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10, 2011


Efciency Analysis of Magnetic Resonance Wireless Power Transfer With Intermediate Resonant Coil
JinWook Kim, Hyeon-Chang Son, Kwan-Ho Kim, and Young-Jin Park, Member, IEEE
AbstractThis letter presents an efciency analysis of a magnetic resonance wireless power transfer (WPT) system with an intermediate resonant coil. A helical coil and a spiral coil with an additional capacitor are considered as resonant coils for the WPT system. The intermediate resonant coil is set up coaxially and perpendicular to both the Tx and Rx resonant coils in order to observe the efciency change according to the directions. The power efciency is calculated using the temporal coupled mode theory (CMT). Impedance matching conditions are also shown by using the CMT. Analysis results show that using an intermediate coil properly improves efciency and extends the distance between the transmitter and receiver. Both calculated and measured efciencies are in good agreement. It is also shown that the intermediate resonant system has a good efciency and is superior to nonintermediate systems. Index TermsCoupled mode theory (CMT), intermediate coil, magnetic resonant coupling, wireless power transfer (WPT).

Fig. 1. Conguration of a magnetic resonance WPT system with an intermediate resonant coil.

I. INTRODUCTION IRELESS power transfer (WPT) using magnetic eld resonance in a near-eld region has attracted much attention since WPT via strongly coupled magnetic resonances was reported [1][4]. In [2] and [4], a resonance-based WPT system is analyzed using a circuit-based model, and design and optimization procedures were reported. Recently, an intermediate resonant coil between transmitting (Tx) and receiving (Rx) resonant coils was used [5]. Compared to the two resonant coil systems in [2] and [4], an intermediate resonant coil system with the same resonant frequency between Tx and Rx resonant coils can be applied effectively to extend the distance of power delivery or increase power transfer efciency. However, to date, detailed analyses of power transfer efciency depending on Tx, Rx, and intermediate resonant coils are not available. In this letter, the power efciency of a magnetic resonance wireless power transfer system with an intermediate resonant coil is analyzed. The intermediate resonant system (intermediate system) is very useful in extending transfer distance and can be applied to household electric appliances such as a wall-mounted TV. In particular, the intermediate resonant coil is geometrically perpendicular to a Tx resonant coil and a Rx resonant coil. A spiral coil is used to reduce the volume of the intermediate resonant coil, while helical coils are used for Tx and Rx resonant

coils. High- capacitors are added to the coils in order to adjust the resonant frequency of the resonant coils and reduce the worse effects on power transfer. Otherwise, variation in the resonant frequency caused by external objects is increased due to the small amount of self-capacitance in the helical and spiral coils. In the following sections, efciencies derived in the intermediate system are shown using the CMT and the modied CMT. The efciencies are compared to an arrangement in which the intermediate resonant coil is changed coaxially and perpendicularly to the normal direction of both the Tx and Rx resonant coils. The frequency shifting and change of impedance matching conditions are also shown. The measured data are compared to theoretical calculations. II. DERIVATION OF THE POWER TRANSFER EFFICIENCY Fig. 1 shows the conguration of a magnetic resonance WPT with an intermediate resonant coil. The variables of , , , , and are denoted as coupling coefcients between coils. The intermediate resonant coil is placed between the Tx and Rx resonant coils, and the central axis is not aligned with that of Tx and Rx resonant coils. and are center-to-center spacing distances between the Tx resonant coil and the intermediate resonant coil, between Tx and Rx resonant coils, respectively. By applying CMT, the intermediate system is presented as follows:

Manuscript received March 08, 2011; accepted April 21, 2011. Date of publication May 02, 2011; date of current version May 16, 2011. The authors are with the Department of Power Electric Equipment Information and Communication, University of Science and Technology (UST) and Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI), Ansan 426-170, Korea (e-mail: Color versions of one or more of the gures in this letter are available online at Digital Object Identier 10.1109/LAWP.2011.2150192 1536-1225/$26.00 2011 IEEE




where 1 (Tx), 2 (Rx), and (intermediate resonant coil); mode amplitude of each resonant coil; resonant angular frequency of each resonant coil; intrinsic decay rate of each resonant coil; coupling coefcient between resonant coils (or a coil and a resonant coil); relative decay rate in the Rx resonant coil due to the power transfer to the load coil [6]. Power transfer efciency for the WPT system using an intermediate resonant coil is derived as shown in (2) at bottom of the page. For maximum power efciency, the parameter is derived as follows:

Fig. 2. Efciencies of nonintermediate and intermediate systems with varying =(0 0 ) ;  =(00 ) .

(3) Now, by using the power efciency formula in (2), the power transfer efciency is analyzed in three different practical cases. A. Case 1 ( , , )

in common. Thus, maximum efciency is obtained with the intermediate resonant coil in the center between the Tx and Rx resonant coils. , , ) B. Case 2 ( The condition for maximum efciency is obtained as from Case 1. The system is satised with from Case 2 in general cases. On the basis of the prior case, the power transfer efciency is derived as follows:

In this case, the Tx and Rx resonant coils are identical. However, an intermediate resonant coil is different from the Tx and Rx resonant coils. The coupling coefcient between the Tx and intermediate resonant coils is not the same as the coupling cois efcient between the Rx and intermediate resonant coils. large enough to neglect the direct coupling coefcient between the Tx and Rx resonant coils. By substituting for and for at (2) and (3), respectively, the power efciency can be simplied as follows:

(4) To maximize the efciency, the parameter, should be satised with (5) when [1]

(6) The efciency is expressed as the function of variable . The case is compared to a nonintermediate casethat is, the system of only Tx and Rx resonant coils without the intermediate resonant coil. Fig. 2 shows the efciencies for the two cases with varying . The circular-marked line and the square-marked line indicate the efciencies of a nonintermediate system and an intermediate system, respectively. The results show that the efciency of the intermediate system is 5% points less than that of the nonlower than 100, while intermediate system for the value of the efciencies of both cases for higher than 100 are almost the same. In addition, it should be noted that an efciency of better than 90% can be achieved even in a perpendicularly arranged intermediate system with higher than 27. C. Case 3 (Case 2 Including Source and Load Coils) In this case, the source and load coils are added in the condition of Case 2. For the analysis, a modied CMT formula is

(5) By the relation among the arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic averages, the maximum efciency can be achieved for the case , that is, because is included




Fig. 4. Schematic drawing of the Tx/Rx and intermediate resonant coils.

TABLE I SPECIFIC PARAMETERS OF RESONANT COILS AND COUPLING COEFFICIENTS Fig. 3. Efciencies versus normalized frequency for three different matching conditions (U = 30).

obtained by referring to [7] and is shown in (7) at the bottom of the page. are eld amplitudes of incident eld and reHere, at the source, and are eld amplitudes at the ect eld load. The rates of eld amplitudes are scattering parameters. By applying the conditions obtained in the , ), the eld amplitude prior cases ( transmitted to the load from source is obtained as

(8) where , is also obtained as follows: , , . Power transfer efciency (9) The impedance matching condition is obtained by nding the maximum power transfer efciency of (9). The matching condition is when . The derived efciency formula is identical with (6) for the matching condition. Fig. 3 shows efciencies versus normalized frequency for three different matching conditions with and . In the case of the undercoupling condition , three peak frequencies are observed. Maximum power transfer efciency is obtained at the center frequency. In the case of the overcoupling condition , peak frequency is observed at the center frequency. In the critical coupling , the system has the best efciency at the center frequency compared to other conditions. In the under- and

overcoupling conditions, maximum power transfer efciency cannot be achieved. Thus, satisfying the impedance matching condition is very important for higher efciency. III. EFFICIENCY OF THE INTERMEDIATE SYSTEM Tx and Rx resonant coils are designed using a helical coil ( mm, mm, turns, mm) as shown in Fig. 4 (left). The intermediate resonant coil is a single-layer spiral coil ( mm, mm, turns, mm) as shown in Fig. 4 (right). Two coils are made of copper pipe. To adjust the resonant frequency of the resonant coils, a lumped high- capacitor is connected in parallel. Single-loop coils are made to form a source coil and a load coil. They are then placed for coupling and impedance matching as shown in Fig. 1. A vector network analyzer (Agilent 4395A) is used to nd the resonant frequency and measure transmission behavior between Tx and Rx. The measured intrinsic decay rate, -factor, connected lumped capacitance, and resonant frequency of the resonant coils are illustrated in Table I. The results show that the resonant frequencies of the fabricated resonant coils are almost the same because the resonant frequencies are adjusted using




Fig. 5. Fabricated intermediate system (a) coaxially arranged intermediate system and (b) perpendicularly arranged intermediate system.

Fig. 6. Efciencies in cases of the coaxially and perpendicular arranged inter= Z =2). mediate systems and nonintermediate system. (Z

high- capacitors. For measuring the coupling coefcient , splitting frequencies between the Tx (or Rx) coil and the intermediate resonant coil are checked according to distance as shown in [8]. Fig. 5 shows two fabricated intermediate systems: One is with the intermediate resonant coil coaxially arranged; the other is with the intermediate resonant coil perpendicularly arranged. The intermediate resonant coil is placed in the center between the two coils. For the perpendicularly arranged intermediate system, the spiral intermediate resonant coil is placed ). As shown in Table I, are about four at ( 230 mm, 0, times and ve times bigger than in the cases of perpendicularly and coaxially arranged systems, respectively, when cm, cm. Thus, the condition is satised in the distance over 80 cm. The matching conditions are changed according to movement of the source and load coils. Therefore, the source and load coils are set up properly to get the critical coupling in the Case 3 for the maximum power transfer efciency. Fig. 6 shows the comparison between theoretical and measured results for three different systems. The measured intrinsic decay rates of coils and coupling coefcients are used in theoretical calculation. First, the calculated and measured results of the nonintermediate system are the circular-marked solid line and the gray circles, respectively. Second, the square-marked and triangular-marked solid lines are the theoretical results of the cases in which the intermediate systems were arranged coaxially and perpendicularly, respectively, while the gray squares and triangles are the measured results. Finally, the measurements and the calculations for the three different systems are shown. The comparison results for three cases show that the calculations are in excellent agreement with the measurements. Moreover, the efciency of the coaxially arranged intermediate system is the best at the same distance. The reason is that the coupling coefcient is the highest because the strongest magnetic eld exists at the normal direction of the helical coil. IV. CONCLUSION The efciency formulas of magnetic resonance wireless power transfer using an intermediate resonant coil were derived

and analyzed by using temporal CMT in the intermediate system. The theoretical calculations have a good agreement with the measured results. It is shown that, compared to the nonintermediate system, efciency is improved considerably in the cases of not only a coaxially arranged intermediate system, but also a perpendicularly arranged intermediate system. It is also shown that the power efciency of the coaxially arranged intermediate system is the best. However, from a practical point of view, the perpendicularly arranged intermediate system can be widely used to extend the range of wireless power transfer and enhance efciency since the intermediate resonant coil can be implemented adaptively in the space. Examples are wall-mounted TVs and furniture embedded systems. The derived formulas can be also used for optimization of the efciency in the intermediate system. REFERENCES
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