Maturity Benchmarks Survey Sheet

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Maturity Benchmarks Survey Sheet

School Pseudonym: Your Name or Group Name: Clearly mark the box that best represents the level of maturity achieved at your school site. Please refer to the





Administrative Information

Electronic Information

Assessment Curriculular Integration CURRICULAR

Teacher Use

Student Use Stakeholder Involvemnt

Stakeholder Involvemnt

Administrative Support



Technical/Infrastructure Support

Local Area Networking (LAN)

District Area Networking (WAN) CONNECTIVITY Internet Access

Communication Systems

New Technologies INNOVATION

Comprehensive Technologies

Maturity Benchmarks Survey Sheet

Emergent Islands Integrated Intelligent

of maturity achieved at your school site. Please refer to the




resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure


resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure


resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral





resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure


resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure


resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure

Evaluator Comments Policies need some updating when it comes to emerging technology concepts such as BYOD and staff's personal devices.

Sometimes we just have to "Run and Gun" with one project at a time to keep up so district wide comprehensive planning is difficult.

Mile Posts, My Big Campus, and other programs are available to administrators. Many teachers and students do not utilize the technology that is provided. At least not to its full potential.

without computers to help prepare lessons and keep track of grades I don't think teachers could be nearly as effective. We are getting there as we continue to add neos and brightlinks in our classrooms

Our tecnology coordinator has helped to ensure that technology is an ongoing discussion in the administration The technology department is often left out of some important planning when it comes to new buildings. The technology department would like to offer input on the impact of new school design on technology integration. It's always the same several people at each school that take care of technology and support for everything. Many teachers are either not able or unwilling.

We have opportunity when it comes to our Wireless infrastructure but our wired network is pretty solid.

Email is available to all students but we don't offer it for many of the younger grades.

There are always some holdouts when it comes to utilizing technology to teach the curriculum. Many teachers are overwhelmed and we walk a fine line between giving them to much or not enough new stuff to try and use.

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