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LIGHT S.A. Managements Proposal Dear Sirs, The management of Light S.A.

("Company") hereby submits the following proposals to the examination of its shareholders convened at the: Annual General Meeting 1) To examine the Management Accounts, examine, discuss and vote the financial statements related to the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008; 2) To deliberate on the allocation of the net income for the year ended December 31, 2008:
LIGHT - S.A. PROPOSAL OF ALLOCATION OF INCOME (IN REAIS) LEGAL PROFIT RESERVE Net income for the fiscal year Adjustments from prior years (Effects from Law 11,638) Retained earnings/Accumulated losses Allocation of retained earnings/accumulated losses: Recording of legal reserve Proposed dividends Recording of profit reserve RESERVE



997,904,166.28 (40,066,846.55) 957,837,319.73

49,895,258.31 -



(49,895,258.31) (499,637,756.10) (408,304,305.32)

Capital Budget for the fiscal year 2009 of Light S.A. Regarding the projects mentioned in the Capital Budget for the fiscal year 2008, 92% of the forecasted values were realized, except for the values bellow : Allocations 2008 R$ Thousand Clients Expansion Energy Recovery Quality Improvement Service Improvement Sundry Energy Transmission Grids Quality Improvement Renovation of Plants Automation Sundry Light Esco Support IT Assets Forecasted 401,874 123,886 227,329 40,009 1,669 8,981 92,236 40,342 22,147 20,893 3,104 5,750 15,646 45,357 34,697 6,835 Realized 394,813 165,436 156,013 64,791 1,313 7,260 82,466 40,614 17,908 19,330 1,726 2,888 848 45,588 35,334 5,666 To be realized (7,061) 41,550 (71,316) 24,782 (356) (1,721) (9,770) 272 (4,239) (1,563) (1,378) (2,862) (14,798) 231 637 (1,169)

Sundry Generation Projects PCH Lajes PCH Paracambi UHE Itaocara Total

3,825 41,790 9,885 29,695 2,210 596,903

4,588 23,000 801 10,487 11,712 546,715

763 (18,790) (9,084) (19,208) 9,502 (50,188)

In addition to the unrealized values above mentioned, for purposes of the Capital Budget for the fiscal year 2009, the company will use its own funds and of third parties. The summary of the allocations of the Capital Budget for this fiscal year is presented bellow (including values unrealized in 2008 and that were transferred to this fiscal year): Allocations 2009 R$ Thousand Clients Expansion Energy Recovery Quality Improvement System Management Sundry Energy Transmission Grids Quality Improvement Renovation of Plants Automation Sundry Light Esco Support IT Assets Sundry Generation Projects PCH Lajes PCH Paracambi UHE Itaocara Total

Forecast 400,444 141,174 211,202 37,080 5,350 5,638 119,797 52,190 29,024 28,957 5,347 4,280 7,500 41,600 28,270 4,826 8,504 57,037 10,300 40,800 5,937 626,378

3) The management of LIGHT S.A. proposes that the Shareholders General Meeting establishes the Board of Directors and the Board of Executive Officers members overall annual compensation in the amount of one million, nine hundred and twenty-two thousand, seven hundred and seventeen reais (R$ 1,922,717.00); 4) To instate and elect the Fiscal Council; and 5) To establish the Fiscal Council members overall annual compensation in the amount of six thousand, one hundred and fifty two reais (R$6,152.00) per month.

Extraordinary General Meeting: 1) To ratify the Distribution of Dividends paid on November 21, 2008 in the amount of three hundred and fifty million, seven hundred and sixty six thousand, ninety eight reais (R$350,766,098.00); and 2) To elect one (1) sitting member of the Board of Directors, to replace a resigning board member, for the end of the term of the board member to be replaced, ending at the Annual General Meeting that shall deliberate on the financial statements related to the fiscal year ending December 31, 2009. Rio de Janeiro, March 3, 2009. The Management

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