Taking The Message of Life To Seafarers

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World Shipping

6,000 commercial ports

80,000 merchant ships 1 million seafarers

80,000 ships

6,000 commercial ports

60 commercial ports
only 1 % of world total!

Port Botany

World Mission on Sydneys doorstep!

Port Botany
over 1,500 ships visit every year average size of a ships crew - 20 men
30,000 seafarers per year

500 seafarers every week!

A crew of 20 may have 5 or more nationalities & languages

Burmese Cebuano Chinese English Dutch French German Greek Gujarati Hindi

Malayalam Polish Romanian Russian Samoan Sinhalese Tagalog Tamil Telegu Thai

Ilocano Indonesian Italian Japanese

Turkish Tuvaluan Urdu Vietnamese

Various Cults
Jehovahs Witnesses
Mormon Bahai

Iglesia Ni Cristo
Ang Dating Daan

Religion? No Thanks!

Life for seafarers is

lonely dangerous

crew work 10 to 12 hours / day

crew work 6.5 to 7 days / week contracts last 7 to 9 months crew unpaid while on vacation

ships are at sea 85% of time

times in port are brief

few chances to hear the gospel!

every year

100 ships are lost

every year

over 500 seafarers die

Seafarers are largely

inaccessible unseen forgotten

an unreached people group

Seamens Christian Friend Society

A small inter-denominational mission established in the mid 1800s

to warn seafarers to flee from the wrath to come!

40 port missionaries working in 10 countries

Headquarters in the UK

Taking The Message of Life to Seafarers

An evangelical ministry to non-Christian seafarers A pastoral ministry

to Christian seafarers

Taking The Message of Life to Non Christian


The Message of Life

The Bible!
The Word of Life The Word of God The Word of Truth Philippians 2:16 Hebrews 4:12 Psalm 119:160

The source of all wisdom about salvation!

2 Timothy 3:15

Providing pastoral support to Christian Seafarers

The real missionaries!

Christian seafarers!
not constrained by language

not constrained by culture

not constrained by time

Life for a Christian Seafarer .

9 months away from his church 9 months without Christian fellowship

9 months without corporate worship

9 months without Bible teaching 9 months without encouragement 9 months of spiritual vulnerability!

The Gospel
The Character of God The Depravity & Condemnation of Man

The great Dilemma

The Birth, Death & Resurrection of Christ The Uniqueness of Christ

Mans Response Repentance and Faith

Righteousness does NOT come from

doing good by being religious by being baptized by taking the sacraments by trying to keep the Commandments Righteousness is a FREE GIFT credited to those who

repent & put their trust in Christ ALONE!

All over the world this gospel is

bearing fruit and growing

Colossians 1:6

and one of the places it is

bearing fruit and growing is on

the high seas!

Please pray for Christian Seafarers Non Christian Seafarers SCFS Port Missionaries

Thats all! Thank you!

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