Action Research by Ben B.K. Ayawli (2008) - Improving The Performance of HND SMS 2 Students of Sunyani Polytechnic in Database Application Programs (MS Access)

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JULY, 2008












JULY, 2008



I hereby declare that this project work is the result of my own original research

except for the references from other people’s work, which have been cited and

acknowledged accordingly, and that no part of it has been presented for another award

of a degree in this University or elsewhere.

……………………………………….. ……………………………………



I hereby declare that the preparation and presentation of this project work was

supervised in accordance with the guidelines on supervision of project work laid down

by the University of Education, Winneba.

………………………………………… …………….…………………………


This work would not have been successful without the support and co-

operation of others. I wish to express my appreciation to the Lord Almighty, who

equipped me with knowledge, good health and guidance to accomplish this


I owe my supervisor, Mr. G. O. Agyedu, tons of gratitude for his constant

encouragement and patience during the preparation of this work. He

painstakingly spent his precious time reading and correcting the entire

manuscript and also offering invaluable suggestions for the successful

completion of this work.

My profound gratitude also goes to my mentor, Mr. Cosmos A. Gershon

and the Head of Commercial Studies Department Mr. I. O. Gyamfi both of

Sunyani Polytechnic, for their personal interest in the project work and the

encouragement they gave me.

I would be very ungrateful if I failed to thank the instructors and students

in Commercial Studies department most especially HND SMS 2 and SMS 3

(2007/2008) who responded to the questionnaires by providing information and

support needed to make the study a success.

Furthermore, I am thankful to my parents Mr. Afatsiawu Beklisi and Mrs.

Gormiyo Irene Alipue for their support during my education.

I am also grateful to the contributions of Obeng Agyekum, Amponsah

Nicholas, Amuzu Prince, Hassanatu Gomda, Jakie and all the 2007/2008

interns, National Service Personnels of Sunyani Polytechnic and all those who

in diverse ways helped to make this work a success.

I dedicate this project work to God Almighty for His guidance and

protection throughout my schooling and my stay in the University


This study was conducted in Sunyani Polytechnic from November, 2007 to

May, 2008. The aim of the study was to assist second year HND SMS students in

Sunyani Polytechnic to improve upon their performance in MS Access database

application program. This study became necessary because most HND SMS

students performed poorly in MS Access database.

The following research questions were critically considered by the


i. What can be done to change the attitude and perception of

students and enhance students’ interest in the learning of MS

Access database application program?

ii. How can the effective use of learning resources improve teaching

and learning of MS Access database?

iii. How can students be well equipped with the required skills in MS

Access database application program?

iv. What method of teaching can help improve students’ performance

in MS Access database application program?

v. To what extent will the use of group work help improve students’

practical performance in MS Access database application program?

vi. How can MS Access database application program be made more

interesting and attractive to students?

Because the course is offered by second year HND SMS students, the

researcher considered the third year SMS students who have just completed the

course numbering 35. The second year HND SMS students were the main target

for the intervention so they were also included numbering 74.

The data techniques used by the researcher included observation,

interview, group projects, pre-test and post-test. Data collection was done during

the diagnostic stage of the intervention to help identify the problem and also after

the intervention to assess the strength and effectiveness of the intervention.

Tables and charts were used to analyze the data collected.

The findings of the study revealed that, teaching methods and techniques

used by the instructors were not effective enough to make MS Access and other

computer application lessons comprehensive to learners. This led to negative

misconception of learners about the course and finally led to their poor

performance. However, after the implementation of the intervention, the

performance of the students has improved drastically from about 10% to over


The researcher concluded that students’ poor performance as a result of

poor attitude and perception was due to the teaching methods and techniques

used and how the teaching and learning support materials were used by both

instructors and students. Demonstration and activity method accompanied by the

use of motivation and group projects should be used during the teaching and

learning of MS Access database to ensure effective teaching and learning of the




DEDICATION ......................................................................................................iii

ABSTRACT .........................................................................................................iv


CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTUON.....................................................................1

Background of the study ................................................................................................ 1

Statement of the problem .............................................................................................. 4

Purpose of the study....................................................................................................... 4

Research questions ........................................................................................................ 5

Significance of the study ................................................................................................ 6

Limitations of the study .................................................................................................. 6

Delimitation ....................................................................................................................... 7

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ...........................................................8

The concept of Database .............................................................................................. 8

The concept of Microsoft Access ............................................................................... 10

The Concept of Learning ............................................................................................. 11

The Effect of Teaching Methods and Techniques on Learning ........................... 13

Demonstration Method of Teaching .......................................................................... 14

The Effects of Teaching and Learning Resources on Learning........................... 14

Group learning ............................................................................................................... 16

Attitude and its influence on students’ performance .............................................. 17

Summary of Literature Review ................................................................................... 19


CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY...............................................................22

Research Design ........................................................................................................... 22

Population and sampling ............................................................................................. 23

Instruments for Data Collection .................................................................................. 24

Data collection procedures .......................................................................................... 24

Analysis of documents ................................................................................................. 28

Data Analysis ................................................................................................................. 28


Designing a database using demonstration and activity method ........................ 29

Presentation of Group projects................................................................................... 40

Effective Use of Learning Resources ........................................................................ 41

CHAPTER FIVE: RESULTS OF THE STUDY ...................................................42

Background Analysis of Data...................................................................................... 42

Findings and Discussion .............................................................................................. 42

Analysis of responses from students and instructors during the pre

intervention stage .......................................................................................................... 43

Analysis of Pre-Test and Post-Test Results ............................................................ 62

Analysis of response from students during the post intervention stage ............. 65


RECOMMENDATION ...................................................................................67

Summary of Findings ................................................................................................... 67

Conclusions .................................................................................................................... 68

Recommendations ........................................................................................................ 69

Suggestions for future researches ............................................................................. 70

REFERENCES ...................................................................................................72


APPENDIX A: Questionnaire for students ............................................................... 75

APPENDIX B: Questionnaires for Computer Literacy instructors ....................... 78

APPENDIX C: Pre-Intervention Test ......................................................................... 80

APPENDIX D: Expected Responses to the Pre- Intervention Test .................... 82

APPENDIX E: Post Intervention Test ....................................................................... 83

APPENDIX F: Expected Responses for the Post-Test ......................................... 86

APPENDIX G: Samples of pre-test scripts .............................................................. 89

APPENDIX H: Samples of Post-test scripts ............................................................ 93


Table 1: Frequencies and Percentages of Age range of Students .....................44

Table 2: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ Gender .............................44

Table 3: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether

they like MS Access ..............................................................................45

Table 4: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether

they could have registered Computer Application 2 (MS Access) if it

were optional. ........................................................................................46

Table 5: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether

they would encourage their siblings to learn MS Access database .......46

Table 6: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ Response as to whether

they have Computers ............................................................................47

Table 7: Frequencies and Percentages of the response of Students who have

computers as to whether they have Microsoft Office application

package installed...................................................................................47

Table 8: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether

they have any reading material or textbook on MS Access. ..................48

Table 9: Students’ response as to whether teaching and learning materials

were used in teaching MS Access and other computer application

programs. ..............................................................................................48

Table 10: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether

they understand the teaching and learning supporting materials used

by their instructors in the teaching and learning process.......................49

Table 11: Frequencies and percentages of instructors’ responses as to whether

their academic qualification is computer related. ...................................50

Table 12: Frequencies and percentages of responses of instructors as to

whether they use teaching and learning materials in their teaching. .....50

Table 13: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether

they have ever launched or used MS Access........................................51

Table 14: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether

they do any practical activity in MS Access or other computer

application programs. .........................................................................52

Table 15: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether

they can open and enter data into an existing MS Access database..53

Table 16: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether

they can create tables in MS Access ..................................................53

Table 17: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether

they can create simple queries in MS Access.....................................54

Table 18: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether

they can create simple forms in MS Access. ......................................54

Table 19: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether

they can create simple Reports in MS Access....................................55

Table 20: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response on the aspect of

MS Access and/or other computer application program they are

interested in. .......................................................................................55

Table 21: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether

they think more practical work will make them like MS Access and/or

other computer application programs. ................................................56

Table 22: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether

they like the way Microsoft Access and/or other computer application

programs are taught. ..........................................................................57

Table 23: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether

their teachers use practical demonstration during their teaching ........57

Table 24: Frequencies and percentages of teaching methods used by

instructors in teaching .........................................................................58

Table 25: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ choice of type of learning

they prefer...........................................................................................59

Table 26: Frequencies and percentages of responses of instructors on the form

of assignments or projects they give to their learners.........................59

Table 27: Frequencies and percentages of responses of instructors as to

whether they motivate their learners...................................................60

Table 28: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether

their teachers use any form of motivation during teaching..................61

Table 29: Frequency distribution of HND SMS 2 and HND SMS 3 Pre-Test and

Post-Test results in MS Access database application program. .........62


Figure 1: Entering field names, defining data types and field properties ............35

Figure 2: Viewing table in datasheet view and entering records in a table.........35

Figure 3: A One-to-one relationship ...................................................................36

Figure 4: One-to-many relationship between Instructors and Sections tables ...37

Figure 5: A One-to-many relationship between Instructors and Courses tables 38

Figure 6: A query in design view showing an IIF function ..................................39



Background of the Study

In November, 1967, Sunyani Polytechnic started as a technical institute to

train generally Middle school/JSS leavers in technical courses including

Intermediate Block laying and Concreting, Electrical installation, Motor vehicle

mechanics, Mechanical Engineering, Craft, Welding and Fabrication, Cookery for

the Catering industry Part I and Part II and Business Studied (Accounting and

Secretarial option). It was upgraded into Polytechnic in January, 1997 and was

mandated to provide career-focused education and training at the tertiary level with

emphasis on hands-on experience and entrepreneurship development.

Sunyani Polytechnic offers both tertiary and non-tertiary programmes in

technical and vocational courses of which Higher National Diploma in

Secretaryship and Management (HND in SMS) is one of them.

In order to be abreast with today’s technological advancement; computer

literacy is added as one of the important courses to be completed before one is

awarded a Higher National Diploma certificate.

The computer is known to have gone a long way to improve efficiency in all

spheres of human endeavor. Computer literacy has therefore undoubtedly become

prerequisite in whatever career a student chooses.

It is also strongly believed that, computer skills are a must for everybody

who wants to be part of today’s world. It is therefore the reason for its inclusion in

the curriculum of tertiary institutions in Ghana including Sunyani Polytechnic.

In business, computer literacy is recognized as a means of increasing

administration efficiency. For example, payroll processing, sales invoicing, order

processing, databases, production planning and many others. Instead of the use of

pens and papers for dealing with customer orders, compiling wages and salaries of

employees, population, education and others, a computerized system is employed

to make data keeping and retrieval more easy and convenient. Whenever you

have a hunk of data that is likely to grow, and you need to extract meaningful

information from it, a database program is probably the best tool for the job (Afari,


The computer literacy course for students offering Higher National Diploma

in Secretaryship Management Studies in Sunyani Polytechnic is broken into four

categories. Each category is taken for a semester. The categories include,

Introduction to Information Technology, Word Processing (Microsoft Word),

Spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel) and Database (Microsoft Access). Database

(Microsoft Access) course is taken by the second year students in the fourth


Secretaryship Management students are would-be administrators and

secretaries and hence will be greeted with the use of electronic database

management system in keeping, analyzing and retrieving data at their work places.

Database is used in many applications, spanning virtually the entire range of

computer software. Database is preferred method of storage for large multi-user

applications where coordination between many users is needed. Even individuals

users find them convenient, though many electronic mail programs and personal

organizers are based on standard database technology. A database allows you to

manage and use an incredible variety of information easily. Unfortunately, students

performed poorly and have the problem in creating tables, entering data, querying

and generating reports using Microsoft Access database. It must however be noted

that, the poor performance of students in Database application programs (MS

Access) in the Polytechnics and other tertiary institutions existed over the years, no

research has been conducted into the problem despite the bright motive for the

inclusion of the subject

Statistics available has proven beyond every reasonable doubt that, about

seventy percent of HND SMS graduates from the Polytechnic cannot design a

database system for their department or organization that they find themselves to

work after completion. This poor performance in the subject area would in no doubt

be transferred to their work places thereby leading to low productivity as a result of

data management skills they lack.

The issue now is how do we enhance students’ performance using group

projects, motivation and demonstration and activity method? It is against this

background that a study into the problem has become very paramount to find

solution to salvage the situation so as to achieve the aim at which the course is


Statement of the Problem

In spite of the importance attached to the study of Information Technology in

Sunyani Polytechnic, it is rather surprising that very few empirical research has

actually been conducted at the Polytechnic from the perspective of poor

performance of students in the subject areas of Information Technology most

especially database application programs (MS Access).

It was identified from a documentary search and an interview that, for the

past two years, no student had grade “A+”. It was also realized that fifty percent of

the students had grade ‘D’.

So it might be that the use of lecture method, misconception of students

about MS Access and ineffective use of teaching and learning resources might be

the cause of the problem.

In view of the situation, the main problem of this study was whether the use

of motivation, group learning, demonstration and activity method and the effective

use of learning resources can help enhance the performance of students in MS

Access database application program.

Purpose of the Study

Therefore, the purpose of this study is to use motivation, group learning,

demonstration and activity method and effective use of learning resources to assist

second year HND SMS students of Sunyani Polytechnic to improve their

performance in database application programs (MS Access). The study therefore

obtained the views of students and course instructors of the subject area with

respect to poor performance of students in the subject area (MS Access). It also

sought to investigate the causes of negative attitude and perception of students

towards the subject and ways of making the learning of database more interesting

to enhance students’ performance. It also sought to find out whether the views of

course instructors and students can be coordinated to find solution to the poor

performance of students in the subject.

Research Questions

An analysis of the above purpose indicated that the following research

questions were appropriate to form the focus of this study.

1. What can be done to change the attitude and perception of students and

enhance students’ interest in the learning of database application program

(MS Access)?

2. How can the effective use of learning resources improve teaching and

learning of MS Access database?

3. How can students be well equipped with the required skills in database

application program (MS Access)?

4. Can demonstration and activity method help improve students’ performance

in database (MS Access) application program?

5. To what extent will the use of group project work help improve students’

practical performance in database (MS Access) application program?

6. How can database application programs (MS Access) be made more

interesting and attractive to students?

Significance of the Study

The study of the reason of the performance of students in MS Access in

Sunyani Polytechnic is important in several reasons. First, this study will enable

students to develop their performance and skills in database application program

(MS Access) so that they can design and administer a database program in the

organisation they will be working after completing the HND program. Second, the

study will boost the confidence of HND SMS students in database designing and

administration and bury students misconceptions that database programs are for

IT experts. Also, this research will help improve students’ grades in the subject and

thereby give them the opportunity to further their education. Moreover, the study

shall serve as a ready made material of reference to Computer Literacy teachers to

help improve students’ performance in database (MS Access). This will help the

teachers to vary their teaching methods to ensure effective teaching and learning.

Again, the study will make it imperative for students to identify the causes of their

poor performance in the study of the course and also identify the solutions to this

problem. Finally, the study shall serve as a guide or handy material for other

researchers as well as future research work in this area.

Limitations of the Study

Data collection for this study was limited to second and third years of

Higher National Diploma in Secretaryship and Management Studies students in

Sunyani Polytechnic, a population of one hundred and nine (109) due to time and

financial constraints. This procedure therefore decreased the generalisation of

the findings. The study would therefore not be generalizable to all HND SMS

students because it does not reflect the entire corpus of past students who went

through the same course before 2006/2007 academic year and HND SMS

students from other Polytechnic.


All HND SMS students in all Polytechnic in Ghana offer Database

application program (MS Access) as a course. However, this study was narrowed

down in scope due to financial and time constraints. It therefore confined itself to

only HND SMS students of Sunyani Polytechnic. This means that for a more

complete study, the views of other stakeholders in other Polytechnic will have to

be considered.



This chapter reviews on what other people have said about the topic under

consideration. This chapter reviews related literature under the following sub

headings: the concept of database, the concept of Microsoft Access, the concept

of learning, the effect of teaching methods and techniques on learning,

demonstration method of teaching, the effects of teaching and learning resources

on learning, group learning, attitudes and its influence on students performance

and the summary of literature review

The concept of Database

A database is a collection of logically related data designed to meet the

information needs of one or more users. The term originated within the computer

industry, though its meaning has been broadened by popular use, such that the

European Database Directive (which creates intellectual property rights for

database) includes non-electronic database within its definition.

Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia defines a database as "a collection of

records stored in a computer in a systematic way, so that a computer program

can consult it to answer questions". For a better retrieval and sorting, each record

is usually organized as a set of data elements (facts). The items retrieved in

answer to queries become information that can be used to make decisions.

The computer software used to manage and query a database is known

as a database management system (DBMS). Example include Microsoft Access

application program. Strictly speaking the term refers to the collection of related

records, and the software is referred to as the database management system

(DBMS). However to avoid confusion many database administrators and

programmers use the term database to cover both of them.

The earliest known use of the term 'database' was in June 1963, when the

System Development Corporation sponsored a symposium under the title

Development and management of a computer-centered Database. Database as

a single word become common in Europe in the early 1970's and by the end of

the decade it was being used in major American newspapers (Database, a

comparable term, had been used in the Washington post newspaper as early as


The first database management systems were developed in the nineteen

sixty's. A pioneer in the field was Charles Bachman. Bachman's early papers

show that his aim was to make more effective use of the new data access on

storage devices.

According to Manino (2004), a collection of data is considered to be a

database only if it has the following properties:

1. The data is managed to ensure its integrity and quality.

2. It allows shared access by a community of users.

3. It has a schema.

4. It supports a query language.

5. Must be persistent, that is the data must reside on a stable storage

such as a magnetic disk.

According to Ricks, Swafford and Gaw (1992), before data can be entered

into a database, the database must be planned and created. Planning the

database involves deciding the data to be contained in the database, naming the

fields needed, deciding the types of fields for each item of data and selecting the

width and decimal positions (in the case of a numeric field) for each field. The

width of the field is determined by the longest piece of data to be stored in that


According to Dobler and Burt (2003), when data records are computerized,

it enhances efficient and effective keeping of data. According to these authors,

when such records are expanded by using a Personal Computer (PC), it is

important to integrate the system carefully with the purchasing operating system

and to provide adequate data security so that unauthorized individuals cannot

modify the basic records.

The Concept of Microsoft Access

According to Afari (1997), “Microsoft Access is a database management

system (DBMS) designed to allow users to store, manipulate and retrieve

information easily and quickly”. A database is a collection of data that exists and is

organized around a specific theme or requirement. It can be of the ‘flat-file’ type or

it can have a relational capabilities. Microsoft Access possesses relational

capabilities hence known as a Relational Database Management Systems


Coulthard and Clifford (2004) defined Microsoft Access as “a database

program that enables you to enter, store, analyze, and present data”. For end

users and software developers alike, Access provides easy-to-use yet powerful

tools most often associated with higher-end database management systems

(DBMS). In fact, Access offers scalable never before seen in desktop database

software to meet needs ranging from simple to complex. At the desktop level,

Access can help you manage your personal information or collect data for a

research study. At the corporate and enterprise level, Access can retrieve and

summarize data stored on servers located throughout the world. Access also

enables you to create and publish dynamic Web-based forms and reports for

delivery over the Internet.

The primary object in a database for collecting and storing data is called

table. Tables are organized into rows and columns similar to an electronic

spreadsheet. An individual entry in a table (for example, a person’s name and

address) is called a record and is stored as a horizontal row. Each record in a table

is composed of one or more fields. A field holds a single piece of data.

The Concept of Learning

Santrack (2001) explained learning as a relatively permanent change in

behavior that occurs through experience. This however means that learning

involves relatively permanent influence on behavior, which comes about through

experience. According to Microsoft Encarta encyclopedia (2007), learning refers

to acquiring knowledge or developing the ability to perform new behaviors.

During the 1870’s the Great Harvard psychologist, William James felt that

learning, essentially during childhood shapes and directs our lives. It is very

important for students to have at least basic knowledge in what they learn in school

in order to build upon it. Farrant (2000) sees learning as the process by which we

acquire and retain attitude, knowledge, understanding, skills and capabilities that

cannot be attained through inherited behaviour patterns or physical growth.

Learning is categorised into three main domains. It includes Cognitive,

Psychomotor, and the Affective domains.

First, the cognitive domain refers to knowledge and knowing the ‘how’ and

the ‘why’ thus the thinking skills. To be able to create database applications, one

should be knowledgeable about the features, terms and the calculation formulas

used in database (MS Access). One also needs to have the knowledge of how to

use security features to ensure adequate security in the database system to be


Second, the psychomotor domain deals with skill that is concerned with

physical dexterity. For example keyboarding and designing and use of database

application programs. The task in database design and use require the use of

physical and creative skills, which need to be practiced. According to Blege (1986),

acquisition of skills, attitudes and values can best be done by practice, involving

series of activities, therefore, to achieve learning in the category of skills, attitudes

and values, it is recommended to use activity method of learning including

demonstration, and group project work methods. Learners can be more conversant

with the creation and use of database application program (MS Access) through

regular practice.

The third domain and the one often neglected is the Affective domain. This

is concerned with attitudes – the need to create and use database (MS Access)

programs. Also, the development of the attitude to practice database (MS Access)

program regularly so as to become familiar with the techniques in using the

program is important.

The Effect of Teaching Methods and Techniques on Learning

Nacino-Brown et al (1982) define method as the manner in which the

content of a program is presented to students.

According to them, there are some methods of teaching that have been

used for many years and we have decided to call them “Traditionally time tested

methods” because they have stood the test of time. These methods can be used

effectively by skilled teachers of today, but it would be short-sighted to try to use

them all the time. This writes identified these methods to include the lecture

method, discussion method, demonstration method, project method and the

study trip method

Choosing a particular method on its own merits is not effective. A teacher

must therefore use special techniques to ensure effective learning. Nacino-Brown

et al (1982) explain teaching techniques as the way one handles the different

aspects or phases of one’s instructional method or procedure. For instance, in

using the “Discussion method”, the way the teacher asks questions to trigger off

participation indicates one’s own techniques. They assert “there are some

important activities in the classroom that are almost always used in every day

lessons”. These are review, drill, practice, assignment and questioning. Because

they are always used, they are taken for granted and no deliberate effort is made

to prepare them. We fail to realize that the success of teaching and learning

process depends to a considerable extent on how well we perform these

activities (P.39).

Demonstration Method of Teaching

According to Olaitan and Agusiobo (1982), "Demonstration method is a

method of teaching, in which sight rather than hearing is the major means of

communication; though of course the two are often combined". It is effective

because most people more easily remember what they see than what they only

hear or read. At its simplest, it may involve only showing an actual object, model,

picture or diagram.

Amoakohene et al (1998) in their book technical skills and drawing for

Teacher Training Colleges (Book 2) said, “Demonstration is a means by which a

student is shown how a new skill should be performed. The demonstration is

carried out by the teacher while the students closely observe the techniques and


For effective demonstration, it must be accompanied by clear explanations

by the teacher of how the skills are being demonstrated. The students are allowed

to ask questions to clarify points they did not understand as the demonstration

goes on. The student will then be allowed to practice the new skills while teacher

observe and make corrections appropriately.

The Effects of Teaching and Learning Resources on Learning

Quality education rests on quality and effective teaching and learning.

Effective teaching and learning can be achieved if teachers make use of learning

resources. The importance of teaching and learning aids is obvious as supported

by many authorities.

Amankra (1993) states that most schools lack teaching and learning

resources and even where they are available, teachers do not often use them

effectively. Thus lack of teaching and learning resources is one of the problems

facing many schools in Ghana.

According to Campbel (1997), knowledge and skills are central to

adequate instructions; however, teachers can even do better when they are

provided with appropriate resources.

Written or Spoken words are very useful in most learning situations, but

there are concepts which the teacher can transmit more effectively using

teaching aids. For instance, a verbal description of a database window is not as

informative as an electronic picture of actual database window.

Properly used teaching aids help to give first concepts or impression

correctly, stimulate interest, and promote better understanding of learning and a

variety of teaching methods. They may also help promote intellectual curiosity,

contribute to longer retention of learning and clarify principles outside the range

of ordinary experience (Olaitan, 1991).

Coppen (1971) stress that, “There are sound educational reasons for

supporting the use of teaching materials and exploiting them as fully as possible

for the benefit of the pupils. The children the teacher teaches are diverse. Even

where they are taught in groups roughly homogeneous with respect to ability, the

social and intellectual background, interest and previous experiences of each

child are different. The more varied the form of presentation, the greater the

likelihood that the needs of each individual will be met and the greater number

that will be able to respond” (P. 219).

Bloom et al (1956) posit that “teaching and learning resources aid

teaching to be more effective and make learning easier”. According to them,

children learn by doing and observing and this calls for real life situations in the


Royzo et al (1981) have grouped teaching resources into four categories.

These are: reading materials, audio-visual materials, community resources

(including human resources) and materials developed by teachers and students.

Tamakloe et al (1996) opine that “instructional materials are effective

mechanisms of helping students to build clear and accurate concepts. In

addition, materials are capable of directing students’ interest and promoting their

active participation in the teaching and learning process”. Specifically, teaching

and learning resources are capable of widening students’ horizon and range of

experience when judiciously utilized.

Group Learning

McGregor (1998), an expert in organizational communication, explained

group as a collection of people. It is not just random assembling of independent

individual, rather, it is composed of individuals who interact verbally and non-

verbally, occupy certain roles with respect to one another and co-operate to

accomplish a definite goal.

Researchers studying the use of cooperate learning have arrived at positive

results. In one study, the use of learning partners and peer monitors resulted in

improvement of performance in problem solving on quizzes and class test

(Steinhorst, 1995).

In another study, students’ learn just as well on cooperative as in traditional

settings and developed more positive attitude towards the study of skills (Kroll,

1991). It is therefore undeniable fact that Higher National Diploma in

Secretaryship and Management students will perform well in the creation and use

of database when they are involved in a project to design a database system for

selected organisations of interest in small groups.

There are several approaches used to form cooperative groups. Some

studies use heterogeneous groups with high ability, medium ability and low ability

students’ membership (Slavin, 1980). Other studies use a narrow range of ability

in groups. Keeler (1995) concluded that mixed ability groups are preferred over

homogeneous groups in ability. This enables members to communicate directly

with each other as they work on a common task.

There is wealth of evidence on the advantages of group or cooperate

learning compared to competitive or individualised learning. Steinhorst (1995)

indicated that most students preferred cooperative small group learning to

competitive or individualised learning.

Attitude and its influence on students’ performance

Santrock (2001) explained attitude as a mental and neutral state of

readiness, organised through experience, exerting a directive of dynamic influence

upon the individual’s responses to all objects and situation with which it is related.

Rokeach (1948) also sees attitude as a learned orientation or disposition, which

provides a tendency to respond favourably or unfavourably to an object or


Boateng (1998) went further to say that attitude embodied the result of

information processing and in turn affect the way a person conceives and judges

the world. Attitude influences the individual ultimate results. Attitude therefore has

a great influence on the individual’s ability to perform in a situation. As soon as a

situation arises the opinion and the feelings that the individuals form about the

situation determines the end result. Some people dismiss attitude as unimportant

by saying that it is just ones opinion. But attitude can be a matter of life and death

(Santrock, 2001).

Students’ attitudes to learning of a particular subject may be due to some

factors. Examples could be family culture, socio-economic status, teacher, peers

and examinations. Family attitudes can have adverse effect on the student learning

the creation and use of database (MS Access). This means that if there is lack of

encouragement and provision of required materials for the study of the program

from the family to the student, the attitude of the students towards the subject may

be negative.

Annor (1995) says the culture of a society defines what the curriculum of the

school should be. This implies that a student’s appetite for a subject would be

dwindled away if his culture doesn’t cherish it. In supporting the socio-economic

status as a factor that affects students’ attitudes to learning. Rogers (1986) says

that poor unemployed parents will not have enough money to buy materials and to

spend on activities to further children’s development and also to foster the skills,

which they need after school.

According to Annor (1995), peer group can influence student’s choice of

subjects and courses without taking into consideration of their abilities, aptitudes

and interest in the field or course. No doubt, the fact that a student can do well in a

certain subject usually increases his interest in it and an initial interest stimulates

work and so improves performance. The first performance in a subject by a student

in which he performs badly kills his interest in it.

The above statements clearly attest to the fact that, attitude plays a vital role

so far as individual’s behaviour in a given situation is concerned. Based on the

assertions of the above authors, the researcher considers it more appropriate to

examine students’ attitude towards the study of a particular subject using the

dimension of attitude as a guide. This will produce a comprehensive overview of

the students’ state with regards to his or her attitude towards the study of the


Summary of Literature Review

Manino (2004), Dobler and Burt (2003) and other authors made it clear

what a database is and its importance. The concept of MS Access was

discussed as “a database management system designed to allow users to store.

Manipulate and retrieve information easily and quickly”, Afari (1997). Farrant

(2000) and other authors attest to the fact that, learning must include the

development of attitude, knowledge and skills (the three domains of learning). As

stated by Nacino-Brown et al (1982), the choice of teaching methods and

techniques can affect teaching and learning either positively or negatively. The

use of teaching and learning resources was seen by Amankra (1993), Bloom et

al (1956), Tamakloe et al (1996) and other authors as an effective means of

teaching and learning. Olaitan and Agusiobo (1982), see demonstration method

as effective method of teaching because it involves more sight than hearing.

According to Kroll (1991), students develop more positive attitude towards the

study of skills in cooperative group. Mixed ability groups are preferred over

homogenous ability group by Keeler (1995). Rokeach (1948) and other writers

confirm that, attitude provides a tendency for people to respond favourably or

unfavourably to an object or situations and it has a great influence on the

individual’s ability to perform in a given situation.


The overview of the concept of database was traced from the 1960’s. It

was identified that database application program is relevant for the socio-

economic development of organizations and nations as well. As a result, MS

Access database was introduced as a course for HND SMS students in Sunyani

Polytechnic. The aim for the introduction is to help ensure easy and effective

handling of data in organizations. The opinion expressed by various authors

indicated the need to use database management system to ensure effective

handling of data. Despite the importance attached to the study and use of

database, the above sample literature seems to point to apparent lack of studies

in the above research questions. Under the research question one on the

solution to change students’ negative perception about database, there was lack

of research into learners’ misconception about the subject. Under the research

question two, on the effective use of learning resources to improve teaching and

learning of MS Access database the sample literature above shows that there

was no research into it. There was also obvious lack of research into the use of

demonstration ad activity method and group learning to enhance the teaching

and learning of Microsoft Access database.



For every research work, there exist a specific way of carrying out the

research. This chapter describes: the research design of the investigation, the

population/subjects, instruments used in collecting the data, the data collection

procedure and analysis of the data.

Research Design

In order to find facts and to describe the conditions that exist in the

teaching and learning of Microsoft Access in Sunyani Polytechnic, the

assessment type of research design was used. The evaluation method was also

used so as to make judgment about the effectiveness of the teaching and

learning of Microsoft Access in Sunyani Polytechnic.

Assessment and evaluation types of research design was used for the

study and was modeled after the orientation of a survey conducted by the

researcher to obtain information on the interest of students learning and the

method of teaching database application program (MS Access). Since the

purpose of the study was to find ways and means to improve the performance of

HND students in Database application program (MS Access) a multiple

perspective approach was used. Learners’ lack of interest and their

misconceptions for database application programs was identified during the

course of teaching and learning of Database application programs (MS Access)

prompted the researcher to conduct this study vis-à-vis the method employed so

as to identified the appropriate measures to promote effective teaching and

learning of database application program (MS Access) among second year HND

SMS students in Sunyani Polytechnic and thereby improving the performance of

students in the subject area. An investigation conducted into students’ interest

towards the theory and practical work lessons in database application program

(MS Access) created a huge vacuum for the researcher to study into the interest

of the students in the course area at Sunyani Polytechnic.

Population and sampling

The study was carried out in the Commercial Studies Department of

Sunyani Polytechnic. The department runs non-tertiary programs including

Diploma in Business Studies (DBS) and Business Studies (BS) and a Higher

National Diploma in Secretaryship and Management which is a tertiary program.

At the time of study, the department had a population of 1,481 students. Out of

this number, the Higher National Diploma in Secretaryship and Management

students numbered 224. Out of the 224 SMS students, 106 were first years, 74

were second years and 44 students were third years.

The whole population of the second year students offering Computer

Application II (MS Access) was the target for the research because they were the

class from which the problem was perceived, evidence gathered and causes

ascertained. Thirty five (35) HND SMS third year students were also included in

data collection to ensure effective data analysis since they have already taken

MS Access database as a course in the previous semester. Hence the total

number of students involved in this research was 109. Six Computer instructors

were also involved because they deal directly with the students and can therefore

ascertain the issue at stake.

Instruments for Data Collection

In order to integrate multiple data collection techniques to ensure

perspective analysis, and to provide adequate supporting data, the framework for

collecting data in the study was triangular. Triangulation method of data

collection refers to the use one data collection technique to cross-check the

results from another technique. In the process of the study, the following

research instruments were used to collect data to source for information, assess

the progress of the students as interventions were implemented and also assess

the outcome of the research.

1. Participant observation

2. Unstructured Interview

3. Class exercise

4. Questionnaires

5. Analysis of documents

Data Collection Procedures


With participant observation, the researcher takes part in the activities of

the subjects under investigation. By becoming a member of the group to be

studied the researcher can achieve a high level of understanding of their

behavior feelings, values and beliefs. This method seems to be appropriate

because, the students became accustomed to the researcher’s presence as a

result of the cordial relationship establish between them hence making the

students to behave normal in the presence of the researcher. In conducting this

observational study, the researcher took the following into consideration;

a) That the observational method if used properly, overcomes the limitations

of the other methods, which rely on self-report in which the respondents

normally bias the information they offer about themselves. Even when bias

is not present in self-report data, the observational method usually give

more accurate data than could be obtained by self-report.

b) There would be the need for the researcher to determine the extent to

which the presence of the researcher would change the situation being


Observation method was used at the diagnosis stage to observe the

practical work of students in Microsoft Access so as to identify the level of

performance of students in the subject area. Instructors’ method of teaching was

also observed vis-à-vis students response and participation during teaching and

leaning of the subject.

At the implementation stage, the researcher observed the students to find

out how the interest of students in database application program (MS Access)

have been aroused and sustained.


Interviews as research method are unique in the sense that it involves the

collection of data through direct verbal interaction between individuals. In order

not to create any tension among the instructors and students and to ensure

effective problem analysis, the unstructured interview was used by the

researcher. The unstructured interview was used because it is a flexible

approach to interviewing. It takes a specific instrument but often has a general

structure that is in the mind of the interviewer. It is a non-directive type of

interview where most of the speaking is done by the respondent.

At the diagnosis stage, instructors teaching Information

Technology/Computer Literacy were interviewed to find the cause of the problem.

Students were also interviewed to assess their views about their inability to

perform well in computer related causes most especially database application

program (MS Access).

After the implementation stage, students were interviewed to determine

the effectiveness of the intervention implemented by the researcher.


A questionnaire is a written instrument that contains a series of questions

or statements called items that attempt to collect information on a particular topic.

It may include factual questions that ask about the characteristics of things

people have done, or things that have happened.

During the diagnostic stage, questionnaires (Appendix A1) were given to

students to provide some facts in order to assess the interest and progress of

students’ performance in database (MS Access) application program.

Questionnaires (Appendix A2) were also given to six instructors who teach

computer literacy and Information Technology during the diagnostic stage in

Sunyani Polytechnic to generally assess the methods used in teaching

Information technology subjects and also to assess the performance of students.

Class Exercise

Class exercises were used by the researcher as an important tool during

the diagnostic stage and the implementation stages.

Class exercises were given to students during the diagnostic stage to help

the researcher identify the problem of the students in the subject area. It was

also used during the implementation stage to assess students’ progress in

database application program (MS Access).

Class Test

A pre-test and a post-test were conducted during the diagnostic stage and

after the implementation stage respectively to determine the performance of

students in creating tables, querying a database, creating and designing forms

and generating reports in MS Access.


During the stage of diagnosing the problem, Pre-test was designed and

used to find out the strength and weaknesses of the students in database

application programs (MS Access)


Having implemented the intervention designs, it became expedient to

conduct a post-test to assess the improvement in the performance of the student

in database application program (MS Access). This was to assess their skills of

creating tables, query a database, create and design forms and generating


Analysis of Documents

Documented information were produced from the under mentioned


1. Commercial Studies department

2. The school library and

3. Educational artifacts such as test papers and students note books.

Data Analysis

The researcher made use of statistical methods to analyze the data

collected. Each question was analyzed and the number of respondents who gave

particular response was recorded. Tables and charts were used to analyze the

questions answered by respondents and results from the pre and post-test

administered to students. Figures were used to illustrate and interpret findings.



This aspect of the research outlines the various practical activities that

were carried out to achieve the aims and objectives of the research work. The

method used was group projects, demonstration and activity method and

ensuring effective use of learning Resources.

Designing a Database Using Demonstration and Activity Method

The database design was divided into seven sub-topics including: The

steps in designing a database, opening and manipulating existing database,

creating tables, establishing relationship among tables, creating queries, creating

forms, creating reports and presentation of group projects. During the first week

the steps in creating a database was discussed in 120 minutes. The second sub-

topic (Opening and manipulating existing database) was treated in week two also

in 120 minutes. Creating of database tables was done in the third week for 150

minutes each on Wednesday and Saturday. Establishing relationship and

queries was tackled in week four and five respectively for 150 minutes on

Wednesday and Saturday. In week six creating of forms was treated for 150

minutes. Creating of reports was done in week seven also in 150 minutes. In

groups students were ask to identify an organization and try to design a database

using MS Access to help them in managing data in that organization. The eighth

and ninth weeks were used for group project and presentation of projects results.

Week One

Sub Topic 1: The Concept and the Steps in Designing a Database

Learners were taken through the discussion of the concept of database.

The various database objects including tables, queries, forms, reports, macros

and modules were discussed. To equip learners on what must be done before

embarking on designing a database; learners were taken through the steps

involved in designing a database. Learners were taken through the following

steps in designing a database:

Step 1: Determine the Purpose of your Database

The first step in designing a database is to determine its purpose and how

it is to be used. At this step, the database designer has to discuss with people

who will use the database. Brainstorm about the questions the database is

supposed to answer. The designer has to sketch out the forms, reports that the

database is likely to produce. Existing forms and other documents need to be

gathered and analyzed.

As the purpose of the database is being determined, the facts needed to

be stored in the database and the subject each fact belongs will be identified

Step 2: Determine the Fields You Need in the Database

Each field is a fact about a particular subject. For example, you might

need to store the following facts about customers: company name, address, city,

state, and phone number. Separate fields need to be created for each of these

facts. When determining which fields are needed, the following design principles

must be taken into consideration.

1. Include all of the information you will need.

2. Store information in the smallest logical parts. For example,

employee names are often split into three fields, FirstName,

OtherNames and LastName, so that it makes it easy to sort data by

LastName, FirstName or OtherNames.

3. Don't create fields for data that consists of lists of multiple items.

4. Don't include derived or calculated data (data that is the result of an

expression). For example, if you have a UnitPrice field and a

Quantity field, don't create an additional field that multiplies the

values in these two fields.

Step 3: Determine the Tables You Need in the Database

Each table should contain information about one subject. List of fields will

provide clues to the tables needed. For example, if you have a HireDate field, its

subject is an employee, so it belongs in the Employees table. You might have a

table for Customers, a table for Products, and a table for Orders.

Step 4: Determine which Table each Field Belongs to

When deciding which table each field belongs to, the following design

principles must be taken into consideration:

1. Add a field to only one table.

2. Don't add the field to a table if it will result in the same information

appearing in multiple records in that table.

Step 5: Identify the Field or Fields with Unique Values in Each Record

In order for Microsoft Access to connect information stored in separate

tables— for example, to connect a customer with all the customer's orders—

each table in your database must include a field or set of fields that uniquely

identifies each individual record in the table. Such a field is called a primary key.

Step 6: Determine the Relationships between Tables

Now that you've divided your information into tables and identified primary

key fields, you need a way to tell Microsoft Access how to bring related

information back together again in meaningful ways. To do this, you define

relationships between tables.

Step 7: Refine Your Design

After you have designed the tables, fields, and relationships you need, it's

time to study the design and detect any flaws that might remain. It is easier to

change your database design now than it will be after you have filled the tables

with data.

Use Microsoft Access to create your tables, specify relationships between

the tables, and enter enough sample data in your tables so you can test your

design. To test the relationships in your database, see if you can create queries

to get the answers you want. Create rough drafts of your forms and reports and

see if they show the results you expect. Look for unnecessary duplications of

data and eliminate them.

Step 8: Enter Data and Create Other Database Objects

When you are satisfied that the table structures meet the design principles

described, then it is time to go ahead and add all your existing data to the tables.

You can then create other database objects— queries, forms, reports, data

access pages, macros, and modules.

Week Two

Sub Topic 2: Opening and Manipulating Existing Database

Through demonstration, learners were taken through the steps to launch

Microsoft Access and also how to open existing database files. After opening the

database files, learners were assisted through demonstration and activity method

to open database objects (Tables, Queries, Forms and Reports). Learners were

also given the opportunity to manipulate with the opened objects.

Week Three

Sub Topic 3: Creating Tables

Using demonstration and activity method, learners were taken through the

process of creating a database table in Microsoft Access. The three methods of

creating tables were discussed which include the following:

1. Create table by using wizard

2. Create table by entering data

3. Create table in design view

In the case of using wizard, the learners were taken through the

processes of selecting table options and selection of field names to be used by

following the create table wizard to create a database.

Creating a table at datasheet view is the most simplest. With this, upon

double-clicking on Create table by entering data, a table in a datasheet is

displayed and the only thing to do is to double click on the default field names

(Field1, Field2, etc.) and then type the expected field name after which the table

is saved with the appropriate name by the designer. Learners were taken through

these processes using demonstration and activity method.

Creating table in design view seems to be the most complex method of

creating tables compared to the other two methods. To create table using this

method, the designer needs to be conversant and define appropriate data types

for each field. The designer has to enter the names of the database fields and

define the data types and then enter statements at the description column which

is displayed at the status bar when the table is run in datasheet view. The data

types to be considered include Text, Memo, Number, Date/Time, Currency,

AutoNumber, Yes/No, OLE Object and Hyperlink. Field properties have to be

defined by the designer. The field properties that need to be defined include Field

size, Format, Input Mask, Caption, Default value, Validation Rule, Validation

Text, Required, Allow Zero Length, Indexed, Unicode Compression and Smart


Learners were taken through the above processes using demonstration

and activity method to create a table in design view as shown in Figure 1 below.

After entering the field names and setting field properties, learners were also

taken through the process of creating a primary key. After assigning the primary

key, learners were guided to save the table and run to view the table in datasheet

view and also enter records as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1: Entering field names, defining data types and field properties in design view

Figure 2: Viewing table in datasheet view and entering records in a table

Week Four

Sub Topic 4: Establishing Relationship among Tables

Using the tables created in week three, learners were taken through the

process of establishing relationships between tables so that data in the tables can

be recombine for analytical and reporting purposes. Using practical scenarios,

learners were helped to understand that, to create relationship among tables,

there is the need to assign primary keys. Using demonstration and activity

method, learners were taken through the three types of relationship that can be

established among database tables. The types of relationship learners were taken

through include One-to-one relationship, one-to-many relationship and many-to-

many relationship.

In a one-to-one relationship, students were made to understand using

demonstrations that, it is a relationship whereby a single record in table A relates

to a single record in table B, and vice versa. A one-to-one relationship is used

when you want to separate data from the main table, perhaps for security

reasons. For example, an instructor's compensation data may be stored in a table

separate from his or her name and address. Figure 3 below illustrates a one-to-

one relationship.

Figure 3: A One-to-one relationship between Instructors and Compensation tables

Students were made to understand using activity method that, one-to-

many relationship (or many-to-one relationship) is a situation where a single record

in table A can be related to one or more records in table B, but a single record in

table B is related to only one record in table A. This parent-child relationship

describes the situation between the Instructors and Sections tables (One

instructor may teach one or more sections) and between the Courses and

Sections tables in Figure 4.

Figure 4: One-to-many relationship between Instructors and Sections tables

In a many-to-many relationship, a single record in table A can be related

to one or more records in table B, and a single Record in table B can be related

to one or more records in table A. A third linking table, sometimes called a join at

junction table, is used to negotiate the connection by storing the primary keys

from each table. Figure 5 illustrates a many-to-many relationship between the

Instructors and Courses tables, with Sections acting as the linking table. For

example, instructors may teach one or more courses and, going the other way;

courses may be taught by one or more instructors.

Figure 5: A One-to-many relationship between Instructors and Courses tables

Week Five

Sub Topic 5: Creating Queries

The researcher took learners through the process involved in creating

queries using demonstration and activity method. The students were helped to

use the following options provided by Microsoft Access to create simple queries:

1. Create query by using wizard

2. Create query in design view

The researcher took students through the creation of calculated field in

queries and the use of aggregate functions like Sum, Avg, Min, Max and Count at

design view. The IIF functions were also discussed based on conditions. Using

the Sum function, students were helped by the researcher to calculate sums of

fields. Also the calculation of averages of fields using the Avg function, obtaining

the minimum and the maximum fields using the Min and Max functions

respectively were treated. Arriving at the total number of records based on

specifications using the Count aggregate function was also treated using

demonstration and activity method. Students were taken through the use of the

IIF function to write complex expressions to give results based on certain

conditions. Figure 6 shows a query in design view containing IIF functions.

Figure 6: A query in design view showing an IIF function

Week Six

Sub Topic: Creating Forms

Using the tables and the queries created during the previous weeks,

students were taken through an activity method to create forms by using wizard.

The researcher also helped students on how to edit created forms in design view.

Week Seven

Sub Topic: Creating Reports

The researcher helped students to create reports based on the information

provided in the created tables and queries using the option create report by using


Presentation of Group Projects

During the implementation stage, learners were grouped (Six in a group)

and were tasked to identify an organization of their choice and identify the

problems of those organizations relating to data management and design a

database using MS Access to solve their problem. The researcher provided

assistance to students at the course of their projects. Two weeks after the

implementation stage, the designed solutions of each group was presented in

class where they gave the reason for their choice of organizations, the old

system of data management in the organizations, and why they think their new

system will solve data management problems of the institution concerned.

Students were allowed to ask the various groups questions as they present their

work to the class.

The purpose of this group projects was to help assess the practical and

problem solving skills of students using database application program (MS

Access) to solve real life problems.

It was also used to ensure team work among group members in solving

real life problems.

Moreover, it was used to help students understand the main reason why

they should like and learn database application program (MS Access).

Also, the group project was used to help students eliminate the

misconception that database related subjects are difficult and that it is reserved

for only IT experts.

Present at this demonstration session was the Information Technology

lecturer and mentor of the researcher Mr. Cosmos A. Gershon. The following

members of staff including Amankwa Emmanuel, Obeng Agyekum, Amuzu

Prince and Amponsah Nicholas were also present.

Effective Use of Learning Resources

The existing teaching and learning resources in the polytechnic was

effectively put into use to ensure effective teaching and learning. Some of these

resources include a computer laboratory stocked with 32 computers, internet

access, projector and a white board. By the help of some of these existing

resources, the researcher was able to use other teaching and learning resources

he prepared which can only be used on condition that some resources exists. For

instance due to the presence of electronic projector, the researcher prepared and

used PowerPoint presentations to present his lessons and projected pictures of

the resources that cannot be sent into the classroom or were not available.

The researcher also made available a printer and other resources to

facilitate the demonstration and activity methods used in the teaching and

learning process.

The available computers in the computer laboratory helped the researcher

to effectively use demonstration and activity method to present his lessons which

led to effective teaching and learning.



This chapter considers the critical analysis of data collected.

Background Analysis of Data

The researcher undertook the study to enhance the performance of the

second year HND SMS students in Microsoft Access Database application

program. The population covered only the HND SMS second and third year

students numbering one hundred and nine and six instructors that teach

computer related courses. Although the target group for the research intervention

was HND SMS 2 students of Sunyani Polytechnic, the HND SMS 3 were given

questionnaires to help collect data for critical analysis to help effectively

implement the intervention designs. They were included because; they have just

taken MS Access application program as a course in the previous semester. But

only the HND SMS 2 students were interviewed during the post intervention

stage. Pre-test was also administered to both HND SMS 2 and HND SMS 3

groups but only the HND SMS 2 (intervention target ) group was considered

during Post-test. The average age of the students was 24 years and that of

instructors was 32 years.

Findings and Discussion

This section takes a critical look at the data collected from the HND SMS

(second and third years) students and 6 instructors who teach Information

Technology or Computer Literacy in the commercial studies department.

It represents the data statistically arrived at through questionnaires,

interviews, observations, post-test and pre-test during the study .The data have

been qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed for a comprehensive and realistic

result. The questionnaires given to students and instructors and the interviews

granted to students have been analyzed below and some of the outcomes have

been presented in tabular form else where in the chapter. Also the results from

the pre-test and post-test are presented in the form of tables and a graph. The

results of the study have been broken into the following sections.

1. Analysis of the response from students and instructors during the pre

intervention stage.

2. Analysis of Pre-test and Post-test results.

3. Analysis of responses from students during the post intervention stage.

Analysis of Responses from Students and Instructors during the Pre

Intervention Stage

Questionnaires were given to HND SMS 2 and HND SMS 3 students

numbering 109 and 6 instructors who teach Information Technology or Computer

Literacy to help collect data to facilitate this research. The responses from the

respondents were analyzed as follows:

Research Question 1

What can be done to change the attitude and perception of students and

enhance students’ interest in the learning of database application program (MS


Table 1: Frequencies and Percentages of Age range of Students

Age range Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

(Years) (SMS 2) % (SMS 2) (SMS 3) % (SMS 3)

18 – 20 10 13.5 6 17.1

21 – 23 46 62.2 10 28.6

24 and above 18 24.3 19 54.3

Total 74 100.0 35 100.0

Table 1 shows that, the majority of the respondents in HND SMS two are

between the ages of 21 and 23 years representing 62.2% whereas that of HND

SMS three is 24 years and above representing 54.3%. Since the intervention will

be concentrated on HND SMS Two students, the 21 – 23 years age group should

be considered critically when deciding on changing the attitude and perception of

students in learning MS Access database.

Table 2: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

(SMS 2) % (SMS 2) (SMS 3) % (SMS 3)

Male 14 18.9 5 14.3

Female 60 81.1 30 85.7

Total 74 100.0 35 100.0

Table 2 indicates that majority of the respondents are female (81.1% for

HND SMS 2 respondents and 85.7% for SMS 3 respondents). According Risberg

et all (2008), "Female students often underestimate themselves. This indicates

that when tutoring you have to instruct female students 'how to fly' and male

students 'how to land'." Gender differences therefore need to be taken into

consideration when deciding solutions to students’ misconceptions.

Table 3: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether they like

MS Access

Response Frequency Percentage % Frequency Percentage %

(SMS 2) (SMS 2) (SMS 3) (SMS 3)

Yes 21 28.4 15 42.9

No 53 71.6 20 57.1

Total 74 100.0 35 100.0

From Table 3, it is evident that, the greater proportion of the students does

not like Microsoft Access because 71.6% of the HND SMS Two respondents and

57.1% of the HND SMS Three respondents chose “No” as their response when

asked whether they like MS Access or not. Majority of the students who choose

the “No” option stated that the course (MS Access) is very difficult and that it is

meant for IT specialist or Computer science students. This result emphasize the

way Rokeach (1948) see attitude as learned orientation or disposition which

provides a tendency to respond favorably or unfavorably to an object or

situations. Also according to Boateng (1998), attitude affects the way a person

conceives and judges the world.

It appears in Table 4 that, the greatest proportion of the students (59.5%

of HND SMS 2 respondents and 71.4% HND SMS 3 respondents) would not

have registered Computer application 2 (MS Access) if it were optional.

Table 4: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether they could

have registered Computer Application 2 (MS Access) if it were optional

Response Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

(SMS 2) % (SMS 2) (SMS 3) % (SMS 3)

Yes 30 40.5 10 28.6

No 44 59.5 25 71.4

Total 74 100 35 100.0

Table 5: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether they would

encourage their siblings to learn MS Access database

Response Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

(SMS 2) % (SMS 2) (SMS 3) % (SMS 3)

Yes 38 51.4 20 57.1

No 36 48.6 15 42.9

Total 74 100.0 35 100.0

Surprisingly, the results from Table 5 shows that majority of the

respondents (51.4% and 57.1% of HND SMS 2 and HND SMS 3 respectively)

responded that they would encourage their siblings to learn MS Access database

despite the fact that as indicated in Table 4, majority would not have registered

MS Access if it were optional.

Research Question 2

How can the effective use of learning resources improve teaching and

learning of MS Access database?

Table 6: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ Response as to whether they have


Response Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

(SMS 2) % (SMS 2) (SMS 3) % (SMS 3)

Yes 6 8.1 11 31.4

No 68 91.9 24 68.6

Total 74 100.0 35 100.0

With reference to Table 6, 68 of the HND SMS two respondents and 24 of

the HND SMS three respondents representing 91.9% and 68.6% respectively do

not have computers.

Table 7: Frequencies and Percentages of the response of Students who have

computers as to whether they have Microsoft Office application package

Response Frequency Percentage (%)

Yes 13 76.5

No 4 23.5

Total 17 100.0

As indicated in Table 7, 13 respondents who have computers representing

76.5% have Microsoft office application package installed on their computers. It

appears that not all the students who have computers can practice Microsoft

Access because the application program is not installed on their computers. For

having a computer without having Microsoft office application program installed

may have several implications. It may happen that the students do not know the

need for such programs or they have no access to the program to be installed on

their computers. It may also happen that, they do not know anything about this

program hence may not even know whether it has been installed on their

computers or not.

Table 8: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether they have

any reading material or textbook on MS Access

Response Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

(SMS 2) % (SMS 2) (SMS 3) % (SMS 3)

Yes 2 2.7 31 88.6

No 72 97.3 4 11.4

Total 74 100.0 35 100.0

Table 9: Students’ response as to whether teaching and learning materials were used in
teaching MS Access and other computer application programs

Response Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

(SMS 2) % (SMS 2) (SMS 3) % (SMS 3)

Yes 11 14.9 9 25.7

No 63 85.1 26 74.3
Total 74 100.0 35 100.0

As indicated in Table 8, the majority of the HND SMS Three students have

reading materials on MS Access representing 97.3% whereas the majority of

HND SMS Two students do not have reading materials representing 88%. Most

of the reading materials posses by the HND SMS Three students were handouts

sold to them by their instructors when they were studying MS Access.

From Table 9, it appears that teaching and learning supporting materials

were not much used in the teaching of Microsoft Access or other computer

application program. Majority of the HND SMS Two respondents representing

85.1% responded that teaching and learning supporting materials were not used

by their instructors in their teaching. Moreover, 74.3% of the HND SMS Three

respondents also responded that teaching and learning supporting materials

were not used during the teaching and learning process of MS Access or other

computer application programs. Majority of the respondents that responded Yes

mentioned some of the teaching and supporting materials as computer and the

white board.

Table 10: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether they

understand the teaching and learning supporting materials used by their
instructors in the teaching and learning process.

Response Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

(SMS 2) % (SMS 2) (SMS 3) % (SMS 3)

Yes 10 13.5 10 28.6

No 64 86.5 25 71.4

Total 74 100 35 100.0

Table 10 has a direct reflection on Table 9 in the sense that, just as

majority of the respondents indicated in Table 9 that teaching and learning

supporting materials were not used during the teaching and learning process,

Table 10 also indicated that the majority of the students (86.5% of HND SMS

Two and 71.4% of HND SMS Three students) do not understand the teaching

and learning supporting materials used.

Table 11: Frequencies and percentages of instructors’ responses as to whether their

academic qualification is computer related.

Response Frequency Percentage (%)

Yes 1 16.7

No 5 83.3

Total 6 100.0

Table 12: Frequencies and percentages of responses of instructors as to whether they

use teaching and learning materials in their teaching

Response Frequency Percentage %

Yes 6 100.0

No 0 0.0

Total 6 100.0

Table 11 shows that among the 6 instructors, 83.3% of the instructors do

not have qualification in computer related program and only 1 representing

16.7% of instructors has his academic qualification in computer related field. The

instructors are the major human resources needed to facilitate teaching and

learning among students and the quality of the human resources may affect

teaching and learning of a given subject or skill.

Contrary to the view of the students whether their instructors make use of

teaching and learning supporting materials as indicated in Table 9, all the 6

instructors responded as shown in Table 12 that they use teaching and leaning

materials during the teaching and learning process. When asked to state some of

the teaching and learning supporting materials used, they mentioned computer

and others also added projector and PowerPoint presentation.

Research Question 3

How can students be well equipped with the required skills in database

application program (MS Access)?

Table 13: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether they have
ever launched or used MS Access

Response Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

(SMS 2) % (SMS 2) (SMS 3) % (SMS 3)

Yes 4 5.4 31 88.6

No 70 94.6 4 11.4

Total 74 100.0 35 100.0

From Table 13, it is evident that the majority of the HND SMS three

students (88.6%) have ever launched or used MS Access before because they

have already studied MS Access application program as a course when they

were in the second year. Considering the HND SMS two students, it appears that

only 4 students representing 5.4% have ever launched or used MS Access

before. It is expected that all the HND SMS three students should have ever

launched or used MS Access before but it may happen that the 11.4% of the

students who responded of not launched or used MS Access before did not

attend class. It may also be due to several reasons.

Table 14: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether they do

any practical activity in MS Access or other computer application programs

Response Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

(SMS 2) % (SMS 2) (SMS 3) % (SMS 3)

Yes 22 29.7 11 31.4

No 52 70.3 24 68.6

Total 74 100.0 35 100.0

As shown in Table 14, 70.3% of the HND SMS Two and 68.6% of the

HND SMS Three respondents responded that they do not do any practical work

in MS Access or other computer application programs. With reference to

Thorndike’s second law of learning (Law of exercise) which states that “the

strength of the bond between the stimulus situation and the response through

repetition or practice (law of use) and to the weakening of connection or

forgetting when practice is discontinued (the Law of disuse)” learners are likely to

forget what they learn when they do not continue to practice what they have


Table 15: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether they can
open and enter data into an existing MS Access database

Response Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

(SMS 2) % (SMS 2) (SMS 3) % (SMS 3)

Yes 3 29.7 21 60.0

No 71 70.3 14 40.0

Total 74 100.0 35 100.0

As indicated in Table 15, despite the fact that HND SMS Three students

have already studied MS Access as a course, 40% of them responded that they

cannot launch MS Access database. It is evident from Table 15 that, Majority of

the HND SMS Two respondents (70.3%) responded that they have not launch

MS Access database before. This is not surprising because according to them

they have not yet learnt it as a course and also lack the background knowledge

in MS Access database.

Table 16: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether they can
create tables in MS Access

Response Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

(SMS 2) % (SMS 2) (SMS 3) % (SMS 3)

Yes 3 29.7 12 34.3

No 71 70.3 23 65.7
Total 74 100 35 100.0

As shown in Table 16, 70.3% of the HND SMS 2 and 65.7% HND SMS 3

respondents who have already learnt MS Access as a course cannot create

database tables.

Table 17: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether they can
create simple queries in MS Access

Response Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

(SMS 2) % (SMS 2) (SMS 3) % (SMS 3)

Yes 1 1.4 8 22.9

No 73 98.6 27 77.1

Total 74 100 35 100.0

According to the result in Table 17, 98.6% of HND SMS Two and 77.1% of

HND SMS Three respondents responded that, they cannot create simple

queries. Comparing results in Table 16 and Table 17, it can be identified that the

rate of skills in creating database objects has reduced (From 34.3% to 22.9% for

HND SMS Three and 29.7% to 1.4% for HND SMS Two students) drastically.

Table 18: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether they can
create simple forms in MS Access

Response Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

(SMS 2) % (SMS 2) (SMS 3) % (SMS 3)

Yes 1 1.4 12 34.3

No 73 98.6 23 65.7

Total 74 100 35 100.0

As depicted from Table 18, only 1 respondent representing 1.4% of HND

SMS Two students and 12 HND SMS Three respondents representing 34.3%

can create database forms in MS Access.

Table 19: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether they can
create simple Reports in MS Access

Response Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

(SMS 2) % (SMS 2) (SMS 3) % (SMS 3)

Yes 1 1.4 7 20.0

No 73 98.6 28 80.0

Total 74 100.0 35 100.0

As indicated in Table 19, creating of reports seems to be the difficult database

object to be created by students when compared to creating of tables, queries

and forms as shown in Table16, 17 and 18 respectively. As shown in Table 19,

only 1.4% of the HND SMS Two and 20% of the HND SMS Three respondents

could create database reports in MS Access.

Table 20: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response on the aspect of MS

Access and/or other computer application program they are interested in

Response Frequency Percentage (SMS 3) (%)

Theory 2 1.9

Practical 59 54.1

Both 48 44.0

Total 109 100.0

Research question 4

What method of teaching can help improve students’ performance in

database (MS Access) application program?

According to Table 20, it appears that majority of the students prefer

practical aspects of MS Access application program or other computer

application program to the theoretical aspects. As 54.1% of the respondents

chose Practical aspect of MS Access and/or other computer application program,

44% chose Both Theory and Practical and only 1.9% of the respondents chose

Theory as an aspect of MS Access and/or other computer application program

they are interested in. This result affirm the view of Bloom et all (1956) that

children learn by doing and observing and this calls for real life situations in the


Table 21: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether they think
more practical work will make them like MS Access and/or other computer
application programs

Response Frequency Percentage (%)

Yes 108 99.1

No 1 0.9

Total 109 100.0

According to Table 21, it is clear that almost all except 0.9% of the

respondents think that more practical work will make them like MS Access and/or

other computer application programs.

Table 22: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether they like
the way Microsoft Access and/or other computer application programs are taught

Response Frequency Percentage (%)

Yes 16 14.7

No 93 85.3

Total 109 100.0

It appears in Table 22 that the majority of the respondents (85.3%)

responded that they do not like the way MS Access and/or other computer

application programs are taught. However, 14.7% of the respondents affirm that

they like the way MS Access and/or other computer application programs are


Table 23: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether their

teachers use practical demonstration during their teaching

Response Frequency Percentage (%)

Yes 26 23.9

No 83 76.1

Total 109 100.0

With respect to Table 23, 76.1% of the respondents are of the view that,

demonstration methods are not used by their instructors during the teaching and

learning process. However, 23.9% are of the view that demonstration methods

are used by their instructors. According to Olaitan and Ogusiobo (1982),

“Demonstration is effective because most people more easily remember what

they see than they hear or read”. Comparing the view of this writer and the result

in Table 23, learning is likely to be affected negatively.

Table 24: Frequencies and percentages of teaching methods used by instructors in


Response Frequency Percentage (%)

Lecture method 5 83.3

Discussion method 1 16.7

Demonstration and 0 0.0

Activity method

Others 0 0.0

Total 6 100.0

According to Nacino-Brown et al (1982), teaching method is the manner in

which the content of a program is presented to student. He calls for a teacher to

use special techniques to ensure effective learning. From Table 24, 5 instructors

representing 83.3% responded using the Lecture method in their teaching and

learning process. Only one of the respondents responded for using Discussion

method representing 16.7%. None of the respondents chose demonstration and

activity method of teaching.

Research question 5
To what extent will the use of group project work help improve students’

practical performance in database (MS Access) application program?

Table 25: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ choice of type of learning they

Response Frequency Percentage (%)

Group 96 88.1

Individual 13 11.9

Total 109 100.0

Table 26: Frequencies and percentages of responses of instructors on the form of

assignments or projects they give to their learners

Response Frequency Percentage (%)

Individual 5 83.3.

Group 0 0.0

Both 1 16.7

Total 6 100.0

According to Steinhorst (1995), “the use of learning partners and peer

monitors resulted in improvement of performance in problem solving on quizzes

and class test”. He also indicated that, most students preferred co-operative

small group learning to competitive or individual learning. The result in Table 25

indicates 88.1% of the respondents supporting group method of learning which

supports Steinhorst (1995) view. However 13 of the respondents representing

11.9% supported individual method of learning.

From Table 26, it appears that instructors hardly use the group method of

learning but prefer the use of individual method of giving assignments or projects

to learners. From Table 26, 83.3% of the instructors prefer using individual

method, 16.7% use both individual and group method. However, none of the

respondent uses Group method when giving assignments or projects.

Research question 6
How can database application programs (MS Access) be made more

interesting and attractive to students?

Table 27: Frequencies and percentages of responses of instructors as to whether they

motivate their learners

Response Frequency Percentage (%)

Yes 6 100.0

No 0 0.0

Total 6 100.0

As represented in Table 27, all the instructors responded in affirmative

that they motivate their students. One of Abraham Maslow’s (1987) most famous

concepts is that of self-actualization, which means that we use our abilities to the

limit of our potentialities. He continued to say that, if we can convince students

that they should and can fulfill their promise, they are then on the path of self-


Table 28: Frequencies and Percentages of Students’ response as to whether their
teachers use any form of motivation during teaching

Response Frequency (SMS 2) Percentage (SMS 3) (%)

Yes 41 37.6

No 68 62.4

Total 109 100.0

Despite the claim as indicated in Table 27 by instructors of the use of

motivation, Table 28 shows that the view of the students on the use of motivation

by their instructors is different and very low. Only 37.6% of the students claim

that their instructors use motivation during learning as against 62.4 who claim

that motivation is not used by their instructors. According to Farrant (1980),

motivation is the force that determines how much effort an individual puts into his

learning. He uses an analogue of a jet airliner to explain that we can see how it

will fly faster if it uses all its engines at full power. If one or more of the engines

breaks down, or if the pilot uses his engines at only half power, the plane will not

perform efficiently and may even crash, so it is with the child’s learning. If for

some reason, his motivation is limited, he will not put as much energy and

enthusiasm into his learning as when he is strongly motivated and the resulting

learning will be slow and inefficient. Annoh (1997), Coombs (1995), Kasambira

(1993) and Blege (1986) all points out that without motivation, there cannot be

any effective learning because motivation is a factor which makes the learner

anxious to learn.

Analysis of Pre-Test and Post-Test Results

Table 29: Frequency distribution of HND SMS 2 and HND SMS 3 Pre-Test and Post-
Test results in MS Access database application program

Marks Pre-Test Post-Test

Frequency % Frequency % Frequency %
(SMS 2) (SMS 2) (SMS 3) (SMS 3) (SMS 2) (SMS 2)

1–5 61 82.4 15 42.9 2 2.7

6 – 10 13 17.6 18 51.4 11 14.9

11 – 15 0 0.0 2 5.7 33 44.6

16 – 20 0 0.0 0 0.0 28 37.8

Total 74 100.0 35 100.0 74 100.0

Both the Pre-test and the Post-test were marked out of 20 marks. The Both the

Figure 7: A Bar Chart showing the relation between Pre-Test and Post-Test results

Figure 8: A Bar Chart showing the relation between Pre-Test and Post-Test results
1-5 6 - 10 11 - 15 16 - 20

Pre-Test (HND SMS 2) Pre-Test (HND SMS 3) Post-Test (HND SMS 2)

Both the Pre-test and the Post-test were marked out of 20 marks. The

Pre-test was administered to the HND SMS 2 and HND SMS 3 students during

the pre-intervention stage. Despite the fact that, the target group for this research

is HND SMS 2, the HND SMS 3 students were involved during the pre-

intervention stage because they are the class who had just studied MS Access

application program (ie. 2006/2007 academic year). They were included in the

Pre-test administration in order to help gather data about their experience and

performance during the study of the course. The HND SMS 2 students were also

involved in the Pre-test administration because they are the target group and

data about their performance is required before the intervention stage of this

research for analysis purposes. Contrary to the administration of the Pre-test, the

Post-test was administered to only the target group (HND SMS 2 students) who

benefited from the implementation of interventions outlined in this research.

As indicated in Table 29 and Figure 6, the greatest proportion of the HND

SMS 2 students (61) representing 82.4% got the lowest range of marks (1 – 5) as

against 42.9% of the HND SMS 3 students and none of the testees got a mark

within the highest range of marks (16 -20). From the raw scores, 30 HND SMS 2

students got 4 marks representing the modal mark while 10 HND students got 7

marks representing the modal mark for HND SMS 3 group. This results

comparison is clear because the third years have taken the course during the

past semester while the second years were yet to take the course. The

performance of both groups in the Pre-test can be describe as poor since more

than 50% of the testees (both HND SMS 3 and HND SMS 2) got below half of

the total mark.

Comparing the performance of Post-test and Pre-test, it can be observed

from the graph in Figure 6 that, the performance of the target group (SMS 2) in

the Post-test have far exceeded their performance in the Pre-test. 82.4% of the

students got more than half of the total mark (20) in the Post-test despite the fact

that the difficulty level of the test item of the Post-test was raised a little bit.

Moreover, comparing the performance of the SMS 3 students during the Pre-test

and SMS 2 students during the Post-test , it vividly show in Table 29 and the

graph in Figure 6 that the performance of the SMS 2 students had improved

drastically. The HND SMS 3 students who had gone through the course

recorded 5.7% of students who got more than half of the total mark in the Pre-

test as against 82.4% of the HND SMS 2 students who got more than half of the

total mark (20) in the Post-test. Also, none of the SMS 2 students (the target

group) got more than half of the total mark in the Pre-test but as much as 82.4%

of them got more than half of the total mark in the Post-test. Comparing the Pre-

test and Post-test scores as shown in the graph in Figure 6 and Table 29 above,

it is enough to conclude that there has been a positive transformation in the

behavior and performance of the students.

1. This change can be said to have been brought about as a result of:

2. The motivational strategy used in the form of activity and inspirational talk.

3. The step-by-step approach used in instructional delivery.

4. The effective use of demonstration and activity method in performing the

skills in database design.

5. The effective use of group project and presentations.

6. Effective use of teaching and learning resources.

Analysis of response from students during the post intervention stage

After the intervention implementation stage, the intervention target group

(HND SMS 2 students) was interviewed using unstructured interview on the

effectiveness of the interventions implemented.

When the students were asked if they like and enjoy MS Access

application program, the response from them was positive. About 95% of the

respondents responded that they would opt for MS Access if it were optional.

Students were also asked what they think made them to like and perform

better in MS Access application program. They responded that because of the

way the lesson was delivered (the use of demonstration and activity method) and

the motivation including the project work made them to enjoy learning MS

Access. The respondents also added that they understood the teaching and

learning supporting materials that were used.

Moreover, the respondents responded in affirmative when asked if they

would advice their siblings and those they know to learn MS Access.

From the responses given by the students and the performance in the

Post-test as indicated in Figure 6 and Table 29, it can be concluded that the

intervention design was effective and successful.



This chapter looked at the summary of the research findings, conclusions,

recommendations and suggestions given by the researcher for future research in

this area.l

Summary of Findings

Results of the study indicated that more than 65% of the respondents

would not have registered for the course (MS Access database application

program) if it was optional because of their attitude and misconception towards

the course. However, over 51% of the respondents responded positively when

asked if they would encourage their siblings to learn MS Access database.

About 80% of the students do not have computers and not all the students

with computers have Microsoft Office applications package installed on their

computers. Only 2.7% of the target group has reading materials on MS Access

application program. About 70% of the respondents complained that teaching

and learning support materials were not used by their instructors.

Less than 30% of the respondents could not create database objects

including tables, queries, forms and reports.

Over 90% of the respondents support the use of practical lessons during

teaching and learning and 99% of the students agreed that the use of practical

work will help them to develop interest in MS Access application database.

However, over 83% of the instructors use lecture method of teaching MS Access

and other computer application programs.

As much as 88% of the HND SMS students prefer the use of group

projects and assignments to the use of individual assignments and projects.

However, over 83% of the instructors use individual assignments and projects

teaching and learning strategy.

Over 60% of the respondents attest to fact that, instructors hardly use

motivation during MS Access and other computer application programs.

The above responses correspond to the performance of students during

the pre-test administration. After the implementation of the intervention by the

researcher, taken into consideration the responses from students, the

performance of students has improved drastically from about 10% to over 60%.

Moreover, after the implementation of the interventions, the responds from

the respondents in an unstructured interview was positive.


This research was meant to improve the performance of HND SMS 2

students of Sunyani Polytechnic in MS Access database application program.

Students’ performance in MS Access was found to be very low. The study tried to

intervene by instituting strategies to enhance students’ performance in the

subject through various activities organized by the researcher.

Students’ poor performance as a result of poor attitude and perception is

due to the way the subject is handled by instructors since majority of the

respondents accepted to encourage their siblings to take the course but they

would not have registered for the course if it was optional.

Moreover, the lack and the insufficient use of teaching and learning

support materials by instructors and students is a major factor for students poor

performance in MS Access application program.

The students cannot create a database using MS Access to solve data

management problems in the real world situation since they could not create

database objects (tables, queries, forms and reports).

The use of lecture method of teaching is a factor for students’ poor

performance in the course. The use of demonstration and activity method has

been found to be appropriate since it makes the teaching of the course more

practical to cater for individual differences of students.

Moreover, the use of group projects and motivation was found to be a

fertile ground to improve the performance of students in MS Access database

application program.


Having studied the findings from the intervention implemented with

conclusions drawn, the researcher recommends the following based on the


To ensure better performance of students in MS Access database, the

misconception of most learners should be tackled carefully through the use of

motivation and practical methods of teaching and learning.

Secondly, teachers and students should make maximum use of teaching

and learning support materials. Students should be encouraged to own

computers installed with Microsoft Office software package and also MS Access

reading materials to ensure effective practice after classroom lessons. The

instructors should try to make maximum use of the available teaching and

learning support materials. PowerPoint presentation should also be used to

facilitate teaching and learning as a result of the presence of computers and a

projector. MS Access simulation tutorials should also be made available to

students to use to help the students move at their own pace even with the

absence of an instructor.

Moreover, demonstration and activity methods of teaching should be used

to ensure effective teaching and learning.

Furthermore, the use of group learning strategies such as group projects

should be encouraged such that learners would have a practical feel of the use

and importance of MS Access database outside the classroom. Group projects

will also bring about development of team work and give the opportunity to the

weaker learners to learn from their colleagues. Group projects will also bring

about positive competition among students.

Suggestions for Future Researches

The researcher suggests that, future researchers in this field should consider

field trips as a measure of intervention to still good perception and the real

importance of database programs in the real world.

Moreover, to ensure validity in data collection, students from other polytechnics

offering the same program should be considered.


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APPENDIX A: Questionnaire for students

This questionnaire is for academic exercise meant to collect information on

improving the performance of HND SMS students of Sunyani Polytechnic in

database (MS Access) application program. It will be appreciated if you answer

the following questions. All answers will be treated confidential.

Please tick where necessary and fill were necessary.

1. What is your age range?

18-20 [ ] 21-23 [ ] 24 and above [ ]

2. Sex Male [ ] Female [ ]

3. Do you have a computer? Yes [ ] No [ ]

If Yes, do you have Microsoft Office package application software installed

on your computer? Yes [ ] No [ ]

Why ………………………………………………………………………….

4. Do you like Microsoft Access? Yes [ ] No [ ]

Why? ………………………………………………………………………

5. Do you enjoy studying Microsoft Access? Yes [ ] No [ ]

6. Do you do any practical activity in Microsoft Access? Yes [ ] No [ ]

7. Can you open and enter data into an existing MS Access database?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

8. Can you create tables in MS Access? Yes [ ] No [ ]

9. Can you create simple queries in MS Access? Yes [ ] No [ ]

10. Can you create Forms in MS Access? Yes [ ] No [ ]

11. Can you create Reports in MS Access? Yes [ ] No [ ]

12. Do you think more practical work will make you like MS Access?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

13. Which aspect of MS Access and/or other computer application program

are you interested in? Theory [ ] Practical [ ] Both [ ]

14. If Computer Application II (MS Access) could be an optional course would

you have registered it? Yes [ ] No [ ]

15. Do you have any material or textbook on MS Access? Yes [ ] No [ ]

16. Do you like the way MS Access is taught by your tutors? Yes [ ] No [ ]

17. Do your instructors use teaching and learning supporting materials in

teaching MS Access and/or other Computer application programs?

Yes [ ] No [ ] If yes name some of the teaching learning materials

used. ……………………………………………………………………………

18. Do you understand the teaching and learning materials your instructors

use to teach MS Access and/or other Computer application program? Yes

[ ] No [ ]

19. Will you encourage your siblings to learn MS Access? Yes [ ] No [ ]

If no why?…………………………………………………………….

20. Do you study Microsoft Access at your leisure time? Yes [ ] No [ ]

21. Do your tutors use any form of motivation during lessons on MS Access?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

22. Which of the following type of learning would you prefer?

Group [ ] Individual [ ]

APPENDIX B: Questionnaires for Computer Literacy instructors

This questionnaire is for academic exercise meant to collect information on

improving the performance of HND SMS students of Sunyani Polytechnic in

database (MS Access) application program. It will be appreciated if you answer

the following questions. All answers will be treated confidential.

Please tick and fill where necessary.

1. Age range: 20 – 25 [ ] 26 – 30 [ ] 31 – 35 [ ]

36 – 40 [ ] 40 and above [ ]

2. Sex: Male [ ] Female [ ]

3. How long have you been teaching in this sector?

1 – 3 years [ ] 4 – 6 years [ ] 17 – 10 years [ ] Above 10 years [ ]

4. How many hours do you teach in a week? 1 – 5 [ ] 6 – 10 [ ]

11 – 15 [ ] 16 – 20 [ ] Above 20 [ ]

5. What is your academic qualification? Below 1st Degree [ ]

1st Degree [ ] Masters Degree [ ] Above Masters Degree [ ]

6. Is your academic qualification as stated in item 5 a computer related

program? Yes [ ] No [ ]

7. Do you use Teaching and Learning support materials in your teaching?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

8. Which method do you use in your teaching? Lecture [ ]

Demonstration and Activity [ ] Discussion [ ]

Other ………………………………………………….

9. Do you motivate your learners? Yes [ ] No [ ]

10. Which form of assignments or projects do you give to students?

Individual [ ] Group [ ] Both [ ]

APPENDIX C: Pre-Intervention Test




COURSE: Microsoft Access database application

DURATION: 30 minutes

INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions

Section “A” (5 Marks) - Choose and write the correct option on the paper

1. A question about the data stored in tables is called ………………………..

A. Form B. Report C. Macros D. Query

2. Each table column in a database table represents

A. a Cell B. Field C. Record D. Row

3. Which of the database objects presents data in a print view?

A. Table B. Form C. Query D. Report

4. Which of the following buttons does not appear in the objects bar?

A. Form B. Modules C. Program D. Query

5. Which data type would you use to store a phone number?

A. Currency B. Memo C. Number D. Text

Section “B” (15 Marks)

Respond to the following test items on the paper provided

6. State one (1) Database application software. [2 Marks]

7. State three (3) database objects. [6 marks]

8. Apart from creating a database table using the “create table in design

view”, state other two (2) options that can be used to create a table.

[4 marks]

9. Outline the steps to launch Microsoft Access. [3 Marks]

APPENDIX D: Expected Responses to the Pre- Intervention Test

1. D. Query

2. B. Field

3. D. Report

4. C. Program

5. D. Text

6. Microsoft Access, SQL Server, Microsoft FoxPro, Borland Dbase,

Informix, etc. (Consider 2 points stated for 2 Marks each)

7. Table, Form, Query, Report, etc. [2 Marks for 2 points stated]

8. a. Create table using wizard [2 Marks]

b. Create table by entering data [2 Marks]

9. a. Click on the Start button

b. Point at All Programs

c. Move the mouse pointer to Microsoft Office

d. Follow the cascading menu and select and click Microsoft Office Access


APPENDIX E: Post Intervention Test




COURSE: Microsoft Access database application

DURATION: 30 minutes

INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions

Section “A” (3 Marks)

Choose and write the correct option on the paper provided

1. The process of dividing related data into separate tables in order to reduce

data redundancy is called denormalizing your data. TRUE or FALSE

2. Which database object do you use to display information from one record

at a time?

A. Table B. Form C. Query D. Report

3. Which of the following is NOT a summary calculation available in the

summary options dialog box of the Report Wizard?

A. Avg B. Count C. Max D. Sum

Section “B” (17 Marks)

Respond to the following test items on the paper provided

1. A. By the help of a diagram, describe the differences between a field and

a record. 2 Marks

B. Identify two (2) data storage types that can be defined in a table

structure. 2 Marks

2. You were asked by Onuowu Company to design a database to aid effective

data handling in their company. State the first three steps you will follow to

design the database. [3 Marks]

3. A. Outline the steps to create a table using Create table by entering data

option. 3 Marks

B. Briefly explain the term Validation Rule as used in database [2 Marks]

4. Study the figures below carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Figure 1: Table showing academic records of students

Figure 2: Select Query design view to create a query from Table1 to

automatically calculate the Total Score and to determine their grades.

A. Write an expression to add the ClassScore and the ExamScore as

TotalScore. 2 Marks

B. Using the TotalScore field, write an expression to automatically determine

the grades of the students as Grade using the following grading system:

80 – 100 = A

75 – 79 = B+

70 – 74 = B

65– 69 = C+

60 – 64 = C

55 – 59 = D+

50 – 54 = D

Below 50= E 3 Marks

APPENDIX F: Expected Responses for the Post-Test

Section “A”

1. False

2. B. Form

3. B. Count

Section “B”

Question 1

A. Using a diagram to describe the differences between a field and a

record. [2 Marks]

Given a collection of related data in a table, each table column represents

a field and each row represents a record. The diagram below illustrates

the differences between a field and a row.

A field



B. Two data storage types [2 Marks]

Text, Memo, Number, Date/Time, Currency, AutoNumber, Yes/No, etc.

Question 2

First three steps to design a database. [3 Marks]

1. Determine the purpose of your database

2. Determine the Fields You Need in the Database

3. Determine the Tables You Need in the Database

Question Three

A. The steps to create a database using Create table by entering data option

1. Launch MS Access
3 Marks.
2. Click on New database option and save the database

3. From the database window, Click to select the Table option

4. Among the three New object shortcuts for tables, double-click on

Create table by entering data option

5. From the datasheet that opens, double click on the fields (Field1,

Field2, etc.) to change their names.

6. Click on the save button to and save the table with a name.

Note: Consider other methods to achieve the same role.

B. Validation Rule [2 Marks]

Validation Rule is used to control how users enter data into your database.

For example, you can limit the data that a user can enter into a field by

defining a validation rule for that field. If the data that a user enters into the

field breaks the rule, Access will display a message telling the user what

kind of entries is allowed. Validation rules allow you to define a rule to limit

what will be accepted. For example, you could define ">=10 And <=100" as

the validation rule for a Number field to allow only values from 10 to 100 to

be entered.

Question Four

A. An expression to add the ClassScore and the ExamScore as TotalScore

Total:[ClassScore]+[ExamScore] or
2 Marks

B. An expression to automatically determine the grades of the students as


Grade:IIF([TotalScore]>=80, “A”, IIF([TotalScore]>=75, “B+”,

IIF([TotalScore]>=70, “B”, IIF([TotalScore]>=65, “C+”,

3 Marks
IIF([TotalScore]>=60, “C”, IIF([TotalScore]>=55, “D+”,

IIF([TotalScore]>=50, “D”, E))))))

APPENDIX G: Samples of pre-test scripts

Lowest Mark recorded by SMS 2 testees in a Pre-test

Lowest Mark recorded by SMS 3 testees in a Pre-test

Highest Mark recorded by SMS 2 testees in a Pre-test

Highest Mark recorded by HND SMS 3 testees in a Pre-test

APPENDIX H: Samples of Post-test scripts

Lowest Mark recorded by testees in a Post-test

Lowest Mark recorded by testees in a Post-test


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