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Dukinfield East Residents Association (DERA) Minutes of Meeting, 23rd February 2012

This third public meeting of Dukinfield East Resident Association (DERA) was held at Astley Sports College, Yew Tree Lane, Dukinfield. This followed a leafleting of approximately 3,000 addresses within the now defined boundaries. The committee thanks New Charter for printing and distributing the leaflets albeit that all did not go to plan; a printing problem resulted in the distribution starting late, on the Monday and continuing up until the Wednesday of the meeting itself. In addition, the border map was not printed on the reverse of the leaflet, though this was considered a minor problem since only eligible resident received them. Committee members present were: John Heywood (JSH) David Bottomley (DB) Steve Fisher (SF) John Bevan (JB) Kathy Inglis (KI) Councillor Dorothy Cartwright (DC) Interim Chairman, Secretary Treasurer Committee Member Committee Member Committee member Honorary President

Invited Guests present were: M. Harrison Caron Sweeney Nigel Clark Mike Wardle (MH) (CS) (NC) (MW) Deputy Headmaster, Astley Sports College Business Manager, Astley Sports College Moravian Church Youth Club PCSO

Apologies from Ben Buckley, New Charter who, due to unforeseen emergency family issues, was unable to attend, nor arrange an alternative colleague to attend at short notice. JSH opened the meeting by admitting that, to date, DERA had not yet made any significant impact in improving the community. This was because there has been a tremendous amount of bureauocracy involved in setting up the organisation. Before DERA could think about applying for funding, there had to be a constitution in place which officially named the association, its aims and objectives, how it would elect council members, who would be authorised to sign checks and so on. This was now in place, and a bank account in the name of DERA was opened albeit without any money on deposit, though they had made an approach to New Charter and were awaiting their decision on a donation. Everything that has been achieved to date had been managed with minimum expenditure and JSH thanked Astley Sports College for their support in providing a meeting room and New Charter for printing and distributing their leaflets.

He emphasised yet again that Association was run by residents for the benefit of residents. The council members job was simply to facilitate and arrange meetings. What issues were raised and what suggestions put forward to improve life in our neighbourhood were entirely up to the members. He proposed that serious consideration be given to proposals for activities that would involve the community in the hope that DERA could offer financial support in the future. Nigel Clark (NC) was invited to speak on behalf of the Moravian Church Youth Club. NC a youth club for 5-10 year olds is held every two weeks, Friday 6:30 to 8:00. Rooms are available for hire or community groups can book a room for free. JH mentioned that it had been suggested at the last meeting the idea of Junior & Youth discos, and would see if the offer of equipment and voluntary DJ services was still available. Mark Harrison (MH) spoke about Astley Sport Colleges future development plans Funding is still being sought for the proposed redevelopment of the site; a small scale allotment for the pupils, BMX park, new Astro turf football pitches & running track. This is a long term project. Mention was made of St. Johns having a BMX / cycling club which had attracted funding. Whaley Bridge, High Peak are building a new BMX site, funding provided by the lottery. Astley Sports College is to develop a web site for DERA which should be available during the summer. Mike Wardle (MW) spoke about Street Watch, an extension of the Home Watch scheme. Home Watch is providing, via the coordinators, feedback on anti-social behaviour drug dealing (which remains one of the biggest problems in our area) and low level crime in our area. Advice on how to set up Home Watch for anyone interested was available by contacting JSH or SF. MW provided more information about Street Watch which involves patrolling the streets with a PCSO or police officer; training and insurance will be provide. Funding will be provided by New Charter (subject to confirmation). PC Lawton who runs Copley & Brushes is willing to send one of his Street Watch members to come and talk about how it works.

Review & Update of Issues One person came forward to speak to pupils about their career path. JSH advised that we should talk to the local youth about what they want to see. In the past there was a Football club held on Wednesdays, arranged by College/New Charter but this had fallen by the wayside and needed to be revived. Every Saturday morning there is a football club held, 80 to 100 youngsters, 10:00 & 16:00, coaches with child protection qualifications. Thanks were given to RASH for their help and advice when members of the committee visited them. They advised that a base of operations is essential.

The issue of litter bins at the Yew Tree shops was on-going. The bins are emptied more frequently but still overflow within a day. Bigger bins are required, fitted with lids. DC advised that there was no current budget available. The bins located at the far side of the shops will be relocated to the near-side and will be surrounded by a wooden fence. Mention was made of bin bags of rubbish dumped on the corner of Coronation Avenue, believed to be a resident of the street. The member was advised to investigate the litter and, if documentary evidence was found as to the owner, to leave it in situ and take a photograph before contacting new Charter with details. The entries between Chester Avenue & Cheetham Hill Road still have a litter problem. It was suggested by SF that complaints can be logged at MH advised that the college is looking for volunteers to assist with national sport week 2529th June New Business A resident enquired about how to organise a Diamond Jubilee street party: Helpful links: munitygroupsandprojects/DG_192701 Old street cameras at Yew Tree shops and in other areas have been removed as it was too expensive to replace with new. The question was asked about putting up dummy cameras. The committee are awaiting a meeting with Ben Buckley to provide an update on various matters relating to New Charter and, as he requested, to allow him to apologise, personally, for his being unable to attend. SF criticised New Charter for promising much but failing to deliver and implied, strongly, that their failure to attend the meeting was due to the fact that they would have been acutely embarrassed by their lack of action. This was not the commonly held view by the Chairman and committee members who, together with PCSO MW felt that things had improved considerably in our neighbourhood during the last 6 months with the involvement of New Charter and particularly Ben Buckley. It was felt that it was poor practice on behalf of SF to criticise an organisation or individual who was not present to defend themselves.

The next meeting is to be held on Wednesday 30th May 2012 subject to confirmation at Astley Sports College, at 7:00pm

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