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Voiceover Script: Make smart choices in your life OPENING: There is an everlasting debate about whether the arts

are considered as important as academic subjects. Are humanities such as history and geography preferred over artistic ability? Are maths and science necessities? Throughout this documentary we try and figure out why arts are dismissed, why quite often people underestimate the dedication and skills a person has who loves to draw or paint, photograph or dance, sing or act. In contrast to this, we raise questions as to why students who lack creativity and focus on academic areas are feeling an immense amount of pressure due to the course they wish to study or the career pathway they wish to take. 31 seconds CREATIVE OVERVIEW: Weve seen that in Arts, people learn that theres not just one answer, they learn to connect, to experiment and push the boundaries. Arts provide opportunities for self-expression, being part of a creative environment increases independence and collaboration. Arts improve academic achievements, grades go up, attitudes improve, social skills are enhanced and they have the ability to be creative thinkers. Which are totally different to sciences, which are predictable and governed by laws of nature, the arts provide us with ways to express our feelings and opinions. 24 seconds ACADEMIC OVERVIEW: Humanities include many learning strategies, disciplines, and are taught in a classroom environment. They lack the freedom that arts process. Generally people think of Science as sat in a lab with a textbook and goggles, but in Drama youre performing, youre finding your ability to believe in yourself. Maths, Science and History provide people with IT skills and general knowledge. Some people believe these skills form the building blocks to our lives, but we found out it does depend on the type of person they are, the background they come from and the choices they make. 21 seconds END: CREATIVITY AND KNOWLEDGE AS PART OF DAILY LIFE: It is through music, literature, art, drama and dance that we tell the story of our past and express our hopes for the future. But we cant all be artists and musicians and not all people want to be either. Some people find perks and positives in all subjects and careers depending on their personal passion. But someone who has an artistic job says things like I dont feel like Im working because theyve turned their interest into a career. Ultimately, its so important to choose from your heart. 22 seconds VOXPOPS ART VS ACADEMIC: Many Art schools see academic achievements as an essential entry requirement for courses and higher education. A GCSE in English and Science is a must-have for many types of careers. We spoke to several students with different interests and talents who told us their dream jobs, what they study and their opinions of the importance of artistic ability. VOXPOPS WHITEBOARDS: We spoke to a few pupils at Solihull Sixth Form who told us what their dream careers are, what they study and if art is important to them.

STATISTIC AND FACTS: Philosophy, Computer Science and Biology are the most popular degrees picked this year. Sussex University had 2635 students enrol in 2012, 896 wishing to do Arts and 1739 choosing academic subjects. The UCAS website shows that Artistic degrees require less tariff points, why is this? Is this an example of society underestimating creative studies? TUMBLR AND PINTERST SHOTS: Lots of people express their creativity by blogging or creating websites to showcase something that has inspired them. INTRODUCTIONS TO INTERVIEWS: We interviewed the principal of Solihull Sixth Form, Paul Ashdown to figure out if more teenagers come to study arts or academics and if university value artistic ability or traditional humanities more. An epilepsy nurse specialist at Birmingham Childrens Hospital answered questions regarding the journey she took to be a part of the NHS, if that was her initial plan and how in an academic nature she still manages to show her unique style. Student, keen blogger and editor of the Sixth Forms College Magazine, Tahmina met up with us to discuss where her personal passion for art originated from, how being part of the college mag has developed her skills and how her choices are manipulated by what she is good and the pressures around her. Denise and partner Karina, who are both DJs that have played tracks in Miami, Ibiza and London say the only way they have got this far, is through their incredible passion and believing in themselves. We caught up with boy band, The Scribers who are teenage lads with big dreams! Bronte, an academic student whose love for Science began at school. We found out what her next step is, the pressure she feels to be immensely intelligent and her thoughts on creative subjects. We interviewed Therese Down who not only teaches English Language and Literature but also represents the whole department as Head of English at Solihull Sixth Form. She talks in great detail about how important English is as an academic and creative part of education.

Coming upHead of English Therese Down

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