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Clentry Nursery Newsletfer December 2012

Dear Parents/Carers
Operation Christmas Child - A big thank you to everyone who contributed towards our Christmas shoebox appeal this year. Together with Clentry, Gordon Cottage and Kelty Scout Group, we collected a total of 58 boxes, which will be given to children who have been affected by natural disaster, conflict or war. Christmas Cards in Nursery - It has been suggested this year that in order to save the forests and the environment, your child could make one big handmadeChristmas card for all of the children in their group, rather than sending separate Christmas cards to every child. Christmas Hamper and Raffle - A reminder about the Christmas hamper and raffle to help with the cost of children's presents, parties, entertainments etc. Could each child please bring something into nursery to put into the hamper or raffle? If you would like to sell tickets to workmates friends, family, please ask a member of staff. Prizes will be drawn in Kelty Community Centre on Wednesday 12th December at the Christmas Celebrations Evening. Santa's Sleigh - look out for notices with times, details of events on Wednesday 12th December. Sleigh will leave Keltyhill Road car park at 6.15 p.m. and head towards Cocklaw Street, Kelty Cross and up to Community Centre where great fun will be had by all! _Singalon~ - will be held in each playroom on Monday_l7th December. Pleaseask staff for times and come along for teas/coffees, mincemeat pies and shortbread. Christmas Parties - will be held in nursery on Thursday Santa will visit Sunbeams 10.45 a.m. /2.30 p.m. Rainbows 11.00a.m. / 2.45 p.m. Teddies 11.15a.m. / 3.00 p.m. Caring/Sharing Christmas Cakes - We are busy making and icing small Christmas cakes in nursery. If you know an elderly person in the village who you would like to nominate for a cake, please write their name on the Caring/Sharing list in your child's playroom. Christmas Family Service - will be held in Kelty Church on Wednesday 19th December at 10.30 a.m. Nursery children, parents and staff will be joined with children from Kelty P.S., St Joseph's P.S., and Kelty Choir. Parents are asked to take their child to church and meet staff there. Morning and afternoon children will all go to church at 10.30 a.m. so there will be NO AFTERNOON NURSERY.

zo" December at 9.30 a.m. and 1.15p.m.

New Entrants Visits - will take place on Monday 10th December for children who are due to start nursery in January 2013. In Service Day - Staff will return to nursery on Monday 7th January for staff development and nursery will re-open for children on Tuesday 8th January 2013. New White Boards - will be put up in each playroom for parents/carers to inform staff who will come to collect your child. Please can you take responsibility for writing names on boardseach day If someone different (other than who brings child) will collect. If thiS ISnot done, staff will not allow your child to leave nursery. Severe Weather Information from the following: - In case of severe weather event, information will be available

Online - - all news and information you'll need is online - register for alerts at Mobile phone - - from your mobile phone browser Follow-us on and Listen to Kingdom FM, Forth One and Tay FM Check DigiTV - Red button on Sky and Virgin media under Interactive Services, Local Services Call us on 08451 55 11 99 (automated updated), 08451 55 00 11 (faults and repairs) and 08451 55 00 99 (for out of hours emergency social work help and housing repairs)

Please read the flyer handed out on 29th November for full information. DATES TO REMEMBER: Monday io" December - New Entrants visits Tuesday 11th December - Reindeer Picnic with Kelty Primary School 10 a.m. - 11.00 a.m.and St. Joseph's RCPrimary School 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. Wednesday 12th December - Santa's Sleigh and Kelty Christmas Celebrations leaving car park at 6.15 p.m. Menday-1-]!bDeeemeer---Ghf'-istmasSingalongs a.m. and p.m.Wednesday 19th December - Christmas Family Service at Kelty Church at 10.30 a.m. Thursday 20th December Christmas parties a.m. and p.m. On behalf of all the staff here in Clentry, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again for your continued support. I would also like to thank our Parents' Group for all their hard work and commitment every week in nursery, along with Kelty Community Council and Kelty Community Centre for their help and donations to enable us to make our first joint "Kelty Christmas Celebrations" into a successful community event. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Yours sincerely


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