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Newsletter n.

September 2012

We thank Allaah and then all of you brothers for assisting us in this affair. We have long been thinking about how to get some good books over here, but its just too expensive
Your brothers & sisters from South Africa


- 20kgs of Islamic Books has been donated by sisters from Birmingham, UK

- A Brother living in Saudi donated 40 Quraan and 11 Fortress of the Muslim - We received donations in money from Azerbaijan, New Zealand, America

- "We have been distributing CDs after Jumu'ah in Christchurch (New Zealand) walhamdullilah and Insha'Allah will continue in the foreseeable future" Brothers in NZ
- You helped us to sent 60kgs of Islamic material to Dakar (Senegal, Africa) - Year4 girls from Salafi School, Birmingham, UK raised 100 for ILM4U

- More than 50kgs of books and cassettes donated to ILM4U for distribution - 78kgs of Islamic material has been sent to Lagos (Nigeria, Africa) - 30 books to learn Arabic sent to an orphanage in Indonesia

- Brothers and sisters from Birmingham (UK) donated English, French and Arabic books, may Allaah reward them all
For more info :

A recent donation

What you helped us to send in various countries

An ILM4U display by Year 4 at Salafi School, Birmingham, UK

ILM4U activities to date


History of Muslims in South Africa

Muslims make up about 1.5% of the population of South Africa , with the estimated population being about 50 million people . Judging from the latest census figures and the concentration of Muslims in the various provinces of South Africa, it can safely be assumed that the majority of this population is made up of Muslims of Malay origin (about 45%, resident mainly in the Western Cape) and Indian origin (about 45%) Islaam and Muslims in South Africa
The first Salafi Masjid was established October 2011

Up until this day, Sufism remains the most widespread sect in South Africa, but Alhamdulillah the call to the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of our Prophet Sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam upon the understanding of the salafus-Saalih has started to make in-roads, with the first Salafi Masjid established in the city of Port Elizabeth in October 2011, with the same establishment functioning as a musollah for 3 years prior to that.

Salafiyah in South Africa

There are duaat in the various provinces who have graduated from institutions in Saudi Arabia and also some who have studied in Yemen, calling to the Quraan and Sunnah upon the understanding of the Salafus-Saalih. Walhamdulillaah. Many obstacles are faced by the Duaat in the Western Province, the biggest being financial aid, as there is not a single Markaz or Masjid that has been established there. But despite that the dawah has made leaps and strides, and this is only through the assistance of Allaah and the effort of the brothers living there.

Your books In South Africa

We ask Allaah to make the Muslims in this country receptive to the Dawah and that He opens up their hearts to the Haqq. By our brothers from Port-Elizabeth, South Africa

Help us by donating the following books which are available at the Salafi Bookstore. You can do this by directly sending the books to us by post at the Salafi Bookstore, Birmingham, UK.

You can donate books, Cds, leaflets, money at the Salafi Bookstore:

Salafi Bookstore (Mentioning it is for ILM4U) 472 Coventry Road BIRMINGHAM ILM4U TEL : 0044 7943097716 EMAIL :


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