17-30 January 2009, Uttar Pradesh

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Issue 10

Tobacco Control in India

Fortnightly News Summary 17-30 January 2009

♦ When Lalu Prasad realised chewing khaini is a 'bad STATE HEADLINES, Uttar Pradesh
habit' ♦ Farmers take up tobacco farming in Uttar Pradesh
The spotlessly clean railway stations in Japan put
Despite increasingly pervasive anti-tobacco legislation
Railways Minister Lalu Prasad in a bit of a spot - he
and tax structures to discourage tobacco consumption,
couldn't find a place to spit the red juice of khaini, a
farmers in Uttar Pradesh have taken up tobacco
tobacco mixture he loves to chew, and realized it had
cultivation. Significant numbers of farmers in Gorakhpur
become a "bad habit". 'I realised chewing khaini had
region of the state are resorting to tobacco cultivation
become a bad habit during my recent visit to Japan,' Lalu
more vigorously after prices of the commodity-hit spurt at
Prasad said here Friday. (Source: Yahoo News: 24 January 2009)
domestic and international markets. The tobacco traders
are also happy at the development as more and
♦ India tobacco exports surge 46 pct in Apr-Dec morefarmers take up tobacco farming in the region.
India's tobacco exports surged 46 percent to $543.6 (Source: News post online, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh: 29 January 2009)
million in first nine months of fiscal 2008/09, as output
cuts in Europe forced overseas buyers to source more ♦ Smoking and consumption of tobacco products
produce from the country, a senior official said. (Source: Smoking and consumption of tobacco products are a
Reuters India: 29 January 2009) bane of society as they are truly dangerous for public
health. It may not be possible to ban this malaise
♦ Tobacco stubbing out in public, govt to demarcate completely, yet it should be discouraged. There is already
special zones for smokers a law banning smoking in public places, and rightly so. All
Almost four months into the ban on smoking in public out efforts need to be made to save our future generation
places, the Delhi government plans to take it a step from the poison of cigarette smoke. (Source: Hindustan,
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh: 28 January 2009)
forward by demarcating space for smoking and no-
smoking in public areas such as restaurants, pubs and
airport lounges. The guidelines, which government ♦ Deadline talks: Anti tobacco drive into thick smoke
officials say are as per international standards, are set to “The implementation of pictorial health warnings has got
be implemented in time for the Commonwealth Games in delayed or diluted every time the GoM has met so far.
2010. (Source: Indian Express: 28 January 2009) Perhaps it is the lack of will” says Bobby Ramakant, a
World Health Organization (WHO)'s WNTD Awardee
♦ Further dilution of pictorial tobacco warnings feared 2008. “The government in deferring the pack warnings
has not only dishonored its international commitment but
The Group of Ministers (GoM) in India will again meet to
also undermined the health of its over 1 billion citizens.
assuage concerns of tobacco lobby on pictorial warnings,
The timing of this meeting to be held in New Delhi on the
health activists apprehend. This group of ministers (GoM)
eve of election is feared to once again derail the already
consists of: Pranab Mukherjee (External Affairs Minister),
diluted pictorial warnings on tobacco products” he says on
Kamal Nath (Commerce and Industry Minister),
Thursday. (Source: Hindustan Times, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh: 23
Priyaranjan Dasmunsi (former Information and January 2009)
Broadcasting Minister), S Jaipal Reddy (Urban
Development Minister), Dr Anbumani Ramadoss (Health ♦ Further dilution of pictorial warnings feared
and family welfare Minister), and Oscar Fernandes (labour The Group of Ministers (GoM) in India will again meet to
and employment Minister for state). (Source: Thai-Indian News: assuage concerns of tobacco lobby on pictorial warnings,
23 January 2009) health activists apprehend. This group of ministers (GoM)
consists of: Pranab Mukherjee (External Affairs Minister),
♦ Tobacco exports jump 13% on global demand Kamal Nath (Commerce and Industry Minister),
Tobacco shipment from India, the third-largest exporter in Priyaranjan Dasmunsi (former Information and
the world, surged by 61% to Rs 2,428 crore till December Broadcasting Minister), S Jaipal Reddy (Urban
2008 on better price realizations and weakening rupee Development Minister), Dr Anbumani Ramadoss (Health
against the dollar. Prices of tobacco skyrocketed to a and family welfare Minister), and Oscar Fernandes (labour
record average of Rs 84.85 per kg during auctions in and employment Minister for state). (Source: Citizen News
Andhra Pradesh in 2008 against Rs 47.47 the previous Service, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh: 23 January 2009)
year. (Source: The Economic Times: 26 January 2009)
♦ A vow to quit smoking
♦ After months of smoking ban, Chhattisgarh yet to A nonpolitical organization, headed by Sri.
file a case R.K.Chaturvedi, committed itself to work towards
Chhattisgarh police, yet to register a maiden case against eradicating corruption from public life. Members of the
a smoker even after three months of ban on smoking in organization took a solemn oath on the pious occasion of
public places, say they have more serious jobs in hand in the Hindu festival of Makar Sankranti, to rid society of the
the Maoist insurgency-hit state.Top officers at the police ills of alcohol and smoking addiction as well as of corrupt
headquarters here said the state police, having a strength practices. The effects of smoking on human health are
of nearly 40,000 personnel for nearly 20.08 million serious and in many cases, deadly. There are
population, were still looking for the first case against a approximately 4000 chemicals in cigarettes, hundreds of
smoker. (Source: IANS: 16 December 2008)

Provided by the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use

Issue 10
which are toxic. (Source: United Bharat, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh: 19
January 2009)

Provided by the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use

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