That Woman From Mississauga

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A Moment From My Days Bebot T. Daquita, Jr.

That Woman From Mississauga

HERS was the most beautiful face I had ever seen. Some would say it as an angelic face. But it is not so because she was a woman. All angels are male. So I would say her beauty is heavenly. It was just less than a minute of a close encounter. But from the moment our eyes meet I felt I was hypnotized that I couldn't move for some seconds. I couldn't explain what feeling engulfed me as my eyes caressed her face. I felt I was shaking. Yet I had that peaceful sensation that I thought we were walking over the rainbow, up above the clouds, her hand gently holding onto mine. No it was not a sexual attraction. A sensual attraction maybe. Or adoration. Yes, it was adoration. A very intense adoration. For never before was I overwhelmed by a beauty the moment I saw her. It was not love at first sight. I was sure of that. I always knew that I am capable of loving any woman. But here there was an absence of sexual desire as what I believe is a component of love. Our encounter was unexpected. We were living in a rented apartment in Sherbourne Street in downtown Toronto. The apartment was shared by two couples. My son and his wife and the other couple, Joseph and Menchie. Me and my wife were only visiting our children and grandchild. The apartment had only two bedrooms so we slept in the living room. It was not really a cupped situation for all of us but when we decided to extend our stay for an indefinite period our children thought of moving to another apartment. Joseph and Menchie also decided to move to some place which would be accessible or near their workplaces. At first we tried to look around the area. We visited many apartment buildings but none suited well. So we made some priorities. One of our priorities was also accessibility for my son and his wife in going to their workplaces. My son was working in an IT company in the outskirts of Toronto while his wife was working in Misssissauga City, also in an IT company. Their workplaces were far from each other. So they decided to look for an apartment in an area between their workplaces. From Sherbourne we took the rocket train to Eglinton. It was a Sunday.

We then looked around the area close to Eglinton subway station. It was decided to look around here since it would only be a one-bus-ride far from my daughter-in-law's workplace. She would commute while my son would use their car. We found a nice and affordable apartment in a neighborhood where landscaping was good. There was a bus stop right in front of the apartment. And it was only some minutes of walking to the subway station. So accessibility would be perfect. And the community seemed peaceful. So the children decided to take the apartment on the final negotiation. We felt better when we were going back to the subway station. We were not running anymore after time so we had more time to pay attention to anything that would catch our eyes. And also familiarizing with the place. After all we were already going home. But we found out there were so many eyesores along the way. Piles of trash were scattered along the sidewalk. And in some places were hills of uncollected garbage. Some walls were filled with graffiti. And everyone knows who would do such eyesores. What was disgusting to me were urine stains, also in walls. And what even more so disgusting and chilling was that right beside the door leading inside the station was also stained with urine etching down the floor. The stench caused cause us dizziness. The stainmark and the stench would tell you that the situation was left for a long time. And yes, there were thrown ups too, by those who drank too much their stomach and sanity could ever handle. And I thought, being with that kind of environment in many places for so long, the place we wanted to live was not peaceful and safe. There were rowdy and ill-mannered people in the area. Of course, there might not be many of them and didn't necessarily represent the image of the people in the area but still it would be something a peaceful man could be scared of. After all it would only take one man to wreak havoc to even a hundred men. So getting the apartment was now out of the question. The children opted to just buy a house. In Mississauga. They chose Mississauga beacuse that time taxes were minimal in this City. We had a Filipino agent named Richard Sison, an engineer when he was in the Philippines. He was a very patient man. I could recommend him to anyone without fear of guilt. He showed us several houses for sale. We took on-site viewing during Sundays. And it was during one of this Sundays that I would encounter a woman who left me an impression that would last my lifetime. For every viewing, whether there was someone or no one in a certain house for sale, we would inspect every space of the house. If there was someone in the house, he or she would show every nook and cranny. Normally owners of the house being sold would leave so as to make viewers comfortable in their inspection. I could not remember what street was that. Nor the neighborhood. Nor the

appearance of the front door where we entered. All I could remember, prior of course to seeing her, was we were on the second floor of the house. The first room we entered was like a baby's room. Inside was an old man lying on the floor while reading a book. He politely motioned us to inspect what we would like to. We smiled thankfully and let our eyes wander around the small room. It was just a gesture of appreciation that stayed for around two seconds. Then I headed towards the adjoining room. Knocked lightly on the slightly closed door. The words "Come in" from a sweet voice rang into my ears, sending inexplicable feeling into my whole body. A woman's voice. The door opened. And there she was, framed before me. Young and very beautiful in her lingerie. Her left hand holding the door knob. She bowed a bit as if motioning me to enter the room. She was smiling. An innocent yet friendly smile. She has a fair complexion and a long black flowing hair. And she was alone in the room. For a moment I could not move my feet. I couldn't say a word either. I was spellbound. Mesmerized for a second. I couldn't tell what possessed me at that moment. But with open eyes I imagined her standing on the beach while the breeze gently caresses her lingerie and hair. It was a very majestic sight. And I was totally captivated. Her smile faded. But not the the innocence and friendliness on her face. Her look asked me what was wrong. I felt embarrassed. I knew she knew too how I felt. She made me feel relieved by smiling sweetly again. I bowed apologetically and retreated. As we were walking away from her house I could still feel the strange sensation I felt the very moment I laid my eyes on here face. And I could hear heavenly voices singing Hallelujah. Until now I have a very clear picture of her. I would always think of some beautiful women to compare with her beauty. I thought of actresses Chitrangada Singh and Deepika Padukone and squash player Deepika Pallikal. And even 1994 Miss Universe Sushmita Sen. These four women are all beautiful. But to me this woman from Mississauga is far more beautiful and has an aura beyond compare. I regret I didn't ask her name. Maybe she was a princess. I thought so when I saw her picture hung above their stairway. She was wearing an attire of a princess. She was with a handsome young man wearing a prince' attire. Joseph told me later that they probably were not of royal blood but only looked like a prince and a princess in their wedding attires.

Princess or not, to me she will always be the most beautiful woman who ever gave me an innocent and friendly smile. Oh, yes. She is an Indian-Canadian beauty.

Mississauga City Saturday, 08 December, 2012

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