Religious Movements Short

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One of the following leaders of the Bhakti movement, who was greatly influenenced by Islam was...? Ans:Namadev

The Bhakti saint who was not a worshipper of krishna was? Ans:Ramananda

The Monism preached by which of the following leaders of the bhakti movements is known as 'suddhaadvaita' or 'pure non duality"? Ans:Vallabhacharya

The philosophy of which of the following exponents of bhakti cult degenerated to earn the epithet 'The Epicureanism of the East' Ans:Narsimehta

One of the Bhakti saints who first joined the sufis but later left them was...? Ans:Nanak

Who said 'One stone is adored another is trodden under foot If one is god, the other is also a god'? Ans:Namdev

Who said "Abide pure amidst the impurities of the world: Thus shall thou find the way of religion"? Ans:Nanak

The use of which of the following regional languages

was popularised by the bhakti leader shankaradeva? Ans:Assamese Poet chandidas contributed to the popularisation of...? Ans:Bengali 10 Which of the following was translated into Bengali by Krittivara? Ans:Ramayana 11 What was the language employed by surdas for his devotional songs? Ans:Brij Bhasha 12 Which of the following did not make use of Hindi in his/ her devotional literature either fully or in part? Ans:Narsimehta 13 Which of the following was not one of the three chief sufi orders in India? Ans:Shuttari 14 In which region of India was the Firdausi order popular? Ans:Bihar 15 Which of the following established the chisti order in India? Ans:Khwaja Muinuddin chisti 16 What was the term used by the sufis for the successor

nominated by the teacher of a particular order or si/si/ah? Ans:Wali Which of the following was not one of the sufi saints of the period? Ans:Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar kaki 18 Which of the following practices was borrowed by the sufis from Hinduism? Ans:Practice of a number of yogic exercise as a means of contemplation 19 Which of the following was a great satirist and ridiculed all the institutions of his time? Ans:Kabir 20 Who said: "God knows man's virtues and inquires not his caste; in the next world there in so caste"? Ans:Guru Nanak 21 The first Bhakti saint to use Hindi, the language of the masses, for the propagation of his doctrines, was: Ans:Ramananda 22 Which of the following propounded the philosophy of shuddha - advanta (Pure non-duality)? Ans:Vallabhacharya 23 Of the Bhakti saints, who was/were Cobbler(s) by profession? Dadu


Raidas Ans:Both (a) and (b) above 24 Namdev, a great Bhakti saint of Maharashtra, was the disciple of: Ans:Visoba Khechar Who founded the 'Varkari' Sect in Maharashtra? Ans:Tukaram


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