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Pablo Arellano 10/2/12 Jeff McNeil English 1101 In the myth of the Genesis 3 as portrayed by Karen Edwards, Eve

is portrayed as a creature that was made for good reasons and represented as good from being made from the body of Adam. When reading this story the movie Raising Arizona quickly came to my mind. I found many similarities in the way the characters act and are shown. The way Edwina the wife of HI is shown stood out to me that she was very similar to Eve in genesis 3. Ed in Raising Arizona was a police officer, which showed that she was representing the law and everything good such as Eve as God created her from a rib of Adam. Ed is also shown as a more mature character as she is a police officer and is assumed she took better decisions in her life than HI did. She is also shown to be more mature than HI as whenever they get married she makes him settle down and leave his criminal life behind. Ed being a mature character sees her very similar to Eve as Karen Edwards says. When Ed gets the idea of stealing a baby from the Arizona family she has to think about it and decides if it is a good idea or not. This represents when Eve is approached by the snake and is offered the apple from the prohibited tree, eve thinks about it and remembers what God had told them about that tree but eats the fruit anyways. After Ed had thought about it she then goes to HI and gets him to commit the crime of stealing the baby from the Arizona family. When Ed gets

HI to steal the baby this represents when Eve goes to Adam and gets him to eat from the fruit of the prohibited tree. Adam in the movie can be seen as HI as they have their differences they are also similar in many ways. HI is shown as a not very smart person in the movie, which relates to how Karen Edwards represents Adam in her paper. In her paper Karen also describes Adam as childish and immature, which this characteristic also perfectly fits HI who does not make logical decisions as a normal adult. HI also is seen doing whatever Ed tells him to do where In the other story Adam is also described as doing whatever Eve tells him to do without thinking about it. An example of this is the main event in which HI breaks into the Arizona residence and steals one of their babies. This event is similar to where Eve takes the fruit to Adam and he eats it which both events were wrong and prohibited. When HI is told by Ed to steal the baby he does not think about it or try to predict the consequences, as Adam did not either. When Ed and HI committed the crime of stealing the baby from he Arizona family they did not see it as a bad thing they were doing at the time, but eventually figure out it was wrong. In genesis 3 Adam and Eve also do not see what they are doing as a sin and wrong until it is too late and are caught by God. From reading the article I saw the perfect connection between the two stories and felt Raising Arizona could have been influenced by the Adam and Eve story.

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