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November 2012

Volume 26.11

Rev. Jonathan Heaslet

God, Food and Family When I think of Thanksgiving, I think of three things: God, food and family gatherings. First, of course, I think of how much I have been blessed by God. With a wonderful wife, five healthy children (all with jobs!) and ten beautiful grandchildren (plus a number of bonus grandchildren for which I am equally grateful), my cup overflows with blessing upon blessing. Then, of course, theres the food. I think back to the time when my 22-year old cousin, who was in the Navy at the time, baked a turkey with the giblets still frozen in a plastic bag inside the turkey! Weve come a long way since then with all the gourmet cooks in our family. Thanksgiving isnt just turkey and dressing, its a culinary delight that rivals any of those TV chefs. But what brings it all together is when the family gathers at table gathers to give thanks for the blessings of God, for the food that has come from the earth and prepared by loving hands, and for the fellowship as we spend time listening to each other share stories of whats going on in our lives. Thats a lot like what we do here at St. Johns. At this time of year, we reflect upon how we have been blessed by God in our time of stewardship and adoption of a ministry plan. We also spend time eating whether at Friendship Dinners, the German Fest, or the Harvest Meal on October 28th following worship. Every bit as important, however, is that we come together to listen as we share whats going on in our lives. On November 18th, the Congregation of St. Johns will convene as a family of faith to adopt a Ministry Plan for 2013. In addition to taking time to conduct our business, we want to spend some time listening to each other. We want to know what your questions are with regard to repairs on our church building, the content of our church programming, transition planning to fill the upcoming pastoral vacancy, or whatever else is on your mind. You are invited to ask your question directly or to write it on a card and pass it forward to our church leaders who will be present. And on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, November 22nd, please know youre invited to gather at Table here at St. Johns at 11:00 AM to give thanks to God, to enjoy some wonderful food and to be together with your family of faith. If youre able, bring a dish to share. But more importantly, bring yourself. Share your blessings and your stories. After all, we are family. We are a family of faith. We worship God. We gather at Table. We listen. And God blesses us with love and grace. With thanksgiving for you all,

St. Johns United Church of Christ

St. Johns is a community of faith centered in Jesus Christ, seeking guidance and direction through the Holy Spirit, and demonstrating Gods love to all people in words and deeds.

An Open and Affirming Congregation

503 Stuart Circle Richmond, Virginia 23220 Telephone: 804.358.9291


Web Site:

Published monthly for members and friends

2012 St Johns UCC

2 The Messenger | November 2012

Dear Family and Friends, What an amazing autumn we are having at St. Johns! This past October, we have celebrated German Fest, have begun the process of correcting roof problems, and selected members for the Interim Search Team. Many thanks go to Jeff Jacobs for organizing a team of dedicated and competent members of the church for German Fest. It began with Friday night Happy Hour and continued with Saturday lunch, and ended with our traditional German Dinner. Micah Dalton with others served bratwursts, beer, and wine. All this was enjoyed while listening to live music from the 60s to 90s. The dinner Saturday night was a culinary delight. The Facilities Team identified multiple problem areas on the roof where they believe water is entering the building. This past week, Hertless Roofing Company has begun repairs and will continue to identify areas of the church that need attention. Many thanks to Dale Totty for his tireless attention to this project. An interim search team has been named to include Betsy Bighinatti, Justin Barbour, Allen Caraher, Jo Ann Jellison, and Billy Poarch. Over the next several months they will be evaluating candidates. They are charged with recommending to council an interim pastor who will help us with the transition from Jons retirement to the calling of a seated pastor. Regards, Teresa Jolles Church Council President

Congregational Meeting Sunday, November 18th

Please join us during worship to discuss St. Johns 2013 Ministry Plan as well as other church business. This is a very important meeting, all are invited to come and share their thoughts. This Announcement serves as the formal notification of the congregational meeting.

Church Council Meeting Church Council meets Monday, November 5th at 7 p.m.

The church office will be closed for Thanksgiving on Thursday, November 22nd and Friday, November 23rd.

Thanks and praise go to many volunteers and donors who made possible two beautiful contributions to our sacred spaces. The lectern has been cleaned, restored, polished and protected. Doesnt it look dazzling? Thanks to the Beautification sub-group of the Facilities Committee for shepherding the restoration of this sacred furnishing in our sanctuary. The upstairs in our Christian Formation wing has been cleaned and painted. What a welcoming sight for our children and youth. (By the way, the youth will paint the interior of their room during a lock-in this month, and the Confirmation pictures will be moved downstairs outside the Fellowship Hall.) The three rooms downstairs along with the choirs robing room have been refurbished (moldy dry wall replaced) and repainted. Thank you Facilities Committee for organizing this work, the rooms look great!

Church Council has approved two contracts for work around the church. First, work began the week of October 22nd to replace gutters, downspouts and damaged wood work on the east side of the church (overlooking the grassy area). Work will continue as a cherry picker moves around the church checking for damage in high places. Gutters, downspouts and wood work will also be repaired and/or replaced in the space above the courtyard. The Rose Window will also be inspected during this project. Thanks to Richard Bighinatti and Dale Totty for their attention on this project. Second, work will begin soon to install new speakers in the sanctuary. This project was jointly undertaken by the Worship & Music Committee (Kenn Shirley, chair) and the Facilities Beautification Committee (Ginna Dalton, chair) assisted by Dreama Terrill and Joe McGregor.

The Messenger | November 2012

Lectionary Readings
November 4th, 2012 Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost Wisdom of Solomon 3:1-9 Psalm 24 Revelations 21:1-6a John 11:32-44 November 11th, 2012 Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17 Psalm 127 Hebrews 9:24-28 Mark 12:38-44 November 18th, 2012 Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost 1 Samuel 1:4-20, 2:1-10 Psalm 16 Hebrews 10:11-14,(15-18),19-25 Mark 13:1-8 November 25th, 2012 Reign of Christ 2 Samuel 23:17 Psalm 132:1-12, (13-18) Daniel 7:9-10,13-14 Revelations1:4b-8 John 18:33-37

Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

A special service of Thanksgiving will be offered by Christian and Jewish congregations on Tuesday, November 20th at 7:00 PM at St. Bridgets Catholic Church (6006 Three Chopt Road, near the intersection with West Grove Avenue). Rabbi Gary Creditor will be preaching at this service. Rabbi Creditor is retiring soon after many years of serving Temple Beth El on West Grove.

Green the Church Worship Service

Sunday, December 2nd is the First Sunday of Advent. It is an All Church Worship Service that will include litanies and songs for Hanging the Greens as well as Holy Communion. All ages are invited to participate in this special service. Which will include the sacrament of Holy Communion.

All Saints Sunday Observance

All Saints Sunday will be celebrated on November 4th during our 11:00 AM service. If there is a deceased person whose memory you would like to commemorate, please contact the Church Office and provide their name and relationship to you. The term for this service is sometimes called a Necrology or, from our German heritage, a Totenfest. A litany is read. A name is spoken. A candle is lit. A bell is rung. It is a powerful reminder of our resurrection faith. Members of St. Johns and or family members or friends, who we released to Gods eternal care during this past church year include: Bert Brown Frank Mauritz Joan Baker Cyrus Nicholas John Lang Louise Wesley Reina Oppermann Mary Bush Ingrid Olsen Sidney Moore Glenn Freise Raymond Kow

4 The Messenger | November 2012

Neighbors In Need (NIN) Offering

Thank you to all who contributed to Octobers All Church offering for Neighbors in Need, donations totaled $649. Neighbors in Need is one of 5 All Church offerings commended to us by the United Church of Christ (in addition to Our Churchs Wider Mission, One Great Hour of Sharing, Strengthen the Church and the Christmas Fund for Veterans of the Cross). St. Johns is a 5 for 5 Congregation, which means we support all five of these offerings. NIN is a special mission offering that supports ministries of justice and compassion. One-third of NIN funds support the Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM). The remaining two-thirds of the offering is used by the UCC's Justice and Witness Ministries to support a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy efforts and direct service projects sponsored by local congregations.

Jeanette is Back in Haiti and Sends Her Thanks

Jeanette Salleys mission to Haiti was highlighted in the September 19th issue of Global Ministries weekly newsletter. In the article Jeanette describes the impact of Hurricane Isaac on Port-au-Prince: The winds blew strong, tents that provided shelter for those suffering from the 2010 earthquake were destroyed, trees were uprooted, roofs were blown off, street signs for direction and advertisement were destroyed and a few are grieving the loss of loved ones. One could easily say, Haiti is down again. Jeanette goes on to say that the construction of the St. Andre School, where she teaches, was not affected and that they expect the new school to be ready for use this month. You can access the article, as well as a prayer from Jeanette at:

ART for All Ages

Come support Circle Center Adult Day Services, caring for Richmond area older adults and their family caregivers since 1976, founded by St. Johns UCC and other Stuart Circle Parish churches. Join us for a casual, delicious dessert and wine reception. Bid in the silent auction of affordable works of art! Purchase raffle tickets for a chance to win one of 2 exceptional paintings. Saturday November 10th, 2012 from 7:009:30 p.m. at 4900 West Marshall Street (near Willow Lawn) Event tickets are $25 Raffle tickets are $15 or 3 for $30 For more information and tickets visit or call Jane 804-355-5717

On November 4th, St. Johns will host the 42nd annual Richmond CROP Hunger Walk. If you are not raising money, we hope you will still consider walking; your presence on November 4th will help raise the visibility of our hunger walk. The St. Johns team has a goal of raising $2,000 to help stop hunger. 25% of this money will go to local organizations that provide hunger relief in Richmond. The other 75% will be used by Church World Services for disaster and hunger relief programs around the world, including in the US. Please come walk with us on November 4th. Registration will be at 1:15 pm The walk will begin at 2 pm. Signup/Donate at We will need volunteers for setup and cleanup Checks can be made payable to Church World Service For questions contact Bill Watson at 873.2837 or

The Messenger | November 2012

The Congregational Care Ministry Thanksgiving Meal Thursday, November 22nd Spend your Thanksgiving Day with other members of St. Johns as we gather over a turkey feast and offer our thanks to God.
Gather at 11:00 AM Lunch at Noon We will provide the turkeys, dressing, and beverages. We are asking you to bring a favorite Thanksgiving dish to share. RSVP to Simone in the church office by November 11th so we will know how many turkeys to prepare.

A Ministry of Care - Covenant Groups

The Congregational Care Ministry invites you to be part of newly forming Covenant Groups. These small groups between 5 and 8 family units will serve to support one another during times of concern, as well as during times of celebration. Some of the areas of support include illness or injury, life transitions, bereavement, well care, and supporting residents in care. We want all to participate, so stay tuned for how you can be a part of this important ministry. More information coming soon! See Helena DeLigt for more information. Day Light Savings Ends November 4th. Remember to set your clocks back by one hour at 2 a.m.

Monthly Congregational Breakfast

Mark you calendar now and plan on attending our monthly congregational breakfast on Sunday, November 11th at 9:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. We will update you on the happenings at St. Johns. Hope to see you there!

Birthdays This Month

1 3 4 6 7 9 10 14 17 19 23 26 29 30 Kay Alderfer Dallas Henderson Gary Pollitt Matthew James Gilbert Tara Childs Mac Taylor Kevin Hetzer Laura Totty Kathy Smith Bob Corby, Donna Zirkel Marshall Higgins Thomas Gabriel Davis Nat Taylor David Henry Mark Atkinson

Come and Celebrate!

The family of Peggy and Lee Ford would like to invite all of our St. Johns friends to join us in celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on Sunday, November 18th from 2 pm to 4 pm , at 7803 Ketelby Road, in Henrico. See Emily or David Pittman for directions.

Do you like to count money? Then volunteer to be a teller!! We need 3 new tellers in order to build our team. For more information see Bud Higgins or Jeff Hetzer.

The Messenger | November 2012

Each year we have poinsettias in the chancel area. If you wish to order a poinsettia in memory of or in honor of a loved one, please complete this form and drop it by the church office, place it in the offering plate, or mail it to the church office. You may also call the church office at 358-9291 or email Simone at The cost is $12.50 per plant. Ordering Deadline: Sunday, December 2nd (Please print clearly) 1) ( ) In memory of: ( ) In honor of: 2) ( ) In memory of: ( ) In honor of:

Name (s)_____________________________________ Given by:_____________________________________

Name (s)____________________________________ Given by:____________________________________

St Johns Players Strolling Cabaret

The Strolling Cabaret made up of 18 performers, has a new mission. They will be performing in the community this fall, bringing delightful music and entertainment to many people in a variety of settings. There is no fee for this service, but they gratefully accept donations. St. Johns Players is one way to acquaint the community to our wonderful church family. Maybe you know of some friend or family member in one of the following facilities and would like to come to the performance ..please join them! Saturday, December 1st 2:00 PM at Morningside Saturday, December 15th 1:30 PM at Spring Arbor If you know of a facility that might enjoy our group, please contact Anita Sharpenstein at 762- 4870.

St. Johns Players Opens 7th Season

That Time of the Year *Richmond Premier* An original musical revue of over 25 all-original Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Years songs. Running the musical gamut from show tunes to rock, blues and jazz, the songs range from funny numbers highlighting the joys and anxieties of the holiday season to beautiful, touching ballads about the meaning behind the holidays. Show times: November 2nd and 3rd at 8:00 p.m. November 9th and 10th at 8:00 p.m. November 16th and 17th at 8:00p.m. November 10th Dinner and Show at 6:00 p.m. November 11th and 18th Matinees at 3:00 p.m. Closer to Thee *World Premier* A new musical production written by our own Rob Osborn tells the story of a young couple struggling to find each other and comprehend the world in which they live with the support of the church to which they belong. With 18 original musical numbers woven into the fabric of an evolving story of love in its many forms, this musical highlights loves redemptive power to heal broken relationships through new understanding developed through human growth. Songs blend gospel, traditional choir, folk, blues and rock styles. The show opens February 22, 2013.

The Messenger | November 2012

Calling all angels, shepherd's, sheep, prophets, narrators and more for our annual Christmas Play!
Christmas Play Sunday, December 23rd Contact Tony Sharpenstein or Julia Eliades if you would like to be a participant . Rehearsals will be at 9:45 am on Sunday mornings in December.

Sunday, November 25th after worship. Can it be that time already? Yes, please stay after worship and help transform our church for the season of Advent and Christmas. We will hang the greens in the sanctuary, decorate outside, put up trees, and enjoy great fun and fellowship. Lunch will be potluck! This St. Johns tradition is always a fun event for the entire family. So, see you there! Attention Youth (13 -16 years of age) Get Ready to be Locked-in! Starting at 6 pm November 3rd Come with comfortable shoes and dressed for painting! We will paint their classroom and help Bill Watson by put up signs for the CROP Walk. Bring sleeping bags and clothes for Sunday. Parents, please contact Julia Eliades if you can help or donate supplies.

Blessed Are You

Poverty may be either a spiritual or a material condition- or both at once. Neither kind of poverty is necessarily a hindrance to happiness. Jesus promised blessedness even to those who were bankrupt. Join us in the Guild Room Sunday mornings at 9:45 am as we explore the Beatitudes. This class will explore these blessings as taught by Jesus from now till Advent Season.

Put these Dates on Your Calendar!

CROP Walk November 4th at 1:15 p.m.
Signup/Donate at

St. Johns Players presents Richmond Premiere of That Time of Year November 2-3; November 9-10; November 16-17, curtain at 8:00 p.m. Matinees at 3:00 p.m. on November 11 and 18
Come and enjoy an evening of theatre.

Thanksgiving Gathering November 22nd at 11:00 a.m.

Come have a Thanksgiving Feast with us and bring a dish to share.

Green the Church and Potluck Lunch November 25th at 12:30 p.m.
This St. Johns tradition is always a fun event. See you there!

Hanging of the Green Worship Service December 2nd 11:00 a.m.

All Church Worship Service

PAL Concert and Parents Night Out December 15th from 1:00 p.m .to 7:00 p.m. Concert begins at 2:00 pm
A great way for parents to get ready for the season. While parents enjoy free time, our children will enjoy a holiday concert organized by PAL. Pick up and drop off anytime.

Christmas Tea December 16th, Noon

It is a St. Johns tradition. All are invited to attend.

Christmas Play December 23rd during worship

Rehearsals will be Sunday mornings in December at 9:45 a.m.

Christmas Eve Service December 24th at 10:30 p.m.

MESSENGER November 2012

Welcome Team Coordinator Billy Poarch 804-359-6131 Welcome team captains

Nov. 4th Nov 11th

Richard Bighinatti 379-3572
Woods Family

Nov. 18th Nov. 25th

Dec. 2nd Dec. 9th

Justin Barbour 687-1460
Barbour Family

Dec. 16th Dec. 23rd

Bob Corby 804-457-3842
Etter Family Voelcker/ Barrett Family Bryan Etter James Cook

Bill Watson 873-2837

Families with children

Gretchen Miller Family Lydia Woods

Quick Family

Acolytes Beth Stiegler Don Stiegler Chris Miles Betsy Bighinatti Phil Jones Mark Atkinson Richard Bighinatti

Savannah Quick Ashley Quick Betty Staton Pam Miller Jeff Jacobs Laura Totty Denise Martin Cheryl Goode Billy Poarch Erin Burnette Vivian White David Pittman Dale Totty Richard Yuk


Dorothy Cook Doug Waldrop Kim Vann Desiree McNeice Jeff Michel Bob Corby

Sound System Facilities

Please find a substitute if you are unable to perform your ministry and contact your team coordinator AND the office to let them know who will be filling in for you. Thank you for making our church ministries run smoothly!

Nov. 4th
Hospitality Coordinator Sal Anselmo 358-1696 Tellers Coordinator Bud Higgins - 301-5059 Altar Flowers $40 Church office 358-9291 Liturgist Coordinators Kathy Freise 448-9876 Sal Anselmo 358-1696 Nursery Helpers Coordinator Julia Eliades 804-3601260

Nov. 11th
Mike and Terri Woods

Nov. 18th
Beth and Don Stiegler Betsy Bighinatti Mark Souza

Nov. 25th
Dorothy Cook Lynda Merry

Denise Martin

Sam and Ginna Dalton Cammie Allen Gary Beasley

Taylor Family Sal Anselmo Florence Cross

Taylor Family Jeff Jacobs Margaret Reuthinger

Lee and Peggy Ford Dreama Terrill Bud Higgins

Theresa Caraher

Chris Miles

Laura Totty

Marjorie Barbour

MESSENGER November 2012

11:30 am NA


7:00 pm W.E.B.S.

11:30 am NA



6:00 pm Lock In Youth

7:00 pm Dress Rehearsal 4 9:45 am Christian Formation ( all ages) 11:00 am Worship 11:15 am Childrens Program Noon Fellowship in Parlor 1:15 pm CROP WALK set-up 2:00 pm Walk Begins 5 7 pm Church Council Meeting 6 Election Day 11:30 am NA 7 7:00 pm W.E.B.S 8 10:30 am The Fellowship Mtg 11:30 am NA 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal

St Johns Players St Johns Players 8pm Show 8pm Show 9 10

St Johns Players St Johns Players 6 :00 pm Dinner 8:00 pm Show 8:00 pm Show

9:00 am Breakfast 9:45 am Christian Formation ( all ages) 11:00 am Worship 11:15 am Childrens Program Noon Fellowship in Parlor 3:00 pm St. Johns Players Show


10:00 am Staff Mtg 11:30 am NA


11:30 am NA 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal



St Johns Players St Johns Players 8:00 pm Show 8:00 pm Show

9:45 am Christian Formation ( all ages) 11:00 am Worship and Congregational Mtg 11:15 am Childrens Program Noon Fellowship in Parlor 3:00 pm St. Johns Players Show


10:00 am Staff Mtg 11:30 am NA 7:00 pm Interfaith Thanksgiving Service at St. Bridget's


11:00 am Thanksgiving Day Gathering



Office Closed

Office closed

9:45 am Christian Formation ( all ages) 11:00 am Worship 11:15 am Childrens Program Noon Greening of the Church and Potluck Lunch


10:00 am Staff Mtg 11:30 am NA

7:00 pm W.E.B.S

11:30 am NA 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal

Wedding Rehearsal

5:00 pm Wedding

Office hours : MondayThursday 9:30 am2 pm, Friday 9:30 am1 pm

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