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Children's Church Newsletter

Welcome to the SIXTEENTH issue of our newsletter! We are taking a break from interviews, to celebrate Christmas! Merry Christmas everybody (a little early)! Thanks for reading!
What Does Christmas Really Mean?
(By Rev. Matt Hook) Christmas means so many things to many people: friends, cookies, carols, gifts, stockings and Santa Claus. But chances are, most of us know Christmas originates from the words Christ Mass, the worship celebration of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Scholars talk about the birth narrative of Jesus being found in only two of the four Gospels: Matthew and Luke. Mark begins his book with the start of the ministry of Jesus. But John has his own way of telling the birth narrative, which goes back beyond 2,000 years ago. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning... In him was life, and that life was the light of people... The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him" (John 1:1-14). What does it mean? Once upon a time, there was a family who lived on a farm, whose father really didnt enjoy Christmas. He didnt understand the hype, or the waste, or the worship, or what the big deal was about Christmas. On one particular freezing cold Christmas Eve, his family went to church and he stayed home. After his family left, he was startled when he heard a loud noise like someone threw a snowball at his window. He jumped up to see what it was. And then he saw a group of sparrows freezing to death in the snow, making a desperate attempt to get out of the cold. He got up and put on his coat, and thought to himself, "If I can just get them into the barn, theyll survive. So he went and opened the side door of the barn and turned on the light, but the birds wouldnt follow him into the warmth. So he opened the big barn door, and turned on that light, but still the birds were fluttering in the ice and snow, freezing to death. The man didnt want those birds to die, and he thought to himself, If only I could become a bird, they could understand Im only trying to help them. I could lead them all to safety and warmth. Just then, the church bell down the valley began tolling the end of the service, and it hit him. He understood why God would have come to earth in the flesh. And for him, it made all the difference. Holidays are a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus and to reflect on Gods infinite love, which he pours into our lives. Three thoughts to remember for Christmas: Keep it simple. Jesus was born into some pretty sparse circumstances. The son of two poor Galileans, he lived a life of humility and simplicity that became a key element of his ministry here on Earth. Its the simple stuff. Keep your holidays simple, so you are free to serve those in need and celebrate with those you love. Be there. One way we tell our families and

Month 4, Week 2 December 9th, 2012

The Schedule 1st Sunday: Lesson & Science *2nd Sunday: Ocho & Craft 3rd Sunday: Video & Game 4th Sunday: Reflection & Music (and Souvenir shop)

12/9 Rice Crispies, will be provided by Edith F. Gummy Fish will be provided by Lisa/Eva. 12/16 Ocean Cups, will be provided by Lisa/Eva. 12/23 No snack, we will be upstairs for Christmas.

friends that we love them is by giving them our focused attention. Attention says, I value you enough to give you my most precious asset my time. When you give someone your time, youre giving them a portion of your life that youll never get back. You can always make more money, but you cannot make more time. God showed his love by being there, in the flesh. Who needs you to show up in their life with specific attention this year? Give with delight. God uses giving as an antidote for misery and materialism. Jesus said theres more happiness in giving than in receiving (Acts 20:35). You dont even have to give something away to share it delightfully with others. For instance, you may have a garage full of tools that, as a gift, you make available to your neighbor or an empty vacation spot that you allow other members of your family to use. With this good news as our center, we can generously show up in the lives of others in the same way. Thats the Word becoming flesh.

This week: Ocho will be visiting and we will find out a little more about choosing to follow. We will also be a really cool craft that reminds us who we should choose to follow (and it also relates to Christmas!)
December 9 Craft Helper Jessy Stephenson December 16 Game Leader OPEN December 23 Reflection Leader Julie Howe January is OPEN!

Next week: Oogle will tell us more about his station and we will also be playing some fun games!

Please, let us know if you are willing to fill any OPEN slots!

The Memory Verse

Choose today whom you will serve But my family and I will serve the Lord.

If you sign up for ANYTHING and later find that you cant, please let us know as soon as possible so we can plan around it. Call Lisa Nuhn: 660-239-4638

Joshua 24:15

JAM Update!
Our Christmas Program practice will be Sunday nights from 5:00pm 6:00pm, with no meal provided. (K 6th grade.) Please bring your children!

The Theme:

December 16th 5:00-6:00pm With finger foods to follow!
ACC Children's Church "Don't let anyone look down on you for being young." - 1 Timothy 4:13

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