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Garden of Gods Delight

By Apostle Axel Sippach

Adam and Eve were special creations of God. Adam was created from the dirt of Eden, and then once created, was placed from Eden into the special Garden in Eden (Eden means delight). Eve was then taken out of Adam, an already refined creation who is now in the Garden, which makes her twice refined, and not created in the hostile environment of Eden, but in the heavenly environment of the Garden of Eden. This was the Garden of Gods Delight where the Creator would visit in the cool of the day. It was the place where the Invisible Realm touched the Visible Realm. It was a place where heaven was open on earth, and where full access and the authority of the Kingdom of Heaven were available through obedience to a Dominion Mandate: be fruitful; multiply; fill the earth; subdue; and have dominion (rule). They were to advance the Gardens borders into the surrounding inhospitable territory and take dominion through the authority given them. If they would be obedient to not eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and only eat of the Tree of Life, then they would be immortal. But, if they disobey, they would die. Now we all know the story they disobeyed and sinned. They discovered their nakedness and covered themselves with fig leaves they had sewn together. God comes into the Garden asking where are you? When they reply, He says, Who told you that you were naked? Scripture says then that He covered them with skins. Now most theologians have assumed that God killed an animal most likely a lamb, and skinned the animal, and covered them with the bloody animals skin. But nowhere does the Bible conclusively say that. It is only an unbiblical or extrabiblical assumption - just theological speculation. If He didn't cover them with animal skins, what did He cover them with? Well, let me do a little bit of theological speculating. The Garden of Eden was a special place where heaven and earth met the Invisible and the Visible. We see the same Tree of Life here as we do in the gardencity of the New Jerusalem at the end of the Bible in the Book of Revelation. Perhaps God had only created them with a skin covering that were conducive to a higher heavenly kind of life in the Garden. Perhaps it was a type of glorified body skin that had covered them, that when they disobeyed, immediately disappeared. Just speculation! But now, they would have to be clothed with a kind of humanity earthly skin that would decay and one day take their bodies back to the dust, and their spirits awaiting a resurrection from Sheol, and one day a glorified body like unto the Last Adam Jesus Christ. This is another

way of looking at the Genesis story of our ancestors. Yes, its theological speculation, but, I think it does have merit to it. Lets not always just take the party line without closely examining Scripture. I am so glad that I have been born-again born of the Spirit, and have passed from death unto life. And because I have received the incorruptible seed of the Word of God, I have died to Adams race, and have been born-again a new creation in Christ Jesus. One version says, a new species or race of being that had never before existed. Christs DNA is now inside of me. I have become a partaker of His Divine nature. And when I die, I will receive a glorified body in heaven just like the one He has now. Now thats an inheritance laid up for me in heaven I am looking forward to receiving!!!

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