Change Management

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4.1INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVES The objective of this procedure is to ensure that access to all MTN infrastructure is efficiently controlled by the Management Center (Network Management Centre/Network Control Center/Service Management Center (MC/NCC/MC)) which shall ensure the following: No unauthorized entry to any MTN infrastructure No unauthorized work No unauthorized power connection No unauthorized access or work to be carried out in floor voids, and only when absolutely necessary. Extreme caution/care to be taken in carrying out all activities SCOPE The procedure applies to all MTN personnel and contractors. Reference Planned work request. Works Authorization Matrix Conversant with the OHSA pertaining to each environment and country specific. 4.2PROCEDURE Guiding principles All MTN authorised personnel/contractors must complete and submit a planned work request/work authorization form to the Management Center before embarking on any form of work. All MTN authorised personnel/contractors must obtain and be in possession of a reference number from the Management Center before entering into any MTN infrastructure. The Management Center shall issue a reference number to all MTN contractors requesting access into any MTN infrastructure after an evaluation and approval of each request. All MTN authorised personnel/contractors must comply with the local site access control procedure which in most cases entails the completion of a log book located at the site for entry and exit to the site. Any MTN authorised personnel/contractors who gains access into MTNs infrastructure without an authorised reference number and prior Works Authority shall be liable to disciplinary action and or prosecution. Power connection and any other authorised work to be done in the floor voids, shall only be done at night or during off peak periods over weekends unless in an emergency situation.

All work carried out in floor voids will require special consideration/permission and the supervision of a mechanical and electrical specialist. The accountability for the granting of access into MTN infrastructure will be the manager of the Management Center and the manager of the site involved. Lists of authorised current contractors shall be updated periodically and readily available. OVERVIEW This procedure will guide MTN Management Center Engineer/Operators on how to grant access to MTN authorised personnel and contractors entering any MTN infrastructure. The Management Center is the custodian of the Network and as such must be fully aware of all activities carried out within the Network and coordinate all planned work and access control to all MTNN infrastructure. This procedure applies to all MTN infrastructures, which include: Transmission Backbone sites BTS sites Satellite sites Switch sites Data Centers Transmission and PTO Rooms Table 1: Access to MTN Infrastructure

Step Details Planned Work and Access to MTN infrastructure

Work required in MTN infrastructure by authorized MTN Personnel and Contractors In the event of an emergency such as fire or a network affecting issue, go to step 2.1.3 otherwise, continue from 1.0 Fill and submit the Planned Work Request and secure approvals as per Planned Work Authorization Matrix. (as attached) Approve or disapprove Planned Work Request as per Planned Work Authorization Matrix If approved, go to step 1.4 If not approved go to step 1.0 Inform the affected Regions Management and the Line Managers/Supervisors of the relevant infrastructure where the activity is required. Obtain access reference number from MC before entering any of MTNs infrastructure by dialing Management Center hotlines or alternatively use the automated electronic process if implemented. Record access request and issue verbal reference number to MTNN Contractors and personnel confirmed via an SMS. Collect keys from MTN Security personnel, where required (with the exception of diesel suppliers) On arrival at MTNs infrastructure contact the Management Center quoting the access reference number, estimated timeline for scheduled activities and clarify active alarms.


1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6


Step Details
Complete log book indicating: Particulars of authorised personnel Access reference number Nature of work to be carried out Estimated timeline etc Carry out scheduled activities. Supervise work, if required On observation of an intrusion alarms, cross-reference such alarms with access reference number issued. Should there be no match, maintenance personnel and security must be alerted for further investigation. If the planned work/activity will extend beyond the estimated timeline, Additional Access approval needs to be obtained from the Management center. On completion of scheduled activities, check that the air conditioners are operational and all alarms are in a normal state. The temperature setting on the BTS air conditioners must be 21C and 19C respectively. Confirm with the Management center that the work carried has not affected existing traffic. Obtain Exit Reference number from the Management center Issue Exit Reference number Complete log book indicating: Actual work carried out Completion time Exit reference number Lock all doors and gates i.e. container or site Hand-over keys to security where necessary Test and ensure that planned work was carried out in accordance to the planned work request and the testing has been completed Close Change request/Planned work and update records accordingly


1.8 1.9 1.1.0


EXIT FROM MTN infrastructure


1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6

1.1.7 1.1.8 1.1.9

Close Change Request/Planned Work Request

Typical MTN Infrastructure Requiring Access Control Management Center & Operational Generator Rooms Management Center Security Server Room Switch Buildings IS Billing,Data Center and Server Transmission Rooms Rooms Satellite Rooms BTS Sites Energy Centers Transmission backbone Sites LIST OF MTN Authorised CONTRACTORS

MTN O & M Tool Kit Change Management Control

Lists to be compiled and updated per OPCO by the MC Supervisor, additions will be done on request and authorisation from the head of the operational unit in the OPCOs


9.1 INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVE Change Management Control ensures that all changes to any HW (Network Node, Element, and Facility) or SoftWare is done in an orderly manner via a documented process with the necessary controls in place. The focus of Change Management is to assess the impact of every change on the business and control the implementation in a secure manner maintaining the integrity of the network. SCOPE This procedure applies to all changes to the network architecture, Supporting Systems and facilities including but not limited to: Hardware Systems Network Design Architecture Software Systems Environmental infrastructure Reference Access Procedure for Mtn Infrastructure Manage Network configuration Change Requests Manage Document Change Procedure Antenna Change Control Appendix D: Network Planned Work Request Form Planned Work Request Network Change Order Plan OVERVIEW A Change may be defined as the addition, modification, halting or removal of Hardware, software, application, facilities, and the environment and power systems. RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY Change Management Control primarily consists of the NCCA who are responsible and accountable for authorising and ensuring compliance to this procedure in the MTN OPCO. The decision coming from the Change Management Control entity will be binding on all NWG members/business representatives and staff within the MTN OPCO. All NWG members/business representatives and third party vendors involved in a change request are responsible and accountable for adhering to this procedure. NWG Operations Management, specifically the MC Manager will be the custodian of this procedure ensuring that this procedure is complied with. The MC manager will take on the roll as the Change Manager for the purpose

MTN O & M Tool Kit Change Management Control

of the Control Procedure.

9.2 PROCEDURE Any staff member of NWG and or business representative contemplating a change to the Network in anayway must log a System Change Request (SRC) by following the procedure as defined in the Manage Change Request and Network Planned Work Request document. Failure to accurately provide all the mandatory information such as impact, risk assessment, motivation, description, change plan, backup and fall back plan will result in of the change request not being approved. An emergency change must have a related Network Management Center (MC) incident number included in the details of the change request. If not included, the SRC will be treated as a normal change and follow the normal change process. All change requests via third party vendors must go through the NWG Change management control procedure via the appropriate MTN OPCO division or responsible department. This division/department will take full responsibility for such change and be accountable to NCCA. All changes must comply with the requirements contained in the Manage Change Request and Network Planned Work Request document for the request to be approved. The Change Manager will initiate and co-ordinate a meeting of the NCCA to discuss and approve changes in line with the procedure. The outcome of the meeting will be communicated to all members including the division or department responsible for raising the request for the change. Changes are only to be implemented following approval being obtained from Change Management (Change Manager and/or NCCA) in consultation and review by IS CCB. All changes are to be reviewed following the implementation to ensure that the desired effects have been achieved. The reviews will establish whether the change has met the objectives and no unexpected or undesirable side effects were experienced or any additional risk posed to the business. Emergency Changes: o A change may be considered an emergency if customer service has to be restored immediately and/or there is a business critical need for the change to occur. Where a change does not meet these criteria, the change will follow the normal change process. o The time frame for an emergency change implementation may be immediate and therefore it does not follow the normal approval process. o When an Emergency change is requested, approval must be obtained from the Departmental/Divisional Operations and Change Manager, this approval may be verbal. Should these managers not be available and as a last resort theCTO or his delegated authority should be contacted. An informed decision is to be taken and the change implemented as and when necessary. This change is to be recorded and follow the Emergency Change Procedure retrospectively.

For Emergency Changes, an incident is to be recorded in the MC trouble ticketing system prior to the change being requested indicating the severity of the problem, the number of customers impacted by the problem as well as the details of the actual outage.The incident number is to be referred to in the emergency change.

Quarantine Periods: o A quarantine period is defined as an agreed upon window with business for NWG Operations to perform necessary administration and maintenance on the existing NWG infrastructure, which involves following the Change Management Procedure o These periods can also be due to sensitive activities requiring stability in the network and will be defined by the GM Network Operations/Development and Deployment or the CTO. o The actual dates and times will be published on the Corporate Intranet and communicated to the entire organization on a regular basis. Network Change Control Authority(NCCA) The Network Change Control Authority is a body that approves all network architecture or configuration changes and assists Change Management in the assessment and prioritisation of changes. The MC Manager will always chair the NCCA with the permanent delegates representing the business who are capable of ensuring that all changes are adequately assessed from a business and a technical viewpoint. The co-opted delegates will be the manger and technical content expert from the department requesting the change NCCA Membership The NCCA will consist of the following permanent members: MC Manager (Chairman) HLS Manager (Secretary) NQA Manager The following members will be drafted onto the NCCA per changes request Change Request Departmental Managers Change Request Departmental Domain Experts NCCA Meetings Will be convened on a weekly basis to review changes already implemented to assess the impact on the network performance and to review new changes being considered. Adhoc or emergency meetings can be convened telephonically where the change requests have arisen out of an emergency situation. Will involve suppliers/vendors where necessary Must reflect the customer and business views When major emergencies or disasters arise it may be necessary to identify a smaller organisation with authority to make emergency decisions. Such a body is known as the NCCA Emergency Committee (NCCA/EC) and will ensure flexibility in order to represent business interests when major emergency changes are proposed allowing the appropriate decisions to meet the emergency. NCCA Duties, Roles and Responsibilities

The main duties of a NCCA member are as follows: Review all submitted System Change Request (SCRs) Determine and provide details of the impact, the implementation resources, and the ongoing costs of all changes. Attend all relevant NCCA or NCCA/EC meetings when required. Review all changes on the agenda and make a decision on which changes should be authorised while providing input on the scheduling for the changes. Be available for consultation should an urgent change be required (NCCA/EC Only). Provide guidance on all proposed emergency changes. The primary responsibility for the CCB is to authorise, control, monitor and evaluate new and active changes, taking into account the proposed change schedule in relation to new and current changes in progress. The decision of the NCCA will be binding on all departments and is therefore imperative that each business area has representation. When conducting the impact assessment for SCRs by the NCCA the following should be considered: The impact that the change will have on the customer's business operation The effect upon the infrastructure, customer service, capacity and performance, reliability and resilience, contingency plans, security and availability of services. The impact on other services that are reliant on the architecture, nodes, elements (or on software development projects) The effect of not implementing the Change Additional resources, infrastructure and human, required to implement the change. Additional resources required to support the change once implemented. Tacking into account the impact assessment and the potential benefits of the change the members should approve the change together with the schedule and priority allocated. The Change Manager will then schedule the change and communicate these to all the departments and business. If the NCCA cannot agree to a recommendation it will be put to the vote and a decision taken based on the majority votes. NCCA members should come to meetings well prepared based on the priority assessment of the changes. requested and be fully aquainted with all the documentation and information pertaining to the SCRs under discussion.

Notice of NCCA meeting and the agenda will be circulated to all members at least 24 hours prior to the meeting; this is the responsibility of the Change Manager.

The NCCA meetings will be convened weekly although emergency meetings could be convened as a result of an emergency having a major/high impact on the operations. E-Mail will be used as the standard mode of notification and communication and the change manager will be responsible for communicating all business impacting changes to the relevant business partners prior to the change being implemented. Should there be a need to back out of a change or a change has failed the relevant business partners will be notified by the change manager. MTN DISCIPLINARY CODE NWG OPS members and business representatives who do not comply with this procedure will be treated in accordance with MTN's disciplinary procedures. Unauthorised change implementation i.e. without prior approval from Change Manager and/or NCCA (NCCA or NCCA/EC) will be handled in accordance with the MTN OPCOs disciplinary procedures. Unauthorised access, disclosure, modification or destruction of critical information or an information resource will be viewed in a very serious light and strong disciplinary action will be taken against a staff member guilty of such and act or omission. APPROVAL AND MAINTENANCE Procedure and major changes are to be approved by the General Manager Operations/Network Implementation/CPG in conjunction with the General Manager Systems Planning Maintenance of the procedure is the responsibility of the Change Manager. This procedure is to be reviewed on a yearly basis. APPENDICES Appendix A: Change Request Process Flow (High Level)
Change Request (SCR) Log Change Approve Change Implemen t Change

Review Change results

Close Off


Request for Change (SCR) A System Change Request (SCR) refers to changes to elements/nodes/configuration of the NWG infrastructure architecture such as: Rectification of a problem Procurement and installation of new hardware and software Software upgrades Hardware upgrades Installation or repairing of NWG environmental equipment Commissioning and decommissioning of systems Logging a Change

Record details of a request for change to any component of the NWG infrastructure or NWG service stating the business reasons and the following: Resources Resources for the change should be included. Impact Impact to the NWG customers, IS and the business should be clearly identified,an impact study should indicate who and what will be affected by the change, as well as the extent to which these entities will be impacted. Entities to consider are: 3 Users 3 Systems 3 Configuration Risk A risk analysis should indicate possible problems that could be experienced during the change or that could result from the proposed change together with the possibility and steps taken to minimise this possibility The following factors need to be considered when determining the risk 3 Complexity 3 Scheduled time 3 Recovery time 3 Roll/Fall back time Inventory Indicate all nodes/elements(asset) that will be involved in the change and whether the changes have altered the value of the asset. Schedules Changes should be scheduled to have the least impact on normal business operations. When implementing changes on an application, the schedule should be within the time scale defined in the applications Service Level Agreement (SLA). Requester The change requester must coordinate and be responsible for the entire life cycle of the change from initiation until completion. Fall Back / Back-Out Plan The fall-back plan will provide the full detail of the procedure that will be followed to undo / reverse the change/s if unsuccessful, including duration and methodology. APPROVE CHANGE

It is the responsibility of the change requester to make sure that the change is approved prior to implementation. The following departments are the responsible for the approval in the organisations: Owner of the system The owner should verify that the change schedules fall within the Service Level Agreement. Organisation impacted by change

The organisation impacted by the change should verify that the change would not have a negative impact on the normal business operations. Network Change Control Authority The Network Change Control Authority forms the last level of approval and checks the change detail for quality and completeness. If necessary they reject the change for additional information to be supplied. Implement Change No change may be implemented prior to approval. If problems are encountered on the implementation of the change, then the fall back plan must be implemented in consultation with the Departmental Manager,,the Change Management is to be notified. If the planned implementation time expires, the Departmental Manager, together with Change Management should be contacted in order to request an extention of the time. Review Change All changes should be reviewed by the resource (domain expert responsible for implementation of change) to ensure that there is no unforseen impact on the business The reviews will also establish whether the change has met the objective and the functionality and performance of the network is restored,the changes will be recorded andd all records updated accordingly. Appendix B NCCA Meeting Agenda The standard agenda for the NCCA meeting can be: Opening Approval of minutes of previous meeting Review action list of previous meeting Discussion of Each Change 3 Change Overview and Objective 3 Impact and Risk Assessment 3 Authorisation 3 Prioritisation 3 Changes in progress 3 Status Update 3 Scheduling Changes not authorised Measures to be taken General Next Meeting Date Closure NCCA/EC Agenda will be based on the actual SCR for discussion and may not necessarily follow a formal meeting process. This may be in the form of a teleconference and obtaining e-mail confirmation for approval. Appendix B: NCCA Responsibility Matrix NCCA Permanent members Departmental Managers


MC Manager

HLS Manager

Network Quality Assurance Manager

Switch Carrier RF & BTS RF Switch Vas ESS M&E Imp Services Support Planning Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager

AXE TXM SDP SCP PPAS Lan/Wan BTS Sites Power BTS/TXM Power Switch/Vas Aircon BTS/TXM Aircon Switch/Vas

x x x x x x x x x x x

x x x x x x x x x x x

x x x x x x x x x x x

x x x x

x x x x x x

x x x x x

x x

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

x x

x x

x x

Appendix C: Manage Change Request Step Step Details No MC Manager 1 1.1 2 Log Change Request/Planned Work Receive and Log Change Request /planned work form on system (Service Centre) A sample and document references will be required for the appendix Analyse Change Request/Planned Work Review change requests to do the following Identify resource requirements and also what these resources are Review scheduled time and resources Confirm fall back plan Review with relevant functions (i.e. OMC) Approve Change Request/Planned Work Receive approval from functional managers in terms of resource availability and scheduling requirements If approved go to Step 5 Inform Originator Send email including reason for non approval with change request back to Originator Go to Step 14


3 3.1 3.2 4 4.1 4.2

Step No 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 6 6.1 7 7.1 7.2 8 8.1 9 9.1 10 10.1 11 11.1 11.2 11.3 12 12.1 12.2 12.3 13 13.1 14 14.1

Step Details Log Change Requests Assign MC Change Request number Change status of Change Request to approved Pass the hardcopy of the Change Request to the Administrator for filing Update Change Requests Retrieve and update change requests Check if change is service affecting Review the service affecting field in the change service request form and check if it is indicated so that the change is service affecting If service affecting = NO go to Step 9 Inform relevant parties Inform by sending mail to #user groups affected by this change Check if change is to be done by remote access Suppliers do not currently have remote access so till further notice all changes will pass to the OMC engineer Pass Change Request Pass Change Request to named OMC Engineer Check if change is successful Receive Change Request form and Change Report from OMC Engineer A sample and document references will be required for the OMC report as an appendix Check appropriate fields to determine if change is successful If the change is successful go to Step 13 Inform Originator Send Change Request form and Change Report to Originator Update the Change Request status Go to Step 15 Close change request Update the Change Request status Send Success Completion Note to Originator Send Success Completion Note to Originator

Step No

Step Details

N etw ork P lanned W orks R equest Form

R eq u estor In form ation
N etw o rk E lem en t.

if oth er sp ecify

R eq uesto r R eference R equested B y Co nta ct Details er Dep artm ent / Com p an y P urp ose for C h ange Type of C hange O th er (p lease g iv e deta ils) 2
Softw are

v ersio n n um b er M o rne J on ke T eleph o ne no . M o b ile n um b Job Title 8032001573

D eta ils o f ch a ng e (in clu de a tta ch m ents w h ere applicab le) Im p act of C h an g e D eta ils o f Im pa ct

Serv ice A ffectin g


P re-O uta ge T est P lan (includ e a ttachm en ts w h ere applicable) P ost-O u ta ge T est P la n (includ e a ttachm en ts w h ere applicable)

B a cko ut P rocedu re (includ e a ttachm en ts w h ere applicable) Im p lem en ta tion D ate Req uest Au th o rised By

1 D ate Job Title

Tim e

N etw ork O p eration s In form ation

Req uest Ap pro v ed By W o rk Logged B y N M C R eferen ce A ctu al O u ta g e S tart D a te A ctu al O u ta g e F inish D ate O u tage P erformed B y Da te C o m p leted D a te 2 2 D a te D a te Tim e Tim e Signature Tim e Job Title Signature

C u sto m er C a re In form ed No O L O Info rm ed

Ref: M TN/N G/X XX-01 No

Info rm ed B y

Info rm ed B y

Appendix D: Network Planned Work Request Form

MTN O & M Tool Kit Core Network Chnge Order Plan



10.1 INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVE This document contains the details surrounding planned work on the systems and sites supported by NWG to ensure that all changes in the network are controlled and documented. SCOPE This document applies to all support engineers who are tasked with carrying out changes in the network and must be completed and approval obtained from the designated managers to allow the planned work to be undertaken. References Access procedure for MTN Infrastructure Escalation Procedure 10.2 PROCEDURE PLANNED WORK DETAIL _Core
Name Department Request Date System Redundant / Backup System Redundant / Backup System Details Intended date and time of switching on of redundant system Date and time of planned work Duration of planned work MC / TT reference number

Overview of Planned Work Impact it would have on the network (Downtime, performance, design etc.) Was the planned work tested on a test system? (If yes, state result.) Fall Back Plan Attached ? Post Planned Work Tests attached ? Departments / clients (internal / External) affected by planned

MTN O & M Tool Kit Core Network Chnge Order Plan

work People / Departments that should be notified of the planned work


PLANNED WORK APPROVAL Requestor Name Date Signature Line Manager Date Signature Department Manager Date Signature Planned Work Detail _SITE

Type of Change Request: Type of Work: Site Name: Site Number: Requested by: Related Information: Changes Requested: Reasons for Changing: Approved by Line Manager














Approved by Department Manager Change performed by: Document Updated by:




MTN O & M Tool Kit Manage Document Change


24.1 INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVES To outline the procedure for managing and controlling changes to documents within MTN NWG operational units. SCOPE The procedure applies to all the processes and procedures within the operational unit of NWG. All changes to process and procedural documents within NWG must be communicated to the QSP team for approval of the changes. The QSP team, part of the NQA department, are the custodian of all approved working PP documents within NWG. The documents which are in use within NWG will reside on the MTN Intranet (Portal) and a predefined common drive in each OPCO. Reference Access Procedure For Mtn Infrastructure Manage Network configuration Change Requests Network Planned Work Request Form 24.2 PROCEDURE All the documents will be displayed in the following folders to ensure version control and uniformity. Live Documents located in this folder are the latest version and are the current controlling references. Copies of these documents will also be displayed on the MTN portal. Archive Documents located in this folder are previous versions of documents that have been replaced due too changes/updates and are only for information. Change Control request, analyses and approval 3 The request for a change/update or registration of a new PP document is sent to the network quality assurance department via email. 3 The NQA department will respond with an appropriate receipt notification which is date stamped and referenced. 3 A NQA Engineer will review the proposed documentation and meet with all the relevant parties to review the technical detail for accuracy and the requirement for the change. 3 If agreement is reached on the changes /publication the NQA engineer or originator will complete the change control form and forward it to NQA engineer and change control administrator for the necessary approval and implementation.

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3 Should consensus not be reached by all parties on the necessity for change or publication of the document the QA engineer will consult with the managers of the various departments involved for clarification and approval or rejection. 3 All parties will be informed of the outcome. Document Change Implementation The NQA engineer will meet with the parties involved in implementing the document change {either by email or physically} for a final review, approval and signoff on the document changes. After the approval has been obtained the old version of the document is placed in the archive folder on the server while the new or revised document, with the latest version, is placed on the server and published on the portal by the NQA engineer or administrator. The requestor and users of the document are informed. Note:Should the NQA department not exist the CTO will appoint a designated resource from ts
within the NWG to carry out the above functions.

DEFINITIONS NWG - Network Group QSP - Quality System & Process NQA - Network Quality Assurance CCF - Change Control Form RECORDS MTN Intranet (Portal) and on predefined common drive on the LAN as defined in the OPCO

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MTN O & M Tool Kit Manage Network Configuration Change Requests


25.1 INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVES The objective of the procedure is to manage all change request coming to the NWG for configuration changes to the network in a controlled manager to avoid unnecessary risk to service quality. SCOPE The procedure applies to all MTN departments and personnel involved with managing, monitoring and implementing changes to the network configuration. REFERENCE Manage and Monitor Network Process Change Request/Planned Work Network Change Order Plan Antenna Change Control 25.2 PROCEDURE OVERVIEW This procedure recommends the management of planned work and change reqests to be implemented on the network inluding the associated administrative tasks for the managing of the change requests. MANAGE CHANGE REQUESTS Log Change Request/Planned Work Receive and Log Change Request /planned work form on system ( Planned Work Form) Assign MC Change Request number Analyse Change Request/Planned Work Review change requests o Identify resource requirements and also what these resources are o Review scheduled time and resources o Confirm fall back plan o Review with relevant functions (i.e. OMC) o Check if change is to be done by remote access o Check if change is service affecting o Review the service affecting field in the change service request form and check if it is indicated that the change is service affecting Approval of Change Request/Planned Work Receive approval from functional managers in terms of resource availability and scheduling requirements If approved Change status of Change Request to approved Pass the hardcopy of the Change Request to the Administrator for filing & save sofy copy in records folder. Inform relevant parties by sending mail to #user groups affected by this change

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Pass Change Request to named OMC/NS/HLS/Maintenance Engineer for implementation Check if change is successful 1. Receive Change Request form and Change Report from OMC Engineer 2. Check appropriate fields to determine if change is successful Inform the Originator 3. Update the Change Request status and close the change request 4. Send Success Completion Note to the Originator If not approved Inform Originator 5. Send an email including reason for non approval with change request back to Originator DEFINITIONS OMC -Operational Maintenance Centre MC - Management Centre GSM - Global System for Mobile Communication TMOS - Telecommunications Management Operating Systems RECORDS Located on the LAN as defined by the OPCO

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