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Dulce Sandoval Nutrition 210 Professor C.

Betty Crocker, MPH, RD Fullerton College- Fall 2012













L Kcal

2.7 2164

GOOD SOURCE EXCELLENT 10-19% 20% (COLUMN=10%) (COLUMN=20%) B=A*.1 C=A*.2

0.27 216.4 4.863 23.6 2.5 SKIP SKIP 1.2 0.11 0.11 0.11 1.4 0.13 0.24 40 7.5 1.5 70 1.5 100 1.8 31 470 0.8 SKIP 2.4 0.22 0.22 0.22 2.8 0.26 0.48 80 15 3 140 3 200 3.6 62 940 1.6 0.54 432.8 9.726 47.2 5

Water Kcals PROTEIN CHO Fiber LIPIDS Saturated EFA: n-6 EFA: n-3
Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin B6 B12 Folate Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin A
( R A E)

g g
g g g

48.63 236
25 46 21



mg mg mg mg mc g mc g mg mc g
mc g mc g mg mg mg mg mg

VITAMINS 1.1 1.1 14 1.3 2.4 400 75 15

700 15

Vitamin E Calcium Iron


1000 18 310 4700 8 1500

Potassium Zinc Sodium




DRI GOALS WB1 3-day Analysis Intake vs. Goal (%)
Deficient <80% Excess >120% 48








2.7 2164 48.63 236 50 46 21 12 1.1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1372.62 54.27 187.28 17.93 48.32 16.51 7.17 0.74

Kcals g g

63 112 N/A 72 N/A 79 60 67


g g g

EFA: n-6 EFA: n-3

Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin B6 B12 Folate Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin A
( R A E)

0 0 35 100 0 1000 2000 4000 3000 1000 2500 45 350 0 40 2300

mg mg mg mg mc g mc g mg mc g
mcg mcg mg mg mg mg mg mg

1.1 1.1 14 1.3 2.4 400 75 15 700 15

1.09 1.49 13.58 1.17 3.42 346.82 148.04 4.36 656.44 4.16 917.54 10.48 203.95 2294.81 7.55 1961.36

99 136 97 90 143 87 197 29 94 28 92 58 66 49 94 131

Vitamin E Calcium Iron



1000 18 310 4700 8 1500

Potassium Zinc Sodium


Main Function: Water helps to transport oxygen and nutrients in the human body. It also helps to remove waste and toxin in the body. Water helps to regulate temperature through perpetration. Water is about 50% to 60% in our bodies. Acts as a lubricant and cushion for the joints as well as protecting those tissues.

Chronic deficiencies o Without water we would not be able to live, it would make it impossible for our organs to function from dehydration. o Symptoms from chronic deficiency are: dry mouth, sunken eyes, poor skin turgor, cold hands and feet, weak and rapid pulse, rapid and shallow breathing, confusion, exhaustion, and coma. o May cause kidney stones and UTI among other complications. o Loss of fluid constituting more than 10 percent of body weight may be fatal.(www.

Food sources

Water Natural juices Milk


Main Function: It provides the body to feel full longer. It reduces the risk of heart disease. Fiber slows down the increase of blood sugar therefor less insulin is needed to convert glucose into energy. It is a treatment for (IBS) irritable bowel syndrome.

Chronic deficiencies o o o It may cause constipation. Heart attack. Colitis is pockets in the colons due stretching in the colon from an over work colon. Eating enough Fiber can prevent this. o High risk of high cholesterol. Food Sources Fruits Apple Vegetables- Carrots Whole Grains- Whole wheat Bread

Omega- 6--

Main function

It takes part of a normal growth and development for brain and heart.

Reduces cardiovascular risks. Regulates metabolism and keeps reproductive system normal. Chronic deficiencies

o If deficient of omega-6 we miss the gamma linolenic acid (GLA), it has the power to fight many disease. o Inflammation accurse.

Food Sources

Veggie oils Eggs Chicken


Main function

Helps regulated body functions like blood clotting, blood pressure and kidney function. Prevents heart disease. It counteracts inflammation cause by omega 6. Opens the blood vessels.
Chronic deficiencies o o May cause high blood pressure Heart disease 7

o o

Diabetes Cardiovascular Disorders

Food Sources Fish Milk Flax seeds

Vitamin D--

Main function This vitamin can synthesize its needs by just getting sunlight. It regulates blood. Calcium and phosphorus levels because it acts like a hormone. Vitamin D impacts more than thirty body tissues. The main function is the balance of calcium and bone growth.
Chronic deficiencies o Deficiency in children results in Rickets which is bowed legs. The reason they get bowed legs is because of rickets, the weight of their young bodies is too much for their weak bones on their legs. Adults get Osteomalacia because of poor mineralization of the bones. This is a painful disease because the bones become brittle and they deform as well. Food Sources Salmon Tuna Enriched cereal

Vitamin E 8

Main function The main function of Vitamin E is to be a bodyguard against oxidation from free radical in the body. It reduces inflammation when it quenches free radical. It protects lungs, red blood, white blood and sensitive brain tissues all of these rely on the antioxidant which is Vitamin E.
Chronic deficiencies o o o We may see loss of muscle coordination, reflexes, vision and speech. It will injury liver, gallbladder and pancreas. It doesnt absorb dietary fats.

Food Sources Sun flower seeds Canola oil Wheat germ


Main function Iron is a component in the body which is in the blood cells and in muscle cells as protein. Iron containing hemoglobin which is in the blood cells carries oxygen from the lungs to tissues throughout our bodies. Iron in Myoglobin which is in the muscle cells they hold and store oxygen in there, which are the muscles. Iron is needed to make new cells, amino acids, hormones and neurotransmitters in the body.
Chronic deficiencies

Anemia is cause from Iron deficiency because iron is not able to make enough hemoglobin to fill new blood cells. Cells are light red than normal because it is limited from oxygen on the tissues.

o o

May cause fatigue and mental impairments and physical as well. It reduces energy and therefore less activities they are able to do. Food Sources Black beans Spinach Beef liver

Magnesium --

Main function It helps in the operation of more than 300 enzymes in the body. It also helps in the release energy from the energy-yielding nutrients. Magnesium is critical to normal heart functioning. It also affects the metabolism, potassium, calcium and the vitamin D in the body. Mains muscle, nerves and bones.
Chronic deficiencies o o o May cause hallucinations. Heart failure because it makes the heart unable to stop spasms once they start. Body may retain sodium, and also feel dizzy. Food Sources Soy Milk Yogurt Spinach



Main function It maintains the body fluid and electrolyte balance and cell integrity. It is very important to maintain the heartbeat. Helps organs for the proper function (heart, kidneys, muscles, nerves) Chronic deficiencies o Person losses the ability to know the need of water to hydrated them self, and can lead to their death. Food Sources Orange juice Baked potato Lima beans

Protein Main function Protein repairs and builds tissue and is also important for water balance. It regulates gene expression. About forty percent of the bodys protein is in the muscle tissue. It replaces blood lost of menstruation with new cells. Replaces worn out cells and internal cell structures. Chronic excess o Excess for protein may cause calcium loss. o It also causes kidney strain and dehydration.


o Weight gain is more likely to happen and heart risks because maybe getting it from unhealthy fats. o Riboflavin-Main function It supports the vision and is energy of the metabolism and is health for skin. Chronic excess o There seems to be no toxicity or effects of the chronic excesses.

B12-Main function

It is part of coenzymes in new cell synthesis and it helps maintain the nerves cells.

Chronic excess o It is rare for toxicity to happen no chronic excess.

Vitamin C--

Main function

It is important to strengthen blood vessel walls and form scar tissues. It is antioxidant and it helps restore vitamin E to active form. This vitamin helps assist several enzymes in doing the duties.

It acts as a prooxidant by activating oxidatizing elements just as the iron and the copper. Chronic excess o May cause kidney stones, heart burns and vomiting. Sodium Main function It helps to maintain blood volume and blood pressure. It is also use to regulate acids in the body. Helps the transmission of the nerves pulses. Chronic excess o Fluid retention and high blood pressure



SECTION 3: PERFECT PLAN ANALYSIS Meal Plan modifications

On my WB 1 which was the analysis of my three day meals. I consumed more carbohydrate, saturated fat, and a lot more sodium. I would eat those empty calories like the chips. I would also eat less vegetable and fruits, because I didnt plan my meals. I would just grab what was the easy to grab on the go. I work and go to school full time for both so it is harder to actually eat healthy when you are always out. I tend to grab whatever is good and cheap because eating out gets expensive, but sometime you dont have a choice because of the busy schedule most of us have. I was successful on cutting down on these and the other high percentages of my analysis 1 by incorporating a lot more whole foods like fruits and vegetables. I accomplished to drink a lot more water as well. I was deficient on vitamin D analysis one but did not improve either on analysis two. I do realize I do need to incorporate foods that can provide this vitamin, food for example (sardines, tuna, enriched cereals and salmon for starts). The easiest way to obtain this vitamin is from the sun. My over comes from analysis one to analysis two were water, omega 6, omega 3 and vitamin E.


I drank water in every meal and tried to drink water as much as I was able to during the day to keep myself hydrated. Plus the fruits and vegetables helped therefore I overcame the deficiency. On omega 6 and 3 I consumed more oils and nuts like almonds and sunflowers seeds. Vitamin E I consumed sweet potatoes, salads, carrots and broccoli. It went up on this vitamin because of the fruits and vegetable that is how I overcame my deficiency.


Super Food Usage:

Whole wheat bread

I consumed whole twice of the three day of the analysis two. I had the two slice whole wheat for breakfast and two for dinner on different days. The whole wheat bread covers some of the grain of the day. The reason I pick this as a whole food was because I normally have always hate whole bread instead of white bread I really like the taste of it and it has fiber as well.

Sweet potato The sweet potato has an abundant of nutrients it has vitamin A, C, potassium and beta carotene. I love this vegetable; it is really great in taste because its kind of sweet. I ate this one day out of the three days of the second analysis, which was for dinner.


Green peas Green peas were another one of my whole foods. Green peas are high in vitamin A, B6, and very high on vitamin C. The reason I chose the vegetable was because it is so simply to cook. I consumed it the first day for lunch and the second day for dinner. Oatmeal Oatmeal is easy to make and is always good to make for breakfast. I normally like to add on the oatmeal diced apples and cranberries and cinnamon. I had oatmeal for breakfast the second day it was delicious. It has soluble fiber and lower cholesterol. Watermelon The watermelon is always so fresh and juicy I love this fruit. I had it for breakfast the second day to cover my fruit on my breakfast plate. This fruit is source of vitamin C. Oranges Orange is a great source of vitamin C as well and is great to make orange juices for breakfast. I used this fruit to cover my section of fruit for breakfast the second day.

Broccoli Has vitamin C and dietary fiber. It is really tasty boil I love the flavor. I consumed this for lunch to cover my sections of vegetable in my lunch plate. Asparagus

The asparagus I consumed it during dinner of the second day.

Almonds Almonds are source of omega 3 and are very tasty. I use this as a snack the second day. Cabbage It is a good source of beta carotene and vitamin C and fiber. I consumed this whole food at lunch in my three day of the analysis. I picked it because it is easy to cook and it is tasty.





I made the choice of choosing sweet potato as my number one super food because it is one of my favorite foods to eat. It not only tastes great but it has an abundance of nutrients. The sweet potato is high in vitamin A, C, potassium and beta carotene along with many more nutrients.


The association I choice for the sweet potato is the California Sweet Potato Council. They are grown in Livingston California. This Council was officially formed in January, 1977. Their main objective was to place policies and programs for all growers as they were all part of growing sweet potatoes to better the industry.

Growing the sweet potato The season for sweet potatoes usually is February. On this month the seed are put in to hotbeds to grow so they can be transplanted as the second step to grow the vegetable. After the seed is transplanted it takes about three months for it to grow to full term. During the time of the transplants the growers use about two thousand gallons of water per acre. The third step is after it is fully grown the sweet potatoes are ready to be harvest with tractors pulling large harvest. The harvest typically takes about three months to complete. Every harvest they finish is wash and store in cold freezers sheds. Then they are marketed and go the groceries stores or other states that have shortage. The growing of sweet potatoes is hard work and long extensive operation for the growers.

Temperature- the sweet potato is a warm season crop and best at 85 to 95 degrees. They are normally harvest completely before any frost gets to them in the winter. it is a holiday vegetable where they are so markets during the winter holidays. The growers avoid the frost because the sweet potatoes cant handle it and get damage, dont grow and get bad.

Where do they come from originally? It is thought that they either come from central or South America.

Recipe of my super food

Rosemary Sweet Potato Wedges

Ingredients: 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary or 2 teaspoons dried 3 medium sweet potatoes

1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper Onions and cheddar cheese on top Instructions:

1. Preheat the oven to 450F.

2. In a small saucepan, spread the oil over medium heat. Stir in the rosemary. 3. Cut the sweet potatoes lengthwise into 1 1/2-inch-thick wedges and place in a large bowl. Season with the salt and pepper, and drizzle with the rosemary mixture, toss gently. 4. Arrange the wedges on a large baking sheet in a single layer so they don't touch. Bake in the upper third of the oven for 20 minutes, turning once, or until softened and lightly browned. Then put cheddar cheese leave in oven for about five minutes. Season again with salt and pepper, and carefully remove from the sheet (the wedges are relatively fragile and last of all just put green dice onions on top.



Opinion My plate is friendly useful because it is practical, it gives you great instructions. It is also very easy to access and most of all the great things it is free. You can find within just of few minutes, what are your recommended in takes to be healthy are. I for sure will be using my plate any time I did it for me and to recommend to other people it is a great tool for ones health.

Why is water so important??


When I think of water I honestly dont see me and my surrounding without it because it is everywhere. It is in our houses and schools private or public, it is an easy access for me that I live in California. To think what would happen if we didnt have water? Why it is so important to have? I have to go back on what we have learned other than just the obvious about getting dehydrated. Water plays a major role in our lives first of all we as humans have about sixty percent of water in our adult life body weight. The water runs through arteries, vein and capillaries. Water dissolves amino acid, glucose and minerals. It is a cleaning agent like for example it cleans the waste of nitrogen when protein is metabolizing. Water is a lubricant and a cushion as well and helps the joins and can protect important sensitive tissue as the spinal cord from shock. Water also maintains water temperature. People should drink about eight, eight ounces of water a day that is just an average. We can obtain water from foods like fruits, milk juices and many other ways, but it never beats just drinking plain water. It is always better to drink plain water then drink soda and juices because all these drinks have high sugars and they turn into sugar in the body and then fat. Therefore people tend to gain weight. Drinking plain water is the way to go because you can water better what u intake in calories instead of sodas and juices.

Fiber has an important role in weight management because high fiber food keeps the stomach full longer. Thats why it is important to eat grains and fruit and vegetables. It keeps a person from constipating. Fiber is keeps a low blood pressure and better glucose control in the body the glucose control keeps it from gain weight. Fiber offers less calories for the same amount of food which keeps the sensation of fullness. The best source of fiber is whole grain, beans, peas, lentils, fruits and vegetables, as well as seeds and nuts. Fiber reduces the risk of heart disease. It maintains healthy bowel function to reduce the risk of bowel disease.


Most unrefined plant foods contain a mix of fiber types which is great for the body High fiber foods play a role in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. High fibers are diets are economical and nutritious.


I examine my 10 year risk for heart disease and I came out to be less than 1% which means less than 1 of 100 people with this level will have a heart attack the next 10 years. This sound great and it is just a motivation of eating healthy and incorporating everything I learn about nutrition to benefit me to have a better life style. I am not meet the activities requirements as of not because I have been too busy and lazy to do anything when I actually get free time from my busy schedule. I am going to try to work on this because it is for my health. I just started to go to the gym and have enrolled in zumba class to burn some calories and keep health. As of now I am barley starting to make wellness a priority because now I know the consequence of now eating well and it really doesnt affect in the long run. I want to grow to be a health elder lady. I have learn that fruits and vegetables are always your friends because they keep you save and healthy if you consume the right amounts. I will now make sure I consume more of them and also add more fiber like whole grains into my meal. Dairy should not be a problem since I like yogurt and cheese and fat free milk. Some of the strategies I plan to stick to is eating more whole food instead of fast foods. I will take the stair instead of the elevator. I will walk to the stores instead of driving. I am going to consume lean meats like fish and chicken instead of red meats. Drink more tap water instead of bottle of water. Add more grains to my meal for fiber.


This class was intensive at times but fun to learn.


Nutrition Concepts & Controversies (2012). Sizer and Whitney. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.






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