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Functional Requirements:

1) Build an online system. 2) Convert the manual working in computerized system. 3) System will manage all purchase from suppliers. 4) When medicine is purchased, all records should be entered. 5) Update stock records. 6) The system will also handle the accounts and payments. 7) It must be capable of supporting multiuser at a time. 8) Ledgers of every account will be maintained. 9) System will manage all the sales of medicine to customers. 10) Generate many reports like stock reports, ledger print and rate lists.

Non Functional Requirements:

1) Your system should be independent. 2) System should be capable of supporting multiple users. 3) System should be user friendly. 4) Multiple users can access at a time without any mistake. 5) Defined response time. 6) Operations complete with in defined response time. 7) Able to complete its ongoing operations. 8) System should be reliable. 9) System should be consistence and error free.

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