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1 ) With whom did The British make the permanent settlement ?

Ans:The zamindars 2 ) With whom did the British make the ryotwari settlement? Ans:The cultivators 3 ) Where was the ryotwari settlement primarily introduced by the British government ? Ans:Madras and Bombay 4 ) Where did the 'Sea of Calamity' (the famine of the 19th century) occur? Ans:Orissa 1866-67 5 ) A remarkable feature of the spread of landlordism was the growth of...? Ans:Sub-in feudation 6 ) The whitley commission was concerned with...? Ans:Labour 7 ) When was the railway budget separated from the general budget? Ans:1925 8 ) The core of the middle class, which emerged in Bengal, was of...? Ans:Zamindars 9 ) The only European country which did not prohibi or impose heavy duty's on the import of Indian cotton goods was...?


10 ) The trade, which was virtually monopolished by the European merchants in India? Ans:Import Trade 11 ) Whom did the British monopoly over internal trade benefit the most? Ans:The employees of the company 12 ) When did the company lose its monopoly of Indian trade which was thrown open to all Britains? Ans:1813 13 ) The East India Company was divested of its commercial functions? Ans:1833 Act 14 ) After 1833, the single biggest sources of drain of Indian wealth to Britain was...? Ans:British capital investment in India 15 ) Which of the following countries did not emerge as a competitor to Britain in the Indian market after the end of the 19th century? Ans:USSR 16 ) Which of the following was not one of the taxes which the British government imposed on India or increased from time to time in order to augment its resources? Ans:Professional Tax 17 ) The British industrial policy in India has been rightly called as the policy of...?


18 ) In which of the following industries did Indians have a large share from the begining? Ans:Cotton textile 19 ) Which of the following was not one of the important European-owned plantation industries of the 19th century? Ans:Rubber 20 ) The British started draining Bengal of her wealth on a large scale after...? Ans:1757 21 ) The permanent settlement in Bengal actually created two classes which were? Ans:Exploiters 22 ) Which of the following was not one of the extra-Indian military expenditions of the British the cost of which India was made to share? Ans:Boerwar 1899 23 ) Which of the following came to constitute the core of the rising middle class in India before the Battle of Plassey (1757)? Ans:Dandi merchants 24 ) To whom goes the credit of destroying pindaris? Ans:Lord Hardings 25 ) Which of the following is not related with Lord Bentick?

Ans:Abolition of adoption

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