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Kobe Montez Smith June 20th 2012 1lb 7ozs


Kobes Testimony

had been a long spring semester teaching high school so a vacation in Sunset Beach, at my moms, was just what we needed. Anton and I packed up and left Charlotte for a little R&R, little did we know but it would be the most life changing summer that either one of us had ever faced. It began on June 17 when after not feeling well, I called my doctor in Charlotte and she ordered me to the nearest emergency room to be checked out. I had heard that New Hanover had a new women and childrens hospital, I never imagined it would become my new home. That day I was told that I was 6 centimeters dilated; we were shocked and scared but had no choice but to be ready to face the reality that I was going to deliver my baby. Immediately it became a race against the clock, a race to keep my precious little boy inside my womb. The NICU doctors, Dr. Javier and Dr. Sharaf came in and talked to Anton and myself and explained the long battle and all that would be included in our babys fight if he survived-a 17% chance that he would survive if born at 23 weeks. Despite all the magnesium that I could hold the baby was ready; on June 20, 2012 at 23 weeks and 3 days, I delivered a 1 pound 7 ounce baby boy who we named Kobe Montez. Kobe entered this world crying giving us all indications that he was ready to fight, and fight is what he did. During his stay in the NICU Kobe defied all the odds that were set against him. He had a complicated NICU course requiring extensive respiratory support, adrenal (kidney) insufficiency, multiple blood transfusions, ROP, Gastro esophageal reflux, countless X-Rays and IV placements, neurological exams, and the list continues of the various measures used to save his life. As we approached discharge our doctors did see necessary for Kobe to undergo a hernia repair that was successful and caused him no setbacks on his journey home. As we would stand by his isolate and pray it would be hard to imagine an end to the fight, we could barely see the light at the end of tunnel, unsure if there was even light for us. But then God answered our prayers, He allowed us to bring our baby home, after 110 days of fighting, my Kobe had overcome all the odds and was an example to the NICU staff that prayer does work and God is real. On October 8 he was discharged with NO medical issues that would require surgery or extensive procedures, one medicine, and to a family that is so in love with him. Anton and I could not have done this without you. The doctors told me that Kobe recovered so well, beyond their beliefs in part to me being there every day with him. I could do it because it was you that prayed, and called or texted, that would know that we needed to cry and offered your shoulder and opened your heart. We are blessed to have you in our lives and pray blessings and peace to you and your family. Sincerest Love and Gratitude,

Anton, Tasha, Kiyah, and Kobe

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