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Newsletter Date

Volume 1, Issue 1

Lydia news
My Heart Rate
My at rest pulse rate is 15 x 4 =600 6 pm

0 mins 26 6 =162 6 pm
1 mins 19 6 = 114 6 pm 2 mins 13 6 = 78 6 pm 3 mins 15 6 = 60 6 pm 4 mins 16 6 = 65 6 pm 5 mins 14 6= 84 6 pm 6 mins 15 6 =50 6 pm 7 mins 13 6 =78 6 pm 8 mins 9 6 = 56 6 pm 9 mins 15 6= 60 6 pm My pulse retuned

PE with the 1/2s

Windmill: Stretch you arms out straight to the side like and an airplane. Then rotate your arms forward 10 times then backwards 10 times. Leg throws: stand straight and swing one arm backwards then the other arm forward and repeat that. Then kick one arm up and swing your hands then put that leg down and switch arms and throw the other leg up. he floor un put your legs out in fr Leg stretch: Sit on tont of you and stretch then as far out in front of you as you can and try to touch your toes. Star jumps: stand straight. Then jump up with you legs around ad kneel on the ground and then jump spread apart and you hand and strike a pose. in the air.. First you do 4 leg throws then a somersault, then jump and then leg throws backwards, jump then run on the spot, turn

Page 2

Lydia news

Shanta is eight years old . She is living in Bangladesh . She is going to a private tutor at 6: 30 am and then partly going to School at 11:00 am and then spending her time with friends. wake up? A I wake up at 6:00 every morning Q. what do you do in you day ? Q. What is your favorites subject ?

A. My favorite subject at school is bangla, my native language . So I know what a 8 year old has to go through and if you want to know more look at leesclassroom!

A. at 8:00 in help my around the house for half an Q. What time do you hour, I then play with my friend for a while onill school starts at 11:00

Breakfast: Lydia: Fruit Salad with freashly squeezed orange juice Sophia :Oat Grain with Strawberry jam Holi: Baked beans on toast with water Mum: Porrigde with green tea. Dad: had toast with jam Lunch: Lydia: I had carrots, cucumber with red capsicum and avocado. Sophia: a sandwich with homemade jam and a bananna Hoil: had carrots, cucumber with red capsicum and avocado. Mum: a roll with ham, tomato Dad: whole grain bread with Dinner: Lydia : steak with carrots, potatoes, silver beat and corn Sophia: steak with carrots, potatoes, silver beat and corn Holi : steak with carrots, potatoes, silver beat and corn Mum:steak with carrots, potatoes, silver beat and corn Dad: steak with carrots, potatoes, silver beat and corn

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