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GENERAL RELEASE KNOW THAT I, Mirsad Isufi, (SSN/Tax Identification No.

____________), plaintiff in Mirsad Isufi v. The City of New York, et al., 11 Civ. 4159 (LBS), in consideration of the payment of Thirty Nine Thousand One Hundred Forty Five Dollars and Eighty Four Cents ($39,145.84) to my attorney James I. Meyerson, Esq., and in consideration of the payment of Thirty Eight Thousand One Hundred Thirty Three Dollars and Forty Five Cents ($38,133.45) to my attorney Jeffrey A. Rothman, Esq., in full satisfaction of all claims for attorneys fees, expenses and costs in the above-referenced action, and which amounts of attorneys fees I have assigned to my attorneys, do hereby release and discharge defendants The City of New York, Police Officer Vincent Kong, Shield #01661, New York City Police Sergeant Christopher Koch, Shield# 2875, New York City Police Lieutenant Joe Costello, New York City Police Captain Steven Braille, New York City Police Chief Brian Conroy, New York City Undercover Police Officer 293; their successors or assigns; and all past and present officials, employees, representatives and agents of The City of New York, from any and all claims of attorneys fees, expenses and costs which were or could have been alleged in the aforementioned action. This Release may not be changed orally. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS READ THE FOREGOING RELEASE AND FULLY UNDERSTANDS IT. Dated: New York, New York , 2012 ______________________________ Mirsad Isufi

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