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Franklin Northwest Science Curriculum

Grade Two Power Standard #2 Physical Science:

Students understand the transformation and conservation of energy and matter. (Chemistry)

Power Indicators: ^ Recognize how heat moves from one object to another. ^ Demonstrate understanding of vibrations of objects and the sounds they make. ^ Show how magnets can make some things move without touching from various distances. Unit: Energy Transfer

Focusing Questions: Grade Expectations 23, 25, 29 S1-2:23 Students demonstrate their understanding of Heat Energy by Predicting, experimenting, and observing how heat moving from one object to another can cause temperature changes. S1-2:25 Students demonstrate their understanding of Magnetism by Investigating, observing and describing how magnets can make some things move without touching (e.g., determining the distance needed for a magnet to attract an object). S1-2:29 Students demonstrate their understanding of Sound Energy by Experimenting with different objects and observing and describing the vibrations of those objects, as well as the sounds that are made.

Science Concepts a. Heat can move from one object to another. b. The temperature of substances can change.

Common Local Assessment

a. Magnets can move some objects without touching them

a. Sound is caused by vibrating objects.

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Grade Two Power Standard #3 Physical Science:

Franklin Northwest Science Curriculum

Students understand the relationship between force and motion.

Power Indicators: ^Explore and describe the position and movement of objects; fast or slow (speed). ^Explore and identify how a (force) push or a pull moves or does not move objects. ^Observe & describe that different objects fall to earth unless something is holding them up (gravity). Unit: Motion

Focusing Questions: Grade Expectations 19, 21, 22 S1-2:19 Students demonstrate their understanding of Motion by Investigating and describing how objects move in different ways S1-2:21 Students demonstrate their understanding of Force by Investigating and identifying how pushing or pulling moves or does not move an object. S1-2:22 Students demonstrate their understanding of Gravitational force by Observing and describing that different objects fall to the earth unless something is holding them up.

Science Concepts a. The position and movement of an object can be described as fast, slow, speeding up, or slowing down and as movement in a certain direction. a. A force is a push or a pull. Force can change the motion of an object.

Common Local Assessment

a. Objects fall to the ground unless something holds them up.

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Franklin Northwest Science Curriculum

Grade Two Power Standard #4 Life Science:
Power Indicators:

Students will understand characteristics of organisms, living and nonliving systems; how they evolve or change, and how they are interdependent.

^Observe and label parts of a plant. ^Identify the stages of development of a plant.

^Experiment with plant growth using various growing conditions. Unit: Living & Non-Living/Plants & Animals

Focusing Questions: What do plants need to survive? Grade Expectations 30, 31, 34 Science Concepts a. Living things (plants S1-2:30 and animals) are made of Students demonstrate their parts that enable survival. understanding of Structure and Function-Survival Requirements by Observing and recording the parts that make up living things (i.e., roots, stems, leaves, flowers, legs, antennae, tail, shell). a. All organisms undergo S1-2:31 stages of development Students demonstrate their that include being born, understanding of Reproduction by developing into Drawing and labeling the stages of development in the life of a familiar plant adulthood, reproducing and dying. or animal. b. Most organisms come from male and female parents. a. Plants need light S1-2:34 (energy) to survive. Students demonstrate their understanding of Energy Flow in an

Common Local Assessment

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Franklin Northwest Science Curriculum

Ecosystem by Experimenting with plant growth under different conditions, including light and no light.

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Franklin Northwest Science Curriculum

Grade Two Power Standard #6 Universe, Earth, & Environment:

Students understand how the systems of the universe evolve (change over time) and explain how the changes affect the earths environment and management of its natural resources.

Power Indicators: ^Observe pictures of the night sky, to demonstrate an understanding of the vastness of stars. ^Compare the appearance of stars that are visible in relation to the brightness or color. ^Recognize the pattern of the changes in the night sky over a months time specific to the moons shape and size (not formal phases of the moon). Unit: Systems: weather, rocks, sun & moon

Focusing Questions: Grade Expectations 44, 45 S1-2:44 Students demonstrate their understanding of Characteristics of the Solar System by Observing and recording how the sky looks at different times. AND Keeping a journal record of the shape of the moon each night for a month. S1-2:45 Students demonstrate their understanding of Processes and Change over Time within Systems of the Universe by Drawing a picture of stars in the night sky.

Science Concepts a. The moon looks slightly different every day, but looks the same again about every four weeks. b. The moon can be seen sometimes at night and sometimes during the day.
a. There are more stars in the sky than anyone can easily count, but they are not scattered evenly; and they are not all the same in brightness or color.

Common Local Assessment

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