Systems Analysis & Design ML GUIDE

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Version 1: May 2007

Olympia College

Diploma In Information Technology



This module is intended for students in the advance stages of the Diploma in Information Technology program. It is to provide students with a basic understanding of Systems Analysis and Design. It helps them build up an analytical mind. System Analysis and Design, is a step by step process for developing high-quality information systems. An information system combines information technology, people, and data to support business requirements. For example information systems handle daily business transactions, improve company productivity and helps managers make sound decisions.



3. OVERVIEW OF THE SYLLABUS: The focus of this subject is for students to understand the concept of Information Systems. Although economic trends affect IT spending levels, most businesses give IT budgets a relatively high priority, in good times and bad. The reason is simple, during periods of growth; companies cannot afford to lag behind the IT curve. Conversely, when the economy slows down, firms often use IT to reduce operating costs and improve efficiently. The module is organised into four major learning sections as outlined below: 3.1. SECTION 1: Concepts of Systems Analysis & Design This section starts with a basic overview of systems analysis & design prerequisite information with which the student should be familiar in order to study analysis and design. SECTION 2: Analysis Phase This section covers analysis the third phase of system development life cycle.Topics include factgathering techniques, the data dictionary, data flow diagrams process descriptions database definition and system modelling. This section also covers on the analysts role during the process of analysis. SECTION 3: Design Phase Examines the analysts role during the design phase of the system development life cycle. The topic include structure charts, design methodology, the user interface prototyping and security. SECTION 4: Construction and Maintenance Phase Takes a look at the remaining phases of the system development life cycle, including construction, conversion and maintenance. SECTION 5: Full Life Cycle Activities Examines the relevance to the entire system development life cycle: project planning and control and interpersonal communication. 4. LEARNING OUTCOMES On completion of this module, students will be able to: Understand the concept of Information Systems Understand the concepts of analysis phase Understand the concepts of design phase AUDIENCE AND PRE-REQUISITES This module is for students who are in the advance stages of the Diploma program. LEARNING MATERIALS: Indicative Readings: Introduction to System Analysis & Design : A Structured Approach by Penny A.Kendall th Systems Analysis & Design 6 Edition,Shelly Cashman, Rosenblatt, Thomson Course Technology (Complete



Mod Learning Guide: Systems Analysis & Design

Olympia College

Diploma In Information Technology


ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS: The following is an outline of the various assessment instruments for this module: 7.1. ASSIGNMENT (20%) An individual assignment will be given to the student on the first week and will have to be returned no later than week 10. Should the student fail to submit his/her assignment on week 10, the result will automatically be Zero. 7.2. PRESENTATION (20%) The students need to present their assignment on week 10 in the form of a PowerPoint presentation or any other presentation tools. Marks will be awarded based on the quality of the presentation, language etc 7.3. FINAL EXAMINATION (60%) Final Examination is included in this module. It seeks to determine participants individual effectiveness in responding to specific questions under time-constrained invigilated conditions. The examination is a closed book examination, requesting participants to demonstrate their knowledge and critical analysis skills in responding to questions covering the module syllabus. 7.4. ASSESSMENT TIMELINES The coursework assignment is to be distributed to students by the end of Week 1 and its submission deadline is no later than week 10. Presentation will be held no later than week 10. Final examinations will be held at the end of the semester, which is on week 15 7.5. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Refer to assignment and final examination marking guide. 7.6. ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTOR The following general principles should be used when marking and awarding grade: Grade Characteristics Excellent work which demonstrates that the student: Possesses an authoritative grasp of the concepts, methodology and content appropriate to the subject and to the assessment Selects and organises material with consistent success at an exceptionally high stage Is able to display originality and personal insight and is capable of expressing their argument clearly, concisely and accurately. The student demonstrates: An above average stage of understanding, organising, interpretation and a clear grasp of methodology suitable focused on the topic An ability to synthesise material and to construct responses which reveal insight and may offer originality A grasp of material that enables a coherent response to the assessment task to emerge An ability to generate work that is accurate and appropriately organised. The student is able to cover basic subject matter but in a relatively unimaginative and pedestrian manner. Organisation and presentation of material is acceptable but may display some weakness. Limitations in understanding and interpretation and difficulty in linking to relevant material may be evident. 40-49% < 40% The students performance is only just acceptable in most respects revealing some inadequacies in the grasp of material, weak organising ability and limited communication skills. The students performance is deficient revealing inadequate grasp of material, poor organising ability and poorly developed communication skills.

Above 70%



Mod Learning Guide: Systems Analysis & Design

Olympia College

Diploma In Information Technology


TOTAL HOURS: 28 hours of direct lecture & tutorial sessions 28 hours of lab sessions 150 hours of self and independent study INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN AND RESOURCES The base source of material to be used in the design of the teaching-learning schedule will be the print based module material provided to both staff and students. Other resources will be included to supplement and fill in gaps especially latest development or recent changes which are obviously not found in the module material.






Getting Started with SAD

Explore tools, techniques and different sorts of methodologies in creating a New Computerised System. Difference between business model and requirement model CASE tools available JAD techniques and Structured Analysis Difference between Object Oriented Analysis and Structured Analysis. Exercises online :

1 Processing Data and Systems Development

Systems Cycle



Phases of Systems Development Life Cycle Purpose of each deliverable of SDLC stages Role of Systems Analyst Responsibility of Systems Analyst Exercises online Objectives of System Projects Importance of Feasibility Study Factors leading to good evaluation of a feasibility study Difference between Operational, Technical, Economic feasibility. Exercise Online : Common Techniques of Fact-Finding Steps in conducting a Preliminary Investigation Conducting Successful Interviews Explain project scope and constraints 3 Methods of fact-finding techniques used during preliminary investigation List Questions that are typically used in fact-finding Explain the types of techniques and modelling tools used Difference between JAD and traditional fact-finding methods Advantages and disadvantages of using JAD Explain the phases in RAD

Systems Planning

Preliminary Investigation

Systems Analysis Tools and Techniques

Mod Learning Guide: Systems Analysis & Design

Olympia College

Diploma In Information Technology

6 Data and Process Modelling

7 Systems Design Techniques

Describe the data and process of modelling Gane and Sarson symbols used for processes, data flows ,data stores and entities Explain what is DFD Purpose of using Decision Trees Describe a DD and give examples of how and when to use it Explain the concept of HCI Describe the various types of output based on information delivery Explain about ER-Diagram Explain about 1 NF Explain the difference between a logical and physical record Explanation on the Systems Architecture Checklist Planning the architecture Difference between online processing and batch processing Description on Client /Server and middleware Difference between program, operations and user documents Structure chart showing top-down design, modular design Description on structure charts and symbols Purpose of an Operational and a Test Environment List and describe the changeover methods Main steps to systems installation and evaluation System support, operation security phases relates to the system development process 4 types of maintenance: corrective, adaptive, perfective and preventive. What is benchmark testing? What are the 5 levels of security? Purpose of capacity planning CASE Tools Features Advantages of using Object-Oriented Analysis Definition of an object, attribute, method and encapsulation

Systems Architecture

Systems Implementation Strategies & Techniques


Operational Environments




System Support


Managing System Performance


Toolkit : Object-Oriented Tools



Mod Learning Guide: Systems Analysis & Design

Olympia College

Diploma In Information Technology



Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: Difference between business model and requirement model CASE tools available JAD techniques and Structured Analysis Difference between Object Oriented Analysis and Structured Analysis. Learning Outcomes to attain: Systems Developments Tools and Techniques Systems Development Methods CASE Tools Use of models and Prototype Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the student: a. b. c. d. e. Readings : page 404 -408 from Reference Text Reference Text : Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design: A Structured Approach Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids


Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: Phases of Systems Development Life Cycle Purpose of each deliverable of SDLC stages Role of Systems Analyst Responsibility of Systems Analyst Learning Outcomes to attain: Systems Development Life Cycle Information Technology Department Roles of an IT Personnel Analyst,Programmer

Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the student: a. b. c. d. e. Readings : page 6-20 from Reference Text Readings : page 6-20 from Reference Text Readings : page 29-32 from Reference Text Reference Text : Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design: A Structured Approach Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids

Mod Learning Guide: Systems Analysis & Design

Olympia College

Diploma In Information Technology


Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: Objectives of System Projects Importance of Feasibility Study Factors leading to good evaluation of feasibility study Difference between Operational, Technical, Economic feasibility.

Learning Outcomes to attain: Analyzing Business Case Preliminary Investigation Report Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the student: a. b. c. Readings : page 6-20 from Reference Text Readings : Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design: A Structured Approach Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids


Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: Common Techniques of Fact-Finding Steps in conducting a Preliminary Investigation Conducting Successful Interviews Explain project scope and constraints 3 Methods of fact-finding techniques used during preliminary investigation

Learning Outcomes to attain: Fact Finding Methods Planning the Preliminary investigation Evaluation of Investigation Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the student: a. b. c. Readings : page 71 -91 from Reference Text Readings Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design: A Structured Approach Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids


Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: List Questions that are typically used in fact-finding Explain the types of techniques and modelling tools used Difference between JAD and traditional fact-finding methods

Mod Learning Guide: Systems Analysis & Design

Olympia College

Diploma In Information Technology

Advantages and disadvantages of using JAD Explain the phases in RAD

Learning Outcomes to attain: Modelling Tools and Techniques System Requirements Checklist Future Growth and benefits

Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the student: a. b. c. d. e. Readings : page 47-61 from Reference Text Reference Text : Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design: A Structured Approach Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids


Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: Describe the data and process of modelling Gane and Sarson symbols used for processes, data flows ,data stores and entities Explain what is DFD Purpose of using Decision Trees Describe a DD and give examples of how and when to use it

Learning Outcomes to attain: Data Flow Diagram Drawing / Conventions Data Dictionary Process Description Tools Logical versus Physical Models

Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the student: a. b. c. d. e. Readings : page 119- 146 from Reference Text Reference Text : Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design: A Structured Approach Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids


Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: Explain the concept of HCI Describe the various types of output based on information delivery Explain about ER-Diagram Explain about 1 NF Explain the difference between a logical and physical record

Mod Learning Guide: Systems Analysis & Design

Olympia College

Diploma In Information Technology

Learning Outcomes to attain: Stages of Design ERD Design and Drawing / Conventions Normalization

Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the student: a. b. c. d. e. Readings : page 180 - 203 from Reference Text Reference Text : Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design: A Structured Approach Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids

WEEK 9 Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: Explanation on the Systems Architecture Checklist Planning the architecture Difference between online processing and batch processing Description on Client /Server and middleware

Learning Outcomes to attain: System architecture checklist Planning the architecture Client / Server Checklist Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the student: a. b. c. d. e. Readings : page 464-485 from Reference Text Reference Text : Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design: A Structured Approach Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids


Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: Difference between program, operations and user documents Structure chart showing top-down design, modular design Description on structure charts and symbols

Learning Outcomes to attain: Software Quality Assurance Overview of Application Development Structured System Development

Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the lecturer:


Readings : page 422- 448 from Reference Text

Mod Learning Guide: Systems Analysis & Design

Olympia College

Diploma In Information Technology

b. c. d. e. f. g.

Reference Text : Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design: A Structured Approach Conduct all activities as found in the module materials. Conduct the chapter test on the completion of the classes. Assign further readings and activities to students based on the main reference text or activities from the module materials. Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids

WEEK 11 Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: Purpose of an Operational and a Test Environment List and describe the changeover methods Main steps to systems installation and evaluation

Learning Outcomes to attain: Management Approval Operational & Test Environment Data Conversion Methods Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the student: a. b. c. d. e. Readings : page 422- 448 from Reference Text Reference Text : Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design: A Structured Approach Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids

WEEK 12 Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: System support, operation security phases relates to the system development process 4 types of maintenance: corrective, adaptive, perfective and preventive.

Learning Outcomes to attain: System Operation System Support System Security Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the student: a. b. c. d. e. Readings : page 422- 448 from Reference Text Reference Text : Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design: A Structured Approach Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids

Mod Learning Guide: Systems Analysis & Design


Olympia College

Diploma In Information Technology

WEEK 13 Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: What is benchmark testing? What are the 5 levels of security? CASE Tools Features

Learning Outcomes to attain: Benchmark Testing Performance and Workload Measurement Systems Security Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the student: a. b. c. d. e. Readings : page 464-490 from Reference Text Reference Text : Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design: A Structured Approach Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids

WEEK 14 Over the week of lecture and tutorial, the focus will be to undertake the following: Advantages of using Object-Oriented Analysis Definition of an object, attribute, method and encapsulation

Learning Outcomes to attain: Object oriented terms and concepts Object Modelling with UML Diagramming Practises Readings and preparation to be undertaken by the student: a. b. c. d. e. Readings : page 396-408 from Reference Text Reference Text : Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design: A Structured Approach Visit the following websites for better understanding and study aids



Mod Learning Guide: Systems Analysis & Design


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