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From Generation to GenerationUnit Test Name ___________________ Match the following items with the correct story or poem titles. ____15. Only one kind of _____ 1. Elise daughter can live in this house. Obedient _____2. Hakim-a-barber daughter! ____16. prejudiced British _____3. Gloria Hegel teachers ____17. The Ed Sullivan Show _____4. Mr. Chong ____18. Wangero _____5. Dee ____19. Mrs. Wilson _____6. a play that failed ____20. heirloom quilts _____7. Quilts are our mosaics. ____21. girl with scarred hands _____8. I wish I were dead! ____22. a talent show fiasco Like them! ____23. Waverly _____9. Alice Walker ____24. Amy Tan ____10. India, 1928 ____25. Life is too strong for ____11. The Joy Luck Club youIt takes life to love life. TITLES ____12. Santha Rama Rau ____13. a butter churn ____14. Cynthia
a. b. c. d. e. f. Everyday Use Two Kinds By Any Other Name The Opportunity Hands: For Mothers Day Lucinda Matlock

____26. Indirect methods of characterization are usually more appealing than direct methods because readers a. want a quick read b. prefer simple characters c. like predictable characters more than nonpredictable ones d. want to draw their own conclusions about a character ____27. Which of the following is NOT an example of indirect characterization? a. He is the class maverick. b. He goes to the pep rally wearing the other teams colors. c. He says he is proving his individuality by being different. d. His peers admire his nonconformity. ____28. Complex, three-dimensional characters are called a. flat characters b. indirect characters c. round characters d. motivated characters ____29. Characters with only one or two key personality traits are called a. flat characters b. indirect characters c. round characters d. motivated characters ____30. Readers can recognize stock characters because those characters a. fit our expectations b. do the unexpected c. are complex d. are fleshed out ____31. Which of the following is an example of a stock character? a. a dog that talks b. a miner who goes to college c. a wealthy factory owner who treats his employees well d. a wacky neighbor

____32. Dramatic monologue and soliloquy a. occur near the end of a play b. are parts of a dialogue c. are generally humorous d. convey the thoughts of only one character ____33. The main character in a story is also called a. the protagonist b. a dynamic character c. a static character d. the antagonist ____34. A writer has successfully conveyed a characters motivation when a. the character is completely predictable b. the reader can identify with the character c. the reader understands why the character does something d. the character is respected by the other characters in the story ____35. Which of the following items is an example of a secondary source? a. interview b. oral history c. biography d. autobiography ____36. In Two Kinds, Jing Meis mothers life in China was hard because she a. lost her home and family b. was wounded in war c. lost her familys vast fortune d. was not allowed to practice her religion ____37. When first considering the idea of becoming famous, Jing-mei a. feels that she does not have the talent to achieve it b. likes the idea, imagining that it will make her parents love her c. purposely gets her hair cut badly so that she will not be allowed on TV d. is sure that she will become a famous writer someday

____38. Old Chong a. mercilessly forces Jing-mei to practice until she is perfect b. tells Jing-mei that he doesnt care if she learns her lessons or not c. is easy to fool because his hearing is not good d. really knows almost nothing about how to play the piano ____39. According to Jing-meis mother, what are the two kinds? a. daughters who obey and daughters who do not b. great pianists and all other pianists c. people who try their best and people who are lazy d. parents who are proud and loving and parents who are selfish ____40. The main source of conflict between Jing-mei and her mother is Jing-meis a. friendship with Waverly b. dislike for Old Chong c. feeling that she is not appreciated for who she is d. desire to be a prodigy ____41. When her mother offers to give her the piano, the adult Jing-mei a. is angry that her mother still wants her to be a prodigy b. begins taking piano lessons again c. refuses the gift but is pleased that her mother offered it d. takes the piano for her own daughter to play ____42. In By Any Other Name, Santha and Cynthia are a. sisters b. mother and daughter c. best friends d. the same person ____43. You know from the opening lines of the story that a. Santha is more cautious than Premila b. Santha is stronger than Premila c. Premila is more obedient than Santha d. Premila is older than Santha

____44. Which of the following characters is a subordinate character in the story? a. Nalini b. Premila c. Santha d. the mother ____45. When told why the girls have left school, their mother reacts with a. uncontrollable anger b. utter indifference c. calm dignity d. intense fear ____46. Which sentence below best describes the mothers view of herself in Everyday Use? a. She thinks she has the potential to be a county commissioner. b. She feels she has set a bad example for her daughters. c. She accepts herself as a strong, capable country woman. d. She believes that her life lacks meaning and purpose. ____47. Maggies shyness arises mainly from a. the ridicule her family has heaped upon her b. her awareness of her physical scars c. the sudden attraction she feels toward Asalamalakim d. her lack of ability to express her ideas ____48. The mother is reluctant to let Dee have the quilts because a. she has promised them to Maggie b. she distrusts Dee and her boyfriend c. she knows the quilts have great monetary value d. she is angry at Dee for leaving home

VocabularyFill in the blank with the correct vocabulary word. sidle furtive cowering doctrines rifling

49. Dee seems to live by _______________ that are different from her mothers beliefs. 50. However, there is nothing ________________ about her. 51. She boldly begins _______________ through the house for the things she wants. 52. Maggie overcomes her shyness enough to ______________ into the room. 53. She stands withdrawn, _____________ in the corner as Dee examines the two old quilts. Vocabulary Multiple Choice ____54. The young boy at Jing-meis talent show was so skilled at playing the violin that many people considered him a ______. a. prodigy b. protg c. mediocre d. conformist ____55. Jing-meis mother _____ her terrible haircut. a. celebrated b. lauded c. commended d. lamented ____56. When practicing piano, Jing-mei was _____, letting her head droop. a. elated b. irascible c. listless d. heartened ____57. In Two Kinds the fascinating piano piece on the Ed Sullivan Show was _____. a. galling b. mesmerizing c. disenchanting d. discordant

____58. Jing-meis song at her recital was terrible and _____. a. concordant b. sonorous c. discordant d. mellifluous ____59. Instead of practicing diligently, Jing-mei _____, wasting time instead. a. dawdled b. scrambled c. hastened d. toiled ____60. Jing-meis heartbroken mother was _____. a. blithe b. thrilled c. enriched d. stricken ____61. One of the things Jing-meis mother tested Jing-mei over was_____. a. dawdled b. scrambled c. hastened d. toiled ____62. They never mentioned Jing-meis piano _____ again since it had been an embarrassing failure. a. achievement b. effectuation c. fiasco d. attainment ____63. Jing-mei replied _____ as though she was completely indifferent. a. distractedly b. nonchalantly c. timorously d. querulously

____64. Jing-meis mother felt a strong sense of _____ when her daughter humiliated her in public. a. betrayal b. pride c. frankness d. responsibility

Literary TermsFill in the blank with the correct literary term.

Motivation, Conflict, External Conflict, Internal Conflict, Motivation 65. Primilas __________________ behind leaving school for good was that the teachers were racist. 66. Santha liked her Indian food, but she wanted a sandwich for lunch to help her fit in. She was plagued by this _____________________ at school. 67. The struggle between a character and his or her thoughts, feelings, or outside forces is ___________________. 68. The Jing-mei and her mother argued over piano lessons, yelling shrilly and escalating the _________________________ to new heights. Short Answer 69. Name three common items that the Chinese invented.

70. A Chinese immigrant mother would insist that her child succeed because she shows affection through doing what?

71. What is the one-child policy and why was it put into place?

72. Why did many Chinese move to California in 1849?

73-82. Essay Question10 pts. Write a letter that ONE of the following characters might have written to the person indicated below. Mention specific incidents that happened in the story and how the character feels about the incident later in time. Show an understanding of the characters personality. Proofread carefully. (150 words) letter from Jing-mei to her mother after the mother offers her the piano on her 30th birthday letter from Elise to her mother five years after she turned down the offer to be in the play letter from Dee to Maggie five years after the incident with the quilts letter from Maggie to Dee five years after the quilt incident letter from Santha to the British teacher ten years after she left the school

Literary Terms Matching ____83. autobiography ____84. protagonist ____85. antagonist ____86. dynamic character ____87. inference ____88. static character ____89. soliloquy ____90. dramatic monologue a. the person against the protagonist b. intelligent guess based on evidence c. a character who does not change in a story d. character speaks his thoughts directly to the audience of the play e. true story one writes about himself f. a form of poetry that features a single character who addresses one or more silent listeners g. character who changes in an important way during the course of the story h. main character who sets the action in motion

BONUS ****Name the author who was accidentally shot in the eye by her brother. _________________________

Answer Key
From Generation to GenerationUnit Test Name ___________________ Match the following items with the correct story or poem titles. ____15. Only one kind of _____ 1. Elise daughter can live in this house. Obedient _____2. Hakim-a-barber daughter! ____16. prejudiced British _____3. Gloria Hegel teachers ____17. The Ed Sullivan Show _____4. Mr. Chong ____18. Wangero _____5. Dee ____19. Mrs. Wilson _____6. a play that failed ____20. heirloom quilts _____7. Quilts are our mosaics. ____21. girl with scarred hands _____8. I wish I were dead! ____22. a talent show fiasco Like them! ____23. Waverly _____9. Alice Walker ____24. Amy Tan ____10. India, 1928 ____25. Life is too strong for ____11. The Joy Luck Club youIt takes life to love Life. TITLES ____12. Santha Rama Rau

____13. a butter churn ____14. Cynthia

a. b. c. d. e. f.

Everyday Use Two Kinds By Any Other Name The Opportunity Hands: For Mothers Day Lucinda Matlock

____26. Indirect methods of characterization are usually more appealing than direct methods because readers e. want a quick read f. prefer simple characters g. like predictable characters more than nonpredictable ones h. want to draw their own conclusions about a character ____27. Which of the following is NOT an example of indirect characterization? e. He is the class maverick. f. He goes to the pep rally wearing the other teams colors. g. He says he is proving his individuality by being different. h. His peers admire his nonconformity. ____28. Complex, three-dimensional characters are called e. flat characters f. indirect characters g. round characters h. motivated characters ____29. Characters with only one or two key personality traits are called e. flat characters f. indirect characters g. round characters h. motivated characters ____30. Readers can recognize stock characters because those characters e. fit our expectations f. do the unexpected g. are complex h. are fleshed out ____31. Which of the following is an example of a stock character? e. a dog that talks f. a miner who goes to college g. a wealthy factory owner who treats his employees well h. a wacky neighbor

____32. Dramatic monologue and soliloquy e. occur near the end of a play f. are parts of a dialogue g. are generally humorous h. convey the thoughts of only one character ____33. The main character in a story is also called e. the protagonist f. a dynamic character g. a static character h. the antagonist ____34. A writer has successfully conveyed a characters motivation when e. the character is completely predictable f. the reader can identify with the character g. the reader understands why the character does something h. the character is respected by the other characters in the story ____35. Which of the following items is an example of a secondary source? e. interview f. oral history g. biography h. autobiography ____36. In Two Kinds, Jing Meis mothers life in China was hard because she e. lost her home and family f. was wounded in war g. lost her familys vast fortune h. was not allowed to practice her religion ____37. When first considering the idea of becoming famous, Jing-mei e. feels that she does not have the talent to achieve it f. likes the idea, imagining that it will make her parents love her g. purposely gets her hair cut badly so that she will not be allowed on TV h. is sure that she will become a famous writer someday

____38. Old Chong e. mercilessly forces Jing-mei to practice until she is perfect f. tells Jing-mei that he doesnt care if she learns her lessons or not g. is easy to fool because his hearing is not good h. really knows almost nothing about how to play the piano ____39. According to Jing-meis mother, what are the two kinds? e. daughters who obey and daughters who do not f. great pianists and all other pianists g. people who try their best and people who are lazy h. parents who are proud and loving and parents who are selfish ____40. The main source of conflict between Jing-mei and her mother is Jing-meis e. friendship with Waverly f. dislike for Old Chong g. feeling that she is not appreciated for who she is h. desire to be a prodigy ____41. When her mother offers to give her the piano, the adult Jing-mei e. is angry that her mother still wants her to be a prodigy f. begins taking piano lessons again g. refuses the gift but is pleased that her mother offered it h. takes the piano for her own daughter to play ____42. In By Any Other Name, Santha and Cynthia are e. sisters f. mother and daughter g. best friends h. the same person ____43. You know from the opening lines of the story that e. Santha is more cautious than Premila f. Santha is stronger than Premila g. Premila is more obedient than Santha h. Premila is older than Santha

____44. Which of the following characters is a subordinate character in the story? e. Nalini f. Premila g. Santha h. the mother ____45. When told why the girls have left school, their mother reacts with e. uncontrollable anger f. utter indifference g. calm dignity h. intense fear ____46. Which sentence below best describes the mothers view of herself in Everyday Use? a. She thinks she has the potential to be a county commissioner. b. She feels she has set a bad example for her daughters. c. She accepts herself as a strong, capable country woman. d. She believes that her life lacks meaning and purpose. ____47. Maggies shyness arises mainly from e. the ridicule her family has heaped upon her f. her awareness of her physical scars g. the sudden attraction she feels toward Asalamalakim h. her lack of ability to express her ideas ____48. The mother is reluctant to let Dee have the quilts because e. she has promised them to Maggie f. she distrusts Dee and her boyfriend g. she knows the quilts have great monetary value h. she is angry at Dee for leaving home

VocabularyFill in the blank with the correct vocabulary word. sidle furtive cowering doctrines rifling

49. Dee seems to live by _______________ that are different from her mothers beliefs. 50. However, there is nothing ________________ about her. 51. She boldly begins _______________ through the house for the things she wants. 52. Maggie overcomes her shyness enough to ______________ into the room. 53. She stands withdrawn, _____________ in the corner as Dee examines the two old quilts. Vocabulary Multiple Choice ____54. The young boy at Jing-meis talent show was so skilled at playing the violin that many people considered him a ______. e. prodigy f. protg g. mediocre h. conformist ____55. Jing-meis mother _____ her terrible haircut. e. celebrated f. lauded g. commended h. lamented ____56. When practicing piano, Jing-mei was _____, letting her head droop. e. elated f. irascible g. listless h. heartened ____57. In Two Kinds the fascinating piano piece on the Ed Sullivan Show was _____. e. galling f. mesmerizing g. disenchanting h. discordant

____58. Jing-meis song at her recital was terrible and _____. e. concordant f. sonorous g. discordant h. mellifluous ____59. Instead of practicing diligently, Jing-mei _____, wasting time instead. e. dawdled f. scrambled g. hastened h. toiled ____60. Jing-meis heartbroken mother was _____. e. blithe f. thrilled g. enriched h. stricken ____61. One of the things Jing-meis mother tested Jing-mei over was_____. e. dawdled f. scrambled g. hastened h. toiled ____62. They never mentioned Jing-meis piano _____ again since it had been an embarrassing failure. e. achievement f. effectuation g. fiasco h. attainment ____63. Jing-mei replied _____ as though she was completely indifferent. e. distractedly f. nonchalantly g. timorously h. querulously


____64. Jing-meis mother felt a strong sense of _____ when her daughter humiliated her in public. e. betrayal f. pride g. frankness h. responsibility

Literary TermsFill in the blank with the correct literary term.

Motivation, Conflict, External Conflict, Internal Conflict, Motivation

motivation 65. Primilas __________________ behind leaving school for good was that the teachers were racist.
66. Santha liked her Indian food, but she wanted a sandwich for lunch to internal conflict help her fit in. She was plagued by this _____________________ at school. 70. The struggle between a character and his or her thoughts, feelings, or outside forces is ___________________. Conflict 71. The Jing-mei and her mother argued over piano lessons, yelling shrilly and escalating the _________________________ to new heights. external conflict Short Answer 72. Name three common items that the Chinese invented.

The Chinese invented gunpowder, fireworks, paper, pasta, and puppets among many others.
70. A Chinese immigrant mother would insist that her child succeed because she shows affection through doing what?

71. What is the one-child policy and why was it put into place? In China, couples are allowed to only have one child. Those caught breaking the law may be fined and have their child taken away if they cannot pay. Exceptions to this rule are minorities and those who live in rural areas, as they are allowed two children. Minorities in rural areas are allowed three children. The policy was introduced to curb population growth. 72. Why did many Chinese move to California in 1849?

They do this through providing for their childrens needs, which is known as instrumental support, rather than hugging or verbalizing I love you.

They moved to California because of the 1849 California Gold Rush, poverty at home, and warlord conflicts at home.

73-82. Essay Question10 pts. Write a letter that ONE of the following characters might have written to the person indicated below. Mention specific incidents that happened in the story and how the character feels about the incident later in time. Show an understanding of the characters personality. Proofread carefully. (150 words) letter from Jing-mei to her mother after the mother offers her the piano on her 30th birthday letter from Elise to her mother five years after she turned down the offer to be in the play letter from Dee to Maggie five years after the incident with the quilts letter from Maggie to Dee five years after the quilt incident letter from Santha to the British teacher ten years after she left the school

Literary Terms Matching ____83. autobiography ____84. protagonist ____85. antagonist ____86. dynamic character ____87. inference ____88. static character ____89. soliloquy ____90. dramatic monologue a. the person against the protagonist b. intelligent guess based on evidence c. a character who does not change in a story d. character speaks his thoughts directly to the audience of the play e. true story one writes about himself f. a form of poetry that features a single character who addresses one or more silent listeners g. character who changes in an important way during the course of the story h. main character who sets the action in motion

****Name the author who was accidentally shot in the eye by her brother. __________________________

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