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Evelin Luna Period: 3 10/26/12

Dialectical Journal
I may there discover the wondrous power which attracts the needle (1). Victors obsession started to show since the beginning of the book. This would be his obsession with knowledge and finding out new things. He really wanted to discover something everyone wonders. He wants to be remembered long after his death and wants to show how much of an accomplishment he is. "The stars often disappeared in the light of morning whilst I was yet engaged in my laboratory" (60). Victor was obsessed with the new life he was about to bring. He doesnt know what day it is, what time, or what other people are doing. His only focus is to finish his creation. Locking himself from everything and everyone. Isolating himself completely not caring about his own health.

"I did not watch the blossom It seems like an eternity that he has been working on the or the expanding leaves sights which before always yielded me supreme delight - so deeply was I engrossed in my occupation (42). I will pioneer a new way, explore unknown powers and unfold to the world the deepest of mysteries of creation (48). I had worked hard for nearly two years, for the sole purpose of infusing life Now that victor saw the creature, he is devastated by the fact he doesnt like it. His creature turned out to be horrifying and it probably represents victor himself. Victor looked repulsive creature. Victor gets none to very little rest and is overwhelmed by the almost accomplishment. He has been working all Winter, spring, and summer. He has missed on life and nature, all because of his strong fascination with the creature. Not only is victor obsessed with his creation, but obsessed with the power of knowledge. He desires to learn the most he can to the point where it becomes something unhealthy. Leading himself to madness and even self destruction.

Evelin Luna Period: 3 10/26/12

into an inanimate body (53). I ardently desired the acquisition of knowledge (40),

when making the creature. Victor feels as if all of his efforts went to waste. Victor shows that his first priority is his studies. Even in leaving family and friends he only wants learn. Before creating life his only focus is in learning more than what he already knows. He left his family and friends because of his obsession.

I must also observe the natural decay and corruption of the human body (51).

Another of victors obsession is the human body. He desires to know more about it. Whats it made out of, and how does it work. All of this leads back to the obsession of with his creation. He wants to memorize the anatomy of a human being so he can know how to make his creature.

"The summer months passed while I was thus engaged, heart and soul, in one pursuit" (33).

The pursuit that victor is talking about is creating his creation. He was isolated and wanted to finish his job. He is devoted to the extreme of obsession. He is blind to see the things that are surrounding him, and gives him and his soul completely to the pursuit.

All sound of joy or complacency was torture to me (61). "When I looked around I saw and heard of none like me. Was I, the, a monster" (105).

His obsession has taken over him. Insanity followed him after obsession and now haunts him. He can no longer enjoy the things he used to. He is cut off from everyone and is miserable. The obsession created a monster that was not accepted by society. It was judged and discriminated against. Victor created something like no other thing. Not knowing he would end up hurting the creature by the rejection of people and even himself.

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