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University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus Office of the Dean of Academic Affairs Teacher Preparation Program in Secondary Education

Observation Sheet Name of student teacher Eyla Santiago, Stephanie Figueroa School ________________________________________ Date 19 November 2012 District Mayagez Cooperating Teacher ___________________________ Unit 9.5 Making Connections Time of Observation: From 4:30 to 5:45pm Course English Grade 9th Topic Two Were Left by Hugh B. Cave OBSERVATION CRITERIA
GENERAL ECA STRATEGY ( ) Exploration ( ) Conceptualization (x) Application STANDARDS __L/S 9.4______________________ ______________________________ _
REFORMING STRATEGIES ( ) Curricular Integration ( ) Integration of Technology ( ) Fine Arts Integration ( ) Peer Assessment (x) Cooperative Learning ( ) Task based learning ( ) Other, specify ___________________________________________________

EXPECTATIONS Uses a variety of language patterns and structures to expresses thoughts and opinions to analyze plot, problem, and solution, make predictions and inferences, and draw conclusions... ( ) Rote ( ) Process ( ) Strategic (x)

Depth level of knowledge (DOK) Extended Conceptua l (Cognitive ) (Concepts, principles, data, facts) Procedura l (Psychom otor) (Processes, skills, strategies, skills) Attitudinal

Objectives Having concluded reading the story Two Were Left by Caves, students will recall key concepts such as theme and plot; they will also recall language structure and patterns to work in groups in an assigned task.


While students work in different groups they will complete the following tasks: a) point out the themes, b) express thoughts and opinions to analyze plot, c) analyze problems and solutions with thoughts and opinions, d) make prediction and inferences to draw conclusions in group discussion. After making their own conclusion of the story students will

( ) Diagnostic test ( ) Brainstorming ideas ( ) Targeted list ( ) Concept map ( ) Concrete poem ( ) Comic strip ( ) Open question ( ) Reflective journal ( ) Essay, draft ( ) Interview ( ) Quiz ( ) Review ( ) Test ( ) Other

(Affective) (Attitudes, values, norms)

express how this reading affects what they think.

INITIAL ( ) Reflection ( ) Poem () Game ( ) Riddle ( )Puzzle () Song ( ) Introduction to new topic or reading ( ) Review of concepts discussed ( ) Homework discussion ( ) Openended questions ( ) Social conversation ( ) Observation and study of: illustrations, tables, graphs, news article, and / or books. (x) Other: Outline with previous discussion on the plot Describe the initial activity and explain how it sparked student interest which allowed them to focus on course content. Students will receive an outline with the storys plot summary in order to review the reading done in the previous class ( ) Textbook pp. ______ ( ) Workbook pp. _____ ( ) Teachers guide pp.___ ( ) Notebook ( ) Worksheet (x) Photocopy ( ) Newspaper ( ) Magazine ( ) Cardboard

ACTIVITIES DEVELOPMENT ( ) Oral or silent reading (x) Open discussion with guided questions ( ) Reading and analysis ( ) Definition of concepts ( ) Demonstration and guided examples ( ) Practice: book, board, or paper ( ) Oral report ( ) Dictation ( ) Film analysis ( ) Competition ( ) Test ( ) Quiz ( ) Other

CLOSING ( ) Summarize class ( ) Discuss/ answer written work ( ) Check work done ( ) Assessment technique ( ) Clarify doubts/questions ( ) Evaluation question ( ) Written work (x) Other: Reflection on the story

Describe the development activities and explain how they contributed to the attainment of objectives and expectations. Students will be divided in groups to complete different tasks guided with questions to share their opinions and final thoughts with their classmates.

Describe the closing activity and explain how the skills, process, or the class were assessed. Students reflect in group discussion by expressing how this reading affects what they think.

( ) Illustrations ( ) Board, chalk ( ) Smart board ( ) Calculator ( ) Computer ( ) Overhead projector ( ) Transparencies ( ) Screen ( ) Construction paper

MATERIALS ( ) Television ( ) Movie ( ) Compact disk ( ) Disk/tape player ( ) Record player ( ) Flash cards ( ) Strips for writing ( ) Manipulative ( ) Poster board HOMEWORK

( ) Modeling clay ( ) Crayons ( ) Coloring pencils ( ) Colored markers ( ) Paint, pastels ( ) Paint brushes ( ) Colored chalk ( ) Index cards ( ) Other:

( ) Protractor ( ) Compass ( ) Ruler ( ) Blank paper ( ) Graph paper ( ) Mimeograph sheet ( ) Scissors ( ) Tape, glue, velcro

Briefly describe homework: Classify the purpose of the homework: ( ) Practice: reinforce concepts or processes discussed in class ( ) Preparation: expose student to concepts or processes which will be discussed in class ( ) Elaboration: facilitate construction of concepts or processes which have already been discussed

in class REASONABLE ACCOMODATION (SPECIAL EDUCATION) ( ) Time and a half ( ) Seating arrangement ( ) Supplementary aid services ( ) Test or task fragmentation ( ) Written instructions ( ) Other PEI (Based on Individualized Teaching Plan) General comments about the class: ____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________

Signature Cooperating Teacher: __________________________________________

Submitted to PPMES at UPRM by Carmen E. de Len Ruiz; based on DEPR Policy Letter 24. Translated and adapted by Dr. Rosa I. Romn Prez October 2010

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