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WCFBPS Rules and Guidelines

Updated and Certified: December 7, 2012


2012-2013 is the Eight YEAR of the annual Wilson College Football Bowl Pick Series (WCFBPS). Who would have thought that a spark of an idea eight years ago would burst into the conflagration it is today? This year promises to be as exciting as ever!

Changes in 2012-13:
The term of the following Rules Committee Member expired in 2012: Jake Wilson, III. It is hard to imagine replacing this willowy young man with an equally qualified candidate! I mean why would we aim so low?! One issue, well have to get a stool so we can reach the up-high things Jake used to help us with. We welcome our new committee member, Brad Cook, and by making him a member of our Committee, we hope he will actually play this year! There is some risk that with Margit and Brad both on the Committee at the same time they will try to use their weight to push a southern agenda. I sure am glad that my 5 vote majority prevents any foul play and preserves the integrity of the WCFBPS! A new Board position has been established. Even though Lydia could care less about the WCFBPS, and I had to force her to submit an entry every year, I am establishing an In Memory position on the Board which Lydia will hold for as long as the WCFBPS shall exist. To this day Lydia holds one of the WCFBPS records. In 2009-2010 she missed the tiebreaker points by the largest margin in the entire history of the WCFBPS (before or after). She guessed 162 total points, which was 104 points from the actual results. Lydia was not particularly fond of holding this honor and I teased her unmercifully about it. Lydia I really miss you! One final change: the Rules Committee hired one of the nations leading branding companies to design an updated WCFBPS logo. We hope you like it!

WCFBPS Organizational Structure:

The WCFBPS is an Inequitable Opportunity Employer (IOE). Qualified applicants are considered for employment with regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, and especially sexual orientation. The Rules Committee is now an eight (8) person committee charged with developing the rules, guidelines and process by which the WCFBPS operates. Additionally the Rules Committee is responsible with organizing and conducting the event. The Rules Committee reports directly to the Arbitration Committee.

Rules Committee:

Member Expires JR Wilson Long

Position Chair

Voting Rights 5 votes 1 vote 1 vote 1 vote 1 vote vote 0 votes 0 votes

Term Permanent 2 Year 2 year 2 year 2 Year 2 Permanent Permanent Life

Brad Cook Links Rep 2014 Trey McGehee The Enforcer 2013 John Cox Yall Rep 2013 Fletcher Havens Rep of the Young 2013 Margit Cook Token Female Rep year 2013 Jim Wilson At large member (retired) Life Long Lydia Wilson In Memory Eternity

Arbitration Committee:
As we all know, the names of those who make-up the Arbitration Committee are top secret so as to avoid the temptation to coerce and bribe the Committee. Please do not attempt to ascertain the identity of the brave and dedicated people who risk their reputation and lives to make the WCFBPS the illustrious and infamous organization that it is today. Be cautious loose lips sink picks.

The Rules: (note: changes marked in blue)

Date: All picks must be selected prior to December 14th at 8:00pm EST. Eligibility: Any true-blooded Wilson, in-law, distant relative, friend, acquaintance, or whoever. Attendance: None required. Age restriction: Must be a minimum of six years old and capable of making your own picks with no coaching (birth certificate required). Pick Assistance: No pick selection assistance is allowed (children must make their own picks. Husbands cannot copy off their wifes sheet either). Although it has not been deemed illegal, the brainwashing techniques that are actively being used are unethical and immoral. No child should have to carry the burden of being a Michigan or Notre Dame fan. Do what is right and stop this gruesome practice! Entry limit: 1 entry per person. No substitutions. (i.e. mothers cannot use their kids entry to make a 2nd pick). Expertise Required: None. That is obvious!

The Process:
1. Go to the on-line entry form at and place your name and e-mail at the top of the Pick Sheet Form. 2. Go to each of the 35 match-ups and place a next to the team you pick to win each bowl game.

3. At the bottom of the form fill in your guess for the total score (both teams score added together) of the Discover BCS National Championship. If needed, this will be used as a tie-breaker. 4. Hit {Submit}. 5. Important: Once you hit submit, if your submission was accepted, a confirmation screen will appear. If this screen does not appear, and you remain on the Entry Form web page you most likely did not fill in one of the games, or tie-breaker points. Resolve the incomplete information and hit SUBMIT again. If the Confirmation screen does not come up your submission has not been accepted. 6. You have the option of running your picks through the NEW Instant Pick Assessment Tabulator after your picks have been submitted. This NEW option has been provided by the Rules Committee in an effort to continuously improve the WCFBPS. You will be able to see how well you picked in advance of the competition. 7. Each correct pick is worth one point and all games count equally. 8. If you forget to select a team for a bowl, you receive no points for that game. 9. NO changes or additions after December 14 at 8pm EST. You cant change your mind once the WCFBPS begins! 10. Scorekeeping will be done by the Master Scorekeeper using the patented AccuScore v12.21 software program. 11. The final scoring results will be audited by the accounting firm of James, Robert & Wilson, Inc. 12. The individual with the most points wins! 13. Second and third place forget it if you didnt win - you lost. 14. Last place you will receive appropriate recognition!! 15. Tie Breaker (Tim Rule) a. In the case of a tie, point total for the BCS championship game will decide the winner. b. If the tie breaker ends in a tie, predictions over the actual total will be disqualified. You must guess at or below the total points. You cant go over. c. If a tie still persists, then the competitor who had the most points after the first 5 games wins. d. Still a tie then the competitor who had the most points after 10 games wins. e. If we are stilled tied then - we will flip a coin. f. If the coin lands on its side, we will go to the Arbitration Committee and they will select a winner based upon who they like the best. 16. The Rules Committee will make up any other rules that havent been thought of as we go-along. 17. Protests during or after the contest must be filed with the Arbitration Committee. E-mail your protests to: 18. Membership of the arbitration committee is confidential so as to prevent attempts to bribe or coerce members. 19. The WCFBPS is always looking to improve. If you have suggestions or ideas that you think will make the contest better, please e-mail us at: We will give careful consideration to your stupid ideas.

Go to for the latest and greatest information and news related to this great and mighty competition.

The winner will have gloating rights for one whole year and hold an honored place in the minds of most of the Wilson family and friends (bitterness in the minds of others). Your name will be engraved and added to the WCFBPS plaque which can be found on display at all times in the honored and hallowed halls of the Jim and CJ Wilson basement (even if you are Jim Wilsons, ex-wifes, husband). Additionally the winner will receive an individual championship trophy! Remember you can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, and if you want, and they are willing you can pick your friends nose BUT you CANNOT pick your friends WCFBPS selections that is against the rules! Let the Game BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Authored by: JR Wilson Sole Member of the Arbitration Committee (Bribes can be made in the form of cash, cashiers check or money order no personal checks please)

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