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1. Why study Psychology?

Psychology is important as it is concerned with the study of behavior and mental processes and at the same time, it is also applied to many different areas of human life. Everything we do is very much related to psychology. Psychology, primarily studies who and what we are, why we are like that, why we act and think like that and how we can improve ourselves. Psychology is important in a lot of different ways, for instance there have been a large number of studies conducted on various illnesses. With the help of psychological insights, the psychologist can help in the diagnosis of different diseases such as Parkinsons disease, Alzheimers disease and some other neurological diseases. By making use of psychological research, doctors have now developed medicines and even able to alleviate the inpact of different illnesses. Through studying psychology we are able to better understand and determine how the mind and body of an individual works. With that said, it can help us make better decisions. It can help us avoid things that cause stress; it can help us manage our time to a greater degree and help us set goals, be more effective in our studies or chosen career and last but not least it can help us tackle mental illnesses. As a writer, psychology is important as it helps me in understanding myself better, it helps me to perceive things positively, and it assists me in determining the things that I enjoy doing the most and the kind of stuff I like to write about. It also helps me in the way I handle things in life, the way I face challenges and problems that occur at an unexpected time and of course the way take decisions in my everyday life.

observation. Creswell (2003) identifies five main possibilities for qualitative research, including narrative, phenomenology, ethnography, case study, and grounded theory. Qualitative researchers[63] sometimes aim to enrich interpretations or critiques of symbols, subjective experiences, or social structures. Quantitative psychological research lends itself to the statistical testing of hypotheses. Quantitatively oriented research designs include the experiment, quasiexperiment, cross-sectional study,case-control study, and longitudinal study. The measurement and operationalization of important constructs is an essential part of these research designs. Controlled experiments Experimental psychological research is conducted in a laboratory under controlled conditions. This method of research relies on the application of the scientific method to understand behavior. Experimenters use several types of measurements, including rate of response, reaction time, and various psychometric measurements. Experiments are designed to test specific hypotheses (deductive approach) or evaluate functional relationships (inductive approach). Survey questionnaires Statistical surveys are used in psychology for measuring attitudes and traits, monitoring changes in mood, checking the validity of experimental manipulations, and for a wide variety of other psychological topics. Most commonly, psychologists use paper-and-pencil surveys. However, surveys are also conducted over the phone or through email. Increasingly, web-based surveys are being used in research. Longitudinal studies

studies make observing changes more accurate and they are applied in various other fields. Observation in natural settings Just as Jane Goodall studied chimpanzee social and family life by careful observation of chimpanzee behavior in the field, psychologists conduct observational studies of ongoing human social, professional, and family life. Sometimes the participants are aware they are being observed, and other times the participants do not know they are being observed. Strict ethical guidelines must be followed when covert observation is being carried out. Qualitative and descriptive research Research designed to answer questions about the current state of affairs such as the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individuals is known as descriptive research. Descriptive research can be qualitative or quantitative in orientation. Qualitative research is descriptive research that is focused on observing and describing events as they occur, with the goal of capturing all of the richness of everyday behavior and with the hope of discovering and understanding phenomena that might have been missed if only more cursory examinations have been made. Neuropsychological methods Neuropsychological research methods are employed in studies that examine the relation of mental activity and behavior to the structure and function of the brain. These methods include testing Wechsler scales, functional neuroimaging, and transcranial magnetic stimulation. Computational modeling Computational modeling[67] is a tool often used in mathematical psychology and cognitive psychology to simulate a particular behavior using a computer. This method has several advantages. Since modern computers process information extremely quickly, many simulations can be run in a short time, allowing for a great deal of statistical power. Modeling also allows psychologists to visualize hypotheses about the functional organization of mental events that couldn't be directly observed in a human. Animal studies

2. What research methods should be used to study psychology? Research methods Qualitative and quantitative research Qualitative psychological research methods include interviews, first-hand observation, and participant

Longitudinal studies are often used in psychology to study developmental trends across the life span, and in sociology to study life events throughout lifetimes or generations. The reason for this is that unlike crosssectional studies, longitudinal studies track the same people, and therefore the differences observed in those people are less likely to be the result of cultural differences across generations. Because of this benefit, longitudinal

Animal experiments aid in investigating many aspects of human psychology, including perception, emotion, learning, memory, and thought, to name a few. In the 1890s, Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov famously used dogs to demonstrate classical conditioning. Non-human primates, cats, dogs, pigeons, rats, and other rodents are often used in psychological experiments. 3. Is psychology really a science? Yes, because first, psychology is described as the hub science which represent the empirical science second, psychology refers to data being collected through direct observation or experiment. Third, psychology influences from established sciences and its reliance on the scientific method fourth, the research in psychology uses scientific methods which uses scientific aspects 4. What are the different schools of thought of psychology?

5. What is the significance of psychology in Civil Engineering?

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