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Corporate Taxpayers ID (CNPJ/MF) 03.378.521/0001-75 Corporate Registry ID (NIRE) 3.330.026.

Publicly-Held Company



I. Day, time and place: Held on December 23, 2008 at 10:30 a.m. at the Companys headquarters, Av. Marechal Floriano n 168, parte, 2 andar, Corredor A, Centro, City of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro. II. Call: Call notice was published in the December 8, 9, and 10, 2008 issues of the Official Gazette of the State of Rio de Janeiro and Jornal do Commercio newspaper, national edition, of the State of Rio de Janeiro. III. Attendance: Shareholders representing more than 2/3 of the voting capital, according to the signatures affixed on the Shareholders Attendance Book. Ronnie Vaz Moreira, the Companys Financial Vice-President and Investor Relations Officer, also attended the meeting. IV. Presiding Board: Ronnie Vaz Moreira, Chairman. Mr. Caio Machado Filho was appointed the secretary of the meeting. V. Agenda: (i) to amend the wording of article 5 of the Companys Bylaws to reflect the Companys capital increase in the amount of five million, four hundred and sixty-three thousand, nine hundred and nineteen reais and sixty-nine centavos (R$5.463.919,69), upon the issuance of four hundred and seventy-one thousand and thirty-nine (471.039) non-par book-entry common shares, as a result of the exercise, from October 27, 2007 through October 31, 2008, of the right granted by the subscription bonus issued by the Company ; and (ii) amend the wording of articles 16 and 17 of the Companys Bylaws, aiming at making explicit how the Company is represented before third parties, under given circumstances, according to the proposal made by Management. VI. Resolutions: VI.1. These minutes were approved to be drawn up in summary format of the facts occurred, as authorized by paragraph 1, article 130 of Law 6,404/76. VI.2. Article 5 of the Companys Bylaws was amended to reflect the Companys capital increase in the amount of five million, four hundred and sixty-three thousand, nine hundred and nineteen reais and sixty-nine centavos (R$5.463.919,69), upon the issuance of four hundred and seventyone thousand and thirty-nine (471.039) non-par book-entry common shares, as a result of the exercise, from October 27, 2007 through October 31, 2008, of the right granted by the subscription bonus issued by the Company, effective with the following wording: Article 5 The Companys capital, fully subscribed and paid up, is two billion, two hundred and twenty-five million, eight hundred and eighteen thousand, nine hundred and

thirteen reais and fifty centavos (R$2,225,818,913.50), represented by two hundred and three million, nine hundred and thirty-three thousand, seven hundred and seventy-eight (203,933,778) non-par book-entry common shares, and the Company is authorized to increase its capital upon the resolution of the Board of Directors and regardless of statutory amendment up to the limit of two hundred and three million, nine hundred and sixty-five thousand and seventy-two (203,965,072) common shares, all non-par bookentry shares. VI.3. The shareholders unanimously approved to amend the wording of articles 16 and 17 of the Companys Bylaws to add item d to article 16 and items d, e, and f to article 17, effective with the following word: Article 16 The Company shall be deemed legally bound upon the signatures of: (a) the CEO and 1 (one) Officer or any other 2 (two) Officers, jointly; or

(b) the CEO or any other Officer, jointly with an attorney-in-fact, pursuant to the limits set forth in the respective power of attorney; or (c) two attorneys-in-fact, jointly and pursuant to the limits set forth in their respective powers of attorney; or (d) by an attorney-in-fact, upon an ad judicia and an ad judicia et extra power of attorney to represent the Company in Court or administrative litigation and pursuant to the limits set forth in the respective power of attorney. Sole Paragraph The Company shall be legally bound by the single signature of any member of the Board of Executive Officers, should such representation be previously approved by the Board of Directors. Article 17 Any member of the Board of Executive Officers or attorney-in-fact, severally and pursuant to the limits set forth in the respective power of attorney, shall have the powers to perform the following acts: (a) (b) (c) endorse checks, for deposit in any of the Companys account; issue trade notes and endorse them for collection purposes; sign regular correspondence that does not rise any liability for the Company;

(d) receive Court and administrative summons, notifications and notices, make personal statements and represent the company in the capacity of representative at hearings; (e) perform general administrative acts before public agencies and fiscal and/or taxrelated authorities in the federal, state or municipal jurisdiction, including Federal Revenue Service, INSS, Caixa Econmica Federal, Trade Boards and registries, being entitled to sign petitions, requests, refutation, appeals, withdraws of defense in Lower Administrative Courts, withdraws of appeals in appeals of administrative litigation, Higher Court or Plenary Court in the state, municipal and federal jurisdiction, tax records, accounting books, commercial records, authorizations to print tax documents, monthly and annual statements and/or information, petitions for use of ICMS credit, requests for indemnification and/or compensation of taxes, requests for financing of debts,

communications, requests for certificates of good standing, information forms, statements, statements for tax refund or compensation and other tax regularizations; and (f) comply with and negotiate tax, labor, or social security liabilities, whenever they do not imply the assumption of new liabilities.

Sole Paragraph The granting of powers of attorney by the Company, except those to perform the acts set forth in Article 11 herein above, shall always be subject to the prior and written approval by the Board of Executive Officers, and the respective instruments shall always be signed by the CEO and one Officer or by two Officers, and shall expressly establish the powers granted to the attorneys-in-fact and, except for the powers of attorney granted for Court purposes, shall be in force for the maximum term of one year.. VI.4. In view of the amendment to article 5 of the Companys Bylaws, provided for in item VI.2., and to articles 16 and 17, provided for in item VI.3. above, the consolidated Bylaws were approved and attached hereto (Annex I). VII. Closure: There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned and these minutes were drawn up, which after being read and found in compliance, were signed by the attendees.

Rio de Janeiro, December 23, 2008

Ronnie Vaz Moreira Chairman

Caio Machado Filho Secretary Shareholders: RME Rio Minas Energia Participaes S.A., by Caio Machado Filho and Mnica Maria Mendes Souza Tavares LIDIL Comercial Ltda., by Caio Machado Filho and Mnica Maria Mendes Souza Tavares BNDES Participaes S.A. - BNDESPAR, by Ramon Dantas Rotta State Street Emerging Markets IBM Diversified Global Equity Fund, SEI Institutional International Trust Emerging Markets Equity Fund, The Monetary Authority Of Singapore, Capital International Emerging Markets Fund Capital Guardian Emerging Markets Equity Master Fund, Capital Guardian Emerging Markets Equity DC Master Fund, Capital Guardian Emerging Markets Restricted Equity Fund For Tax-Exempt Trusts,

Emerging Markets Core Equity Portfolio Of DFA Investment Dimensions Group Inc., Emerging Markets Social Core Equity Portfolio Of DFA Investment Dimensions Group Inc., The DFA Investment Trust Company On Behalf Of Its Series The Emerging Markets Small Cap Series, Norges Bank, State Of California Public Employees Retirement System, by Daniel Alves Ferreira

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