Evidence For Magazines

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Evidence that Q appeals to males

Facial expression-very aggressive, which relates more to a male audience because it is seen as the more aggressive gender. Character-in general, when male artists are on the front covers you only see the face which is commonly plain and looks very negative which would relate to a male audience. Whereas, if a female is on the front cover it shows normally over half of their body so that they are sexualised which men are attracted to. Colours-red connotates violence and evil which is usually associated with males, even though it is sometimes viewed as a unisex colours. It is also seen as a courageous colour which may appeal to the male audience because they are normally seen as the stronger (physically) gender. Font-this wouldnt appeal to a young female audience because they may not be able to interpret the name, and may not be sure who the magazine is targeted at.

Evidence that Kerrang appeals to both genders

Free posters-This is more likely to be used by a female audience because it demonstrates their loyalty to a music act. Font-it is very harsh, and blocky which would appeal more to a male audience because it is viewed as the more aggressive and violent gender.

Evidence that T.O.T.P appeals to females

Smiling-creates a more positive atmosphere which often is associated with a female audience, and is relatable for them. Font-the curling fonts makes the words look softer and more friendly, which would link to a female audience more than a male audience.

Character-The character isnt sexualised in the picture which may appeal to the female audience because they might recognise them as an idol, where as the male audience might think that a sexualised artist is more appealing because they are attracted to a female audience. Colours- the most common colour is black which connotate evil and power which may appeal to males more because they may like the thought of power. However, it also connotate elegance which would appeal to the female audience of the magazine because they often take care of their appearance and want to be recognised as elegant. Language- DIRTY little secrets may relate to a male audience because although females like gossip, men often like to know the messier side of things.

Language-includes swearing which relates to a male audience because they are seen as the more antagonistic gender.

Colours-blue connotates peace and serenity, which appeals to a female audience because they are the more selfconscious, especially when it comes to their appearance. Yellow is usually associated with the sun which is a very cheerful colour, and in general females are the happier gender. Language-confessions can be linked to gossip which female appeal to, where as a males audience sometimes want to know facts within the article. TOP of the pops may also appeal to teenage girls because it highlights that the magazine will include the most popular artists, so this would appeal to mainstreamer girls who want to be included in groups that talk about this type of thing. Body Language- open and friendly which may appeal to a female audience because more approachable body language will make them feel more comfortable whereas in Q the body language is usually aggressive, which opposes what females are attracted to.

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