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claSSic criSPy cheeSe curDS - deep fRied yellow mozzaRella

cuRds seRved with ouR famous gRitty sauce.

5.99 5.99 2.99 4.75 5.99

Dressings: Balsamic Vinaigrette, Raspberry Vinaigrette, Bleu Cheese, Honey Dijon, Jalapeno Ranch, Caesar, Ranch, Low-cal Ranch, Chili Ranch, French and Italian.

white cheDDar cheeSe curDS - lightly bReaded, deep fRied thin Skin-on French FrieS - Jumbo oRdeR. SeaSoneD waFFle cut FrieS - Jumbo oRdeR.

natuRal white cheddaR cuRds seRved with ouR famous gRitty sauce.

make it a wraP
all salads can be made into a wRap with a RegulaR side choice at no extRa chaRge

onion rinGS - beeR batteRed and deep fRied to a golden bRown.

with chopped tomato, cReam cheese and cheddaR cheese. it is seRved in a souRdough bRead bowl with veggies, bRead and toRtilla chips.

SPinach & artichoke cheeSe DiP - spinach and aRtichoke blended

10.99 7.75 7.99 9.50

Dinner SalaD

chicken StriPS - bReaded and deep fRied, seRved with a side of chicken winGS - one pound of meaty wings tossed in youR

Ranch oR gRitty sauce. choiceS: reGular, buFFalo, bbQ or honey Garlic favoRite sauce. seRved with a side of celeRy and bleu cheese oR Ranch dRessing. choiceS: reGular, buFFalo, bbQ or honey Garlic

and spRing mix lettuce topped with Red onion, caRRots, chopped tomato and homemade cRoutons. 4.25

Strawberry & PiStachio SalaD

nacho SuPremoS - homemade toRtilla chips smotheRed with tomato,

black olives, Jalapenos, souR cReam and a blend of melted monteRey Jack and cheddaR cheese. seRved with a side of ouR homemade salsa and guacamole.

Romaine and spRing mix lettuce, fResh stRawbeRRies, pistachios, weyauwega staR feta cheese, dRied cRanbeRRies and gRilled chicken. 10.99 with gRilled salmon 12.99

add choice pRime Rib $3 add chicken, poRk oR beef $2

VeGGie Plate - seasonal veggies with a side of Ranch dRessing

foR dipping.

5.75 3.50 1.75 6.75 4.99 5.99

aPPle & GorGonzola SalaD

Romaine and spRing mix lettuce, gRilled chicken, gReen apple slices, almonds, mindoRo cReameRy goRgonzola and dRied bluebeRRies. 10.99 with gRilled salmon 12.99

SalSa anD chiPS - fResh chips seRved with ouR homemade mild salsa.
side of guacamole

cheeSe QueSaDilla - monteRey Jack cheese and tomato in a tomato basil

toRtilla. seRved with sides of souR cReam, guacamole and ouR homemade salsa.

add chicken $2 add choice pRime Rib $3

VeGGie SalaD

corn DoGS - ten coRn-batteRed mini hot dogs seRved with ouR
homemade pRetzel mustaRd.

and spRing mix lettuce seRved with Red onion, bRoccoli, caRRots, tomato, haRd-boiled egg, cucumbeR, homemade cRoutons and youR choice of swiss, monteRey Jack oR cheddaR cheese.
with gRilled chicken

SoFt Pretzel StickS - waRm pRetzel sticks seRved with sides of nacho
cheese and ouR homemade pRetzel mustaRd.

7.99 9.99

itty bitty GrittieS (SliDerS)* - miniatuRe veRsions of ouR

awaRd winning

gRitty buRgeR.

4 foR 6.75 8 foR 12.50

caeSar SalaD

cRisp Romaine lettuce tossed with caesaR dRessing, paRmesan cheese and homemade cRoutons. 7.25
with gRilled chicken


chicken olymPuS

lettuce tossed with Red onion and tomato, weyauwega staR feta cheese, peppeRoncini, kalamata olives, gRilled chicken and dRessed with gReek style vinaigRette. seRved with pita bRead.
with choice pRime Rib*

H All sandwiches are served with a kosher-style pickle spear and your choice of FRENCH FRIES, COLESLAW, STEAMED VEGGIES or PUB CHIPS. Remember, H You may substitute a premium side of WHITE CHEDDAR CHEESE CURDS any of our ground (half order), ONION RINGS, SEASONED WAFFLE FRIES or a SIDE SALAD chuck burger for an additional $1.50 more than the menu price. selections can be H Any sandwich may be ordered without a side choice for $2 less than the made with a veggie menu price. burger for an additional $1.00. raGenS VeGGie burGer - gRains, vegetables and spices
combine to make this patty a tReat! topped with lettuce, tomato and ouR homemade cucumbeR dill sauce, seRved on a honey wheat sesame seed bun. 8.25

10.99 11.99

FrieD chicken club SalaD

Romaine and spRing mix lettuce, tomato, haRd-boiled egg, bacon and
shRedded cheddaR topped with a hand-bReaded fRied chicken bReast.

black bean burGer - oRiginal Recipe of beans and Rice seasoned

with southwesteRn spices, hand pattied and topped with weyauwega staR mozzaRella, lettuce, tomato and onion stRings. it is seRved with spicy chipotle aioli on a honey wheat sesame seed bun.



GrilleD cheeSe - choose up to two cheeses fRom swiss valley faRms swiss, ShrimP burGer - oRiginal Recipe of hand pattied shRimp, gRilled with heRbs
and spices. it is topped with lettuce, tomato and homemade gaRlic aioli, seRved on a soft bRioche bun.

bbQ chicken SalaD

Romaine and spRing mix lettuce

topped with gRilled bbq chicken, caRRots, tomato, coRn, black beans and weyauwega staR mozzaRella. gaRnished with toRtilla stRips.

cedaR gRove peppeRJack, ameRican, weyauwega staR mozzaRella and cedaR gRove cheddaR. seRved on thick slices of fResh texas toast. 6.25 9.99


Prime rib Steak SalaD

GrilleD Salmon Fillet SanDwich - wild caught 5oz. alaskan sockeye

salmon fillet topped with lettuce, tomato, Red onion and capeR dill sauce. seRved on a bRioche bun.

Romaine and spRing mix lettuce topped with choice pRime Rib, tomato, Roasted bell peppeR, Red onion and mindoRo cReameRy goRgonzola. 11.99


meGGieS FalaFel burGer - oRiginal falafel Recipe of walnuts, gaRbanzo

beans and a secRet blend of spices, hand pattied and topped with homemade cucumbeR dill sauce. it is seRved with lettuce and tomato on a soft bRioche bun. 8.25





how about a nitty Gritty Shirt, birthDay beaDS, birthDay bonanza SunDae or a birthDay Glow-lite button? maybe a white or
chocolate cake with a SParkler?

H All sandwiches are served with a kosher-style pickle spear and your choice of FRENCH FRIES, COLESLAW, STEAMED VEGGIES or PUB CHIPS. H You may substitute a premium side of WHITE CHEDDAR CHEESE CURDS (half order), ONION RINGS, SEASONED WAFFLE FRIES or a SIDE SALAD for an additional $1.50 more than the menu price. H Any sandwich may be ordered without a side choice for $2 less than the menu price.

reuben SanDwich - its the coRned beef classic topped with swiss valley faRms
swiss and saueRkRaut, seRved on daRk Rye with a side of gRitty sauce. swiss valley faRms swiss cheese a toasted ciabatta Roll. 8.75 10.99 6.75 7.75 9.99 8.99 7.99 9.75

Prime rib SanDwich* - thinly-sliced, choice pRime Rib topped with

and cReamy hoRseRadish sauce on

marShS tuna SalaD SanDwich - ouR special Recipe is topped with

lettuce, seRved on youR choice of souRdough, wheat oR multi-gRain.

madison souRdough company


tuna melt

cedaR gRove cheddaR

ericS italian melt - italian ciabatta Roll stuffed with melted

weyauwega staR mozzaRella, salami, peppeRoni and tuRkey, topped with lettuce, tomato, banana peppeRs and Red peppeR aioli.

JaSonS bbQ Pork SanDwich - pulled poRk smotheRed in ouR


bbq sauce topped with coleslaw and seRved on a bRioche bun.

turkey breaSt SanDwich - sliced, smoked tuRkey with lettuce,

tomato and mayo seRved on madison souRdough company souRdough, wheat oR multi-gRain bRead. deluxe veRsion with bacon and swiss

r, und er n be eggie n

SheboyGan Style Double brat - authentic Recipe: two Johnsonville bRats

seRved side by side with Raw onion on a classic sheboygan haRd Roll. add kRaut foR no chaRge

7.99 6.75

SinGle JohnSonVille brat - on a poppy-seed bun


aPPle butter blt - cRispy applewood bacon, lettuce, tomato, mayo and
fResh apple butteR seRved on thick toasted



8.99 classic blt 7.99 cuban SanDwich - pulled poRk topped with ham, swiss valley faRms swiss cheese, pickles and honey diJon pRessed on a ciabatta Roll. 9.99 Jumbo DoG - 1/4 lb. vienna kosheR-style all-beef fRank, seRved on a poppy seed bun with a side of chicago style Relish. 6.75



cup 2.50 bowl* 3.50
eVery weDneSDay


eye e.


chicken matzo ball SouP cup 3.25 bowl* 4.99

*aDD breaD bowl: 2.99

nzo ade



no PerSonal checkS. we accePt maStercarD, ViSa, DiScoVer, american exPreSS anD caSh, oF courSe.
Sorry, no inDiViDual GueSt checkS For GrouPS oF 6 or more. 18% Gratuity can be aDDeD For GrouPS oF 6 or more.


H ll sandwiches are served with a kosher-style pickle spear and your choice of FRENCH FRIES, A COLESLAW, STEAMED VEGGIES or PUB CHIPS. H ou may substitute a premium side of WHITE CHEDDAR CHEESE CURDS (half order), ONION Y RINGS, SEASONED WAFFLE FRIES or a SIDE SALAD for an additional $1.50 more than the menu price. H Any sandwich may be ordered without a side choice for $2 less than the menu price.
*Burgers are 6 oz. ground chuck char grilled MEDIUM WELL, unless you specify otherwise. Free burger toppings: lettuce, tomato, raw or fried onion. We are proud to serve local artisan Wisconsin cheese: Swiss (Swiss Valley Farms), Pepperjack and Medium Cheddar (Cedar Grove Cheese), Mozzarella (Weyauwega Star Dairy), Bleu (Carr Valley), Gorgonzola (Mindoro Creamery) and American. $.99 Sauteed Mushrooms $.75, Applewood Smoked Bacon $1, Fried Egg $1 Sides: Gritty Sauce, BBQ sauce, Jalapeno Ranch, Honey Dijon, Red Pepper Aioli, Northwoods Aioli, Chipotle Aioli, Caper Dill Sauce, Pretzel Mustard, Garlic Aioli, Cucumber Dill Sauce, Creamy Horseradish and Ranch Large $.99 Small $.70 Substitute a VEGGIE BURGER for $1, HIGHLAND BEEF for $1.99, or make it a DOUBLE for $2.25

H Al CO H o Y RI H An


chick shRed

burGer oF the Day* - ask youR seRveR foR todays featuRed buRgeR.
changes daily.




GrittyburGer* - this awaRd winning 6 oz. buRgeR is bathed in ouR

secRet gRitty sauce.


is seRved on a honey wheat sesame seed bun.



may oRdeR a RegulaR hambuRgeR without gRitty sauce and build youR own buRgeR with the toppings listed above.

the biG Gritt* - 12 oz. of ouR awaRd winning gRound chuck!


double-stacked patties topped with cedaR gRove cheddaR, lettuce, tomato, Red onion and gRitty sauce seRved on a honey wheat sesame seed bun. 10.99

chick musta


bruSchetta burGer* - ouR 6 oz. buRgeR is topped with vine Ripe tomatoes,
fResh basil, weyauwega staR mozzaRella cheese and olive oil. it is seRved on a ciabatta Roll.

fRied seRve

8.99 we

roaSteD Garlic burGer* - sweet Roasted gaRlic, weyauwega staR

mozzaRella and cRispy onion stRings top ouR 6 oz. buRgeR. this on a soft bRioche bun with a side of Ranch dRessing.



8.99 8.99


Pretzel benDer burGer* - ouR 6 oz. buRgeR topped with cedaR

cheddaR, onion Rings, lettuce, tomato and homemade pRetzel mustaRd. seRved on a soft pRetzel Roll. beef fRom fountain pRaiRie faRms is topped with cedaR gRove cheddaR, lettuce, tomato and a slice of Red onion. we seRve this on a honey wheat sesame seed bun.


with mozz

hiGhlanD beeF burGer* - local, oRganically Raised, gRass fed, lean

9.99 1.99

-SubStitute hiGhlanD beeF on any oF our other burGerS

bbc burGer* - bbq sauce, cRispy bacon and cedaR gRove cheddaR top
ouR awaRd winning onions, noRthwoods aioli, cedaR gRove cheddaR and Johnsonville summeR sausage. seRved on a classic sheboygan haRd Roll.

6 oz. buRgeR. it is seRved on a honey wheat sesame seed bun. 9.99

the wiSconSinite* - ouR 6 oz. buRgeR topped with bRandy maRinated


chiPotle burGer* - ouR 6 oz. buRgeR is topped with chipotle aioli,

cedaR gRove peppeR Jack, lettuce, sheboygan haRd Roll. its a little
onion Rings top ouR tomato and seRved on a classic smoky with a heat that lingeRs.


6 oz. buRgeR. we seRve this on fResh texas toast. 8.99 black & bleu burGer* - ouR 6 oz. buRgeR is blackened and topped with bacon, caRR valley bleu cheese and Red onion. seRved on a honey wheat sesame seed bun. 9.99

texaS burGer* - chive cReam cheese, bbq sauce and beeR batteRed

SteakhouSe burGer - ouR 6oz. gRound chuck buRgeR basted with

a-1 sauce and topped with noRthwoods aioli, sauted mushRooms and onion stRings. it is seRved on fResh texas toast. 8.99

conteSt winner - coDy PerkinS lone Star burGer -

contest winning Recipe- ouR 6 oz. buRgeR topped with bbq poRk, cedaR gRove cheddaR, coleslaw and onion stRings, seRved on fResh texas toast. 9.99

SunriSe burGer* - ouR 6 oz. buRgeR topped with a fRied egg, bacon,
cedaR gRove cheddaR and onion stRings, sauce on a classic sheboygan haRd Roll.
*hamburGerS anD SteakS that are SerVeD rare, meDium-rare, or meDium may be unDercookeD anD will only be SerVeD uPon the conSumerS reQueSt. whether DininG out or PreParinG FooD at home, conSuminG raw or unDercookeD meatS or Poultry may increaSe your riSk oF FooDborne illneSS.

seRved with ouR famous gRitty


be Sure to aSk about the burGer oF the Day!

buRgeRs seRved with Real wisconsin cheese

H All sandwiches are served with a kosher-style pickle spear and your choice of FRENCH FRIES, COLESLAW, STEAMED VEGGIES or PUB CHIPS. H ou may substitute a premium side of WHITE CHEDDAR CHEESE CURDS (half order), ONION Y RINGS, SEASONED WAFFLE FRIES or a SIDE SALAD for an additional $1.50 more than the menu price. H Any sandwich may be ordered without a side choice for $2 less than the menu price.

make it a wraP
all salads can be made into a wRap with a RegulaR side choice at no extRa chaRge



chicken bacon ranch wraP - choose eitheR gRilled oR fRied cRispy

buffalo, bbq

chicken wRapped in a flouR toRtilla with chopped bacon, lettuce, tomato, shRedded cheddaR and a side of Ranch dRessing. choose fRom RegulaR,

honey gaRlic.


bbQ chicken wraP - gRilled bbq chicken wRapped in a flouR

toRtilla with caRRots, lettuce, tomato, coRn, black beans and monteRey Jack cheese.


FrieD chicken Pretzel SanDwich - a 6oz. hand-bReaded fRied

chicken bReast, seRved on a pRetzel bun with ouR homemade pRetzel mustaRd, mayo, lettuce, tomato and bacon.

10.50 8.99 9.75 9.99

markS buFFalo chicken SanDwich - gRilled oR hand-bReaded

fRied chicken topped with spicy buffalo sauce, lettuce and tomato. it is seRved on a honey wheat sesame seed bun with a side of Ranch dRessing. coRn flouR, deep fRied and seRved with a side of Ranch oR gRitty sauce.

chicken StriPS - chicken tendeRs bReaded in whole wheat and yellow

choices: RegulaR, bbq, buffalo

honey gaRlic

PeSto chicken FlatbreaD - gRilled chicken pRessed in a soft flatbRead

with homemade pesto sauce, spRing mix lettuce, tomato, paRmesan and mozzaRella cheese.

oveR 55oz.
of biRthday fun! shaRe this monsteR-sized sundae tReat with the whole table. huge poRtions of ice cReam dRessed with chocolate sauce and caRamel, loaded with snickeRs, oReo, Reeses peanut butteR cup, bRownie chunks, whipped cReam, cheRRies and topped with a showeRing biRthday candle spaRkleR.

~ the oFFicial ~


Dont ForGet



milkShakeS anD maltS choose
fRom stRawbeRRy, chocolate oR vanilla.

4.50 5.50 .99 5.25

canDy FlaVoreD ShakeS -

choose fRom oReo, snickeRs and Reeses peanut butteR cup.

the worlDS SmalleSt chocolate SunDae the

peRfect end to a gRitty meal.

FuDGe brownie SunDae -

homemade fRosted bRownie topped chocolate mmmmmm, delicious!

with ice cReam and

nitty Gritty birthDay cake -

this 5 diameteR cake seRves the hungRy biRthday boy oR giRl. we have, howeveR, seen it split six ways. white oR chocolate, but please pick befoRe youR meal
Add a Gritty Sparkler for 18 of sparkling fun

so ouR chef has time to cReate youR biRthday masteRpiece.

8.75 2.99

Gritty Birthday
your birthDay iS DeFineD aS 11 am til 12 miDniGht on the Day oF your birthDay. be Sure to PreSent an iD or birth
certiFicate on your birthDay to receiVe all the birthDay PerkS, incluDinG memento muG anD Free beer or SoDa.

barriQueS meDium roaSt coFFee hot ciDer or hot chocolate (seasonal) hot tea (RegulaR oR heRbal) liPton iceD tea (unsweetened RegulaR oR RaspbeRRy) JuiceS (cRanbeRRy, gRapefRuit, pineapple oR oRange) PePSi SoFt DrinkS (fRee Refills)

kiDDieS, Dont worry brinG your birth certiFicate or a truStworthy aDult.

diet pepsi, cheRRy pepsi, sieRRa mist, sieRRa mist fRee, mountain dew, diet mountain dew, doc 360, code Red, mug Root beeR, lemonade).

2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.75

20 oz. bottleD beVeraGeS

ask youR seRveR foR ouR cuRRent flavoRs


Madison Middleton

blumerS SoDa

Root beeR, cReam soda, oRange cReam

2.75 4.25

Official Birthday Place

maD-croc enerGy Drink (RegulaR oR sugaR fRee) wine: by the GlaSS or 1/2 caraFe bottleD anD taP beerS
chaRdonnay, pinot gRigio, white zinfandel, meRlot, shiRaz cabeRnet.

impoRted and domestic, ask youR seRveR foR ouR cuRRent selections.

The Nitty Gritty was established on October 3rd, 1968 by


The building has seen 5 major renovations and expansions over the years, expanding capacity from 99 to where it is today, which is up to 400 people on most nights. The building and the concept may have changed over the years, but one common thread running through the colorful history of the Nitty Gritty is the award winning Gritty Burger. Six ounces of ground chuck, bathed in our own special sour cream based sauce, served on a dark seeded bun. Since the start, the Gritty has been known for its outstanding food and service, and we have been fortunate enough to win the Best Burger of Madison award year after year. We are proud to be a part of the Madison tradition and appreciate our loyal customers. In 2002, due to the heavy traffic of the recently built Kohl Center (UW sports arena located one block away), Marsh and Susan partnered up with longtime managers Lee Pier and Eric Suemnicht (both former UW students) to open a new West side Gritty in Middleton. We are happy to provide Middleton and West Madison with their very own Official Birthday Place, and are pleased to have had over 10 years of success in the neighborly Stonefield and Wexford area. In 2010, the new era of the Nitty Gritty officially began, as legendary restaurateurs Marsh and Susan Shapiro sold both businesses to Lee (with wife Ragen Shapiro) and Eric (with wife Caitlin Suemnicht). Eric and Lee have been working together at the Nitty Gritty since 1997, and have formed an equal partnership with on-premise management to ensure that the tradition started back in 1968 continues well into the future. In 2011, the Middleton Nitty Gritty welcomed Madison native Jason Riewe to the ownership group, as he has worked for the Gritty since 1998 and led operations at the Middleton Gritty for many years. We are proud to be an institution in the community, and are happy that you are here to eat, drink, relax and enjoy your time at the Gritty. If there is anything we can do to enhance your experience, please do not hesitate to ask. We hope youll return again soon!

Madison TV personality Marsh Shapiro. The building was built in 1898 and served as a general store until the mid 1940s, when it was converted into GlennAnns, a popular neighborhood bar that existed until Marsh bought the bar in 1968. The early days of the Nitty Gritty were turbulent ones that reflected the social and political unrest of the Vietnam War era. In the late 60s and early 70s, the Gritty served as the informal headquarters for the campus subculture which led to many anti-Vietnam War protest demonstrations and marches. In fact, the 1970 bombing of Sterling Hall was planned by 4 anti-war activists within the walls of the Nitty Gritty. This famous event marked the pinnacle of the anti-war movement in Madison and a change in culture on the UW campus. During these years, the Nitty Gritty was a famous Midwest blues music venue, featuring live music 7 nights a week. The Gritty featured gigs by the likes of Muddy Waters, B.B. King, Luther Allison, Bonnie Raitt, Charlie Musselwhite, Buddy Guy, Junior Wells, Cheap Trick, and dozens of others. The Nitty Gritty was home to nearly all of the local and regional bands that were established at that time. In 1970, Jefferson Airplane played a 4-hour jam with the Luther Allison Blues Band in what has become a legendary happening on the Madison music scene. A change in attitude and entertainment tastes here on the UW campus and throughout the country marked the end of the music era in 1975, as the Nitty Gritty focused on food and service over the next decade. In 1985, a new era began as Marsh, and his wife Susan, re-formatted the Nitty Gritty to be Madisons Official Birthday Place. Since that time, the birthday bell, birthday board, Gritty memento mug, birthday balloon, announcement and songs have become staples of the celebration tradition. Since its inception, the downtown Gritty has averaged about 57 birthdays a day, and about 20,000 birthdays each year. The oldest celebrant, Hortense Sperling, celebrated her 108th birthday here in 2006. The youngest, Megan Spude, was here just 24 hours after being born. The Widder quadruplets started celebrating their 3rd birthday with us in 1992, and havent missed a year since. In 2011, the birthday total surpassed 500,000 birthdays, with Adam Hessling celebrating his 30th birthday in June.

uSin Sk uS a For G our bout you u r n PStair e Par ty e xt la S Ven rGe t!

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