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REL October 18, 2012 Dates of official catholic meetings about protestant movement: Council of Trent: * 1545-47 * 1551-52

*1562-63 * 1564 Confirmed by Pope Pius IV

Vatican I: *1869 1870 Vatican II *1962-1965 under Pope John XXIII New American Denominations (the most popular) * Poun-Protestant movements * 7td day Adventists - William miller 1831 * Jehovahs witness Charles Russell (d.1916) * Mormons (joseph smith d. 1844) - the book of mormon the pearl of great pojee doctrine of covenants __________ 17th century congreagtionalists protestants became aware of dangers of misinterpretation of bible. so

methodist decides it does not promote unity. their response: reintroduce

method to read/interpret bible (called "exegesis") rules in place 1.) read in original language (meanings lost in translation -- understand linguistics) 2.) understand cultural context contributes to protestantism

john welsey (methodist) - oxford university - advocate for a methodological/exegesis method in place - embarked on evangelizing among natives of georgia - he was one of

several leading protestants to condemn slavery, this won him great support in the south, but he also condemned the laboring classes (i.e. should we have a minimum wage or labor rights?) ______ Catholic Response Dates that catholic officials met to answer protestant reformation these meetings decreed by pope pius IV in Dates of official catholic meetings about protestant movement: Council of Trent: * 1545-47 * 1551-52 *1562-63 * 1564 Confirmed by Pope Pius IV: 8 directives confirmed in these meetings (the practices the catholic church would keep): 1. Catholicism opposed protestantism by reaffirming existence of the 7 sacraments (baptism, the eucharist, reconciliation, confirmation, marriage, holy orders, anointing the sick) 2. Doctrine of transubstantiation (bread, wine transformed) 3. They kept concept of purgatory why? 4. Necessity of priesthood 5. Believed in justification by works as well as faith why significant? Protestants emphasized faith purely.. see works as attached to earthly institution 6. Reaffirmed clerical celibacy and the system of monasticism support monastic orders/life 7. Decrees issued in favor of efficacy of relics (like indulgencies and veneration of virgin mary and the saints) 8. Tradition considered co-equal to scripture as a source of spiritual knowledge and asserted sole right of the church to interpret the bible. What do they mean tradition equal to scripture catholic exegesis of the bible. At the same time, the church not catholic steps to pleasing protestants:

1. Decree issue requiring Episcopal residence (it means you have to live where you preach.. to keep eye on community but reason for corrupt clergy) 2. A limitation on the plurality of benefices (limit amounts of benefits/privelages of benefactors of church) 3. Movements instigated to reform certain monastic order so admission that monasteries not being run as efficiently. And promised to provide education of the clergy through the creation of a seminary in every diocese (why? Attempt to curb accusation that corruption taking over church The meetings did not have many people. Catholic kings of france refused to attend b/c they liked how Christianity wasnt broken and didnt need to be fixed. German princes refused too wanted independent power.

Vatican I: *1869 1870 Considered the next major reformation to the catholic practice. Established the concept of papal infallibility meaning pope is never wrong. St. Augustine official doctrine 19th century, certain catholic groups in germany/scandanavia found cathol. Changing too much so they break away from cath church too reformed and they are called old catholics denomination who dont accept vat. 1 and 2. Vatican II *1962-1965 under Pope John XXIII ^ called for updating of catholic doctrines latin replaced as language and can now use vernacular officiating priests was now in front of clergy before vat II, they turned back on congregation. Reaffirmed document of transubstantiation as literal event. Changes: *dress of priests/nuns. Nuns dont have to wear hat, not always black * Papal infallibility retained concept, but democratized it by emphasizing popes role in council with other bishops. * restore relations to protestant efforts, also real attempts to peace with other major religions pope seen as a respectful man fond

*finally pope john kept celibacy New American Denominations (the most popular) * Poun-Protestant movements * 7td day Adventists - William miller 1831 * Jehovahs witness Charles Russell (d.1916) * Mormons (joseph smith d. 1844) - the book of mormon the pearl of great pojee doctrine of covenants California is new capital of religious movements (new age) why most happening in US over Europe? clause: freedom of religion. In Europe, inhibits new rel movements = religion part of state. Example: germanys national/state relgion yes: Calvinist country, it means german taxpayers funneled into church. Another factor: new rel movements need money and in US is richest society on earth. Church of the disciples of Christ founded by barten stone, who left presby church to become a christian only meanshe didnt like Christian nominals meant division 2 movements emerged under Church of the d.ofC: (essentially the same) 1.) Churches of Christ follows barton 2.) Disciples of Christ - follows Thomas Campbell who almost same, left presby, didnt like nominations 7th day Adventists William miller began to prech coming of Christ in his time. takes passage from bible Daniel. Chapter 8 verse 14 and makes these calculations n desiced 2,300 years end of world in 1843 * apocalyptic movement date revised several times and eventually they decide date unspecified. * oddities: stressed sat. as holy day mystical (they have intuitive mystical dimension to religious beliefs) 1866 (they began to promote health cures, they began to mix missionary work with medical relief; movement spread rapidly in 3rd world) eventually 7th day abandoned apocalypict view one main reason moved to mainstream language was because of rise of biblical criticism in US (i.e. Friedmans book) JEHOVAHS - found another apocoly. Movement, and return of Christ! Charles russel was self-taught (not surprising b/c his interp is way off) in 1879 group published zions watch tower and herald of christs presence. 1914 end of world at hand, did not happen of course. But it did coincide with WWI. Inaugurates kingdom of Jehovah on earth 1914 anyway. Predicted world end 1918, then 1920 then 1925, then 1941, then 1975 (tehn stopped predicting) they meet in kingdom halls before embarking on door to door missionary activities; they also publish evangelical journals :Awake and watch tower. - DOCTRINAL DIFFERENCES: they do believe in god, but differ remarkedly they believe jesus was a created being (it means he is less than god so they reject TRINITY) Positions:

- reject authority of secular state in all aspects of their lives like pledge of allegiance, they dont give blood, taxes (doctrinally), other exemptions US gives them: get drafted, -- some countries not welcoming b/c anti-nationalist. - refuse blood transfusions/ other med. Treatment this has fostered a dilemma for American corps why? Ppl refusing care for kids basic standards for care grey areas. Consensus if child is minor, state will overstep boundaries (i.e. child will get blood transfusion) Mormons are they Christians? Officla word on polygamy: law against, so church forced to reform. Mainstream mormon get around it to just have affairs. Are old mormons who do this.

Accusation of heresy are in eyes of accuser Gnostic gospels no objective view.

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