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Creating Customer Value (Rispondere a tutte le domande della sezione) 1.

This stage of Life time Support provides maintenance and support of Oracle database, middleware, and application products for 5 years from their general a vailability date. Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Lifetime Support Policy Premier Support (*) Extended support Sustaining Support None of the above Corrrect 2. Customer Success Self-Assessment is an online tool designed to share Globa l Software Support good practices across 5 domains - Strategy, Process, People, Technology and Governance Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Vero (*) Falso Corrrect 3. When using the Configuration Manager this region provides the opportunity to share with Oracle Support the details of what is going on within your configu rations. your support engineer not only has access to your environment details w hen working an issue. Engineers have visibility (through projects). Contrassegn a per revisione (1) Punti Projects region (*) Draft Service Request region Getting started region Knowledge region News region Incorrect, refer to the Creating Customer Value training for more informat ion 4. This training resource is built for practical real-world situations, allow ing you to gain valuable hands-on experience as well as use the presented soluti ons as the foundation for production implementation, dramatically reducing time

to deployment. Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Oracle By Example (OBE) (*) Customer Services Catalog Transfer of Information (TOI) Sustaining Support Newsletters Incorrect, refer to the Creating Customer Value training for more informat ion 5. Identify the support model described: This support model centered around r eactively working customer issues. You work with support on the issue, identify a solution, and then move to implement that solution. Contrassegna per revision e (1) Punti Traditional support model (*) Pro-active support model Predictive support model None of the above All of the above Incorrect, refer to the Creating Customer Value training for more informat ion Creating Customer Value (Rispondere a tutte le domande della sezione) 6. This stage of Life time Support provides provides you with an extra three years of support for specific Oracle release for an additional fee. Contrassegn a per revisione (1) Punti Lifetime Support Policy Premier Support Extended support (*) Sustaining Support None of the above Corrrect

7. This region from the dashboard cross the enterprise, configuration, et up your dashboard. This region is aking advantage of the Configuration (1) Punti Getting started region News Region Draft Service Request region Service Request region System Health Region (*) Corrrect

provides an overall view of system health a or specific targets based on how you have s only available to those customers who are t Manager. Contrassegna per revisione

8. This online assessment tool is designed to share Global Software Support g ood practices across 5 domains - Strategy, Process, People, Technology and Gover nance with the goal to help customers get maximum value from their Oracle invest ments Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Sustaining Support Transfer of Information (TOI) Customer Services Catalog Newsletters Customer Success Self-Assessment (*) Incorrect, refer to the Creating Customer Value training for more informat ion 9. Product Information Centers are one stop shops maintained within our knowl edge base that contain information about specific products and releases. Contra ssegna per revisione (1) Punti Vero (*) Falso Corrrect 10. It is a support capability that automates the exchange of configuration i nformation between Oracle Support and our customers, enabling proactive detectio n of issues our customers may encounter, and allowing for faster resolution time s in instances where you do run into an issue. Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti

Upgrade wizard Support Diagnostics tool Change assistant Configuration Manager (*) Remote Diagnostcs Agent Corrrect Creating Customer Value (Rispondere a tutte le domande della sezione) 11. Our main focus in Support is to assist in minimizing any disruptions to y our system. We do this through Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti (scegliere tutte le risposte corrette) Problem Avoidance through the Configuration manager health checks (*) Self Service Resolution - resolving problems without the need to contact Ora cle Support (*) Reduction in resolution time - minimizing the time spent to resolve an issue (*) Answers 1 & 2 only None of the above Correct

Oracle's Lifetime Support Policy (Rispondere a tutte le domande della sezione) 12. Lifetime Support supports you at Every Stage of the Applications Life Cyc le Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Vero (*) Falso Corrrect 13. It is Oracle's policy to force upgrades after a customer has had 10 years in sustaining support. Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti

Vero Falso (*) Corrrect 14. While in Sustaining Support, the pricing is equal to pricing as if in Pre mier Support Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Vero (*) Falso Incorrect. Refer to the Lifetime Support training for more information.

MVSP Overview (Rispondere a tutte le domande della sezione) 15. Which of the following statements are Partner requirements for collaborat ion in the Multi-Vendor Support Program (MVSP)? Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti (scegliere tutte le risposte corrette) Partner must provide the Mutual Customer s support identification number when collaborating with Oracle Support. (*) As part of the MVSP, Partners have the option of collaborating with Oracle S upport on a Mutual Customer support issue. Partner must establish their own severity levels and response timeframes for Mutual Customer support issues. Partner must direct Mutual Customers to contact Oracle Support directly on O racle-related issues. Partner must provide and maintain standard contact and escalation informatio n for the MVSP. (*) Incorrect. Refer to the Multi-Vendor Support Program Overview training for more information. 16. There are no call restrictions with other members at the TSANet Classic lev el Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Vero Falso (*)

Correct 17. Which of the following statements regarding our value proposition to our Partners for the Multi-Vendor Support Program (MVSP) is NOT true? Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Enables practices that align with many industry support certifications. Reduces costs by not having to create and maintain traditional cooperative s upport agreements. Provides a consistent, collaborative support process by which to engage with Oracle Support. Provides a consistent support process for all of a Partner's support needs, regardless of a Mutual Customer's involvement. (*) Reduces training commitment by not having to pursue in-depth training on Ora cle products you do not support. Correct 18. There are no call restrictions with other members at the TSANet Mission C ritical level Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Vero (*) Falso Correct 19. which year was TSANet established? Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti 1991 1990 1994 1993 (*) 1992 Correct

Oracle Support Basics (Rispondere a tutte le domande della sezione)

20. Which 3 of the following does My Oracle Support allow you access to? Con trassegna per revisione (1) Punti (scegliere tutte le risposte corrette) Bug information (*) Oracle User Community (*) Patches (*) Oracle Education Schedules Correct Oracle Support Basics (Rispondere a tutte le domande della sezione) 21. Which is a valid name of a diagnostic tool for Oracle Server? Contrasseg na per revisione (1) Punti SR (Service Request) OWC (Oracle Webconference) Configuration Manager RDA (Remote Diagnostic Agent) (*) Correct 22. How long will a Oracle Collaborative Support session last? Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Will take 20 minutes butmaybe dependent on the engineer who is doing the OCS . (*) Up to 5 minutes Unlimited Up to 1 hour Correct 23. Which of the following is not the responsibility of a Support Engineer? Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Respond to new incoming SRs

Educate customers on how to use the products (*) Contribute to the knowledge base content Provide resolutions or workarounds Correct 24. Who retains ownership of the SR? Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Starts with Partner and then moves back and forth Shared ownership throughout (*) Oracle retains ownership throughout Starts with Oracle and then moves back and forth Correct 25. What can you expect following an escalation request? Contrassegna per re visione (1) Punti Oracle Consultant onsite within 24 hours 24x7 working until problem resolved Support Engineer passes SR to another engineer Oracle Support manager telephones you to discuss your problem and agree to a n action plan (*) Correct Oracle Support Basics (Rispondere a tutte le domande della sezione) 26. Which severity should a SR be raised at if there if a minor impact on the business? Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Severity 2 Severity3 (*) Severity1 Severity 4 Correct

My Oracle Support (Rispondere a tutte le domande della sezione) 27. The Service Request Home Page contains Service Requests, Draft Service Re quests and Bug Summary Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Vero (*) Falso Corrrect 28. If the Patch Recommendation region is enclosed in an orange box and displ ays Sample, this means that Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti You did not properly set up your region to display Patch Recommendations Your CUA did not give you privilege to view Patch Recommendations Your profile does not include a CSI with configuration data collected/upload ed by collectors (*) There are no recommended patches you need to install into your environment None of the Above Incorrect. Refer to the Patches and Updates on My Oracle Support training for more information

My Oracle Support Community (Rispondere a tutte le domande della sezione) 29. This tab in My Oracle Support Community is a way for you to organize and easily find community content. Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Private Messages tab People finder tab Profile tab Tags tab (*) Discussions and Documents tab Incorrect. Refer to the My Oracle Support Community training for more info rmation.

30. This is the region where My Oracle Support Community members can follow a s their rank grows through their continued community participation. Contrassegn a per revisione (1) Punti The Getting started region The Tags region The Recent content region The Rank region (*) The News and Announements region Incorrect. Refer to the My Oracle Support Community training for more info rmation. My Oracle Support Community (Rispondere a tutte le domande della sezione) 31. Your User Profile in My Oracle Support Community can include an avatar C ontrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Vero (*) Falso Correct 32. Each My Oracle Support Community page contains Contrassegna per revision e (1) Punti (scegliere tutte le risposte corrette) Popular Products region Top Participants region (*) Popular Discussions region (*) Top Concerns region Popular Documents region (*) Incorrect. Refer to the My Oracle Support Community training for more info rmation. 33. Participation in My Oracle Community has some guidelines. My Oracle Suppo rt Community is NOT for: Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti

(scegliere tutte le risposte corrette) Sharing offensive or inappropriate material. (*) Interacting with other members of the Oracle Support community. Sharing your ideas about Oracle and our products. Resolving issues which may be time sensitive. (*) Disparaging Oracle, its products, employees, customers, partners or anyone e lse. (*) Incorrect. Refer to the My Oracle Support Community training for more info rmation. 34. This tab in My Oracle Support Community shows recently created communitie s content. Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Tags tab Profile tab Discussions and Documents tab (*) Private Messages tab People finder tab Correct

Oracle Collaborative Support Program (Rispondere a tutte le domande della sezione) 35. To join a web conference , while , the Conference ID is the same as the S R# , the Conference Key is your Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Partner ID Email Address CSI ( Customer Support Identifier) (*) First name of the Employee joining OWC None of the above Incorrect. Refer to the Collaborative Support Program Overview training fo r more information.

Oracle Collaborative Support Program (Rispondere a tutte le domande della sezione) 36. Oracle Collaborative Support uses industry standard Secure Socket Layer, or SSL, with 128-bit encryption for transmitting encyrpted data securely. Contr assegna per revisione (1) Punti Vero (*) Falso Correct 37. If you encounter issues in installing Oracle Web Conference Console , you should Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Try using a different browser Troubleshoot using New User Test (*) Contact Oracle Support Hotline Contact your Network administrator None of the above Incorrect. Refer to the Collaborative Support Program Overview training fo r more information.

Oracle Configuration Manager (Rispondere a tutte le domande della sezione) 38. What is a healthcheck? Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Dynamically generated reports based on the systems information gathered by s upport agent. (*) Another name for RDA output. Manually run reports based on the systems information gathered by support ag ent. One of the Support offerings available to ACS customers. Dynamically generated reports based on the output of Support Diagnostics. Incorrect. Refer to the Software Config Manager training for more informat ion.

39. Where should support agent be installed? Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti On every PC. On the database server. On every machine on which the customer wants automically refreshed configura tions. (*) On the web server. On the applications server. Corrrect 40. How often does OCM collect the auto-config data? Contrassegna per revisi one (1) Punti Once a week As often as you want - you can set it up as a batch process. You run the OCM manually. Every 24 hours (*) Every time you log an SR against that configuration. Corrrect Why Use The Configuration Manager In My Oracle Support (Rispondere a tutte le domande della sezione) 41. What are some typical configuration information are collected by OCM? Co ntrassegna per revisione (1) Punti System Global Area High Availability (RMAN Configuration) CPU Usage Statistics Session information All of the above (*) Correct 42. What kind of performance impact can be expected on the system while the O CM collector is running? Contrassegna per revisione

(1) Punti Negligible impact (*) Increased degradation with increased number of collection Tolerable degradation if executed off-peak hours Improved performance Severe degradation because of the heavy tracing involved Correct 43. Data included in the inventory reporting can be categorised by Contrasse gna per revisione (1) Punti Host information Database Application Servers Applications All of the above (*) Correct 44. The Configuration Manager features greatly improve both the reactive and pro-active support capability Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Vero (*) Falso Correct 45. How far back can I retrieve the historical configuration data? Contrasse gna per revisione (1) Punti Since the first collection (*) Last 7 days Only the last 10 collections Last 90 days Last 30 days

Correct Service Request Priority Routing Using Configuration Manager (Rispondere a tutte le domande della sezione) 46. You can download the collector software from which tab at My Oracle Suppo rt? Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Service Request Knowledge Patch & Update Collector (*) Configuration Manager Correct

11G Upgrade Best Practices (Rispondere a tutte le domande della sezione) 47. By default, SQL Plan Management captures SQL Plan baseline. Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Vero Falso (*) Incorrect. Refer to the 11G Upgrade Best Practices training for more infor mation. 48. Real Time Application Testing is composed of Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Database Replay, SQL Performance Optimizer and SQL Tuning Sets Database Replay, Database Performance Analyzer and Database Tuning Sets Database Replay, SQL Performance Analyzer and SQL Tuning Sets (*) Database Recorder, Database Replay and SQL Tuning Sets SQL Performance Analyzer , SQL Performance Analyzer and SQL Tuning Sets Correct 49. During Capture Phase of SQL Plan Management, an SQL Baseline is stored in

SQL Management Base in tablespace SYSAUX Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Vero (*) Falso Correct 50. The preventive and fully transparent database mechanism to ensure plan st ability is called Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti SQL Process Mechanism SQL Plan Management (*) SQL Procedure Plan SQL Process Management SQL Procedure Method Correct Remote Diagnostics Agents and Database Diagnostic Scripts (Rispondere a tutte le domande della sezione) 51. Which of the following is supported by RDA Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Oracle RDBMS Enterprise Edition Oracle RDBMS Standard Edition Oracle Data Mining and Warehousing Oracle Identity Management All of the above (*) Correct 52. Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA) can be used as a pro-active, problem avoida nce tool Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Vero (*) Falso Correct

How to Escalate a Service Request within Oracle Support (Rispondere a tutte le domande della sezione) 53. You can expect the following after requesting for a Service Request escal ation Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti You will receive a call from Oracle Support Manager The manager will go over your issue with you, making sure there is mutual un derstanding. The manager provides you with an action plan The manager ensures that the appropriate resources are assigned and all acti ons are completed. All of the above (*) Correct 54. If you wish to escalate further up the Oracle Management chain what must you have in place? Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti OCS session arranged Authorisation from your Oracle Account Manager An additional business case Escalation contacts further up your internal organisation (*) Correct

Customer Service Soft-skills Training Best Practices (Rispondere a tutte le domande della sezione) 55. Select ALL important points to consider to ensuring a productive relation ship with your customers. Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti (scegliere tutte le risposte corrette) Teach and develop time-management skills for your employees f tasks, urgency vs impact (*) prioritization o

Plan and execute well by focusing on both proactive and reactive techniques to minimize stress (*) Under promise and over deliver (*)

Teach the customer how to better interact with your processes (*) Define and structure service provided milestones (*) what is provided and how, time lines,

Incorrect. Refer to the Customer Service Soft-skills Training Best Practic es training for more information. Customer Service Soft-skills Training Best Practices (Rispondere a tutte le domande della sezione) 56. The primary difference between making unhappy customers happy and making happy customers even happier is the point of initiation. With unhappy customers, even if you did not know why they were unhappy before speaking with them, you c an be certain that you soon will learn the reason for their unhappiness. Once yo u know why they are unhappy, it is relatively easy to plot a course of action to convert them into a happy customer. Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Vero (*) Falso Correct 57. Understand the difference between what your customers want and what your customers need helps provide positive customer experience. Providing targeted in formation and advice they can use them to focus more on what they need than on w hat they think they want. Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti Vero (*) Falso Correct 58. Which of the following statements are true and will make happy customers more happier. (Select all that applies). Contrassegna per revisione (1) Punti (scegliere tutte le risposte corrette) Most customers gladly will accept any documentation or materials you believe may help them utilize their software more efficiently. (*) Keep track of the things you have done in the past to make them happy; do mo re of the same (*) Understand your customers plans for future utilization, expansion and make th e appropriate recommendations for upgrading to newer or different software or re leases. (*)

Strive toward making your relationships with your customers true partnership s rather than that of just a vendor-customer (*) Provide your customers with new product or service information before it is widely disseminated. (*) Incorrect. Refer to the Customer Service Soft-skills Training Best Practic es training for more information.

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