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Title of magazine I have chosen to name my magazine Radar; this is because its short and catchy, also can be referred as searching for new, original, and independent trends/artists/bands. As many indie artists/bands/trends are not yet mainstream not yet known, this name can make the reader think that the magazine has all the information about up and coming trends/artists/bands. Choice of genre I have chosen an indie/rock genre, as I already have background knowledge within the genre; also as it is my personal interest in music. This is since I have always been influenced by indie/rock music, as it reflects my personality and style. Therefore I would know what would be expected in an indie/rock magazine. I am also a fan and have just started buying the Kerrang magazine My Target audience Indie/Rock stereo typical target audience would be males; however I am choosing to challenge this by aiming the magazine at both females and males aged between 15-25. Initial ideas for Front Cover For my front cover, I am planning to use a medium shot of an indie female artist, who is dressed very vibrantly, also the image to reflect mainly attitude rather than sexuality, I have also decided to colour the title of the magazine green, and use it as the house style colour throughout the magazine. This is because, radar is normally thought of as being green. Furthermore for the sell lines, I would like it to be related to the artist on the front cover, latest new and original fashion trends and current indie artist. Initial ideas for My Contents page For my contents page, the masthead will be a large R to represent the name of my magazine, following by contents, which will be placed in a contrasting black colour in order to stand out. I will also place all the features along the side which will be categorized. Whilst on the other side, there will be 1 dominant image of the cover girl, followed by 3 smaller images, to show other features in the magazine. I will also be adding an editors note to my readers. Initial ideas for my article For the double page spread, I intent to do an interview with the cover girl (but Ill make sure she looks very different to the cover image(clothes, background, type of shot etc. It will not be dominantly text based, as I will use the page to devote to images, this way readers are able to find out her personality by giving a visual representation. I will do this by using 4 different pictures with 4 different shot types. Initial ideas for photographs The front cover photography, I have decided to use a medium shot of my female artist. For the contents I will use the dominant image of an MCU shot of the artist. However I have also chosen to have 3 other images, which will be close ups of different features of the magazines, I will use a mixture of males and females to show the magazine can also attract females. Lastly for the double page spread, I want to use 4 different camera shots, to express the artist in the interview, I have chosen to use a close up to reveal facial expressions, a long shot to show her whole body language, a medium close up to focus the attention on her. And lastly a medium long shot to reflect what her style is like. Furthermore I have used these shot types, as they most commonly found within indie/rock magazines. Ill probably go for a plain background-maybe a dark grey colour as this makes the figure stand out more for the cover, but would like a fun, funky feel for the background in the article with some music props such as a microphone, amps etc-not sure yet

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