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d20 Warp 0.

91 RC9 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Requires the use of a Role-playing Core Do you want ‘To Boldly Go Where No-one has Gone
Rulebook published by Wizards of the Before?’
Coast. But you don’t want to learn another new set of role-
Requires the use of the Traveller 20 rules as playing rules.
detailed in “The Traveller’s Handbook”, published Do you already understand most of the d20 system?
by QuikLink Interactive, Inc.
Then this is the solution you’ve been waiting for.
Traveller™ is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises
and is used with permission. This book presents character generation rules for use
Wizards of the Coast is a registered trademark of Wizards of
in Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek universe, using the
the Coast and is used with permission. d20 System rules for character generation and
Star Trek is a trademark of Paramount Pictures Corporation.
Each chapter clearly indicates, excepting trademarks, Based on the Traveller20 adaptation of the d20
trade-names and graphics, which content is published under System, and it’s prior-history character background
the OGL (Open Gaming Licence), a copy of which is detailed sequences, this rules supplement will enable you to
at the rear of this book. create characters from Crewman through to Admiral.
This is a fan-related resource, produced as a Personal Star Trek equipment is also detailed herein,
non-profit Enterprise. allowing your characters to fire their phasers and
scan for life-forms with their tricorders.
With a little common sense these rules can be
QUEST RELEASE CANDIDATE 9 applied to all eras of Gene’s universe, from the pre-
Federation era of ‘Enterprise’, through Kirk’s years
RC9 and on to the futures of ‘The Next Generation’, ‘Deep
Space Nine’, and the odyssey of ‘Voyager’ – along
with all the appropriate movie periods.
STAR TREK: Traveller20 SF-RPG Along with other recommended supplements, freely
available on the net, for spaceship construction and
combat, this rules supplement will enable your very
own games to ‘Live Long and Prosper.’
Here’s hoping you reach your Final Frontier…
…Mr. Sevarian 20.August.2003
v.0.91 – RC9
Even closer to version one.
Have to add Aging tables for all our races – a bit of
research necessary, and then well we’ll be done.
Enjoy… …Mr.Sevarian 05.December.2003

d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home <1>
Starfleet Medical (SMe) ....................................................10
Index Class Skills ...............................................................10
Feat: Skill Emphasis ................................................10
Starfleet Operations (SOp) ..............................................11
Introduction ........................................................................ ........... 1
Class Skills ...............................................................11
v.0.91 – RC9................................................................ 1
Starfleet Sciences (SSc) ..................................................11
Index........................................................................ ....................... 2 Class Skills ...............................................................11
Character Generation ................................................................... 4
Skill Emphasis..........................................................11
Species ........................................................................ ............. 4
Starfleet Tactical (STa).....................................................11
Alpha Centauran ................................................................ 4 Class Skills ...............................................................11
Andorian ........................................................................ ..... 4
Feat: Skill Emphasis ................................................11
Bajoran........................................................................ ........ 4 (T20)
(T20) Feat: Improved Initiative ...................................11
Feat: Skill Focus (Craft) ...................................... 4 Starfleet Ace Pilot (SAc) ..................................................11
Betazoid ........................................................................ ...... 4 Other Classes for Starfleet Personnel............................11
Bolians ........................................................................ ........ 4
New Skills Chapter ......................................................................12
Borg (Template).................................................................. 4
d20 Warp Classes & Skills Matrix ...................................12
Breen ........................................................................ ........... 4 Travellers’ Handbook Classes & Skills Matrix...............13
Bynar ........................................................................ ........... 4 20
Excluded Skills (Traveller )..................................................14
Caitian ........................................................................ ......... 4
T/Gravitics ........................................................................ .14
Cardassian........................................................................ .. 5 Notes on T20 Skills ................................................................14
Deltan ........................................................................ .......... 5
K/cascade........................................................................ ..14
Denobulan........................................................................ ... 5
T/Astrogation ....................................................................14
Feat: Hibernation (Denobulan) ................................. 5 New Skills (d20 Warp)............................................................14
Edoan ........................................................................ .......... 5
T/Holodeck ........................................................................ 14
Efrosian........................................................................ ....... 5
T/Impulse........................................................................ ...14
El-Aurian ........................................................................ ..... 5 T/Life-Support ...................................................................14
Ferengi ........................................................................ ........ 5
Founders ........................................................................ ..... 6
T/Sensors ........................................................................ ..14
Feat: Shape-Shift (Founder) ..................................... 6 T/Temporal Systems ........................................................14
Feat: Improved Shape-Shift (Founder) .................... 6
T/Tractors ........................................................................ ..14
Gorn........................................................................ ............. 6
T/Transporters ..................................................................14
Grazerites........................................................................ .... 6 T/Weapons Systems.........................................................14
Haliian ........................................................................ ......... 6
Feats ........................................................................ .....................15
Hirogen........................................................................ ........ 6
Feat Summary Table ........................................................15
Humans ........................................................................ ....... 6 New Generic Feats (d20 Warp) .............................................17
Jem’Hadar........................................................................ ... 6
Cold Tolerance..................................................................17
Feat: Shroud (Jem’Hadar) ......................................... 6
Extraordinary Hearing......................................................17
Feat: Regenerate (Jem’Hadar) .................................. 6 Extraordinary Vision ........................................................17
Kazon ........................................................................ .......... 7
Heat Tolerance..................................................................17
Klingon (Imperial)............................................................... 7
Threaten ........................................................................ ....17
Malon........................................................................ ........... 7
Use Tricorder ....................................................................17
Medusans........................................................................ .... 7 Improved Use Tricorder ...................................................17
Napeans ........................................................................ ...... 7
Final Details ........................................................................ .........18
Nausicaans ........................................................................ . 7
Random Height & Weight ......................................................18
Ocampa ........................................................................ ....... 7 Ageing by Race ......................................................................19
Orion (Green)...................................................................... 7
Prior-History ........................................................................ ........20
Orion (Grey) ........................................................................ 7
Misc. Changes from T20........................................................20
Orion (Red) ........................................................................ . 7 Benefits ........................................................................ .....20
Romulan........................................................................ ...... 7
Education Courses ................................................................20
Suliban ........................................................................ ........ 7
Starfleet Academy ............................................................20
Talaxian........................................................................ ....... 8 Starfleet Graduate ....................................................20
Tellarite ........................................................................ ....... 8
SF Medical / Med School..................................................20
Trill (host)........................................................................ .... 8
Nurses .......................................................................20
Trill (symbiont) ................................................................... 8 Starfleet Doctors/Surgeons.....................................20
Feat: Previous Lives (Trill Symbiont) ...................... 8
Class Prior-History ................................................................21
Trill (joined)........................................................................ . 8
Starfleet Career.................................................................21
Vorta ........................................................................ ............ 8 Enlisted .....................................................................21
Vulcans ........................................................................ ....... 8
Commissioned .........................................................21
Feat: Knowledge Focus (Vulcan) ............................. 8
Cash Benefits ...........................................................21
Feat: Nerve Pinch (Vulcan) ....................................... 8 Material Benefits ......................................................21
Zakdorn ........................................................................ ....... 8
Psionics........................................................................ ................22
Homeworld Skills..................................................................... 8
Psionic Talents.......................................................................22
United Federation of Planets ............................................ 8 Advanced Telempathy .....................................................22
Classes ........................................................................ .................. 9
Déjà Vu ........................................................................ ......22
Core Classes ........................................................................ .... 9
Feel Pa ........................................................................ .......22
Starfleet Service ................................................................. 9 Mind Meld ........................................................................ ..22
Class Skills ................................................................. 9 Premonition.......................................................................22
Prestige Classes ...................................................................... 9
Reality Check ....................................................................22
Starfleet Command Officers (SCo) ................................... 9
Class Skills ................................................................. 9 Weapons ........................................................................ ..............23
Feat: Skill Emphasis .................................................. 9
Notes on Phasers & Disrupters ............................................23
Starfleet Engineering (SEn)............................................... 9
Modifying Weapons .................................................23
Class Skills ................................................................. 9 Setting a Weapon to Overload ................................23
Feat: Engineering Miracle ......................................... 9
Starfleet Weapons..................................................................23
Feat: Skill Emphasis .................................................. 9
Type I Hand Phaser (TOS) ...............................................23
Starfleet Intelligence (SIn) ............................................... 10 Type I Hand Phaser (TNG+) .............................................23
Class Skills ............................................................... 10
Phase Pistol (Enterprise) .................................................23
Other Classes for Intelligence Operatives ............ 10
Type II Hand Phaser (TOS) ..............................................23
Starfleet Marines (SMa) ................................................... 10 Type II Hand Phaser (TNG+) ............................................23
Class Skills ............................................................... 10
(T20) Type III Phaser Rifle .........................................................23
Feat: Improved Initiative ................................... 10
d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home <2>
Type III Compression Phaser Rifle................................. 23
Type IV Phaser Rifle ........................................................ 23
Phaser - Type VIII Phaser Cannon ................................. 23
Klingon Weapons .................................................................. 24
Klingon Disruptor Pistol ................................................. 24
Klingon Disruptor Rifle ................................................... 24
Klingon Melee Weapons ....................................................... 24
Bat’leth........................................................................ ...... 24
Mek’leth ........................................................................ .... 24
D’k tahg........................................................................ ..... 24
Klingon Painstick............................................................. 24
Weapons of Other Factions ................................................. 24
Romulan Disruptor Pistol ............................................... 24
Cardassian Phaser Pistol................................................ 24
Type I (Civilian) Hand Phaser ......................................... 24
Personal Equipment................................................................... 24
Tricorder (SF) ................................................................... 24
Tricorder (SF Engineering) ............................................. 24
Tricorder (SF Medical)..................................................... 24
Ship’s Equipment ....................................................................... 25
Probes ........................................................................ ................. 25
Class I – Sensor Probe.................................................... 25
Class II – Sensor Probe................................................... 25
Class III – Sensor Probe.................................................. 25
Class IV – Stellar Encounter Probe................................ 25
Class V - Reconnaissance Probe ................................... 26
Class VI - Comm Relay / Emergency Beacon Probe .... 26
Class VII - Remote Culture Study Probe........................ 26
Class VIII - Multimission Probe ...................................... 26
Class IX – Multi-Mission Probe....................................... 26
Spaceships........................................................................ .......... 27
Spacedock Indices ................................................................ 27
Ship Indices...................................................................... 27
References ....................................................................... 28
Political Codes ................................................................. 28
Conversion Notes ....................................................................... 29
UPP - Universal Personality Profile..................................... 29
Estimating Character Level.................................................. 29
Converting Skills & Feats ..................................................... 29
Rough Skill/Feat Assignments ....................................... 29
True Skill/Feat Assignments........................................... 29
d20 Warp Revisions ................................................................... 30
v0.91 RC9 05.12.2003 .............................................. 30
v0.90 RC8 04.12.2003 .............................................. 30
v0.83 RC6 29.08.2003 .............................................. 30
v0.82 27.08.2003 (unreleased) ................................ 30
v0.81 RC5 27.08.2003 .............................................. 30
v0.8 RC4 26.08.2003 ................................................ 30
v0.7 RC3 21.08.2003 ................................................ 30
v0.6 RC2 20.08.2003 ................................................ 30
v0.5.0 RC1 20.08.2003 ............................................. 30
v0.4.0 (alpha) 17.07.2003......................................... 30
v0.3.2 (alpha) 21.05.2003......................................... 30
v0.1e (alpha) 19.03.2003.......................................... 30
References ........................................................................ .......... 30
d20 System Core Rules ........................................................ 30
d20 Sci-Fi RPG Core Rules .................................................. 30
Starship Construction and Combat..................................... 30
Licences ........................................................................ .............. 31
Open Game License Version 1.0a ....................................... 31
The d20 System License Version 4.0................................. 31

d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home <3>
-- -2 -2 -- -- -- +2 10* 2d6+6
Excepting trademarks, trade-names and graphics,
all content of this chapter are OGL. • 1 Level Alien Class (+1000 xp)
• +2 Species bonus too Gather Information checks.
Species • Feat: Psi Training
• Psionic Sphere Telepathy
Unless otherwise indicated (by the listing of an exact • Psi Talent: Telempathy
die roll) each score should be generated in-line with • Psi Talent: Read Surface Thoughts
the d20 system rules (see a core rule book as
published by Wizards of the Coast), and the indicated {TNG DS9 VGR}
+/- modifier applied to the generated score.
-- +2 -- -- -- -- +2 10* 1d4-1
-- -- -- -- -- -- +2 10* 1d4-1 {TNG DS9 VGR}
• Racial Bonus feat: 1 Extra feat at first level.
{ENT TOS TNG DS9 VGR} Borg (Template)
+4 +2 +2 -4 +4 -- -6 10 3d6
• Racial skills:
-- -- +2 -- -- -2 -- 10* 1d4-1 K/Culture Borg Collective-0
K/History Borg Collective-0
• Feat: Extraordinary Hearing (d20 Warp)
• 3 Levels Alien Class (+6000 xp)
• Feat: Collective Mind
• Feat: Borg Knowledge
For any race assimilated into the collective, apply the
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3d6 above modifiers and add the listed feats and skills to
the character.
• Both during and after the Cardassian occupation
the traditional caste system was abandoned, all {ENT TOS TNG DS9 VGR}
characters SOC = 10.
• Racial skills: Breen
K/History Bajor - 0 -- -- +2 -- -- -- -4 -- 1d4-1
Craft (choose) - 0 • Feat: Armor Proficiency (Vac Suit)
• Feat: Skill Focus (Craft) {TNG DS9 VGR}
Feat: Iron Will
• +1 Attack Bonus vs Cardassians (favoured enemy). Bynar
Cardassians occupied Bajor for 40 years, and have STR DEX CON INT EDU WIS CHA SOC PSI
earned the endless enmity of it’s people. -6 +2 -2 +2 -- -- -- 10* 3d6
• Some Bajorans have a spiritual sense: Psi DC 22 • Feat: Twinned (Bynar)
to see if the character has this ability, • Feat: Mathematical Genius
• Feat: Psi Training • Feat: Computer Genius
• Psionic Sphere Telepathy (Limited to Feel Pa) {TNG DS9 VGR}
• Psi Talent: Feel Pa
Feat: Skill Focus (Craft) (T20) Caitian
Racial Bonus on one Craft skill (choose the one taken
as Racial skill above). Bajorans are taught art at very -- +2 -- -- -4 -- +2 10* 1d4-1
young ages.
• Feat: Improved Initiative

d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home <4>
Cardassian Efrosian
+2 -2 +2 -- -- -2 -2 10* 3d6 +2 -- +2 -- -- +2 +2 10* 2d6+4
• Racial skills: • 1 Level Alien Class (+1000 xp)
K/Culture Bajoran-0 • Feat: Cold Tolerance (d20 Warp)
K/History Bajor-0
One Psionic Talent roll on table below:
• +2 Racial Bonus on all Treat Injury and K/Medicine
2d6 + PSI Mod. Racial Feat
checks: Cardassians are adept with medical
technology. 4-5 Feat: Direction Sense
• Feat: Iron Will (T20) 6-7 Feat: Psi Training
Feat: Extraordinary Vision (d20 Warp) Psionic Talent: Telempathy
Feat: Heat Tolerance (d20 Warp)
Psionic Talent: Advanced Telempathy

Deltan El-Aurian
-- -- -2 -- -- +2 +4 10* 3d6
-2 -- +2 -- -- +4 +2 10* 2d6+3
• 1 Level Alien Class (+1000 xp)
• 1 Level Alien Class (+1000 xp)
• Feat: Psi Training
• Racial skills:
• Psionic Sphere: Telepathy
K/Culture El-Aurian-0
• Psi Talent: Telempathy
K/History El-Aurian-0
• Psi DC 20 : Psi Talent: Advanced Telempathy
• Feat: Psi Training
• Psionic Sphere Clairvoyance

Denobulan One (or more) Racial Feat roll on table below:

2d6 + PSI Mod. Racial Feat
-- -- -- -- -- -- +2 --/10* 3d6
4-5 Psionic Talent: Deja Vu
• Racial skills: 6-7 Psionic Talent: Premonition
K/Culture Denobulan -0 8-9 Psionic Talent: Tele-Chronesis
K/History Denobulan-0
• Feat: Hibernation (Denobulan) (d20 Warp) {ENT TOS TNG DS9 VGR}
Feat: Hibernation (Denobulan)
Once a year (minimum), or on demand, a Denobulan Ferengi
may slow their metabolism to a near-death-like state STR DEX CON INT EDU WIS CHA SOC PSI
of hibernation. This effect takes an hour of -2 +2 -- -- -- -2 +2 3d6 1d6
concentration to prepare and lasts for 1d4+2 days. • Racial skills:
Natural revival from the hibernating state takes 1+1d4 K/Culture Ferengi-0
hours. K/History Ferengi-0
Only a hormonal chemical injection can prematurely • Feat: Telepathic Resistance (d20 Warp)
disturb the hibernation process, which subsequently Feat: Extraordinary Hearing (d20 Warp)
takes the character about half the time to return to a
normal fully awake state. {TNG DS9 VGR}


-2 +4 -- -- -- -- -- 10* 1d4-1
• Feat: Ambidexterity (T20)

d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home <5>
Founders Haliian
-- -- -- +2 -- +2 -2 10* 1d4-1 -- +2 +2 -- -- -- +2 10* 2d6+3
• 3 Levels Alien Class (+6000 xp) • 1 Level Alien Class (+1000 xp)
(d20 Warp)
• Feat: Shape-Shift (Founder) • Feat: Psi Training
These stats apply when the Founder is in Humanoid • Psionic Sphere Telepathy
or natural liquid state. When assuming the shape of • Psionic Talent: Telempathy
significantly smaller or larger creatures, physical {TNG DS9 VGR}
abilities (STR and DEX) may vary (see your referee).
Feat: Shape-Shift (Founder) Hirogen
The character may change their physical appearance STR DEX CON INT EDU WIS CHA SOC PSI
at will, this includes any animate or inanimate object. +6 +2 -- -- -- -2 -2 -- 1d4-1
Each shape shift inflicts one point of subdual (fatige) • Level Alien Class (+1000 xp)
Stamina damage, and takes one point of subdual • Feat: Great Fortitude (T20)
stamina damage per hour to maintain that Feat: Endurance (T20)
When changing to a form half the regular size of a
humanoid or smaller, or twice that size this expends
two points of fatigue (subdual) damage, and costs Humans
two points per hour to maintain. STR DEX CON INT EDU WIS CHA SOC PSI
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- 10* 1d6-1
To regain this fatigue damage, a Founder must revert
to their natural liquid state every sixteen hours, for an • +4 Skill points for 1st Level
hour’s rest, when all the fatigue (subdual) points are • +1 Skill point per level
recovered. • Racial Bonus feat: 1 Extra feat at first level
Feat: Improved Shape-Shift (Founder) {ENT TOS TNG DS9 VGR}
Pre-requisites: Shape-Shift, DEX 16+, Level 6+
The character may also take gaseous forms, or
exactly duplicate the fine details of specific people
+4 +2 +2 -2 -2 -2 -4 -- 0
they have met.
• 3 Alien levels (+6000 XP)
The character takes no subdual damage when
changing to a humanoid sized shape, but takes three- • Feat: Brawling (T20)
hit points of subdual (fatigue) damage per hour when Feat: Endurance (T20)
maintaining these more complex or detailed shapes. Feat: Shroud (Jem’Hadar) (d20 Warp)
Feat: Regenerate (Jem’Hadar) (d20 Warp)
Feat: Shroud (Jem’Hadar)
Gorn The Jem’Hadar is able to make themselves invisible
+4 -2 +2 -- -2 -- -- -- 1d4-1 This takes one full-round action, as does un-
• Feat: Endurance (T20) shrouding.
{ENT TOS TNG DS9 VGR} Shrouding takes one point of Stamina damage, which
is automatically regenerated as detailed below.
Grazerites A shrouded Jem’Hadar is almost undetectable to
STR DEX CON INT EDU WIS CHA SOC PSI normal sensors, DC 40 with electronic sensor
-- -- -- -- -- -- +2 10* 1d4-1 equipment.
• Feat: Carousing (T20) A Jem’Hadar who has less than half their maximum
Stamina points cannot Shroud.
Feat: Regenerate (Jem’Hadar)
A Jem’Hadar who has a supply of Ketracel-White
(normally administered intravenously) regenerates 1
point of Stamina damage per level per hour, and one
point of life-blood damage per hour automatically.

d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home <6>
Kazon Ocampa
-- +2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1d6-1 -2 -- -2 +2 -- +2 -- 10* 3d4
• Feat: Toughness (T20) No special features (except see aging table)

Klingon (Imperial) Orion (Green)

+4 +2 +2 -- -- -2 -2 -- 1d4-1 +4 +2 -- -2 -4 -2 +4 2d6 1d8
• 1 Alien Class Level (+1000 xp) • Racial skills:
• Racial skills: K/Culture Orion-0
K/Culture Klingon-0 K/History Orion-0
K/History Qo’nos-0 • Feat:
Intimidate - 0 {ENT TOS TNG DS9 VGR}
• Feat: Great Fortitude (T20)
Feat: Toughness (T20) Orion (Grey)
Feat: Threaten (d20 Warp)
{ENT TOS TNG DS9 VGR} -4 -- -2 +2 +2 +2 -- 2d6+4 3d6
• Racial skills:
Malon K/Culture Orion-0
-- -- -- +2 -- -2 -- 10* 1d4-1 • Feat:
• Feat: Research (T20) {ENT TOS TNG DS9 VGR}
Orion (Red)
STR DEX CON INT EDU WIS CHA SOC PSI -- -- -- -- -2 -- -- 3d6 1d6-1
-4 -- -- +4 -- +2 -4 10* 3d4+6 • Racial skills:
• 3 Alien Levels (+6000 XP) K/Culture Orion-0
• Feat: Natural Compass (T20) K/History Orion-0
Feat: Psi Training (T20) • Feat:
• Psi Sphere: Telekinesis {ENT TOS TNG DS9 VGR}
Psi Sphere: Telepathy
• Talent: Read Surface Thoughts, Send Thoughts, Romulan
{TOS TNG DS9 VGR} +2 -- -- -- -- -- -2 -- 2d4
• Racial skills:
Napeans K/Culture Romulan-0
K/History Romulan Star Empire-0
-- -- -- +2 -- -- -2 10* 2d4+3 • Feat: Stealthy (T20)
• Feat: Psi Training (T20) Feat: Iron Will (T20)
• Psi Sphere: Telepathy {TOS TNG DS9 VGR}
Talent: Telempathy
{TNG DS9 VGR} Suliban
-- +2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1d4-1
• Bonus Feats at 1st, 4th, 8th etc. levels, may be taken
+2 -- +2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -- 1d4-1 relating to genetic modifications received from allies
in the Temporal Cold War.
• Feat: Brawling (T20) Suliban who are not part of the group involved in
Feat: Threaten (d20 Warp) the Temporal Cold War do not receive these Bonus

d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home <7>
Talaxian Vulcans
-- +2 -- -- -- -- +2 10* 1d4-1 +4 -- -- +2 -- -- -2 10* 2d6+6
• Racial skills: • 1 Level Alien Class (+1000 xp)
K/Culture Talaxian - 0 • Feat: Knowledge Focus (Vulcan) (d20 Warp)
K/History Talaxia - 0 Feat: Extraordinary Hearing (d20 Warp)
{VGR} Feat: Nerve Pinch (Vulcan) (d20 Warp)
• Feat: Psi Training
Tellarite Psionic Sphere: Telepathy
+2 -- +2 -- -- -- -- 10* 1d6-1 Feat: Knowledge Focus (Vulcan)
• Feat: Natural Compass (T20) +2 Species bonus on all Knowledge checks.
Feat: Carousing (T20) Feat: Nerve Pinch (Vulcan)
{ENT TOS TNG DS9 VGR} You may render any humanoid being unconscious for
1d4 + the Vulcans levels turns.
Trill (host) This Feat is a full-round action, and requires
STR DEX CON INT EDU WIS CHA SOC PSI undisturbed concentration on the action to make a
-- -- -- +2 +2 -- -- 10* 1d10-1 successful attack.
{TNG DS9 VGR} The Vulcan must make a touch attack, the victim
receives a Fortitude save vs DC 30 (a successful
Trill (symbiont) save negates the effect of the attack).
STR DEX CON INT EDU WIS CHA SOC PSI The character may re-try the meld in the next round,
2 3 2 +6 +2 +4 +2 10* 1d6 but will suffer a –2 (cumulative) penalty for each
attempt after the first.
• various Alien Levels
It may be used on non-humanoid beings and animals,
• Feat: Previous Lives
but such creatures have a Fortitude save vs DC 20.
Feat: Previous Lives (Trill Symbiont)
2 Alien levels per previous host: 2+(INT_Modifier)
(symbiont) skill points per Alien level.
-2 -- -- +2 +2 +2 -4 10* 1d6
Trill (joined) • Feat: Tactics (T20)
host host host # # # mean mean sym
Generate host and symbiont (optionally generate
previous hosts), host = use score of current host, Homeworld Skills
# = use highest score of symbiont/host.
mean = use average (round up) of symbiont/host United Federation of Planets
When joined XP = host XP + XP for number of Alien • SOC = 10 (as indicated by asterisk in racial
levels. descriptions)
{TNG DS9 VGR} For species in periods before their accession to
Federation membership roll Social Score as part of
the normal character generation process, or as
Vorta indicated.
-2 -2 +2 -- -- +2 +2 -- 2d4-2 All Federation characters, whatever race, receive the
following Homeworld skills (in addition to any detailed
• Feat: Great Fortitude (T20) under racial descriptions).
{DS9} • T/Computer-0
• T/Communications-0
• K/Culture Federation-0
• K/Culture (specify homeworld)-0
• K/History Federation-0
• K/History (specify homeworld)-0
Character also receives Homeworld skills and Feats as
detailed on p.33 The Traveller’s Handbook.

d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home <8>
Starfleet Engineering (SEn)
Classes Function: Engineering crew, Chief and sub-Chief
Excepting trademarks, trade-names and graphics, Engineers.
all content of this chapter are OGL. Pre-requisites: Starfleet Service (1 Level), DEX 14+,
two Technical skills at rank 6.
Core Classes Officer Rank: Starfleet Academy Graduate.
Multi-class Restrictions: none
Starfleet Service Stamina Dice: d8
Function: Miscellaneous Starfleet Officers, all Class Skills
departments general work. Appraise Knowledge (Any)
Combat Engineering Pilot
Prerequisites: STR 7+, INT 12+ Demolitions P/Knowledge Related
Officer Rank: Starfleet Academy Graduate. Driving Technical (Any)
Forward Obs.
Multi-class Restrictions: none
Feats: As Professional (T20), plus Exclusive Feats
Stamina Dice: d8 (below) and Use Tricorder.
Class Skills BAB & Saves: As Professional (T20)
Driving T/Communications
Forward Obs. T/Sensors Starting Skill Points: (7+ INT) × 4
Gunnery T/Impulse Skill points per level: (7 + INT)
Pilot T/Weapons Systems
T/Astrogation Feat: Engineering Miracle
Even under stress, an Engineer may take 10 on a
Starting Feats: Armor Proficiency (Vacc Suit), Use
repair roll. Choose a skill each time this is feat is
Tricorder, Weapon Prof.(Lasers).
taken. Available skills are: all Technical skills plus,
Feats: As Navy (T20), plus Use Tricorder. Disable Device, Use Alien Device.
BAB & Saves: As Navy (T20) Prerequisite: Skill Emphasis for chosen skill.
Starting Skill Points: (6 + INT) × 4 Feat: Skill Emphasis
Skill points per level: (6 + INT) All Knowledge, Professional and Technical skills,
Combat Engineering, Demolitions.
Prestige Classes
Starfleet Command Officers (SCo)
Function: Command Level Officers, Admirals,
Captains, Commanders, CO’s.
Pre-requisites: Starfleet Service (5 Levels), Rank:
O3a+ (Lt. Com.).
Multi-class Restrictions: none
Stamina Dice: d8
Class Skills
Bribery Pilot
Forward Obs. P/Admin
Innuendo Recruiting
Intimidate Sense Motive
K/Interstellar Law
Feats: As Navy (T20), plus Exclusive Feats (below) and
Use Tricorder.
BAB & Saves: As Navy (T20)
Starting Skill Points: (5 + INT) × 4
Skill points per level: (5 + INT)
Feat: Skill Emphasis
Skill Emphasis: Bluff, Bribery, Gather Information,
Innuendo, Intimidate, Knowledge skills, Leader,
Liaison, Navigation, Pilot, Recruiting, Sense Motive,
Speak Language, Survival, T/Astrogation, Use Alien

d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home <9>
Starfleet Intelligence (SIn) Starfleet Marines (SMa)
Function: All Starfleet Intelligence Operatives. Function: All Starfleet Marines.
Pre-requisites: Starfleet Service (1 Level), INT 14+, Pre-requisites: Starfleet Service (1 Level), STR 16+,
WIS 12+, EDU 16+ CON 12+, BAB+4
Officer Rank: Starfleet Academy Graduate. Officer Rank: Starfleet Academy Graduate.
Multi-class Restrictions: none Multi-class Restrictions: none
Stamina Dice: d10 Stamina Dice: d12
Class Skills Class Skills
Appraise Leader Balance Leader
Bluff Liaison Climb Liaison
Bribery Listen Combat Engineering Move Silently
Demolitions Move Silently Demolitions Survival
Disguise Pilot Driving Swim
Driving P/Knowledge Related Forward Obs. T/Mechanical
Forgery Search Gambling T/Weapons Systems
Forward Obs. Sense Motive Gunnery Tumble
Gambling Spot Jump
Gather Information T/Communications
Gunnery T/Computer Starting Feats: Armor Proficiency (Battledress)
Hide T/Electronics Feats: As Marines (T20), plus Exclusive Feats (below)
Innuendo T/Mechanical
Intimidate T/Sensors and Use Tricorder.
Knowledge (Any) T/Weapons Systems BAB & Saves: As Marines (T20)
Feats: As Scout , plus Exclusive Feats (below) Starting Skill Points: (4 + INT) × 4
and Use Tricorder. Skill points per level: (4 + INT)
BAB & Saves: As Scout (T20) Feat: Improved Initiative (T20)
Starting Skill Points: (5 + INT) × 4 Due to Holodeck simulations, a Security officer can
Skill points per level: (5 + INT) react to situations promptly. They get a +1 bonus to
initiative each time they take this Feat.
Other Classes for Intelligence Operatives
During undercover operations almost any class may
be taken. Starfleet Medical (SMe)
However, while undercover, access to training for Function: Starfleet Medical Officers, Nurses,
Starfleet Feats will not be available, use these Counsellors.
classes as listed in the T20 rulebook. Pre-requisites: Starfleet Service (1 Level), WIS 12+,
DEX 12+, Med-School or Starfleet Medical Graduate.
Officer Rank: Starfleet Academy Graduate.
Multi-class Restrictions: none
Stamina Dice: d6
Class Skills
Forward Obs. T/Life-Support
Knowledge (Any) T/Replicators
Sense Motive
Feats: As Professional (T20), plus Exclusive Feats
(below) and Use Tricorder.
BAB & Saves: As Professional (T20)
Starting Skill Points: (7+ INT) × 4
Skill points per level: (7 + INT)
Feat: Skill Emphasis
Knowledge, Medicine, Treat Injury, Profession,
Medicine, Diplomacy.

d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home < 10 >
Starfleet Operations (SOp) Starfleet Tactical (STa)
Function: Operations, Helm, Navigators & Pilots. Function: All Starfleet Tactical, Security and
Pre-requisites: Starfleet Service (1 Level), DEX 14+, Weapons Officers.
two skills, from any Tech or Pilot, at rank 6. Pre-requisites: Starfleet Service (1 Level), STR 12+,
Officer Rank: Starfleet Academy Graduate. CON 10+, BAB+2
Multi-class Restrictions: none Officer Rank: Starfleet Academy Graduate.
Stamina Dice: d8 Multi-class Restrictions: none
Class Skills Stamina Dice: d12
Appraise T/Communications Class Skills
Bribery T/Computer Demolitions P/Hunting
Broker T/Sensors Forward Obs. Recruiting
Driving T/Holodeck Gather Information Ride
Forward Obs. T/Life-Support Gunnery Search
Gather Information T/Replicators Hide Sense Motive
Gunnery T/Tractors Innuendo Spot
K/interstellar Law T/Transporters Intimidate Survival
Liaison Trader K/Interstellar Law Swim
Navigation Liaison T/Communications
Pilot Listen T/Sensors
P/Admin Move Silently T/Tractors
P/Survey Pilot T/Weapons Systems
Feats: As Navy (T20), plus Exclusive Feats (below) and P/Admin Tumble
Use Tricorder. Starting Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light)
BAB & Saves: As Navy Feats: As Army (T20), plus Exclusive Feats (below)
Starting Skill Points: (6 + INT) × 4 and Use Tricorder.
Skill points per level: (6 + INT) BAB & Saves: As Army (T20)
Starting Skill Points: (5 + INT) × 4
Starfleet Sciences (SSc) Skill points per level: (5 + INT)
Function: Science crew, Chief, Assistant and Feat: Skill Emphasis
Specialist Department Heads. Bluff, Bribery, Climb, Decipher Script, Demolitions,
Pre-requisites: Starfleet Service (1 Level), INT 14+, Disguise, Forgery, Forward Observer, Gather
EDU 14+, three Knowledge skills 6+. Information, Gunnery, Hide, Innuendo, Intimidate,
Jump, Leader, Liasion, Listen, Move Silently,
Officer Rank: Starfleet Academy Graduate. Recruiting, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival,
Multi-class Restrictions: none Swim, Trader.
Stamina Dice: d6 Feat: Improved Initiative (T20)
Class Skills Due to Holodeck simulations, a Security officer can
Driving P/Survey react to situations promptly. They get a +1 bonus to
Forgery Technical (Any) initiative each time they take this Feat.
Forward Obs.
Gather Information
Knowledge (Any) Starfleet Ace Pilot (SAc)
Feats: As Academic , plus Exclusive Feats As T20 Ace Pilot Prestige Class except,
(below) and Use Tricorder. Pre-requisites: Starfleet Service (1 Level), Pilot 8+,
BAB & Saves: As Academic (T20) and one feat of Vessel/Starship or Vessel/Ship’s
Starting Skill Points: (7 + INT) × 4 Boat
Skill points per level: (7 + INT) Starfleet Feats may also be taken in addition to those
Skill Emphasis normally allowed for the class.
Skill Emphasis: All Knowledge, Professional and Class skills: also add T/Astrogation & T/Impulse.
Technical skills, Forgery, Use Alien Device.
Other Classes for Starfleet Personnel
The following standard T20 classes may also be
taken during normal Starfleet Service,
• Academic
• Professional
In these cases, Starfleet Feats may also be taken in
addition to those normally allowed for the class.

d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home < 11 >
† AC Penalty Applies
New Skills Chapter • Cross-Class Skill
X Exclusive to another Class
C Class skill

§ d20 Warp (Star Trek) Only X§ Not in d20 Warp

Excepting trademarks, trade-names and graphics,
all content of this chapter are OGL. d20 Warp Classes & Skills Matrix
Skills untrained Ability SFS SCo SMe SEn SSc SIn SOp STa SMa SAP Notes
Animal Empathy No CHA X X X X X X X X X X
Appraise Yes INT • • • C • C C • • •
Balance † Yes DEX • • • • • • • • C •
Bluff Yes CHA • • • • • C • • • •
Bribery Yes CHA • C • • • C C • • •
Broker Yes INT • • • • • • C • • •
Climb † Yes STR • • • • • • • • C •
Combat Engineering No INT • • • C • • • • C •
Craft (cascade) Yes INT • • • • • • • • • •
Decipher Script No INT X X X X • X X X X X
Demolitions No DEX • • • C • C • C C •
Disguise Yes CHA • • • • • C • • • •
Driving Yes DEX C • • C C C C • C C
Entertain (cascade) Yes CHA • • • • • • • • • •
Forgery Yes INT/DEX • • • • C C • • • •
Forward Obs. No INT C C C C C C C C C •
Gambling Yes INT • • • • • C • • C C
Gather Information Yes CHA • • • • C C C C • C
Gunnery No WIS C • • • • C C C C C
Handle Animal Yes CHA • • • • • • • • • •
Hide † Yes DEX • • • • • C • C • •
Innuendo No WIS • C • • • C • C • •
Intimidate Yes CHA • C • • • C • C • •
Intuit Direction No WIS • • • • • • • • • •
Jump † Yes STR • • • • • • • • C •
Knowledge (cascade) No EDU • • C C C C • • • C
K/Geology No EDU • • • • C • • • • C
K/Interstellar Law No EDU • C • • • C C C • C
K/Mining No EDU • • • • C • • • • C
Leader Yes INT/CHA • C • • • C • • C C
Liaison Yes CHA • C C • • C C C C •
Listen Yes WIS • • • • • C • C • •
Move Silently † Yes DEX • • • • • C • C C •
Navigation No EDU • • • • • • C • • •
Pilot No INT/DEX C C • C • C C C • C
Profession (cascade) No WIS • • • • • • • • • •
P/Admin No WIS • C • • • • C C • •
P/Hunting No WIS • • • • • • • C • •
P/Journalist No WIS • • • • • • • • • •
P/Knowledge Rel. No WIS • • • C • C • • • •
P/Prospecting No WIS • • • • • • • • • •
P/Survey No WIS • • • • C • C • • •
Read/Write Lang. No -- • • • • • • • • • •
Recruiting Yes EDU • C • • • • • C • C
Ride Yes DEX • • • • • • • C • •
Search Yes INT • • • • • C • C • •
Sense Motive Yes WIS • C C • • C • C • •
Speak Language No -- • • • • • • • • • •
Spot Yes WIS • • • • • C • C • C
Survival Yes WIS • • • • • • • C C C
Swim Yes STR • • • • • • • C C •
Technical (cascade) No EDU • • • C C • • • • •
T/Astrogation No EDU C • • C C • • • • C
T/Communications No EDU C • • C C C C C • C
T/Computer No EDU • • • C C C C • • C
T/Electronics No EDU • • • C C C • • • C
T/Gravitics X§ No EDU X X X X X X X X X •
T/Holodeck § No EDU • • • C C • C • • •
T/Impulse § No EDU C • • C C • • • • C
T/Life-Support § No EDU • • C C C • C • • •
T/Mechanical No EDU • • • C C C • • C C
T/Medical No EDU • • C C C • • • • •
T/Replicators § No EDU • • C C C • C • • •
T/Sensors No EDU C • • C C C C C • •
T/Temporal Systems § No EDU X X X X X X X X X X
T/Tractors § No EDU • • • C C • C C • •
T/Transporters § No EDU • • • C C • C • • •
T/Weapons Systems § No EDU C • • C C C • C C •
Technosavvy No INT X X X X X X X X X X
Trader Yes INT • • • • • • C • • •
Tumble † No DEX • • • • • • • C C •
Use Alien Device No WIS X X X • • X X X X X

d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home < 12 >
Travellers’ Handbook Classes & Skills Matrix
Skills untrained Ability Aca Ace Aht Amt Alt Bbn Bgh Blt Mar Mry Mct Nav Nbl Prf Rog Sct Tfr Trv
Animal Empathy No CHA X X X X X C C X X X X X X X X X X X
Appraise Yes INT • • • • • • • C • • C • C C C • • •
Balance † Yes DEX • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Bluff Yes CHA • • • • • • • C • C C • C • C • C •
Bribery Yes CHA • • C C C • • • C • C C C • C C C C
Broker Yes INT • • • • • • • • • • C • • • • • • •
Climb † Yes STR • • • • • C • • • • • • • • • • • •
Combat Engineering No INT • • C C C • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Craft (cascade) Yes INT C • • • • C • • • • • • C C • • • C
Decipher Script No INT C X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Demolitions No DEX • • C C • • • C C • • • • • • • • •
Disguise Yes CHA • • • • • • • • • • • • • • C • • •
Driving Yes DEX C C C C • • • • C C C C • C C C • C
Entertain (cascade) Yes CHA • • • • • C • • • • • • C C • • • C
Forgery Yes INT/DEX • • • • • • • • • • • C • • C C • •
Forward Obs. No INT • • C C • • • C C • • C • • • • • •
Gambling Yes INT • C C C C • C C C C C C • C C C • C
Gather Information Yes CHA C C C C C • • • C • • C C • C C C C
Gunnery No WIS • C C C • • • C C • • C • • • C • C
Handle Animal Yes CHA • • • C C C C • • • • • • • • • • •
Hide † Yes DEX • • • • • C C • • C • • • • C • • •
Innuendo No WIS • • • • • • • • • • • • C • C • • C
Intimidate Yes CHA • • • • • • • • • C • • C • C • C •
Intuit Direction No WIS • • • • • C C • • • • • • • • • • •
Jump † Yes STR • • • • • C C • • • • • • • • • • •
Knowledge (cascade) No EDU C C • • • • C • • • • • C C • • C C
K/Geology No EDU C C • • • • C C • • • • • C • • C C
K/Interstellar Law No EDU C C • • • • C • • • C • • C • • C C
K/Mining No EDU C C • • • • C C • • • • • C • • C C
Leader Yes INT/CHA • C C C C • C • • C • C C C • C • C
Liaison Yes CHA • • C C C • C • • • C C C C • C C C
Listen Yes WIS • • • • • C C • • • • • • • C • C •
Move Silently † Yes DEX • • • • • C C • • C • • • • C • • •
Navigation No EDU C • • • • • C • • • • C • • • C • C
Pilot No INT/DEX • C C C • • • C C • C C • C • C • C
Profession (cascade) No WIS • • • • • • • • • • C • C C • • • C
P/Admin No WIS • • C C • • • • C • C C C C • C C C
P/Hunting No WIS • • • • • • • • • • C • C C • • • C
P/Journalist No WIS • • • • • • • • • • C • C C • • C C
P/Knowledge Rel. No WIS C • • • • • • • • • C • C C • • • C
P/Prospecting No WIS • • • • • • • C • • C • C C • • • C
P/Survey No WIS • • • • • • • • • • C • C C • C • C
Read/Write Lang. No -- C • • • • • • • • • • • C • • • C C
Recruiting Yes EDU • C C C C • • • C • • C • • • • • •
Ride Yes DEX • • • C C C C • • • • • • • • C • •
Search Yes INT • • • • • • C C • • • • • • C • • •
Sense Motive Yes WIS • • C C • • • • C • • • C • C • C •
Speak Language No -- C • • • • • • • • • • • C C • • C C
Spot Yes WIS • C C C C C C • C C • • • • C C • •
Survival Yes WIS • C C C C C C • C • • C • C • C • •
Swim Yes STR • • • • • C • • • • • • • • • • • •
Technical (cascade) No EDU C • • • • • • C • C C C • C • C • C
T/Astrogation No EDU C • • • • • • C • C C C • C • C • C
T/Communications No EDU C C C • • • • C C C C C • C • C C C
T/Computer No EDU C C C • • • • C C C C C • C • C C C
T/Electronics No EDU C C C • • • • C C C C C • C C C • C
T/Gravitics X§ No EDU C • C • • • • C C C C C • C C C • C
T/Holodeck § No EDU C • • • • • • C • C C C • C • C • C
T/Impulse § No EDU C • C • • • • C C C C C • C C C • C
T/Life-Support § No EDU C • • • • • • C C C C C • C C C • C
T/Mechanical No EDU C C C C • • • C C C C C • C C C • C
T/Medical No EDU C • C • • • C C C C C C • C • C • C
T/Replicators § No EDU C • C • • • • C C C C C • C C C • C
T/Sensors No EDU C • C • • • • C C C C C • C • C • C
T/Temporal Systems § No EDU X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
T/Tractors § No EDU C • C • • • • C C C C C • C • C • C
T/Transporters § No EDU C • C • • • • C C C C C • C • C • C
T/Weapons Systems § No EDU C • C • • • • C C C C C • C • C • C
Technosavvy No INT X X X X X C X X X X X X X X X X X X
Trader Yes INT • • • • • • • • • • C • • C • C • C
Tumble † No DEX • • • • • C • • • • • • • • • • • •
Use Alien Device No WIS C X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X C

d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home < 13 >
Excluded Skills (Traveller20) T/Temporal Systems
T/Gravitics NPCs ONLY
Gravitic technology not available in Star Trek Maintenance of temporal related equipment, primarily
Universe. See T/Impulse for similar technology. advanced time-travel drives and communicators.
This skill is not available until the 26th Century or
Notes on T20 Skills beyond, not even to 24th century time-travellers.

K/cascade T/Tractors
Knowledge skills may be selected on almost any Technology relating to matter manipulation beams,
subject imaginable, and if chosen judiciously can tractors and repulsors.
offer synergy bonuses to other skills.
ie. “K/Warp Field Theory” would offer a synergy T/Transporters
bonus to “T/Astrogation” in certain circumstances Matter transportation technology.
(consult your referee). (Base technology used in Replicators and Holodecks,
this skill offers a synergy bonus to those two Tech
T/Astrogation skills.)
T/Astrogation covers all manner of FTL propulsion
technology, including Warp Drive and other exotic T/Weapons Systems
FTL systems. Starship weapons technology, beam and missile
Knowledge skills may be taken to specialise in weapons.
specific areas of expertise (ie K/Warp Field Theory)
and can be used to offer synergy bonuses to this
primary skill, at the discretion of your referee.

New Skills (d20 Warp)

Technical knowledge on the theory and practice of
maintaining and repairing Holodecks.
A synergy bonus can be applied if the character has
skills in T/Replicators or T/Tractors.

(Replaces T/Gravitics in T20)
Maintenance, repair and construction of sub-light
drive systems, applies to Impulse Drives, Rocket
Motors and other non-FTL spaceship propulsion

Maintenance and construction of life-support and
ancillary systems, including Vacc suits, escape pods,
water reclamation and waste disposal systems.

Technical capability with molecular replication
technology. This skill also applies to protein re-
sequencers which are found in lower tech cultures
before full matter replication technology is
T/Transporter skill may offer a synergy bonus.

Repair of starship short and long range sensor
d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home < 14 >
Excepting trademarks, trade-names and graphics,
all content of this chapter are OGL.
W – d20 Warp Feat detailed herein
Feat Summary Table (all other Feats as in T20 Travellers’ Handbook)
Feats Prerequisites Notes
Academic Lecturer Academic Specialized Class Feat
Acting Prodigy
Advanced Knowledge Academic Specialized Class Feat
Advanced Research Academic Specialized Class Feat
Amidexterity DEX 15+
Armor Proficiency (Vac Suit)
Armor Proficiency (Battle Dress) Armor Prof (Vac Suit)
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Armor Proficiency (Medium) Armor Prof (Light)
Armor Proficiency (Heavy) Armor Prof (Medium)
Cold Tolerance W +2 to Fortitude saves vs cold effects.
Combat Reflexes
Credit Line
Dodge (Req: DEX 13+)
Dumb Luck
EW Specialist
Extraordinary Hearing W +2 to Listen and Spot checks.
Extraordinary Vision W +2 to Spot and Search checks.
Far Shot Point Blank Shot
Fast Talk
First Aid
Fleet Tactics Ship Tactics
Geological Survey P/Prospecting 5+ or K/Geology 5+
Great Fortitude
Hacker T/Computer 5+
Heat Tolerance W +2 to Fortitude saves vs heat effects.
Heavy Gravity Adaptation Must NOT have Zero-G/Low Gravity
Adaptation Feat
Heavy Metal
Hibernation W Denobulan
Improved Critical Proficient with Weapon, BAB 8+
Improved Initiative
Improved Shape Shift W Shape-Shift, DEX 16+, Level 6+
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Two-weapon Fighting, Ambidexterity, BAB 9+
Improved Unarmed Strike
Improved Use Tricorder W Use Tricorder feat +1 bonus to appropriate sensor, listen, search
and spot checks
Improved Zero-G/Low Gravity Zero-G/Low Gravity Adaptation
Iron Will
Jury Rig
Knowledge Focus W Vulcan
Legal Eagle K/Interstellar Law 5+
Lightning Reflexes
Martial Training 4th Level+, one term in Services or STR12+
and DEX12+, may not be taken by Barbarians
or Mercenaries, nor Active Duty Marines
Medical Specialization
Mental Discipline Academic Specialized Class Feat
Miracle Worker Gearhead Feat
Mobility DEX 13+, Dodge Feat
Mounted Accuracy Ride or Drive Skill
Mounted Combat Ride skill
Natural Born Leader
Natural Compass
Natural Talent
Naval Architect T/Engineering
Nerve Pinch W Vulcan
Nerves of Steel
d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home < 15 >
W – d20 Warp Feat detailed herein
Feat Summary Table (all other Feats as in T20 Travellers’ Handbook)
Feats Prerequisites Notes
Override Ship Security Hacker
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot Point Blank Shot
Previous Lives W Trill Symbiont
Primary Military Occupational Skill Rank 5+ Skill Focus Feat
Specialty (PMOS)
Pseudo-Eidetic Memory Academic Specialized Class Feat
Quick Draw BAB1+
Rapid Shot Point Blank Shot, DEX 13+
Regenerate W Jem’Hadar
Related Field of Study Academic Specialized Class Feat
Ride-by Attack Ride Skill, Mounted Combat
Shape Shift W Founder
Shield Proficiency
Ship Tactics Vessel/Starships or Vessel/Ship's Boat feat
Shot on the Run Point Blank Shot, DEX 13+, Dodge, mobility
Shroud W Jem’Hadar
Sixth Sense
Skill Focus
Skill Focus (Knowledge)
Spirited Charge Ride skill, Mounted Combat, Ride-by Attack
Spring Attack DEX 13+, Dodge, Mobility, BAB4+
Strategy Tactics
Surgery T/Medical 8+
Threaten W Intimidate-4, or Klingon
Tolerance Aslan only
Trample Ride skill, Mounted Combat
Two-Weapon Fighting
Use Tricorder W Using a tricorder without this feat incurs a
-1 DC penalty.
Vessel/Aircraft /Helicopters
Vessel (Ship's Boat)
Vessel (Starships)
Vessel Specialization (specify)
Weapon Focus (specify) Weapon Proficiency, BAB1+
Weapon Proficiency (Archer)
Weapon Proficiency (Armsman)
Weapon Prof. (Combat Rifleman)
Weapon Prof. (Field Artillery)
Weapon Prof. (Heavy Weapons)
Weapon Prof. (High Energy Wpns)
Weapon Proficiency (Lasers) Includes Phasers & Disruptors.
Weapon Proficiency (Marksman)
Weapon Prof. (Ship's Weaponry)
Weapon Proficiency (Swordsman)
Weapon Specialisation (specify)
Zero-G Combat Armor (Vac Suit)
Zero-G/Low Gravity Adaptation Armor(Vac Suit), must NOT have Heavy
Gravity Feat

d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home < 16 >
New Generic Feats (d20 Warp)
Cold Tolerance
(Multiple Times)
+2 to Fortitude saves vs cold effects.

Extraordinary Hearing
(Multiple Times)
+2 to Listen and Spot checks.

Extraordinary Vision
(Multiple Times)
+2 to Spot and Search checks.

Heat Tolerance
(Multiple Times)
+2 to Fortitude saves vs heat effects.

The presence of this person weighs heavily on the
minds of others.
+2 Bonus on Intimidate, Diplomacy and Bribe checks.

Use Tricorder
The character skilled in the use of a tricorder. This
feat allows the character to gain bonuses associated
with the use of a tricorder when using it to assist in
other tasks. Using a tricorder without this feat incurs a
–2 DC penalty.

Improved Use Tricorder

(Starfleet) (Multiple Times)
The character is exceptionally gifted in the use of a
tricorder. In addition to the bonuses normally given by
the use of a Tricorder the character gains an extra +1
bonus to appropriate sensor, listen, search and spot
checks each time the feat is taken.
Pre-requisite: Use Tricorder.

d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home < 17 >
Final Details
Excepting trademarks, trade-names and graphics,
all content of this chapter are OGL.

Random Height & Weight

Base Height: Base height Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Alpha Centauran Male 142 +2d6 (x5) cm 49 × (1d8) Kg
of the race/gender in Female 133 +2d8 (x5) cm 44 × (1d6) Kg
centimetres. Andorian Male 145 +2d6 (x5) cm 45 × (1d8) Kg
Female 135 +2d6 (x5) cm 40 × (1d6) Kg
Height Modifier: Roll the Bajoran Male 140 +2d6 (x5) cm 49 × (1d8) Kg
listed dice and multiply by Female 130 +2d6 (x5) cm 44 × (1d6) Kg
Betazoid Male 140 +2d6 (x6) cm 47 × (1d8) Kg
the value indicated in the Female 130 +2d6 (x6) cm 42 × (1d6) Kg
table. Add this to the base Bolians Male 135 +2d6 (x4) cm 51 × (1d8) Kg
Female 127 +2d6 (x4) cm 45 × (1d6) Kg
height in centimetres. Borg (Template) refer to base race assimilated
Breen Male, Female 130 +2d6 (x4) cm 48 × (1d6) Kg
Base Weight: The base Bynar Male, Female 120 +2d6 cm 40 × (1d4) Kg
weight of the race/gender Caitian Male 140 +2d6 (x5) cm 49 × (1d8) Kg
in Kilograms. Female 130 +2d6 (x5) cm 44 × (1d6) Kg
Cardassian Male 146 +2d6 (x4) cm 49 × (1d8) Kg
Weight Modifier: Roll the Female 140 +2d6 (x4) cm 44 × (1d6) Kg
Deltan Male 146 +2d6 (x5) cm 44 × (1d8) Kg
listed dice and multiply Female 144 +2d6 (x5) cm 42 × (1d6) Kg
the rolled result by the Denobulan Male 140 +2d6 (x5) cm 49 × (1d8) Kg
Female 130 +2d6 (x5) cm 44 × (1d6) Kg
Height Modifier. Add this Edoan Male 130 +2d4 (x4) cm 40 × (1d6) Kg
result to the base weight Female 127 +2d4 (x4) cm 37 × (1d6) Kg
for the race/gender. Efrosian Male 140 +2d6 (x5) cm 52 × (1d10) Kg
Female 130 +2d6 (x5) cm 48 × (1d10) Kg
El-Aurian Male 140 +2d6 (x5) cm 49 × (1d8) Kg
Female 130 +2d6 (x5) cm 44 × (1d6) Kg
Ferengi Male 130 +2d4 (x3) cm 47 × (1d8) Kg
Female 130 +2d4 (x3) cm 42 × (1d8) Kg
Founders (Average Mass) 140 +2d6 (x5) cm 49 × (1d8) Kg
Gorn Male 160 +2d6 (x5) cm 59 × (1d12) Kg
Female 155 +2d6 (x5) cm 57 × (1d10) Kg
Grazerites Male 140 +2d6 (x5) cm 49 × (1d8) Kg
Female 130 +2d6 (x5) cm 44 × (1d6) Kg
Haliian Male 140 +2d6 (x5) cm 49 × (1d8) Kg
Female 130 +2d6 (x5) cm 44 × (1d6) Kg
Hirogen Male 160 +2d10 (x8) cm 60 × (1d12) Kg
Female 150 +2d8 (x8) cm 55 × (1d10) Kg
Humans Male 140 +2d6 (x5) cm 49 × (1d8) Kg
Female 130 +2d6 (x5) cm 44 × (1d6) Kg
Jem’Hadar Mature 150 +1d6 (x3) cm 55 × (1d10) Kg
Kazon Male 140 +2d6 (x5) cm 49 × (1d8) Kg
Female 130 +2d6 (x5) cm 44 × (1d6) Kg
Klingon (Imperial) Male 144 +2d6 (x5) cm 49 × (1d10) Kg
Female 140 +2d6 (x5) cm 44 × (1d8) Kg
Malon Male 135 +2d6 (x5) cm 52 × (1d12) Kg
Female 130 +2d6 (x5) cm 49 × (1d10) Kg
Medusans Male n/a n/a n/a n/a
Napeans Male 140 +2d6 (x5) cm 49 × (1d8) Kg
Female 130 +2d6 (x5) cm 44 × (1d6) Kg
Nausicaans Male 150 +2d10 (x7) cm 53 × (1d8) Kg
Female 145 +2d10 (x7) cm 50 × (1d6) Kg
Ocampa Male 135 +2d6 (x5) cm 47 × (1d6) Kg
Female 128 +2d6 (x5) cm 42 × (1d4) Kg
Orion (Green) Male 140 +2d6 (x5) cm 53 × (1d10) Kg
Female 130 +2d6 (x5) cm 44 × (1d4) Kg
Orion (Grey) Male 140 +2d6 (x5) cm 42 × (1d4) Kg
Female 130 +2d6 (x5) cm 40 × (1d4) Kg
Orion (Red) Male 140 +2d6 (x5) cm 49 × (1d8) Kg
Female 130 +2d6 (x5) cm 44 × (1d6) Kg
Romulan Male 140 +2d6 (x5) cm 49 × (1d8) Kg
Female 130 +2d6 (x5) cm 44 × (1d6) Kg
Suliban Male 140 +2d6 (x5) cm 46 × (1d6) Kg
Female 130 +2d6 (x5) cm 42 × (1d6) Kg
Talaxian Male 138 +2d6 (x5) cm 49 × (1d8) Kg
Female 130 +2d6 (x5) cm 44 × (1d6) Kg
Tellarite Male 130 +2d4 (x3) cm 49 × (1d10) Kg
Female 120 +2d4 (x3) cm 44 × (1d8) Kg
Trill (host) Male 140 +2d6 (x5) cm 49 × (1d8) Kg
Female 130 +2d6 (x5) cm 44 × (1d6) Kg
Trill (symbiont) Male/Female 28 +1d4 (x1) cm 2 × ([1d2]÷4) Kg
Vorta Male 140 +2d6 (x5) cm 46 × (1d6) Kg
Female 140 +2d6 (x5) cm 46 × (1d6) Kg
Vulcans Male 144 +2d6 (x5) cm 49 × (1d6) Kg
Female 138 +2d6 (x5) cm 44 × (1d6) Kg
Zakdorn Male 140 +2d6 (x5) cm 49 × (1d8) Kg
Female 130 +2d6 (x5) cm 44 × (1d6) Kg

d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home < 18 >
Ageing by Race
Starting Age: Age at Starting Age Middle Venerable Maximum Maximum
which the character (Level 1) Age Old Age Age Age Terms
Alpha Centauran 18 35-52 53-79 80+ 80+2d10 7
reaches level 1 and/or Andorian 18
begins prior-history Bajoran 18
character generation. Betazoid 18
Bolians 18
Borg (Template)
Breen 18
Bynar 18
Caitian 18
Cardassian 18
Deltan 18
Denobulan 18
Edoan 18
Efrosian 18
El-Aurian 18
Ferengi 18
Founders 18
Gorn 18
Grazerites 18
Haliian 18
Hirogen 18
Humans 18 35-52 53-79 80+ 80+2d10 7
Jem’Hadar 0
Kazon 18
Klingon (Imperial) 18 80-119 120-189 190+ 190+4d10
Malon 18
Medusans 18
Napeans 18
Nausicaans 18
Ocampa 1 4-5 6-7 8+ 1
Orion (Green) 18
Orion (Grey) 18
Orion (Red) 18
Romulan 18
Suliban 18
Talaxian 18
Tellarite 18
Trill (host) 18
Trill (symbiont)
Vorta 18
Vulcans 18 100-130 131-199 200+ 200+1d20 22
Zakdorn 18

d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home < 19 >
SF Medical / Med School
Prior-History Eligibility: WIS 12+, DEX 12+ (Starfleet Academy
Excepting trademarks, trade-names and graphics, Graduate for entrance to SF Medical.)
all content of this chapter are OGL. Admission: Int check vs. DC (22-Edu) to be
Misc. Changes from T20 Graduation: Int check vs. DC (22-Edu) to
successfully graduate and earn 3000xp. If the
character’s EDU score is 11 or less it is automatically
Benefits raised to 12, rank Ensign jg.
TAS Membership
Honors: Int check vs. DC (28-Edu) to graduate with
- replace with FEAT: Contact (specify other)
honors, rank Ensign, and gain a 1000xp bonus, also
+1 to their EDU score (after graduation).
Education Courses Course Length: 3 years if graduated, 1
or 2 years (1d2) if failed to graduate.
Starfleet Academy Characters with an EDU score of 16+
(OTC/University Combined Course) may complete the course and graduate in
2 years.
Eligibility: INT 12+
Course Requirements (SF Medical): At least one
Admission: INT check vs. DC (22-EDU) to be level of ‘Starfleet Medical’ must be taken with the XP
admitted. the character earns at Starfleet Medical. (You can
Graduation: INT check vs. DC (22-EDU) to waive the T/Medical 5+ entrance requirement for this
successfully graduate and earn 4500xp. If the class so long as you reach the requirements during
character’s EDU score is 11 or less it is automatically this terms service.)
raised to 12, rank Ensign jg. Course Requirements (Med School): At least one
Characters who fail the Academy course may still join level in ‘Professional’ must be taken with the XP earnt
Starfleet as enlisted personnel – take Starfleet at Med School.
Service class enlisted Rank E1. The T/Medical skill is a required course at SF Medical
Honors: Int check vs. DC (28-Edu) to graduate with & Med School, all Doctors and Nurses are expected
honors, rank Ensign, and gain a 1500xp bonus, also to reach a minimum skill level of T/Medical-5.
+1 to their EDU score (after graduation). Course Skill/Feat Requirements:
Course Length: 4 years if graduated, 1 or 2 years Nurses
(1d2) if failed to graduate. Characters with an EDU P/Administration – 3
score of 16+ may complete the course and graduate T/Medical – 5
in 3 years.
Starfleet Doctors/Surgeons
Course Requirements: At least one level of Starfleet K/Xeno-Biology – 2 * Feat: Surgery
Service must be taken with the XP earnt at Starfleet P/Administration – 3 (Req: T/Medical – 8)
Academy. T/Medical – 5
A successful Academy graduate will of learnt the * Not required at ordinary Med School.
following skills and feats, which (if not already known) If a character attends med-school before attending
must be acquired with any XP earnt during this prior- Starfleet Academy it is possible to qualify as a
history term. Starfleet Doctor without K/Xeno-Biology, but this is
Course Skill/Feat Requirements: not advisable.

Starfleet Graduate
Pilot – 1 Feat: Vessel (Ship’s Boat)
T/Comms – 1

d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home < 20 >
Class Prior-History
Starfleet Career
Service Class (or SF Prestige Classes)
Pre-Requisites: Officers - must be a Starfleet
Academy Graduate
Reenlistment: DC6
E1 Crewman 2nd Class
E2 Crewman 1st Class
E3 Petty Officer 3rd Class
E4a Petty Officer 2nd Class
E4b Petty Officer 1st Class
E5 Chief Petty Officer
E6a Senior Chief Petty Officer
E6b Master Chief Petty Officer

O1a Ensign jg
O1b Ensign
O2a Lieutenant jg
O2b Lieutenant
O3a Lieutenant Commander
O3b Commander (also receive SOC+1)
O4a Captain (also receive SOC+1)
O5a Commodore (also receive SOC+1)
O5b Rear Admiral 1D Mishap
O6a Vice Admiral (also receive SOC+1) 1 No further action.
O6b Admiral 2 Demoted, lose one service rank.
O7 Fleet Admiral (aka Commander in Chief) 3 Honorably discharged from service.
(also receive SOC+1) 4 Dishonorably discharged from service, lose all benefits.
Each promotion moves up one Starfleet rank. 5 Dishonorably discharged from the service after serving
O1a>O1b, O1b>O2a, etc. an additional 4 years in a penal colony. Lose all benefits.
6 Medically discharged from service. Lose 1d6-3 (minimum
O1,O2,… etc. level is used for all other benefits. 1point) from any one of STR, DEX, CON, or CHA.
Graduates from SF Academy begin as Officers. NOTES:
MUSTERING OUT BENEFITS Enlisted crew MAY only use XP generated in this
prior history system for levels in the Starfleet Service
Cash Benefits (core) class.
1 Cr 1,000
2 Cr 5,000 Officers (Graduates from Starfleet Academy) may
3 Cr 5,000 select from any Starfleet Class (core or prestige), or
4 Cr 10,000
5 Cr 20,000 any other class as permitted by your referee, so long
6 Cr 50,000 as they qualify for any pre-requisites.
7 Cr 50,000
Comm DC
Normally ALL Starfleet Officers are trained through
Material Benefits
1 Low Passage Starfleet Academy. However, under very rare
2 +1 INT exceptional circumstances, service beyond the call of
3 +1 EDU duty etc., field promotions to Officer rank are
4 Weapon possible.
5 High Passage
6 +1 SOC
7 Shuttlecraft 30% share, or Starship 0.5% share

1d20 Assignment Survive DC Comm DC Promo DC Decoration DC XP Bonus DC
1-4 Training auto 25 (6) none 8
5-10 Shore Duty 2 35 (8) 20 8
11-14 Patrol 2 30 8 19 6
15-17 Siege 4 25 12 16 6
18-19 Strike 6 20 8 8 4
20 Battle 6 20 6 6 4

+3 if during a
period of war Ability Modifier Int Wis Edu -- --

d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home < 21 >
Excepting trademarks, trade-names and graphics,
all content of this chapter are OGL.

Psionic Talents
Advanced Telempathy

Déjà Vu

Feel Pa

Mind Meld
All Vulcans (TOS, TNG, DS9, VGR eras) may be
taught to enter the mind of another sentient being.
This requires physical contact and at least 1 turn of
concentration. The two being may share thoughts
and memories.
During the Enterprise period this Psionic activity was
regarded as anti-social and carried with it a social
This stigma was because 10% of Vulcans who
practised this ritual were infected with an associated
neurological disorder, which was transmitted by the
practice of this ritual.
No cure was available at this time, though by the
TOS period this neurological disorder had been
eradicated and the practice of Mind Melds no longer
carried with it an illogical stigma.


Reality Check


d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home < 22 >
Starfleet Weapons
Excepting trademarks, trade-names and graphics, Type I Hand Phaser (TOS)
all content of this chapter are OGL. Damage Levels 1-6. Crit 20x2. Range 10m, Weight
0.5Kg, Type E, Clip 10 units. Size T, Group: Hand
Notes on Phasers & Disrupters Phaser
All Personal Phasers have a damage level rating. A
phaser can be set to any of these levels before firing. Type I Hand Phaser (TNG+)
Damage Levels 1-8. Crit 20x2. Range 10m, Weight
For each shot at that setting, the value of the setting
0.5Kg, Type E, Clip 16 units. Size T, Group: Hand
is reduced from the storage cell/clip.
Disruptors function the same way in game terms.
If a single shot (level 4+) reduces both a character’s Phase Pistol (Enterprise)
Stamina and Lifeblood past the point of death, the
Damage Levels Stun (Levels 1-2) & Kill (Level 4).
target is vaporised.
Crit 20x2. Range 20m. Weight 0.75Kg, Type E,
Level Setting Weapon Types Damage Clip 24 units. Group: Hand Phaser.
1 SF I, II, III / Civ I Stun: DC15 1d4
2 SF I, II, III / Civ I Stun: DC20 1d4+1
3 SF I, II, III / Civ I Stun: DC 25 1d6 Type II Hand Phaser (TOS)
4 SF I, II, III 1d6 + 1 (2-7) Damage levels 1-14, Crit 20x2, Range 20m, Weight
5 SF I, II, III 1d6 + 1d4 (2-10) 1Kg, Type E, Clip 26 units, Group: Hand Phaser
6 SF I, II, III 2d6 (2-12)
7 SF I, II, III 2d6 + 1 (3-13)
8 SF I, II, III 2d6 + 1d4 (3-16) Type II Hand Phaser (TNG+)
9 SF II, III 3d6 (3-18) Damage levels 1-16, Crit 20x2, Range 20m, Weight
10 SF II, III 3d6 + 1d4 (4-22) 1Kg, Type E, Clip 32 units, Group: Hand Phaser
11 SF II, III 4d6 + 1 (5-25)
12 SF II, III 4d6 + 1d4 (5-28)
13 SF III 4d6 + 2d4 (6-32) Type III Phaser Rifle
14 SF III 5d6 + 1d4 (6-34) Damage Levels 1-16, Crit 20x2, Range 40m,
15 SF III 6d6 + 1 (7-37)
16 SF III 6d6 + 1d4 (7-40)
Weight 2Kg, Type E, Clip 64 units, Group: Heavy
Modifying Weapons
It is often possible to modify phasers/disruptors to
give out much higher and more lethal energy beams.
Type III Compression Phaser Rifle
Damage Levels 1-16, Crit 19-20x2, Range 50m,
T/Weapons Systems DC 30 (plus 1 for each damage
Weight 2.5Kg, Type E, Clip 48 units, Group: Heavy
level higher than the normal maximum rating of the
However, for each extra damage level of the weapon
it uses twice the energy from the power clip/pack, and
Type IV Phaser Rifle
each time it is fired there is a 5% chance (per extra Damage Levels 1-16, Crit 18-20x2, Range 80m,
damage level) that the unit will overload and explode, Weight 6Kg, Type E, Clip 128 units, Group: Heavy
as below. Weapons
Setting a Weapon to Overload Type IV Phaser Rifles are normally found mounted on
Setting the energy weapon to overload (depending ground vehicles and small shuttlecraft. Marines are
upon the weapon) will cause twice the maximum known to favour their use as ‘lock and load’ weaponry
damage of the weapon in a blast radius of 5m fitted to gyro-stabilised shoulder harnesses with belt
(3 squares). battery packs. They are not normally found as part of
a ship or station’s weapons locker.

Phaser - Type VIII Phaser Cannon

Damage 2d10x5, Crit 20x2, Range 200m, Weight
24Kg, Type E, Clip x10, Group: Heavy Weapons
The Type VIII Phaser Cannon is a larger
fighter/shuttlecraft scale weapon that can be
configured for use as a heavy anti-personnel weapon.
It has a set damage index, and can fire 10 times.

d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home < 23 >
Klingon Weapons Personal Equipment
Excepting trademarks, trade-names and graphics,
Klingon Disruptor Pistol all content of this chapter are OGL.
Damage Levels 3/10, Crit 20x2, Range 30, Weight 3, Items listed below to be developed into game
Type E, Clip 30, Group: Hand Phasers statistics.
• Communicator (SF Badge)
Klingon Disruptor Rifle
• Hyperspanner
Damage Levels 14-16, Crit 20x2, Range 50, Weight
6, Type E, Group: Heavy Weapons, Clip 60 • Hypospray

Klingon Melee Weapons Tricorder (SF)

Use of a tricorder gives the character a +2 bonus on
Listen, Search, Spot and T/Sensors checks within the
Bat’leth range of the device.
1d10/1d10, Crit 20x2, Melee, Weight 5kg, Slash,
Large (1m), Exotic.
Tricorder (SF Engineering)
Traditionally a 2 meter long scimitar, modern Bat’leth Use of an Engineering tricorder gives the character a
are more usually 1.16m in size and approx. +1 bonus on Listen, Search, Spot checks and +2 for
5.3 kilograms, the favoured weapon of the Empire’s all Technical (diagnosis) checks within the range of
warriors. the device.

Mek’leth Tricorder (SF Medical)

Damage 1d8, Crit 20x2, Melee, Weight 2kg, Slash, Use of a Medical tricorder gives the character a +1
M (60cm), Exotic bonus on Listen, Search, Spot checks, and +2 for
Klingon one-handed curved sword approx half the T/Medical (diagnosis) and medical related
size of a Bat’leth. Professional (diagnosis) and Knowledge (diagnosis)
skill checks within the range of the device.
D’k tahg
Damage 2d4+2, Crit 18-20x2, Melee, Weight 1.5kg,
S/P, S, Martial
Klingon Warrior’s three-bladed knife, also used a s a
ceremonial weapon.

Klingon Painstick
Damage 1d4, Crit none, DC 15, E, S, Martial
A ceremonial stun weapon, designed to test a
warrior’s endurance.

Weapons of Other Factions

Romulan Disruptor Pistol
Damage Levels 1-8, Crit 20x2, Range 20, Weight 2,
Type E, Clip 16, Group Hand Phasers

Cardassian Phaser Pistol

Damage Levels 1-6, Crit 20x2, Range 20, Weight 2,
Type E, Group Hand Phasers

Type I (Civilian) Hand Phaser

Damage Levels 1-3, Crit 20x2. Range 20, Weight .5,
Type E, Clip 16. Size T, Group: Hand Phaser

d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home < 24 >
Class III – Sensor Probe
Ship’s Equipment
Excepting trademarks, trade-names and graphics,
all content of this chapter are OGL.
Items listed below to be developed into game
statistics for ad hoc use outside of ship combat
system. Range: 1.2 x 106 km
Delta-V limit: 0.65c
• Replicator
Powerplant: Vectored Deuterium microfusion.
• Sensors (Short Range) Extended fuel supply.
• Sensors (Long Range) Sensors: Terrestrial and gas giant sensor
pallet with material sample and
• Tractor Beam
return capability. on-board chemical
• Transporter analysis sub-module
• Turbolift Telemetry: 13,250 channels at 15 MW.
Notes: This class of probe also has limited
SIF hull reinforcement. Soft-landing,
and surface penetration capabilities.
Probes Can take pressures of up to 450
bars. Limited terrestrial loiter time
This chapter is not OGL.
Class IV – Stellar Encounter Probe
Class I – Sensor Probe

Range: 2 x 105 km Range: 3.5 x 106 km

Delta-V limit: 0.5c Delta-V limit: 0.6c
Powerplant: Vectored Deuterium microfusion. Powerplant: Vectored Deuterium microfusion.
Sensors: Full EM/Subspace and interstellar Additional subspace driver
chemistry pallet for in-space coil.Extended manoeuvring fuel
applications. supply.
Telemetry: 12,500 channels at 12 megawatts. Sensors: Triply redundant stellar fields and
particle detectors, stellar atmosphere
Class II – Sensor Probe analysis suite.
Telemetry: 9,780 channels at 65 MW.
Notes: This class of probe also has six
ejectable radiation flux sub-probes,
deployable for none stellar energy

Range: 4 x 105 km
Delta-V limit: 0.65c
Powerplant: Vectored Deuterium microfusion.
Extended fuel supply.
Sensors: Same as class I, with addition of
enhanced imaging, long-range
particle and field detection.
Telemetry: 12,650 channels at 20 megawatts.

d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home < 25 >
Class V - Reconnaissance Probe Class VIII - Multimission Probe

Range: 4.5 x 108 km Range: 1.2 x 102 light years

Delta-V limit: Warp 9
Delta-V limit: Warp 1.5
Powerplant: Matter/antimatter warp field sustainer
Powerplant: Dual mode matter/antimatter. engine.
Sensors: Passive data gathering and Duration: 6.5 hrs at WF 9.
subspace transceiver. Sensors: Mission specific modules
Telemetry: 4,550 channels at 300 MW.
Telemetry: 1.050 channels at 0.5 MW.
Notes: This class of probe is used for
Notes: This class of probe also has a soft- applications from particle analysis, to
landing capability. Hull designed to early-warning reconnaissance
limit visibility and detection. Can be
modified for tactical purposes with a Class IX – Multi-Mission Probe
counter-measures sub-module.

Class VI - Comm Relay / Emergency

Beacon Probe

Range: 7.6 x 102 light years

Delta-V limit: Warp 9
Powerplant: Matter/antimatter warp field sustainer
Range: 4.3 x 1010 km Duration: 12 hrs at WF 9. 14 days at WF 8.
Delta-V limit: 0.8c Sensors: Mission specific modules
Powerplant: Micro-fusion engine with high output Telemetry: 6,500 channels at 230 MW.
MHD power tap. Notes: This class of probe has a memory
Sensors: Standard pallet. capacity of 3,400 kiloquads, a fifty
Telemetry: 9,270 channels at 350 MW. channel transponder echo. Often
Notes: This class of probe also has an used as emergency devices to home
extended deuterium supply to fuel in on nearest vessel or Starbase.
comm systems.
It is a modified class III probe.

Class VII - Remote Culture Study


Range: 4.3 x 1010 km

Delta-V limit: 0.8c
Powerplant: Micro-fusion engine with high output
MHD power tap.
Sensors: Standard pallet.
Telemetry: 9,270 channels at 350 MW.
Notes: This class of probe is for use only on
class III civilisations and below.
Hull coatings limit detectability. Can
be in use for up to 3.5 months.
Incorporates a low-impact self
destruct package, tied into anti-
tamper sensors.

d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home < 26 >
D’Gerok Class (ROM Assault Gunship / Heavy Frigate) c.2364
Spaceships ........................................................................ .DWS: 137
D’Kora Class (FER Cruiser/Marauder) ..................SRM1: 157
Daedalus Class (Explorer) c.2162 .........................SRM4: 045
This chapter is not OGL. Dakar Class (CAR Heavy Destroyer) c.2366 ........SRM2: 016
For spaceships construction and combat we Danube Class (SF Runabout) c.2368....................SRM1: 036
recommend the collection of ‘Spacedock’ Netbooks De’Nat Class (KLI Battle Cruiser) c.2357 ..............SRM3: 023
written by Steven S. Long Defense Platform, Mars Perimeter (SF) ................. DWS: 159
Defiant Class (SF Heavy Scout) c.2371
........................................................SD: 182 / SRM1: 039
Deneva Class (SF Light Transport) c.2318 ...........SRM1: 043
Denn’Lar Class (KLI Armored Transport) ..............SRM3: 027
Det’tar Class (CAR Prospecting/Mining Vessel) c.2364
These are available free from, and ........................................................................SRM2: 083
include data for a large number of Star Trek Dominion Attack Ship (DOM Jem’Hadar Fighter) c.2350
spaceships. ........................................................................SRM1: 160
Dominion Battle Cruiser (DOM Jem’Hadar Battle Cruiser)
An index to ships detailed in those tomes are listed
c.2350.............................................................SRM1: 162
below. Dur’Nat Class (CAR Assault Cruiser) c.2365 ........SRM2: 022
Durgor Class (CAR Light Warship) c.2368............SRM2: 019
DY-100 Class Transport c.1995 ............................SRM4: 128
Spacedock Indices DY-500 Class Transport c.2116 ............................SRM4: 130
El Dorado (SF Heavy Frigate) c2364 ...................... DWS:124
Emred Class (CAR Armed Scout) c.2358 .............SRM2: 025
Ship Indices Excelsior Class (SF Exploratory Cruiser) c.2284/2293
Aberax Class (CAR Destroyer) c.2362 ...................................................SRM1: 046 / SRM4: 047
................................................... SRM2: 010 / DWS: 140 Eymorg Cruiser c.mid-23rd Century .......................SRM4:099
Akira Class (SF Heavy Cruiser) c.2368................. SRM1: 002 Felg’Ra Class (KLI Warship) c.2346......................SRM3: 030
Altair Class (Cargo Carrier) c.2258 ........................ SRM4:118 Fesarius Class (Explorer) ......................................SRM4: 101
Ambassador Class (SF Heavy Cruiser) c.2322..... SRM1: 006 Freedom Class (SF Frigate) c.2361 ......................SRM1: 049
Andromeda Class (SF Explorer) c.2362................ SRM1: 009 Fighter, Attack, Breen (BREEN Attack Fighter)
Antares Clss (SF Surveyor) c.2250 ....................... SRM4: 025 c..mid-24th Century .......................................... DWS: 157
Apollo Class (SF Light Cruiser) c.2325 ................. SRM1: 012 Fighter, Attack, Starfleet (SF Attack Fighter) c2369 DWS:121
Argus Class (ROM Battle Cruiser) c.2260............. SRM4: 113 Fuel Carrier, Neutronic, Class-III c.2260 ...............SRM4: 124
Armstrong Class (SF Cruiser) c.2197.................... SRM4: 027 Galaxy Class (SF Explorer) c.2356 .......SD: 186 / SRM1: 052
Ashanti Class (SF Heavy Frigate) c.2267 ............. SRM4: 029 Galor Class (CAR Battle Cruiser) c.2360
Attack Fighter, Breen (BREEN Attack Fighter) ...................................................SRM1: 154 / SRM2: 027
c..mid-24th Century...........................................DWS: 157 Gel’JoQ Class (KLI Battleship) c.2357 .................SRM3: 034
Attack Fighter, Starfleet (SF Attack Fighter) c2369..DWS:121 Golaris Class (KLI Incursion Cruiser) c.2372 ........SRM3: 038
Attack Ship, Jem’Hadar (DOM Fast Attack Ship) Gor Taan Class (BREEN Battle Cruiser) c.mid-24th Century
c.mid-24th Century............................................DWS: 148 ........................................................................ .DWS: 151
B Class (Cargo Carrier) c.2220 ............................. SRM4: 122 Gra’Azorhg Class (Gorn Cruiser) c.early/mid-23rd Century
B’rel Class (KLI Light Warship) c.2269 ................. SRM4: 085 ........................................................................SRM4: 103
B’rel Class (KLI Light Warship) c.2350 Guran Class (CAR Fast Attack Ship) c.2366
..................................................SRM1: 165 / SRM3: 020 .................................................... SRM2: 030 / DWS: 143
Bah’Reth Class (KLI Frigate) c.2357 ..................... SRM3: 014 Hellespont Class (Escort) c.2269 ..........................SRM4: 050
Bel’Shan Class (CAR Cruiser) c.2334................... SRM2: 013 Hermes Class (SF Scout) c.2266 ..........................SRM4: 053
Borg Cube (BO) ..................................................... SRM1: 151 Hideki Class (CAR Fighter) c.2370........................SRM2: 033
Bradbury Class (SF Heavy Frigate) c.2362........... SRM1: 015 Hokule’a Class (SF Scout) c.2314.........................SRM1: 056
Brakt Class (KLI Fast Attack Ship) c.2370 ............ SRM3: 017 Huc’Ta’ Class (KLI Merchant Vessel) c.2336 ........SRM3: 099
Carrier, Jem’Hadar (DOM Carrier) c.mid-24th Century Intrepid Class (SF Light Explorer) c.2370..............SRM1: 059
........................................................................ .DWS: 145 Istanbul Class (SF Fast Cruiser) c.2346................SRM1: 063
Centaur Class (SF Cruiser) c.2373 ....................... SRM1: 018 J Class (Cargo Carrier) c.2230 ..............................SRM4: 126
Challenger Class (SF Light Cruiser) c. 2355......... SRM1: 021 Jen’Thar Class (KLI Assault/Battle Cruiser) c.2358
Charleston Class (SF Cruiser) c.2064................... SRM4: 032 ..................................................... SRM3: 041 / DWS:129
Cheyenne Class (SF Light Cruiser) c. 2361............ SRM: 024 Juu’lara Class (Orion Cruiser) c.2246 ...................SRM4: 107
Chimera Class (SF Fast Frigate) c.2366............... SRM1: 027 K’Mpec Class (KLI Heavy Warship) c.2376...........SRM3: 053
Chk’Tk’Taa Class (CAR/H’n’k Warship) c.2350 .... SRM2: 091 K’t’inga Class (KLI Battel Cruiser) c. 2267
Chut’Duj Class (KLI Patrol Ship) c.2347 ............... SRM3: 102 ...................................................SRM3: 057 / SRM4: 096
Civilian Space Cruiser c.2240 ............................... SRM4: 120 K’Vort Class (KLI Warship) c.2350 ...SRM1: 168 / SRM3: 060
Class-III (Neutronic Fuel Carrier) c.2260............... SRM4: 124 Kaat Pek Class (BREEN Cruiser) c.mid-24th Century
Class-B Class (Cargo Carrier) c.2220 ................... SRM4: 122 ........................................................................ .DWS: 154
Class-J Class (Cargo Carrier) c.2230.................... SRM4: 126 Kagor Class (CAR Battleship) c.2363 ...................SRM2: 036
Constellation Class (SF Cruiser) c.2284-2300 ...... SRM4: 034 Kalen Class (CAR Battle Cruiser) c.2369..............SRM2: 039
Constellation Class (SF Exploratory Frigate) c.2304 Keldon Class (CAR Heavy Warship) .....................SRM2: 042
....................................................................... SRM1: 030 Kelirax Class (KLI Scout) c.2372 ...........................SRM3: 044
Constitution Class (Explorer) c.2245-56................ SRM4: 037 Kel’Var Class (KLI Heavy Frigate) c.2362 .............SRM3: 047
Constitution Class (Explorer) c.2271-93................ SRM4: 041 Kitty Hawk Class (SF Cruiser) c.2231 ..................SRM4: 055
Cruiser, Civilian Space c.2240 .............................. SRM4: 120 Kleg-Ta Class (KLI Surveyor) c.2338 ....................SRM3: 050
Curry Class (SF Cruiser) c.2373 ........................... SRM1: 033 Korolev Class (SF Surveyor) c.2352 .....................SRM1: 066
D-5 Devastator Class (KLI Battle Cruiser) c.2225 Mediterranean Class (SF Frigate) c.2339 .............SRM1: 069
....................................................................... SRM4: 088 Merced Class (SF Light Escort) c.2312.................SRM1: 072
D-7 Deadly Class (KLI Battle Cruiser) c.2250 ....... SRM4: 090 Miranda Class (SF Cruiser) c.2274
D-9 Devil Class (KLI Warship) c.2265 .................. SRM4: 093 ...................................................SRM1: 075 / SRM4: 057
D’Deridex Class (ROM Heavy Warbird/Battleship) c.2350 Mocking Bird Class (SFScout) c.2290 ..................SRM4: 060
....................................................................... SRM1: 174 Nebula Class (SF Exploratory Cruiser) c.2357......SRM1: 079
d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home < 27 >
Neg’Lorn Class (KLI Armed Courier) c.2371.........SRM3: 067 Weapons Platform, Orbital (CAR)........................... DWS: 159
Negh’Var Class (KLI Battleship/Flagship) c.2370 .SRM3: 063 Whorfin Class Transport c.2270 ............................SRM4: 132
Neutronic Fuel Carrier, Class-III c.2260 ................SRM4: 124 Wyvern (SF Armored Transport) c.2363.................. DWS:127
New Orleans Class (SF Frigate) c.2358................SRM1: 083 Yeager Class (SF Light Cruiser) c.2373
Niagara Class (SF Fast Cruiser) c.2349................SRM1: 087 ........................................................................ SRM1: 139
Nomad Probe c.2002.............................................SRM4: 105 Yorkshire Class (SF Armored Transport) c.236
Norway Class (SF Fast Frigate) c.2369 ................SRM1: 090 ........................................................................ SRM1: 142
Nova Class (SF Research/Laboratory Vessel) c.2370 Zodiac Class (SF Cruiser) c.2365..........................SRM1: 145
.......................................................................SRM1: 093
Nuras Class (CAR Heavy Scout) c.2355...............SRM2: 045
Oberth Class (SF Surveyor) c.2275 ......................SRM1: 097 References
Olympic Class (SF Medical Vessel) c.2361 ..........SRM1: 100 As used above
Pa’Chag Class (KLI Assault Cruiser) c.2359.........SRM3: 070 Spacedock ........................................................................ ..SD
Patrol Ship (Tholian) ..............................................SRM4: 111 Ship Recognition Manual 1
Planet Killer (Doomsday Machine) ........................SRM4: 109 The Ships of Starfleet.............................................SRM1
Platform, Orbital Weapons (CAR) .......................... DWS: 159 Ship Recognition Manual 2
Platform, Mars Defense Perimeter (SF) ................. DWS: 159 Starships of the Cardassian Union.........................SRM2
Prendak Class (CAR Prisoner Transport) c.2346 .SRM2: 080 Ship Recognition Manual 3
Pro’Met Class (CAR Cruiser).................................SRM2: 048 Ships of the Klingon Empire...................................SRM3
Prometheus Class (SF Heavy Cruiser) c.2374 .....SRM1: 103 Ship Recognition Manual 4
Ptolemy Class (SF Cargo Carrier) ........................SRM4: 064 Starships of the Original Series Era .......................SRM4
Qa’Cheng Class (KLI Strike frigate) c.2371 ..........SRM3: 073 Dominion War Sourcebook
Qij’Tagh Class (KLI Heavy Escort) ........................SRM3: 076 The Fires of Armageddon ....................................... DWS
Ranger Class (SF Explorer) c.2215 ......................SRM4: 066
Renaissance Class (SF Cruiser) c.2303 ...............SRM1: 107
Rigel Class (SF Heavy Scout) c.2327 ...................SRM1: 110 Political Codes
Saber Class (SF Light Cruiser) c.2370..................SRM1: 113 As used above
Saladin Class (SF Frigate) c.2266 ........................SRM4: 069 BO ................................................................... Borg Collective
Salgar Class (CAR Military Transport) c.2362 ......SRM2: 051 CAR............................................................. Cardassian Union
Sequoia Class (SF Heavy Cruiser) c.2368............. SRM1:116 DOM........................................................................ . Dominion
Shesara’Wenthia Class (CAR/Daairiam Luxury Transport) FER ........................................................................ ......Ferengi
c.2369.............................................................SRM2: 085 KLI................................Klingon Imperial Navy/Defense Force
Sho’Vash Class (CAR Medical Vessel) c.2358 .....SRM2: 058 ROM............................................. Romulan Star Empire Navy
Sholec Class (CAR Assault Cruiser) c.2371 .........SRM2: 054 SF....................................................................... UFP Starfleet
Starfleet Types: 6,7,8,9,9A,10,15,15A,16,18
.......................................................................SRM1: 148
Starfleet Type F Impulse Shuttle c.2245 .......SRM4: 080
Starfleet Type H Warp Shuttle c.2245 ...........SRM4: 082
Cardassian Tharbalt Types: 3,5,9..................SRM2: 070
Klingon Toron.................................................SRM3: 088
Sompek Class (KLI Heavy Destroyer) c.2365.......SRM3: 079
Sovereign Class (SF Heavy Explorer) c.2370.......SRM1: 120
Springfield Class (SF Light Frigate) c.2342...........SRM1: 124
Steamrunner Class (SF Heavy Frigate) c.2369 ....SRM1: 127
Sulor Class (CAR Escort) c.2368 ..........................SRM2: 061
Surak Class (SF Escort) c.2355 ............................SRM1: 130
Suv’Tis Class (KLI Fighter) c.2366 ........................SRM3: 082
Syd ney Class (SF Transport) c.2285 ..................SRM4: 071
T’Korex Class (ROM Warbird/Battleship)............... DWS: 134
T’Pari Class (SF Surveyor) c.2250 .......................SRM4: 076
T’Varek Class (ROM Scout) c.2279 ......................SRM4: 115
Talon Class (SF Scout) c.2373..............................SRM1: 133
Taurus Class (SF Heavy Cruiser) c.2236..............SRM4: 073
Thalkar Class (CAR Heavy Frigate) c.2363 ..........SRM2: 064
Thalon Class (CAR Warship) c.2366.....................SRM2: 067
Tharbalt Class (CAR Warp Shuttle)
Types: 3,5,9 ...................................................SRM2: 070
Tholian Patrol Ship ................................................SRM4: 111
Torath Class (KLI Heavy Warship / Heavy Battle Cruiser)
c.2364......................................... SRM3: 085 / DWS: 131
Toron Class (KLI Warp Shuttle) c.2356.................SRM3: 088
Trglch Class (CAR/Fnth Light Battle Cruiser) c.2365
.......................................................................SRM2: 088
Tro’Qa Class (KLI Destroyer) c.2368 ....................SRM3: 090
Veras Class (CAR Armed Courier) c.2371 ............SRM2: 072
Vidren Class (CAR Strike Frigate) c.2365.............SRM2: 074
Vodleq Class (KLI Heavy Cruiser) c.2369
.......................................................................SRM3: 093
Vor’cha Class (KLI Heavy Warship) c.2350
................................. SD: 190 / SRM1: 171 / SRM3: 096
Voreska Class (CAR Research/Laboratory Vessel) c.2357
.......................................................................SRM2: 077
Voroth Class (SF Surveyor) c.2047 ......................SRM4: 078
Wambundu Class (SF Heavy Cruiser) c.2328
.......................................................................SRM1: 136
d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home < 28 >
Wisdom: Converting from T20 - discard score.
Conversion Notes Creating T20 Wisdom = (INT + EDU) ÷ 2, round up,
convert on above table, apply racial modifier.
Excepting trademarks, trade-names, graphics,
and direct references to scores/mechanics in
other game systems (ie. The Stat Conversion
Table), all other content of this chapter are OGL.
Charisma: Converting from T20 - discard score.
UPP - Universal Personality Profile Creating T20 Charisma = (SOC ÷ 2) + 1d4 + 8,
CT/MT/TNE/T4 UPP: 1234567 (Strength, modify as appropriate, apply racial modifier.
Dexterity/Agility¹, Endurance/Constitution², Psi: Unlike Traveller (where PSI score is NOT rolled
Intelligence, Education, Social Standing, Psi) until Psionic evaluation is carried out at a Psionic
T20: 12345WC67 (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Institute), characters in the Star Trek universe may
Intelligence, Education, Wisdom, Charisma, Social roll their Psi scores. Psioinc Strength is used for
Standing, Psi) several mentally related disciplines – see specific
GURPS: Only four stats are comparable between
GURPS and other Traveller systems, Strength,
Dexterity, Intelligence, Health² Estimating Character Level
LUG-Trek: The conversions from LUG-Trek must be A character’s level can be estimated from the
estimated using both Abilities and Modifiers. character’s age, and number of
The stats are converted between systems using the games/stories/episodes the character has played in.
following table: Age: Take the character’s age and divide by four.
CT MT TNE T4 Social Take the number of stories the PC has acted in,
Science-Fiction A dventure in the Far Future
divide by six.
1 5 1-2 Felon
2 6 3 Add your characters rank level (En.jg =1, En=2
3 6 1 4 Poor Lt.jg=3 Lt=4 etc.)
4 7 1+1 5 Unskilled Add these three scores together (include all fractions)
5 8 1+2 6-7 Semi-skilled and multiply by 2500xp – then work out the
6 8 1+3 8-9 Skilled character’s current level.
7 9 2 10-11 Assign these levels to appropriate classes.
8 10 2+1 12-13 Professional
9 10 2+2 14-15 Executive Use another set of dividing factors if you think they
give a better feel for your campaign.
10 – A 11 3 16 Untitled Noble
12 – C 12 3+2 18-19 Baron A HIGHLY SUBJECTIVE PROCESS.
13 – D 13 4 20-21 Marquis
14 – E 14 4+1 22-23 Count Converting Skills & Feats
15 – F 15 4+2 24 Duke
16 – G 25-26 Archduke Estimate the character’s levels and XP score as
16 – G 27-28 Imperial Family above.
17 – H 29 Crown Prince
17 – H 30 Emperor Rough Skill/Feat Assignments
NOTES: Calculate number of skill points available.
Dexterity/Agility:¹ TNE used the moniker Agility, all Assign skill points (pro rata with previous system
other version of Traveller use the term Dexterity. used).
Constitution/Endurance/Health:² These terms are Some skills may be replaced by feats, calculate no. of
used variously to mean the same statistic in different feats for character, assign feats.
incarnations of Traveller. (Constitution: TNE, T20; Roll Stamina (HP).
Endurance: CT, MT, T4; Health: GT)
Social Standing:³ The T20 rules indicate a Knight at True Skill/Feat Assignments
score 16, the above table is preferred IMTU,
Using character’s levels and XP score (as for Rough
Knight=17, also T20-lite lists Marquis 20, Count 22,
Assignments), proceed through assigning skills and
this agrees with CT, MT & TNE, but T4 indicates the
feats with both referee and player level by level, as
ranking of these two nobles in the opposite order - I
per full character generation, using the results from
have presumed that T4 is in error.
the rough system as a guide.
All Federation characters have an initial Social
Standing Score of 10. This may be affected by a
character’s rank, or adjusted in reference to the
Renown score used in other systems.
d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home < 29 >
d20 Warp Revisions References
This chapter is not OGL. This chapter is not OGL.
v0.91 RC9 05.12.2003 Apart from this rules supplement, the following books
• Added Use Tricorder & Weapon Prof (Lasers) to are considered essential in order to fully realise your
core Starfleet Service class as class bonus/starting stories in Gene’s universe with the d20 System.
• Specified use of Ace Pilot as a Starfleet Prestige
d20 System Core Rules
Requires the use of a Roleplaying Core Rulebook
• Added some age groups to Age Table.
published by Wizards of the Coast.
v0.90 RC8 04.12.2003
ie. Dungeons & Dragons: Players’ Handbook,
• Layout: probes, graphics & table alterations
d20 Modern, or other WotC d20 Core Rulebook.
• Removed Starting Skill points (x4) from Prestige
• Revised requirements for Prestige Class SF-Ops. d20 Sci-Fi RPG Core Rules
v0.83 RC6 29.08.2003 Requires the use of the Traveller 20 rules as
• Reordered chapters detailed in “The Traveller’s Handbook”, published
• Added Final detail, height/weight & age tables. by QuikLink Interactive, Inc.
v0.82 27.08.2003 (unreleased)
• Changed layout of Feat Table.
• Revised Founder Shape Shift Feats.
• Added definition for Klingon Theaten Feat, added
same feat to Nausicaans. Traveller20: The Traveller’s Handbook
• Class/Skill Matrix Tables reformatted. ISBN: 1-55878-217-6 $44.95 / UK£29.99
v0.81 RC5 27.08.2003 Traveller’s character generation rules are suitable for
• Revised Racial Adjustments, simplified number of non-Starfleet characters, and the prior-History
adjustments, reviewed them. Add many other races. generation procedures are the basis for those used in
Changed many ability adjustments to be Feats. this volume.
• Revised Feats section, rationalised feats for races.
• Added {ERA} comments/guidleines to races. Starship Construction and Combat
v0.8 RC4 26.08.2003 Starship construction & Combat rules as detailed in
• Moved exclusive Feats to class descriptions. the following Spacedock tomes, by Steven S. Long.
• Added rules for modifying & overloading phasers.
• Added Table of Feats & Assigned to Classes. These rulebooks are freely available on the Internet
v0.7 RC3 21.08.2003
• Skill points and feats added to SF Classes
• Revised Skill Matrix Tables, & re-ordered chapters.
v0.6 RC2 20.08.2003 Spacedock
• Revised Starfleet class skills, expanded classes. - The Advanced Starship and Construction Manual
• Added Starfleet Tactical Class
Ship Recognition Manual 1
v0.5.0 RC1 20.08.2003 - The Ships of Starfleet
• Release Candidate 1
• Revise Races, Ferengi. Ship Recognition Manual 2
• Core & Prestige Classes for Starfleet. - Starships of the Cardassian Union
• More Starfleet style feats. Ship Recognition Manual 3
• Skills reviewed/rationalised. - Ships of the Klingon Empire
• Removed T/Warp Drive, use T/Astrogation. Ship Recognition Manual 4
v0.4.0 (alpha) 17.07.2003 - Starships of the Original Series Era
• Corrected page spanning layout in probes. Dominion War Sourcebook
• Added Dominion War Spacedock ships. - The Fires of Armageddon
• Prior History DCs modified.
• Weapons: Re-revised damage for Phasers.
v0.3.2 (alpha) 21.05.2003 and our own home site on the web is at:
• Added Probes, Phase Pistols, revised damage for
Phasers. OGL comments. T/Weapons Systems
replaces T/Shields
d20 Warp
v0.1e (alpha) 19.03.2003
• First public release
d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home < 30 >

Licences Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document, Copyright 2000, Wizads of the Coast, Inc.;
Authors Jonathon Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by
E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
T20 – The Traveller’s Handbook Copyright 2002, QuikLink Interactive, Inc.
Open Game License Version 1.0a Traveller is a trademark of Far Future Enterprises.
d20 Warp™ ©2003, / / TaµSoft™ MultiMedia
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright
2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved.
1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners Star Trek and all associated marks and names are copyright Paramount Pictures.
who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means d20 System is used under the terms of the OGL and d20 System licences.
copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into Traveller is a trademark of Far Future Enterprises.
other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, Traveller20 is a trademark of QuikLink Interactive
upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing d20 Warp™, STrav™, STrav:20™ and STrav:VII™ are trademarks of /
work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, /
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The d20 System® License Version 4.0

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Wizards of the Coast, c/o Publishing Division
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Attn: Roleplaying Games Department
10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, U.S.A.
copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
12. No maintenance or support: Wizards of the Coast shall have no obligation
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13. No Warranty / Disclaimer
12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms THE D20 SYSTEM TRADEMARK LOGO FILES ARE MADE AVAILABLE ON AN
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14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such
provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.

d20 Warp™ - Star Trek: Traveller VII – The Voyage Home

d20 Warp – Star Trek d20 RPG – STrav:VII The Voyage Home < 31 >

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