria by the corrupt Nigerians in vantage positions. They can trace the path way of one naira to any account in the world. They are aware that the political class is bleeding Nigeria. The money that is supposed to be used to develop Nigeria has been stacked somew here and very often given back to us as loan. In fact, very few nations of the world have enough to give out as loan unless other people s money, that is, Nigeria s money, whose ownership have changed to a few political elites and their foreign collaborators. Not to forget to mention Nigeria s first super red eagles of fraud and corruption: the military lords of the coups and counter coup regimes; of course, the love of mammon is the root of all coups. DIAGNOSING NIGERIA DIAGNOSING NIGERIA Nigeria is a major producer of oil. We export the crude and import the refined products. This is a classical sign of economic disorientation and a dearth of informed minds at the helm of affairs. Unfortunately for us as a nation, what we earn from sales of crude oil we cannot keep. We have many refineries consuming turn around maintenance costs. Nigeria has been poisoned by crude oil. Because of oil, Nigeria operates a Father government: distributing feeding allowances to the governors monthly or quarterly; instead of the states paying taxes to run the Federal government. 2. Political The scars of military intervention defaced the nation s politics with coup and counter coups until the military became a political party for ambitious officers. She had to be helped out of the political mess to professionalism. Nigeria cannot conduct a peaceful, free and fair election. Some people must die. Something must happen. In fact, Nigerians have become the natural disasters of Nigeria: Election is a natural disaster. Beauty contest triggers a natural disaster; cartoon and western education trigger others. During elections, innumerable observers are invited to help us to be honest but on the contrary, the

observers ended up schooled in election manipulation Engineering rather than help us to behave. Nigeria is a major exporter of electoral fraud technology to the rest of the world. 3. Inter- national hostilities There are many inter- national hostilities in Nigeria, one tribe against the other. Then the Niger delta hostilities erupted. They want Nigeria to operate true federalism. The boys were already paralyzing the economy until some people suggested amnesty as a way out. In the north the majority tribes are engaged in urban and rural guerrilla war fare with the minority tribes. 4. Religious terrorism Religion is a tool for malice and murder. Extrajudicial killings in the name of god in the service of god. Religious hegemony to divide and rule, to monopolize political power and subjugate and enslave other nationalities. The virus of constitutional inequalities and religious terrorism is the root of sociopolitical superiority complex in Nigeria. Religious terrorism is the root of political superiority complex in Nigeria. Nigeria can be a fertile ground for the training and hiring of suicide bombers because if Nigerians can callously kill their nationalities amounts to nothing. There is poverty and religious fanaticism the predisposing factors. Nigeria is a country where a Senator can call for jihad without minding a hoof about the implications of his gaffe. 5. Human and physical development indexes Beyond that, recent human and physical development index on Nigeria also point to a deteriorating nation. Where one out of every five children die of preventable diseases, where access to potable water in the rural communities is put at 48 percent, and maternal mortality rate and girl child access to education is only comparable to a nation at war. Nigeria happens to be the coast of Africa with the worst per capital electricity supply. Many companies have either been forced to shut down or migrated to better-organized neighboring countries. It is only in Nigeria that mass transit transport system and railways do not work. These are all signs and symptoms of a fatally injured nation. 6. The amalgamation problems of Nigeria Reading the story of amalgamation of Nigeria revealed that the baby Nigeria was concessioned to the north to allow the political project take off. Even presently at 50yrs old, in the on going review, she is still concession to the north with quota system, sharia, more states, and local government etc . These amalgamation problems are actually the mother of all problems that Nigeria has: the southern protectorate (western, Midwestern and eastern Nigeria) has not been able to organize themselves to meet the challenges of the arrangee amalgamation. Pre Nigeria, the northern protectorate had an overriding Islamic government which had a strong expansionist Islamic program and a ferocious appetite for political power control. Pre Nigeria the southern protectorate, the western, Midwestern and eastern Nigeria; were only trading partners at best before the advent of the British rule there was no unitary

government in the south, unlike the north, their fore runner politicians did not see (particular the pre-independence nationalists and politicians) the need to form a common front and entrenching it in the political and cultural life of the southern Nigeria protectorate. The East developed a free market competitive spirit with the west and every one of the, competing among themselves while the north was not competing within herself. One big north plus independent units from the south lumped into one unit called Nigeria. The British had no option than to position and favour a more politically disciplined north with imperial political disposition like them. The lack of the will, humility and insight to forge a common southern political accord for the good of the southern protectorate was a political waterloo for the south whereas the northern protectorate had her government running pari pasu with the British rule. The nationalities of the southern protectorate became commercial political commodities for the north because divided we fall and we are for sale. This is the genesis of dividing and ruling in the politics of Nigeria by the north. The northern protectorate alliance, between the Hausa and the Fulani is presently operating in vacuum made many abnormal policies and organogram operational in Nigeria, which under normal rational equitable political atmosphere, the southern protectorate would not have consented. Unless we appreciate the activities of this northern alliance, one may not be able to prescribe the right treatment for Nigeria. 7. The Constitutional Problems A. Commander In Chief Of The Armed Forces: In Nigeria s constitution, the internal security system is administered from the centre. It was a bye product of prolonged military subjugation. Nigeria s police is controlled by the federal government. We can understand the Army, Air-Force and Navy to be controlled by the Federal Government but for the control of police nationwide to be under the command of the presidency is de-capacitating the nation s security wise. This makes the Inspector-General the commander of police in the states. The Governor is a lame duck chief executive, a political moneybag with a huge unaccountable security vote to dole out to settle rogues, godfathers and the security chiefs for peace in his state. He has no control over the police. The police commissioner can be changed without informing or consulting the state Governors. The security of a state could be undermined by partisan politics and religious affiliations of the president on board. In times of crisis, states Governors are held hostages to the security agencies because he is not their commander-inchief. He cannot command the state commissioner of police. The Governor becomes helpless, as he has no constitutional authority over them. In the Jos crisis, therefore, it is constitutionally wrong to blame Governor Jang for security lapses because the security of the state is not in his hand. With a little bit delay, partiality or overreaction of the security apparatuses could cause problem

for any governor. In a situation like this, the governors normally mobilize (bribe) the police apparatus to work. Bribe can be in form of buying Hilux Vans, Jeeps of various categories, communication equipment and special allowances to beg them to work. If the police were under the state governments the police needs no petting and the security of the state would be better. We will advocate the establishment of community or state police while the Federal Government continues to control the Navy, Army and Air Force. B. Political/ Structural Deformities The political flaws are as represented by the inequality of number of states and local governments. With more states to the North, it means the Federal Government allocates more Funds to the North than the South. Kano state has twice the number of local governments in Lagos. It means double income to Kano and less income to Lagos. On local government alone, Lagos is receiving half of what Kano is receiving which is a lot of money. The next is the inequality of lawmakers. The North has more INEC Constituencies therefore more lawmakers than the South, which means more power, more salaries and more grass root support money for the North. Again, the quota system provides more opportunities for employment to the North than the Southern protectorate. The Federal civil service has overriding number of northerners in strategic ministries and portfolios than the south. It must be noted that there is nothing the Southern Lawmakers in the National Assembly can do because of the inbuilt representation inequality. By a simple majority, the North will always carry the day and the southern protectorate lawmakers are politically disabled underdogs in the National Assembly. There should be parity of states, local governments and law makers. With these political and structural changes Nigeria would be empowered to resolve her problems as a nation. Any political absurdity playing out in Nigeria is as a result of the simple majority and resource empowerment that the north enjoys. When a Southern president is in the saddle, he has to contend with this simple majority effect. The north can hold the president to a ransom and dictate to him. This is not good for the morale of all the elements of the Southern protectorate in government. This is an intra-national colonialism by the north on the south. This happens in all the Ministries, Departments and agencies and committees of the federal government. a. These political and structural inequalities have direct consequences on shared income from the federal government and this makes the north to be perpetually richer than the southern protectorate. b. The agriculture of the south has collapsed under the weight of fulani herdsmen who have taken over all rural farmlands quoting land use decree. In effect the north has become the food supplier of the south there is need to protect rural farm lands and villages from the invasion of armed Fulani herdsmen who by a national program terrorize farmers in the southern farm lands. Many southern governments are not

aware of this phenomenon yet. Having diagnosed Nigeria from the discussion so far, we can go on to prescribe what will help Nigeria to recover from the failed state status. DIAGNOSING NIGERIA 1 : THE WAY OUT DIAGNOSING NIGERIA DIAGNOSING NIGERIA The southern protectorate as a matter of urgent necessity need to: A. Strengthen East- Midwest- West ties: There is already socio- economic tie even spiritual tie between the south east, mid west and western Nigeria. They should go beyond these to political alliance to counter the excesses of the northern alliance. The people of the southern directorate have to humble themselves, to eliminate and resolve animosities of the past, and forgive one another to survive the northern agenda. The alliance of the rest of Nigeria is required to redress the critical areas of inequalities between the north and south of Nigeria B. Trans- Protectorate Political Caucus Unity: All the political groupings- Afenifere, Ohaneze, Ijaw national union, Urhobo progressive union, Isoko national movement, Itsekiri ethnic nationality, Edo leaders of thought and all such groupings should come together to forge a southern unity. C. Constitutional Amendments 1. State and Community Police Governors should be constitutional empowered to secure the state, the present house boy arrangement between the federal and the state is de- capacitating security. The communities know their rogues and robbers et al. State and Community policing is security of the people by the people for the people, crime will definitely reduce. Study the American Police System. There is no need to fear abuse of power by governors or local government chairman. There is no difference between a governor and a president, because many governors in Nigeria have become president and vice president. The courts are there to mid- wife or decide the limit of executive power and authority. The governor or presidents are executive officers; they are not necessarily the most powerful in the state. The courtrooms will educate all of us. State and community policing will empower the governor to be truly the chief security officers of their states, presently they are not. Every other pretension is political illusion. 2. Political Restructuring (i) State and local government creation like any other reviewable sections of the constitution should be an act. This will make creating or dissolution of state less cumbersome. The number of states in the north and south must be equal. (ii) The same thing applies to east and west of the Niger. Sharing formula should be to the north to the south, (1/4 to the east to the west).. Local government creation should be at the discretion of

the states. All allocations to L.G.A should be shared equally among the states and each state should share the allocation equally among the L.G.A. The number of L.G.A per state is at her discretion. *All criteria of land mass and phony population figures should be discarded. *All states are equal within each zone and all local government areas are equal with each state. 3. National Legislative Houses: *There must be equal number of senators and representative from the north and south for political balance of power. *The Federal civil service/ agencies/ commissions must reflect equal number according to zone/ state. *Furthermore no retiring officers must be succeeded by a person from the same protectorate. A northerner must be succeeded by a southerner, and a southerner by a northerner. This will prevent regional domination of any ministry agency or commission. Presently some zones have preferences in which others have are being denied access. 4. *The military must reflect states and north south equality for balance of power and professionalism. If these steps are not taken, any effort to help Nigeria may amount to an exercise in futility and Nigeria would end decomposed. It is imperative on southern leaders, all their mighty men of valour, big political figures, royal fathers, and intellectuals, activist should come together and fashion an alliance for the rest of Nigeria. This is a clarion call to all that love Nigeria. It is necessary to impress it on the leaders of The southern Nigeria to come together and form an alliance to overcome the unopposed agenda of the northern religio-political alliance. There is an operational northern political alliance against the rest of Nigeria for which the south lacks the discipline and humility to set up her own and operate like the north. Therefore the diffused status of the southern protectorates is responsible for most of problems of Nigeria: the northern political alliance is operating in vacuum. Or else Nigerias situation may get worse until the secular free society enters the inevitable decomposition state of no return: the north will gradually emasculate the south by a simple majority and by the sword. DIAGNOSING NIGERIA DIAGNOSING NIGERIA From the above it is apparent that a determined united effort is required to overcome the spoilt north that is already used to such concessionary delicacies. The north must be a weaned to maturity by a galvanized southern protectorate. These solutions are very important to make every section of the country behave and cooperate. Everybody has a stake in Nigeria. It is not the privilege of a section or mafia.

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