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Hertford College Oxford

Chapel Hilary Term 2012

Regular services during full term

Sunday 5.45 pm Choral Evensong

MondayFriday 8.30 am Morning Prayer 5.00 pm Evening Prayer Tuesday 10.00 pm Sung Compline (Night Prayer)

except Wednesdays by candlelight with free supper

Wednesday 6.00 pm College Eucharist

Special services, holy days and saints days

Epiphany Carol Service Sunday 15 January (1st Week), 5.45 pm Macbride Sermon
Sung Matins with annual University Sermon hosted by Hertford

Sunday 22 January (2nd Week), 10 am Preacher: the Reverend Robin Grifth-Jones Master of the Temple, sometime Chaplain of Lincoln College followed by refreshments in the Principals Lodgings

Ash Wednesday
Solemn Sung Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes

Wednesday 22 February (6th Week), 6 pm

A Service of Music and Readings for Lent Sunday 4 March (8th Week), 5.45 pm

Preachers at Choral Evensong

Sundays 5.45 pm
15 January 1st Week 22 January 2nd Week 29 January 3rd Week 5 February 4th Week 12 February 5th Week 19 February 6th Week 26 February 7th Week 4 March 8th Week The Chaplain Service of Music and Readings for Epiphany The Chaplain Third Sunday of Epiphany Fr Dushan Croos SJ Assistant Catholic Chaplain to the University of Oxford Candlemas The Reverend Rob Wickham, Rector of Hackney Education Sunday (Septuagesima) The Reverend Canon Paul Richardson, Rector of Devizes Sexagesima Sunday (Darwin Day) Visit of Canford School Choir Quinquagesima Sunday Dr Alison Salvesen, University Lecturer in the Hebrew Bible First Sunday of Lent The Chaplain Service of Music and Readings for Lent

Members of College are invited to join the Chaplain and preacher for drinks in the Old Library after the service. Coffee is served in the Old Library after dinner.

Whos who
The Chaplain The Reverend Gareth Hughes Room: NB 2/8 E-mail: Phone: (2)79411
Gareth is always pleased to speak in condence with any member of College, irrespective of religious afliation, regarding any matter.

Organ Scholars Chapel Wardens Roman Catholic Rep Christian Union Reps

Jennifer Law and Edmund Whitehead Emma Pritchard and Chris Patrick Olivia McDermott Sarah Earle and Josh Manhire

The Chapel Choir enjoys a ne reputation and welcomes new members. Rehearsals are held on Sundays between 4 and 5.30 pm and Fridays between 5.30 and 7 pm. See for further information and details of forthcoming tours. If you are interested in joining the Choir, please contact Jennifer Law ( The Christian Union meets in the Van Noorden Room on Wednesdays at 8 pm for prayer and Bible study. Contact Sarah or Josh for further details. Roman Catholic Mass will be celebrated in Hertford this term; contact Olivia McDermott for details of the next Mass. See for information on the Catholic Chaplaincy. Many students attend a group run by St Mary Magdalens on Tuesdays for students and young people. It takes various forms, usually involving lm/discussion/pub in some combination nishing with Compline at Hertford. All are welcome. Contact Rachel Elliott ( for details. Money collected in Chapel this term will be donated to the local homeless charity Oxford Homeless Pathways ( Further details can be obtained from the leaets in the antechapel. Confession is available on request, as is preparation for Baptism and Conrmation. Please contact the Chaplain if you are interested.   Full details of Chapel activities can be found on the Chapel website,  

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