Air Fuel Ratio

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Energy Conversion and Management 46 (2005) 23872404

Temperature and airfuel ratio dependent specic heat ratio functions for lean burned and unburned mixture
_ M.A. Ceviz *, I. Kaymaz
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ataturk, Erzurum 25240, Turkey Received 19 July 2004; received in revised form 6 December 2004; accepted 29 December 2004 Available online 19 February 2005

Abstract The most important thermodynamic property used in heat release calculations for engines is the specic heat ratio. The functions proposed in the literature for the specic heat ratio are temperature dependent and apply at or near stoichiometric airfuel ratios. However, the specic heat ratio is also inuenced by the gas composition in the engine cylinder and especially becomes important for lean combustion engines. In this study, temperature and airfuel ratio dependent specic heat ratio functions were derived to minimize the error by using an equilibrium combustion model for burned and unburned mixtures separately. After the error analysis between the equilibrium combustion model and the derived functions is presented, the results of the global specic heat ratio function, as varying with mass fraction burned, were compared with the proposed functions in the literature. The results of the study showed that the derived functions are more feasible at lean operating conditions of a spark ignition engine. 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Specic heat ratio; Combustion engine; Burned and unburned mixture; Heat release

1. Introduction Thermodynamic analysis of measured cylinder pressure data is a very powerful tool for quantifying combustion parameters. There are two main approaches, which are often referred to as

Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 442 231 48 48; fax: +90 442 235 44 93. E-mail address: (M.A. Ceviz).

0196-8904/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2004.12.009


_ M.A. Ceviz, I. Kaymaz / Energy Conversion and Management 46 (2005) 23872404

Nomenclature ATDC after top dead centre cp specic heat at constant pressure (kJ kmol1 K1) specic heat at constant volume (kJ kmol1 K1) cv EEOC crank angle for estimated end of combustion EVO exhaust valve open h heat transfer coecient (W m2 K1) IVC intake valve closure K equilibrium constant m trapped mass (kg) MBT maximum brake torque timing MFB mass fraction burned n polytropic index p pressure inside cylinder (kPa) Q heat (kJ) R gas constant (kJ kmol1 K1) RMSE root mean square error T temperature (K) TDC top dead centre U internal energy (kJ) V volume (m3) W work done (kJ) Greeks c ratio of specic heats k airfuel ratio h crank angle Subscripts hr heat release r reference s sensible b burned gas i integer crank angle location ign ignition crank angle location u unburned gas w wall

burn rate analysis and heat release analysis. Burn rate analysis is mainly used for determining burn angles in the gasoline and to obtain the mass fraction burned, which is a normalized

_ M.A. Ceviz, I. Kaymaz / Energy Conversion and Management 46 (2005) 23872404


quantity. Heat release analysis is most commonly used for Diesel engine combustion studies and produces absolute energy with units of Joules or Joules/degree [1]. Both burn rate and heat release analyses are aected by a number of factors such as assumed gas properties, wall heat transfer, end of combustion location, start of combustion location, crank angle resolution, noise reduction techniques employed and so on. Previous papers [13] have investigated the errors associated with heat release calculations. The most important thermodynamic property used in the heat release calculations for engines is the specic heat ratio. Gatowski et al. [3] developed a single zone heat release model based on the rst law of thermodynamics that has been widely used, where the specic heat ratio is represented by a linear function of the mean charge temperature. Brunt et al. [1] utilized a second order function, evaluated for a spark ignition (SI) engine fuelled with C8H16. This function has been evaluated through a multi-dimensional model, and it is the mean function of the specic heat ratio functions evaluated for 0.83 < k < 1.25. Egnell [4] evaluated an exponential specic heat ratio function and emphasized that the constants have to be chosen carefully with respect to the inuence of temperature and gas composition. Lanzafame and Messina [5] suggested an alternative method for calculation of the specic heat ratio function. The method is valid for any application and needs gas thermodynamic properties and mass fraction burned, directly available from experimental pressure measurements. Klein and Erikson [6] focused on nding a specic heat ratio model during the combustion process by using the mass fraction burned to interpolate the specic heats for burned and unburned mixtures. The main objective of this paper is to examine the eects of the existing temperature dependent specic heat ratio models on the heat release calculations and to develop specic heat ratio functions depending on temperature and airfuel ratio (k) for unburned and burned mixtures by using an equilibrium combustion model to minimize the errors in the calculations of heat release. The functions for unburned and burned mixtures were developed for a wide range of airfuel ratio, 1.0 < k < 1.6, to use in lean combustion spark ignition engines.

2. First law heat release model The rst law equation for the in-cylinder charge during the non-ow (constant mass) period between inlet valve closure (IVC) and exhaust valve closure (EVC) can be written for an incremental crank angle interval; dQhr dW dU s dQw 1 where dQhr = gross heat energy released due to combustion, dW = work due to piston movement, dUs = change in sensible internal energy and dQw = heat transfer from charge to cylinder wall. Further equations can be written as follows: pdV dW m:v :dT dU s c dp:V dT m:R 2 3 4


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R c1 cv

Substitution of Eqs. (2)(5) into Eq. (1) and rearranging the terms gives the usual form of the rst law heat release equation: dQhr c 1 pdV V dp dQw c1 c1 6

in which gamma (c) is the ratio of specic heats. The gross cumulative heat release, Qhr, is calculated by successively applying Eq. (6) over the crank angle range from ignition to the estimated end of combustion (EEOC) and summing the heat release energy obtained from each calculation. This process is shown in Eq. (7) Qhr
EEOC X iign


Brunt et al. [1] determined the EEOC from the crank angle at which p V1.15 reached a maximum value. Calculation of the EEOC function was started at 10 ATDC and continued to 10 before the EVO. The instantaneous heat transfer coecient (h) adapted from Woschni [7] is given by h 0:82b0:2 p103 c0:8T 0:53 8

V where c = 6.18 cm for a gas exchange process and c 2:28 cm 0:00324 pDp V IVC for other IVC processes. Dp is the instantaneous pressure dierence between the ring and motoring engine at the same crank angle. The latter is estimated by using the isentropic relation P V c PV c IVC [8].

3. Mass fraction burned One well established method was developed by Rassweiler and Withrow [9] for estimating the mass fraction burned prole from cylinder pressure and volume data. In this method, the mass fraction burned is given by; Pi0 MFBh PiN
iign Dpc;i iign Dp c;i

where MFBh = mass fraction burned at crank angle h, Dpc = corrected pressure rise due to the combustion, i = integer crank angle location, ign = ignition crank angle location and EEOC = crank angle for estimated end of combustion. The corrected pressure rise due to combustion is calculated from the dierence between the incremental measured pressure rise and the pressure rise corresponding to a polytropic compression/expansion process, referenced to the cylinder volume at TDC:

_ M.A. Ceviz, I. Kaymaz / Energy Conversion and Management 46 (2005) 23872404


Dpc;i pi V i1 V i n pi1 V i1 V r


where n is the assumed polytropic index, V is the cylinder volume and Vr is the reference volume at TDC. 4. Equilibrium combustion model The composition and thermodynamic properties of each combustion product must be known throughout the combustion period to compare the results from specic heat ratio functions. Composition of the combustion products was determined according to the solution given by Ferguson [10]. At lower temperatures and carbon to oxygen ratios less than one, the overall combustion reaction can be written as Ca Hb Oc Nd O2 3:76N2 ! n1 CO2 n2 H2 O n3 N2 n4 O2 n5 CO n6 H2 11 For the case of lean mixtures, the atom balance equations are sucient to determine the composition. For rich mixtures, the equilibrium reaction n2 n5 12 CO2 H2 $ CO H2 O and KT n1 n6 must be included in the composition solution. The composition of the burned gases at higher temperatures was determined according to the model of Olikara and Borman [11] using the 10 specie combustion reaction Ca Hb Oc Nd O2 3:76N2 ! n1 CO2 n2 H2 O n3 N2 n4 O2 n5 CO n6 H2 n7 H n8 O n9 OH n10 NO 13

For temperatures above 1700 K, the mixture is assumed to be at equilibrium and is frozen otherwise. Conservation of the elemental species yields four equations. The six equilibrium reactions shown below are also required in order to obtain a composition solution. The equilibrium constant data were taken from Ferguson [10]. Equilibrium reaction 1 H2 $ H 2 1 O2 $ O 2 1 1 H2 O2 $ OH 2 2 1 1 O2 N2 $ NO 2 2 1 H2 O2 $ H2 O 2 1 CO O2 $ CO2 2 Equilibrium constant y p1=2 K1 7 1=2 y6 y p1=2 K2 8 1=2 y4 y K3 1=2 9 1=2 y4 y6 y K4 1=2101=2 y4 y3 y K5 1=2 2 y 4 y 6 p1=2 y1 K6 1=2 1=2 y5y4 p

14 15 16 17 18 19


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The composition of the burned gases is determined from a set of simultaneous nonlinear equations, which were solved by the MATLAB Optimization Toolbox [12]. After calculation of the composition of the burned gases, the thermodynamic properties and specic heats of each specie were calculated by using the polynomial functions tted from the JANAF table. The coecients of the polynomial functions were taken from Heywood [13].

5. Specic heat ratio functions and importance of composition eects The specic heats are dependent on charge temperature and composition and, as such, will vary during the engine cycle and with operating conditions [2]. Although the use of a temperature dependent specic heat ratio function greatly reduces the potential errors in calculated the heat release, the dependency of the specic heat on composition is greater at the lean side of stoichiometric conditions. The emergence of lean fuel engine operation as a low emission technology for both liquid and gaseous fuel engines presents a new opportunity for real time optimization. Most present gasoline engines using three way catalysts, and therefore stoichiometric operation, sacrice 1015% in fuel economy [14]. Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) under moderate load conditions may reduce pumping losses without sacricing the combustion burn rate so as to recover half of the fuel economy penalty of stoichiometric operation. Figs. 1 and 2 show the specic heat ratio against the charge temperature based on the results of the equilibrium combustion model for burned and unburned mixtures at various airfuel ratios in a gasoline engine. It can be seen from these gures that the specic heat ratio decreases as the

Fig. 1. Variation of specic heat ratio with temperature and airfuel ratio for burned mixture.

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Fig. 2. Variation of specic heat ratio with temperature and airfuel ratio for unburned mixture.

temperature increases, whereas it increases as the airfuel ratio increases. These curves reveal that the relationship between specic heat ratio and temperature is almost linear and the variation with lambda is signicant. In this section, the existing and derived specic heat ratio functions are described. Thereafter, the results of the chemical equilibrium combustion model and the derived specic heat ratio functions for unburned and burned mixtures will be compared. 1. Function of Gatowski et al. [3]: c c0 K 1 T T ref =1000 20 where c0 is a reference value (1.38), K1 is a constant (0.08) and Tref is a reference temperature (300 K). 2. Function of Brunt et al. [2]: c 1:338 6:0 105 T 1:0 108 T 2 where T is temperature in K. 3. Function of Egnell [4]: c c0 k 1 expk 2 =T 22 where c0 is a reference value (1.38), k1 and k2 are constants (0.2 900) and Tref is a reference temperature (300 K). 4. Derived functions of burned and unburned mixtures: The specic heat ratios for the unburned and burned mixtures were computed using the equilibrium combustion model. The airfuel ratio was increased from 1.0 to 1.6 in steps of 0.1, and the ranges of temperature were 3001500 K and 3002500 K for the unburned and burned mixtures, 21


_ M.A. Ceviz, I. Kaymaz / Energy Conversion and Management 46 (2005) 23872404

respectively. The data of the specic heat ratio was used to derive functions for the unburned and burned mixtures using a least squares approach and choosing the parameters as temperature (T in K) and airfuel ratio (k). The functions of the specic heat ratio for the unburned and burned mixtures in T and k can be written as: a7 23 cu a1 a2 T a3 T 2 a4 T 3 a5 T 4 a6 T 5 k cb b1 b2 T b3 b5 b6 T b8 b9 T b10 T 2 b7 T 3 3 2 b4 T 2 2 k k k k k k 24

The values of the coecients of these functions are given in Table 1.

Table 1 Coecients for specic heat ratio function for unburned and burned mixtures Coecients (cu) a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 Values 1.464202464 0.000150666 7.34852e-08 1.55726E-10 7.6951E-14 1.19535E-17 0.063115275 Coecients (cb) b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10 Values 1.498119965 0.00011303 0.26688898 4.03642e08 0.273428364 5.7462e05 7.2026e12 0.08218813 1.3029e05 2.35732e08

Fig. 3. Specic heat ratio for unburned mixture using equilibrium combustion model and cu function.

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Since the specic heat ratio is dependent on the temperature and airfuel ratio and MFB is not dependent on the value chosen for the constant specic heat ratio, it is possible to write for the function of c [5]: c MFBcb 1 MFBcu 25 The specic heat ratios of the unburned and burned mixtures for an airfuel ratio k = 1.2 are shown in Figs. 3 and 4, together with the corresponding c function. Table 2 summarizes the variation of the percent root mean square error (%RMSE) with airfuel ratio for the unburned and burned mixtures at k = 1.2. The %RMSE is used to describe the accuracy while encompassing both random and systematic errors. It is the percent square of the dierence between a true test point and an interpolated test point divided by the total number of test points in the arithmetic mean. The standard denition is given by [15]:

Fig. 4. Specic heat ratio for burned mixture using equilibrium combustion model and cb function.

Table 2 Variation of %RMSE with airfuel ratio for cu and cb at k = 1.2 k 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 cu%RMSE 0.0221 0.0121 0.0067 0.0068 0.0096 0.0123 0.0146 cb%RMSE 0.0066 0.0110 0.0165 0.0209 0.0252 0.0303 0.0364


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Fig. 5. Comparison between several burned mixture specic heat ratio functions.

Fig. 6. Comparison between several unburned mixture specic heat ratio functions.

q Pn 2 1 y i1 y i ^i n Pn %RMSE 100 1 i1 y i n


_ M.A. Ceviz, I. Kaymaz / Energy Conversion and Management 46 (2005) 23872404


where n is the number of samples. It can be deduced that the derived functions are a good approximation for the unburned and burned mixtures since the %RMSEs are reasonably small. Several burned specic heat ratio functions are compared for burned and unburned mixtures in Figs. 5 and 6, respectively. As can be seen from these gures, the dierent ways of calculating the

Fig. 7. (a) Cylinder pressure data for 100 consecutive cycles, (b) Averaged cylinder pressure data for 100 consecutive cycles (k = 0.9966, PIVC = 71 kPa, n = 2500 rpm, MBT timing 20 BTC).


_ M.A. Ceviz, I. Kaymaz / Energy Conversion and Management 46 (2005) 23872404

specic heat ratio give dierent results. It can also be seen that burned mixtures have higher specic heat ratio values than unburned mixtures. The linear function of Gatowski et al. [3] gives the highest specic heat ratio for burned and unburned mixtures, while the function used in Egnells work [4] gives a good t for a burned mixture. For a narrow high temperature interval, it can be stated that the function of Brunt et al. [1] is close to the results of the equilibrium combustion model for a burned mixture. However, the results of the functions proposed in the literature are far from the results that were calculated using the equilibrium combustion model for an unburned mixture.

6. Experimental apparatus and procedure The engine used in the present study is a FIAT, 1.801 dm3, carbureted, four stroke spark ignition engine. The engine is fully equipped for measurements of all operating parameters. The pressure time history was measured by a piezo-electric pressure transducer (KISTLER, 6117BFD17 type) and the crankshaft degree angle sensor connected to the relevant ampliers. A data acquisition system was used to collect the important data and store the data in a personal computer for o line analysis. A computer program in Q-BASIC language was written to collect the data. The pressure signal was fed into a charge amplier and then to a data acquisition card linked to the personal computer. The crank angle signal was fed into a degree maker shape channel, and the output was fed into the acquisition card. The acquisition card could collect data at the rate of 100 kHz. To reduce the amount of high frequency noise on the pressure signal, low pass digital ltering was applied to all the pressure data. The cylinder pressure data is pegged by assuming the pressure at bottom dead centre after the intake stroke is equal to the mean intake manifold pressure [16]. The experiments have been performed at 3/4 throttle valve opening position (2500 rpm) by loading the engine with a hydraulic dynamometer and at four dierent airfuel ratios (0.996, 1.089, 1.216 and 1.341) after running the engine for some time until it reached steady state. For elimination of the eects of the cyclic variations, the averaged value of the signal of 100 consecutive cycles was used to compare the change in the specic heat ratio during the combustion period. The measured cylinder pressure for 100 consecutive cycles and the average of the data for maximum brake torque timing (MBT) can be seen in Fig. 7a and b.

7. Results and discussion To verify the accuracy of the derived function, it has been implemented for calculation of the heat release for a SI engine operating at four dierent airfuel ratios (0.996, 1.089, 1.216 and 1.341). As the heat release calculations were performed at the combustion stroke, the variation of the parameters taken into consideration is illustrated during the combustion period in the following gures. Fig. 8 shows the dierent specic heat ratio curves generated when performing a heat release calculation, and Fig. 9 shows the eects of varying specic heat ratio on the heat release calculation at k = 0.996.

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Fig. 8. Variation of specic heat ratio with crank angle during the combustion cycle at k = 0.996.

Fig. 9. Variation of cumulative heat release with crank angle during the combustion cycle at k = 0.996.

It can be seen from Fig. 8 that the specic heat ratio function of Gatowski et al. [3] gives the highest values, and that of Egnell [4] follows the specic heat ratio values of the burned mixture.


_ M.A. Ceviz, I. Kaymaz / Energy Conversion and Management 46 (2005) 23872404

Fig. 10. Variation of specic heat ratio with crank angle during the combustion cycle at k = 1.089.

Fig. 11. Variation of cumulative heat release with crank angle during the combustion cycle at k = 1.089.

The results of Brunt et al. [1] seem to close to the results of the equilibrium combustion model, using mass fraction burned, and the burned and unburned mixture specic heat ratio calculations.

_ M.A. Ceviz, I. Kaymaz / Energy Conversion and Management 46 (2005) 23872404


Fig. 12. Variation of specic heat ratio with crank angle during the combustion cycle at k = 1.216.

Fig. 13. Variation of cumulative heat release with crank angle during the combustion cycle at k = 1.216.

Fig. 9 shows a great inuence of the specic heat ratio values on the cumulative heat release, and the use of a function giving high specic heat ratio values gives a lower cumulative heat


_ M.A. Ceviz, I. Kaymaz / Energy Conversion and Management 46 (2005) 23872404

Fig. 14. Variation of specic heat ratio with crank angle during the combustion cycle at k = 1.341.

Fig. 15. Variation of cumulative heat release with crank angle during the combustion cycle at k = 1.341.

release. The high values calculated from the function of Gatowski et al. [3] reduce the heat release values. It can be seen from Figs. 8 and 9 that both the specic heat ratio and cumulative heat release results obtained from the equilibrium combustion model using the burned and unburned

_ M.A. Ceviz, I. Kaymaz / Energy Conversion and Management 46 (2005) 23872404


mixture specic heat ratios calculation of each specie are quite close to that obtained from the derived functions for burned and unburned mixture specic heat ratio calculations rather than the functions used in the literature. To reveal the usage of the c function in lean combustion, the results of the specic heat and cumulative heat release calculations are compared in Figs. 1015. It can be seen from these gures, since the functions proposed in the literature are dependent on only temperature, as the airfuel ratio increases, the results of the specic heat ratio functions deviate from those of the equilibrium combustion model. However, the equilibrium combustion model and the c function are still tting because of the temperature and airfuel ratio dependence of the derived cu and cb functions. It is known that as the airfuel ratio increases, the specic heat ratio increases and the incylinder temperature decreases. However, the cumulative heat release decreases, conversely. The inuence of temperature on the specic heat ratio is more dominant than that of the airfuel ratio (Figs. 1 and 2), and the trend of variation can be seen in the following Figs. 1015. Additionally, the cumulative heat release results from the Egnell function at k = 1.089, as seen in Fig. 11, are quite close to the derived c function. It can be deduced that the constants of the function are appropriate for an engine operating near k = 1.1. 8. Conclusions In this study, for burned and unburned mixtures, temperature and airfuel ratio dependent specic heat ratio functions were derived by using the equilibrium combustion model and the variations of gases thermodynamic properties with mean temperature. Then, the global specic heat ratio was calculated by using the variation of the mass fraction burned. The results show that implementation of a c = c(T,k) function reduces notably the error deriving from temperature only dependent specic heat ratio under lean operation of engine. The experiments performed at four dierent airfuel ratios show that as the airfuel ratio increases, the results of the equilibrium combustion model and the c function are in reasonable agreement. Additionally, the derived functions for burned and unburned mixtures have a great simplicity in the mathematical formulation and only need the global airfuel ratio, temperature and mass fraction burned, which can be determined from experimental pressure measurements.

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_ M.A. Ceviz, I. Kaymaz / Energy Conversion and Management 46 (2005) 23872404

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