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Regina yarn
Sizes: 36/38 40/42 44/46 Material: Regina grey (082) 8-9-9 balls Needles: nr. 4 and 4 Tension: 20 st. and 29 rows in stocking stitch is 10x10 cm. Check tension and use different size needles if necessary. Stitches used: Rib stitch: 1st row (wrong side): *knit 2, purl 3, repeat from *. Knit the following rows as the stitches appear. Stocking stitch: knit on the right side, purl on the wrong side. Openwork pattern: 1st row (right side): p1, 2 stitches crossed to the left (=knit 2nd st.behind 1st, then knit the 1st st.),p 2, knit 4 twisted, k1, wrap wool around needle, k2 tog., k3, k2 tog, wrap wool around needle, k1, knit 4 twisted, p2, cross 2 st. to the right (=knit 2nd stitch in front of 1st stitch), p1 2nd and all even rows: k1, p2, k2, p 4 twisted, k1, p7, k1, purl 4 twisted, k2, p2, k1. 3rd row: p1, 2 st. crossed to the left, p 2, k4 twisted, k2, wrap wool around needle, k2tog., k1, k2tog., wrap wool around needle, k2, k 4 twisted, p2, k2 crossed to the right., p1. 5th row: p1., 2 st. crossed to the left, p2, k4 st. crossed to the left (=put 2 st. on a cable needle in front of the work, knit the next 2 st. twisted, then knit the 2 st. from the cable needle twisted), k3., wrap wool around needle, carry over 1 st., k2 tog., draw carried over stitch over, wrap wool around needle, k3, cross 4 st. to the right (= put 2 st. on a cable needle behind the work, knit the next 2 st. twisted, then knit the 2 st. on the cable needle twisted), p2, k 2 st. crossed to the right, p1. 7th row: p1, 2 st. crossed to the left, p 2., k 4 st. twisted, k9, k 4 st. twisted, p2, k2 stitches crossed to the right, p1. Always repeat these 8 rows. Method: Back panel: Cast on 67-77-87 st. on nr. 4 needles and knit 10 cm rib stitch, increase or decrease spread across the last returning row to 70-78-86 st. Continue knitting on nr. 4 needles in stocking st. Decrease 4x1 st. on both sides of every 8th row from the edge. From 24 cm height increase 4x1 st. on both sides of every 12th row. Cast off the centre 20 st. to shape the neck at 56 cm height and continue knitting both sections separately. Decrease another 3x3, 3x2 and 3x1 st. in every 2nd row on the side of the neck. Cast off the st. for the shoulders at 64 cm height. Front panel: cast on 117-122-132 st. on nr. 4 needles and knit 10 cm rib st., increase spread across the last returning row to 127-135-143 st. Continue knitting on nr. 4 needles as follows: 1 edge st., 1x the openwork pattern, 22-26-30 st. stocking st, 1 x the openwork pattern., 22-26-30 st. stocking st., 1x openwork pattern, 1 edge st. Decrease 4x1 on both sides of every 8th row. Cut the decreases after the 1st openwork section and before the last openwork section. At 24 cm height increase 3x1 st. on both sides of every 16th row. Cast off the centre 19 st. at 28 cm height to shape the neck and continue knitting both sections separately. Decrease on the side of the neck 19x1 st. alternately in every 4th and 6th row. Cast off the centre 3 st. of the 1st and last openwork section at 43-4241 cm height to shape the armholes. Decrease another 4x1 st. on both sides of the 3 cast off st. in every 2nd row. Cast off the st. at 64 cm to shape the shoulders. Sleeves: cast on 97-102-112 st. on nr. 4 needles and knit rib stitch. Decrease 6x6 st. on both sides of every 2nd row for the top of the sleeves after 2 cm. Cast off the remaining st. Finishing: Sew the side seams of the front and back panels together. Close the shoulder seams. Close the sleeve seams and attach the sleeves to the armholes, the centre of the sleeve touches the shoulder seam. For the neck piping cast on 28 st. on nr. 4 needles and knit rib st. start and end with p3 (= wrong side). Knit until the piping fits along the entire neck. Cast off in rib st. Sew the piping into the neck opening, from the centre front right over left.

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