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Latinos Progresando Exploration

An Exploration of Latinos Progresando: An Organization Advocating for Chicagos Latino Population Amber Durkin Loyola University Chicago

Latinos Progresando Exploration History Latinos Progresando (LP) is a well-established organization in the heart of Little Village

that is centered upon serving the needs of Latino immigrants; they provide everything from legal advice to a youth community theater, Teatro Americano (, n.d.). Luis Gutierrez founded Latinos Progresando in 1998 with just $200 (, n.d.), and he remains a pivotal member of the LP team to this day. As stated on their website,, In 1998, we started with one phone and one volunteer. Now we are a diverse team thats privileged to lead Chicago in immigration legal services, theater arts, and community development(n.d.). The organization has grown over its lifetime to keep up with the changing community, which has contributed to its enormous success. Another factor contributing to the overall success of the organization is its board of directors and board of associates. Board members have ties reaching deep into various community areas and projects, which keeps the organization diverse and well connected (, n.d.). More directly associated with their history and development, though, are the actual services that Latinos Progresando provides. LP offers a variety of legal services for Latino immigrants who have limited resources. One of the primary services they offer involves a free consultation with legal advisors for women and children who are victims of domestic violence (, n.d.). In fact, Any wife, husband, child, or parent of a citizen or legal permanent resident abuser may be eligible to apply for VAVW benefits(, n.d.). By providing this service, LP is empowering women of the Latino community and offering them a valuable resource, which many could normally not afford. In addition to VAWA services, Latinos Progresando offers legal services regarding Deferred Action, and community initiatives such as their mural project, scholarship fund, connections with the Marshall Square Resource

Latinos Progresando Exploration Network, and their community theater, Tearto Americano (, n.d.). All of these programs/initiatives have shaped Latinos Progresando into the organization it is today. Mission A mission statement is the quintessential representation of what an organization stands for and what they hope to achieve. Having a well thought out purpose can promote efficiency and clarity of the organization, which benefits both clients and staff. According to their website, Latinos Progresandos mission statement is this, Latinos Progresando serves immigrants with the highest quality, low-cost legal immigration services, community education and engagement, and advocacy/organizing around policy that affects immigrants (, n.d.).

Immigrant services is the platform that LP operates on, therefore, those entering the organization must be aware of this, and serve this mission statement to the best of their abilities. In addition to their actual mission statement, LP has three distinct principles that guide its operations. The first principle is this, An injustice to any community is an injustice to our community. Social justice comes from collaborating around diverse causes, even those that dont directly affect us (, n.d.). By engaging in not only their community, but also in those surrounding them, LP has a more complete view of what the issues are and the best way to address them. As Stoecker (2013) states in his text, Research Methods for Community Change, Community development requires thinking of the community as a system (p. 50). When one part of the system falters so do several others; therefore, understanding the consequences of another groups injustices can help to prevent or overcome similar injustices. The second value on which Latinos Progresando operates is, every decision we make must be based on what is best for our communities, not just on what is best for our organization or any one individual

Latinos Progresando Exploration (, n.d.). Community cohesion can lead to a strong decision making body. Therefore, rather than just looking out for the interests of the organization, they look out for the

actual people the organization serves. The community is the reason the organization exists in the first place. The final value laid out in LPs operating framework is this, We do everything the best we can because helping our communities achieve excellence means using and attentively refining our best practices (, n.d.). Self-monitoring of an organization promotes the best possible service to the greatest number of people, just as the LP mission statement accentuates. Latinos Progresando stays up to date with legislation to provide the most accurate and comprehensive legal services, and maintains a network of connections with the community so that both parties can remain well informed (, n.d.). Vision Statement Latinos Progresandos vision statement is similar to their mission statement. They do not state their vision outright in any of their literature, but it is evident in their values, mission, and programs offered. A key component of their vision statement is providing quality legal services to immigrants who, otherwise, would not receive them, creating a stronger community- evident through their resource networking and emphasis on embracing culture, and finally, as they state on their website, they hope their involvement builds capacities of people that are already motivated to succeed (, n.d.). This last component is indicative of one of Randy Stoeckers primary focuses in Research Methodologies For Community Change- that is community involvement. From the research aspect of the organization, this is essential. As Stoecker (2013) states, Connecting the research process to an organizing process both builds residents skills and their leadership capacity (p. 55). Latinos Progresando is empowering community members to advocate for themselves and be active in promoting change and

Latinos Progresando Exploration development (LatinosPro website). Those who live in the community know best what strengths and weaknesses exist, so it makes sense that LP is making sure the community members are the stars of the organization. In fact, several people on the board of directors and the board of

associates were born and raised in the area, so they are living examples of successful community involvement (A. Lange, personal communication, September 29, 2012). Strategic Plan Latinos Progresando has a very detailed strategic plan to maximize efficiency of the organization. This multifaceted plan puts emphasis on three particular areas: Family Strengthening, Community Development, and Innovation (, n.d.). On their own, these elements are all good and helpful, but when working synchronously, they are a powerful unifying force. As stated on the Latinos Progresando website, The result is robust communities that people not only want to live in, but can live in stably and proudly(n.d.). Community pride, cultural awareness, and unity are all important factors of this. Perhaps some examples of how LP puts this plan into action will solidify how successful it really is. It all begins with family strengthening. Encouraging families to connect and support each other is the first step in reaching out and further connecting with the community. LP promotes family strengthening through several avenues. First of all, they offer scholarships for college, mentorship, and leadership opportunities (, n.d.). A college education and leadership roles can help local youth to support their families and to help educate them as well. Immigrant families alone may not be able to afford to send their children to college; LP helps relieve this burden for as many deserving families as possible. Also, the directors of Latinos Progresando promote family strengthening through their legal services program, as it is stated,

Latinos Progresando Exploration Our legal services program has developed an expertise in family-based immigration, because we know that Unified families create stronger communities (, n.d.). It is less stressful and more fulfilling to have families together than separated by entire countries and a difficult-to-navigate legal system. Again, this takes some of the burden off the family, both financially (as LPs legal services are the cheapest around) and emotionally (, n.d.). Finally, Latinos Progresando promotes family strength with their unique theater program. While cultural and generational diversity are valued, it can often be difficult for families to connect because of the boundaries they create. There are different values and styles of communication and this often creates family divides. As stated on LPs website, Teatro Americanos theater productions help different generations see and interact with each others stories(n.d.). In conjunction with one another, these initiatives help to promote a strong family unit. The next step of Latinos Progresandos strategic plan is the community development facet. Developing the community by investing in its cultural and structural assets encourages a positive atmosphere and the coming together of the community members. LP has contributed to

several community development projects and programs, one of them being the mural project (A. Lange, personal communication, September 29, 2012). This simple act of painting murals on buildings is so important because Beautiful neighborhoods inspire residents to be involved and proudit makes issues visible (, n.d.). When community members are proud of their environment they are more likely to maintain it. LP also sponsors cultural celebrations and theater plays that honor Latino stories (, n.d.). Rejoicing in culture and the coming together of different backgrounds enhances the richness and diversity of community life. In addition, they manage the Marshall Square Resource Network, a coalition of nonprofits and

Latinos Progresando Exploration businesses (, n.d.). Providing people with the resources they need encourages those people to stay in their community, and possibly even to give back. The final component of the action plan involves innovation. As it is summed up on the

LP website, we engage and listen to our communities, so that we can understand and respond to their changing circumstances (, n.d.). Staying up to date and maintaining contacts and connections is an important part of an effective organization. Unexpected issues may arise with client interaction; therefore, LP is very vigilant about interdepartmental communication (, n.d.). Also, by sponsoring community events like socials and fundraisers, LP is connecting with the community and getting to know individual needs, they give us an avenue to connect community members to resources(, n.d.). Putting this plan into action is an essential part of this process. Latinos Progresando does this in a highly efficient manner by compartmentalizing their organization and using boards, committees, and subcommittees. I actually got to see the board of associates in action, and can assure that they have a good system for maximizing the efficiency. Everyone is very friendly and they meet in a comfortable space to address the organizations needs and discuss how to fulfill those needs. First, committees are formed to oversee particular events, such as their annual Christmas benefit, or the scholarship fund (A. Lange, personal communication, September 29, 2012). Next, people with strengths in those areas volunteer to be heads of the committees and then, if necessary, they pull together subcommittees to ensure that the event runs smoothly (A. Lange, personal communication, September 29, 2012). When everything goes smoothly, the action plan comes to life in a beautiful way. Population Served

Latinos Progresando Exploration As previously stated, Latinos Progresando is located in the heart of Little Village, therefore, those who reside there are the primary population served. However, these are not the only people that LP serves, actually, far from it. They have clientele that travels from all over

Chicago and the suburbs to obtain their accredited low-cost legal assistance, as they are one of a small number of organizations that provide it (A. Lange, personal communication, September 29, 2012). They mainly serve the Latino Population, primarily those who are undocumented (, n.d.). According to the LP website, they have assisted over 20,000 clients(n.d.). Latinos Progresando caters to several different populations, including families (reuniting families service), women who have experienced domestic violence, students, local business, and anyone else that can utilize their services (, n.d.). Latinos Progresando addresses community needs by providing affordable legal services in a low-income community, providing a safe and productive space for local youth, and by connecting people to resources (, n.d.). In addition they inform the community about recent policy changes and make resources available to them in times of need (, n.d.). This is so highly valued because this is a vulnerable population that Latinos Progresando is dealing with. Many of LPs clients are in constant fear of deportation and being separated from their families, for this reason alone it is very important that the community stays informed and up to date. This is particularly true for the current legislation on Deferred Action. LP explains, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is an administrative policy that allows certain qualified undocumented youth to apply for postponement of deportation(, n.d.). When it comes to the possibility of deportation, legally declaring yourself as an undocumented resident can seem pretty risky. For this reason, Latinos Progresandos legal staff keeps the community up to date and informed. LP provides a safe space

Latinos Progresando Exploration for children with afterschool programs and Teatro Americano, and they connect people with resources through their resource network (, n.d.).

The larger community issues are evident in the problems that Latinos Progresando works to address. These issues include immigration and deportation of undocumented residents in the greater Chicagoland area, domestic violence, crime, unemployment, and access to legal services (, n.d.). The fact that Latinos Progresando is accredited by the Board of Immigration Appeals is a huge deal for clients. According to Adrienne Lange, with the recent Deferred Action proposal, a large number of organizations are offering legal services; however, more often than not they are doing people more harm than good (A. Lange, personal communication, September 29, 2012). LP is qualified and offers services at an affordable price. For this reason, clients can actually take advantage of the Deferred Action proposal if it is applicable to them. LP also attempts to combat unemployment by connecting people to potential employers through their resource network and by posting jobs available in the community on social media like Facebook and Twitter (, n.d.). Influencing Policy Policy has been woven throughout this exploration of Latinos Progresando because it is a primary component with one of their most noteworthy services- legal consultations. As discussed previously, LP has a vested interest in the Deferred Action policy. According to Adrienne Lange, most of their incoming clients are there to take advantage of these services. She also communicated concerns with the upcoming presidential election. The Deferred Action policy is not a law, so if Romney is elected, there is possibility that this could be reversed (though unlikely). No matter, this is a legitimate concern for applicant, for if it does get reversed they are

Latinos Progresando Exploration


essentially identifying themselves as targets for deportation (A. Lange, personal communication, September 29, 2012). LP is doing their best to keep their clientele informed while staying up to date on policy themselves. Latinos Progresandos founder Luis Gutierrez even spoke on NPRs program, To the Point. He joined a debate about the new deferred action policy for youth, highlighting the risks of applying (, n.d.). Currently, the Deferred Action policy is number one on LPs agenda. Deferred Action is not the only policy Latinos Progresando has vested interest in though. Another piece of legislation closely tied to the organization is VAWA, or The Violence Against Women Act. This act can be slightly confusing, but in a nutshell, VAWA created special provisions in United States immigration law to protect victims of abuse who are not citizens of the United States(, 2011). The spouse of an undocumented domestic violence victim can hold deportation over their head, which perpetuates the cycle of abuse. In order to protect these victims, VAWA was created. It is possible for victims to walk away from these circumstances because In certain cases of domestic violence, US immigration law allows certain victims of abuse who are not citizens to obtain lawful status without having to rely on their abuser to petition(, 2011). This is where Latinos Progresando comes into play. In fact, LP offers free consultations to assess the eligibility of potential VAWA applicants(, n.d.). According to their website, they also refer the clients to other helpful resources, including shelters and attorneys (n.d.). For these reasons, it is important for LP staff to stay up to date on VAWA policy. Organizational Structure and Volunteers Latinos Progresando can be considered a large network of people and resources with one

Latinos Progresando Exploration


central home base. In their Little Village office space, they employ eleven people with different areas of expertise. LP employees range from an accredited legal staff, to caseworkers, to marketing personnel, directors, and receptionists (, n.d.). The key in this system is that all of them work together for a common cause, as stated on their website, At Latinos Progresando, we are not just co-workers, we are a family. The intimate connection between departments and staff creates a positive experience for clients and a stable resource network within the organization. In addition to the full time staff, Latinos Progresando has a board of directors and a board of associates (, n.d.). The board of associates includes both employees and other active members of the organization. Many of them have ties to the community through their jobs or involvement in other organizations (, n.d.). The board of associates primarily focus is on the scholarship fund and management. They also help coordinate LP events and fundraisers (A. Lange, personal communication, September 29, 2012). Volunteers can also help with programs like Teatro Americano, after school programs, and LP events (A. Lange, personal communication, September 29, 2012). Asset Mapping Asset mapping is a helpful tool for recognizing the strengths of an organization. Once an organization is aware of its strengths, it can capitalize on them and utilize them to the best of their ability. Latinos Progresando has a good level of understanding when it comes to their assets, and they seem to be utilizing many of them to the best of their ability. The assets I am about to map were all discussed and verified by Adrienne Lange, director of development at LP. First of all, there is the personnel aspect. The staff at Latinos Progresando is very knowledgeable and qualified. Those involved with theater have expertise in teaching art, there is an accredited legal staff, LP has a strong accounting team and budget management, there is a definite capacity

Latinos Progresando Exploration for organizational leadership, and finally, they have strong trainers and managers. All of this


expertise combined equates to a diverse and well-qualified staff. The expertise component also overlaps with the strengths demonstrated by personnel. However, they additionally have a thorough knowledge of the community, the areas first ever Latino youth program, and detailed presentations that inform and educated the community. Personnel are not the only assets of the organization. Some other important aspects include space and facilities, and materials and equipment. In regards to space and facilities, LP has an office space in Little Village, a largely Latino area of Chicago. Also they share this office space with other organizations that also serve the Latino population. Having other organizations there with different skill sets and resources is undoubtedly an asset, as they can go to them with questions and refer clients if necessary. In the office building there is also a meeting space, which is helpful when they are hosting information sessions or coming together as a team. Finally, they utilize community spaces when applicable. For example, their annual Christmas party is going to be held in the National Museum of Mexican art. This is taking advantage of community resources, developing relationships with local businesses, and exposing clients to a community asset. LP also has adequate materials and equipment. The offices are well supplied with computers and software, they have a very user-friendly website, brochures and flyers available to clients. Also, they have a newsletter/news email that is available to subscribers. Finally, Latinos Progresando has assets that lie with constituents, networks, and economic power. When it comes to constituents, there is a thorough knowledge of community. There are ties to the community through other nonprofits, and simply living and working in the community. There is also a connection with the youth population through afterschool programs like Teatro Americano. There is a huge network of resources that LP can pull from, one of the

Latinos Progresando Exploration main resources being the Marshall Square Resource Network. This collection of nonprofits all


specializing in different areas is invaluable to clients and staff. Also, many board members sit on the boards of other organizations as well. Because of this, they can bring in unique ideas and connections with other resources. Clients often have specialized skills, such as carpentry for example, and LP can use these relationships as resources. One example that Adrienne gave was the case of the carpenter. The building needed some work done on the upper floor, and because they were aware of their connection with this particular client, they hired him to do the work for them, which befitted both him and LP. There is also networking among local elected officials and funders, both of which are definite assets of Latinos Progresando. The relationship with elected officials keeps LP in the loop and gives them a voice in local policy, and the funders connect them with local business. Finally, there is the economic power asset. LP has staff on hand that write grants for community projects, they hold fundraises that involve local business and residents, and they offer local youth jobs over the summer- providing them with extra staff and valuable work experience for teens. Conclusion In the fourteen years that Latinos Progresando has been around, they have grown into a mature organization with roots deeply embedded in the community. They have provided the Latino population with countless resources and services that they otherwise would not have access to. Not only does LP serve the community, they are a part of the community. Staff and board members live and work amongst the people they seek to help so they have a thorough understanding of what issues are prominent. A genuine vested interest in the community drives this organization to do the best it can for the most number of people (, n.d.). By recognizing its assets in conjunction with community assets, Latinos Progresando has improved

Latinos Progresando Exploration the lives of countless numbers of immigrants.


Latinos Progresando Exploration References Latinos Progresando Webpage. Retrieved from Pendleton, G. (2011, November 11). VAWA Laws for Abuse Victims. Retrieved from


Stoecker, R. (2013). Research Methods for Community Change: A Project-Based Approach. Los Angeles: SAGE publications inc.

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