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Preparation for an interview:

Who are they? Identity- understand your audience, can they can understand what you are saying? Tailor it accordingly. What are they wanting to talk about? Email, preparatory phone call How much time should be set aside for the meeting?

Structure to guide you through everything Does the client need to bring any information in with them? Objectives, purposes of the meeting. Each meeting you do should be different.

At the meeting:
Rapport, body language. Have small talk.

Not an opportunity for you to show off your knowledge of the law. Instead you should understand their business. Talk in their language and the terms used in their industry. Remember to listen!

When Advising:
Give clear, non-technical information. Condense ideas. How to explain the problem, the issue/solution. Give the clients a choice.

Ask open questions to find out what is going on. For example: Restructuring: Why are you doing restructuring? Is it tax-driven? Good question but you force the client down a particular route with the second question. Because you have closed the question, you might be missing out a crucial detail.

You are working out what matters to the client. What does the client want? Short summary or report?

Sometimes the client is going down a route which is not advisable. It is not wrong to correct the client, but you must be careful when you do that. Give them alternatives instead. Thats interesting that you want to do X. But you might want to consider doing Y because it leads to. Instead of saying, you are wrong.

Most of the time you spend time reassuring clients that they are doing the right thing (if they are)

Towards the end of a client meeting, you should summarise the next steps and key action points. So we have agreed to do 1,2,3,4,5. This is who will take away the points at the end of the meetings. Send email to follow up etc. Give client contact details! Be pro-active.

Difficult situations:
Acting for a company who has shares listed on London Stock Exchange. Then the company tells you that it is being sued for 300 mil. The claim is at an advanced stage. Stay calm and extract as much information as possible. Encourage the client to tell you as much as possible. Potential consequences. Perhaps the claim was frivolous. The problem was perhaps a less of a bombshell in actual fact.

What if you dont know an answer to a question the client asks? DO NOT MAKE UP AN ANSWER. If you dont know, say you will find out and get back to the client. It is better than making up an answer! It is also okay to give an answer then confirm later.

Clients who are generally difficult. (unpleasant, demanding) Remain positive, calm and helpful. Like any other client, they are paying your fee! You are working for them, you dont work for them because they are nice.

Competition Format, Assessment Criteria

ARRIVE 15 mins before schedule start time! Briefing of the clients name and their general problem- 10 mins beforehand. Interview- 20 mins long (ensure good time keeping)

Post interview reflection period. Opp. to discuss the legal situation more frankly Outline plans of action Issues of concern Mention if any need to contact 3rd parties Legal authorities that may support your findings

Assessment criteria: (each marked out of 5) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Effective personal relationship Getting info Goals, expectations, needs of client Problem analysis Legal analysis and giving advice Developing courses of action Assisting client to make an informed choice Concluding the interview Teamwork

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