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: United Nation Development Program : Rio Alfajri & Dhinda Oktarina : Padjadjaran University : Climate Change and the Obstacle of Development

The development of country all over the world nowadays meets the big obstacle. Starting from the simplest obstacle such as human resources until the most complex obstacle such as conflicts, the obstacle will become walls which delay the development. But the heavier obstacle human meet, the more progress they will get. Nowadays, the climate change becomes successfully attracts the global attention. The international conference totally supports the program which overcoming the climate change. In the history, the Earth has already been in the ice age, after the ice age era ended the Earth faces the other problems, the increasing of world temperature. If this problem doesnt notice as all peoples problem earlier, the world will extremely disappoint. Let us imagine, today according to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) the world temperature increasing 0.66 Celsius degrees in every continent. If the increase doesnt stopped, the temperature will reach higher than 40 degree Celsius in African country and Arabic country and higher than 38 degree Celsius in other world sides. Actually, the United Nations effort on overcoming the climate change problems already the best effort it can do. Protocol Kyoto has made by United Nation to accomplish UNFCCC (1997). The United Nation arranged Protocol Kyoto with one mission, controlling the climate change. All country, developing and developed country took a part support this Kyoto Protocol. UNFCCC which held on 1992, Rio de Janeiro, set the arrangement of Kyoto Protocol. The weakness of this jurisdiction is the people outside UNFCCC cannot ratify the Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocols point which is very well-known is Carbon Trade. Carbon Trade is the program that arranges the effort to reduce the carbon emission in this world (UNFCCC, 1998). The Carbon Trade uses the special scheme called cap and trade. Cap is the appointment to the country which explains that the country can give the limited carbon emission to the company on its country. If one company produced less carbon emission than the country said, the company can trade it as commodity. This point gives something good logically. Why? If the cap successfully applied, all company will get race to the least in producing carbon emission. There is no perfection of all parts in this

world. Carbon trade will make the limitation of industry development. The appliances also meet problem. In Indonesia and other developed country the measurement of carbon emission need help by other developing technology country. It can cause the high dependence on the developed country to developing country if the appliances done hurriedly. The Vice President, Al Gore, is expected to stress
steps the United States and the international community can take leading up to the negotiations on climate change in Denmark at the end of the year, Frederick Jones, spokesman for Kerry, D-Massachusetts, told CNN Tuesday (Elise, 2009). In here we can see the powerful countrys domination. Because of the carbon trading

weaknesses, United Nation Development Program takes the strong position in making the development of climate change global law. The true solution is making the rule of the gasoline using and the forest exploiting. Prior to the establishment of forestry as a science-based discipline, the exploitation of forests for various products was carried out without sufficient regard for consequences (Loehle, 2012). Except that, using the gasoline rule can overcome the problem of difficulties in measuring carbon emission in developed country. UNDP believe that after gasoline using and forest exploiting rules are created the easiness of saving the world. Because if there is no healthy world, there will be no object for developing.

Works Cited













2009. (accessed at October, 12 2012, 7.56 p.m.) Loehle, Craig. Forestry. July 26, 2012. (accessed at October, 12 2012, 4.30 p.m.) UNFCCC. 1998. KYOTO PROTOCOL TO THE UNITED NATIONS FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE. (accessed at October, 12 2012, 2.38 p.m.)

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