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10  theSun | TUESDAY FEBRUARY 3 2009

news without borders

Aung San Suu Kyi meets UN envoy

YANGON: Myanmar’s detained opposi- Malaysia) at a state-run guest house. most of the past 19 years detained toward democracy, but the points raised during
tion leader Aung San Suu Kyi (pix) was Officials had earlier confirmed the under house arrest, refused to is not expected to meet his last visit”.
allowed out of her lakeside prison home meeting would take place. meet Gambari on his last visit to the the reclusive head of So far, he has met
yesterday to meet visiting UN envoy Gambari, who arrived on Saturday military-ruled nation in August 2008, state Senior General several officials including
Ibrahim Gambari, witnesses said. in Myanmar, was due to travel later in apparently after he failed to push the Than Shwe. Information Minister Kyaw
The Nobel peace prize winner met the day to Labutta in the southwest junta into any reforms. The United Nations has Hsan, Foreign Minister Nyan
Gambari and senior members of her delta region, which was devastated by The Nigerian troubleshooter has said that on his latest four-day Win and Aung Kyi, who was ap-
National League for Democracy for a cyclone last May. returned to Myanmar to try to con- trip, Gambari wants “meaningful pointed to coordinate junta contacts
one hour from 10.15am (11.45am in Aung San Suu Kyi, who has spent tinue to nudge the entrenched junta discussions with all concerned on all with Aung San Suu Kyi in 2007. – AFP

Obama’s stimulus
Sri Lanka hospital shelling plan heads for stormy
Senate debate
kills nine She said the ICRC had urged
both sides to allow safe passage for
scores of sick and wounded people
trapped in the conflict zone.
Sri Lanka’s army has surround-
zone” it had demarcated.
“The government cannot be
responsible for the safety and se-
curity of civilians still living among
the LTTE terrorists,” Lakshman
Hulugalle, director general of the
Obama’s huge stimulus package faced a
Republican blockade in Congress Monday
as opposition senators clamored for a
fundamental rethink to his plans for
Barack votes to do almost everything. It doesn’t
necessarily mean you’re trying to slow
a bill down,” Senate Minority Leader
Mitch McConnell said Sunday on CBS
programme Face the Nation.
COLOMBO: Artillery shells struck ed the LTTE in a 300 sq km slice of government’s media centre, said
a hospital in Sri Lanka’s northern jungle in the Indian Ocean island’s “We’re shocked that the hospi- economic revival. “But a super-majority is required for
war zone, killing at least nine peo- northeast, aiming to end a war that tal was hit, and this for the second The Senate was poised to debate the virtually everything in the Senate, and
ple and wounding another 20, the began in 1983 and is one of Asia’s time in recent weeks,” Paul Cas- 819-billion-dollar bill after the House of certainly for something that is close to a
Red Cross said yesterday. longest-running conflicts. tella, head of the Colombo ICRC Representatives last week passed the one trillion dollar spending bill, it will.”
The Sri Lankan military denied The military, which has vowed delegation, said in a statement. legislation without a single Republican To overcome a Republican “filibuster,”
it had shelled Puthukkudiyiruppu to hunt down LTTE leader Ve- “There were shells (striking) vote in support. the Democrats would need to amass 60
Hospital in a Tamil Tiger-held part lupillai Prabhakaran, said it had before midnight, It seems to have Negotiations carried on through the votes to shut down debate and bring the
of Mullaittivu district and blamed found a luxury house in the Vish- struck the paediatric ward (of weekend, as Obama feted a bipartisan bill to a vote. Obama’s party can now
the rebels. The Liberation Tigers of vamadhu area which may have Puthukkudiyiruppu Hospital), We group of lawmakers at the White House count on 58 votes to the Republicans’ 41,
Tamil Eelam made no comment, been used by the reclusive leader don’t know how many killed or for a party to watch the American football with one seat still unresolved.
but a pro-rebel website accused and his family. wounded but we know there were Super Bowl Sunday night. Jon Kyl, the Republicans’ second-rank-
the military of the firing. Concern has grown for the safety many casualties,” UN spokesman Interviewed on NBC’s pre-Super Bowl ing senator, called for Obama and his
“At least nine people were of 250,000 people aid agencies say Gordon Weiss said. show, the Democratic president took his Senate allies to “start from scratch” on
killed and at least 20 injured from are trapped inside the battle zone, Sri Lankan fighter jets yesterday message to what is usually America’s the stimulus bill.
the continued shelling,” said Sarasi although the government describes carried out more raids, bombing highest TV audience of the year. “I think the more people around the
Wijerathne, a spokeswoman of the those numbers as overblown. rebel positions in support of the “I think we’re going to be in for a tough country see of it, the angrier they get,
International Committee of the Red The government yesterday advancing ground troops in the several months. We’ve got to get this eco- because it’s very wasteful,” the Arizonan
Cross (ICRC) in Colombo. urged civilians to enter a “safety north. – Reuters nomic recovery plan passed. We’ve got to said on Fox News Sunday.
start putting people back to work. “And so I see support in the Senate
“I’ve done extraordinary outreach, I actually eroding,” he said, despite a
think, to Republicans because they have pro-stimulus media onslaught by labour
some good ideas, and I want to make sure unions targeting individual senators.
What that those ideas are incorporated.” A key Republican demand is to re-
They Say: Obama scheduled a new round of focus the stimulus package away from
talks with congressional leaders Monday a spending spree on infrastructure and
Unsavoury evening at the White House. social safety nets, and towards attacking
games The president was stepping up his the root cause of the financial crisis: the
pg 18 lobbying after Friday’s release of dire US property market slump.
figures showing the US economy shrank The Republicans will introduce a plan
by nearly 4% in the last quarter of 2008, to enable homeowners to refinance their
its sharpest decline since 1982. mortgages at a low interest rate of about
Despite Obama’s appeals, Republican 4%, Senator John Ensign said on CNN.
Senate leaders said they would use par- “If you combine that with properly
liamentary tactics to stall the stimulus targeted tax cuts, we can really get this
without a root-and-branch review of its economy going instead of doing a mas-
mix of tax cuts and spending. sive spending bill that just fulfills the last
“In the Senate, it routinely takes 60 10 years of Democrat priorities.” – AFP

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