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NavisWorks 2013

Digitale Mockup

What if you could .?

Improve project collaboration and understanding

Create multidiscipline models integrated from more than 40 design file and laser scan formats.
Share a single model with all project stakeholders on a common platform. Review the whole-project, including intelligent design data. Navigate extremely large models in real time.

What if You Could .?

Identify and resolve conflicts before construction begins Help reduce or eliminate costly change orders with clash detection. Integrate architectural and engineering designs, and automatically check for crossdiscipline interferences. Support the design development workflow by reporting issues to relevant teams for clash resolution.

What if you could ?

Communicate schedules with 5D simulation Integrate construction schedules (time) with design models (3D) to create a 5D simulation. More clearly communicate construction sequence to all project stakeholders. Simulate what-if scenarios and site logistics, and present construction alternatives.

Autodesk Navisworks
Integrate, analyze, communicate
Autodesk Navisworks products deliver project-review software for 3D coordination, 5D planning, photorealistic visualization, dynamic simulation, and accurate analysis:

2010 Autodesk

Navisworks Product Comparison

Feature Project Viewing Real-Time 3D Visualization and Navigation Autodesk Navisworks Manage Autodesk Navisworks Simulate Autodesk Navisworks Freedom

Whole Team Review

Project Review File and Data Aggregation Review Toolkit NWD and 3D DWF Publishing Collaboration Toolkit Simulation and Analysis

Photorealistic Visualization
Object Animation 4D Scheduling Coordination Clash and Interference Detection Clash and Interference Management
2010 Autodesk

Top Features
Autodesk Navisworks software

Extensive file format support Model geometry and properties

External data linking

Large model handling Real-time navigation Point Cloud support

2010 Autodesk

Supported CAD File Formats

. And more!

2010 Autodesk

Top Features
Autodesk Navisworks software


Extensive file format support Model geometry and properties

Multidiscipline coordination Clash management

External data linking

Large model handling Real-time navigation Point Cloud support

Schedule linking and simulation

Animation tools Compare data

2010 Autodesk

Top Features
Autodesk Navisworks software



Extensive file format support Model geometry and properties

Multidiscipline coordination Clash management

Visual portal to design and extended data

External data linking

Large model handling Real-time navigation Point Cloud support

Schedule linking and simulation

Animation tools Compare data

Review tools
Export and reporting options Publishing Free viewer Mobile iPad Apps

2010 Autodesk

Mobile Apps
Autodesk Glue 360

2010 Autodesk

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