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Case No.
Div. No.

r) ()


12L54 ROCK ROAD, INC., 215 O'FALLON PLACE. L.L.C.. 730 HSBG. LLC. 950-952 SOUTH HIGHWAY. L.L.C.. I3I9 CENTRAL PARK, L.L.C., 1636COUNTRY CLUB PLAZA,,INC., 3333 RIDGEWAY, INC., 4021UNION, L.L.C., 12664DORSETT ROAD, L.L.C.and 14051 ANCHESTER, M INC, togetherd/b/a "HOT SHOTS SPORTS I}AR & GRILL,'' Defendants. Serve: Daniel Volmert, RegisteredAgent for 12154Rock Road,Inc. 3333 Ridgeway Drive St. Charles.MO 63303 DanielVolmert, Member of 2 1 5 O ' F a l l o nP l a c e , . L . C . L 3333 Ridgeway Drive St. Charles,MO 63301 DanielVolmert, Registered Agent for 730 HSBG, LLC 3333 Ridgeway Drive St. Charles,MO 63303 Daniel Volmert, Member of 13l9 Central Park, L.L.C. 333 Ridgeway Drive St. Charles,MO 63303


: )

DanielVolmert,Registered Agent ) for 1636 CountyClub Plaza, ) lnc. 3333Ridgeway Drive ) St.Charles, MO 63303
Daniel Volmert, RegisteredAgent ) for 950-952South Highway, LLC ) 3333 Ridgeway Drive )

St.Charles, MO 63303
Daniel Volmert, Registered Agent for 3333Ridgewav,Inc. 3333 Ridgeway Drive St. Charles.MO 63303 ) ) )
) )

Daniel Volmert,Rcgistered Agent ) for 4021Union,L.L.C. ) 3333Ridgeway Drive )

St. Charles,MO 63303
) )

Daniel Volmert, Registered Agent ) for 12664Dorsett Road, L.L.C. ) 3333 Ridgeway Drive )

St.Charles, MO 63303
DanielVolmert, Registered Agent for lrl051 Manchester, Inc. 3333 Ridgeway Drive St. Charles,MO 63303 ) ) ) )

PETITION Clome now Plaintiffs l-eslie Deleon. PercyGreen, Russell AngelaMillstone, Green, MicheleScottand Michael Shelton, andthroughtheir attorneys, for their preliminary by and allegations state: Parties 1. PlaintiffLeslieDeleonis an adultAfiican-American citizenof the United

States a resident the Countvof St. Louis.State Missouri. and of of 2. Plaintiff Pero' Greenis an adultAlrican-American citizenof the ljnited States

and a resident the Countyof St. Louis. Stateof Missouri. of


Plaintiff Russell Green anadultAfrican-American is citizen theUnitedStates of

anda resident the Countyof St. Louis.State Missouri. of of 4. PlaintiffAngelaMillstoneis an adultresident the Countyof St. Louis.State of of

Missouri. At the time of the relevant events, Plaintiff Millstonewas attending Defendants' place of business with her fianci, Plaintiff Russell Greenandwith Plaintiff Shelton. who areboth Afiican-American.Shehastherebybeen"associated with" African-Americans within the scope andmeanine R.S.Mo. S 213.070. of


PlaintiffMichele Scott anadultresident theCountv St.Louis.State is of of of

Missouri. At the time ol-relevant events. PlaintiffScottwas attending Del'endants' placeof business with I']laintifl's ItusscllGrecnand MichaelShe lton. Shehastherebybeen"associated with" Aliican-Americans within the scope andmeaning R.S.Mo. $ 213.070. of 6. Plaintil'1'Michael Shelton an adultAfiican-American is citizenof the United

States and a resident the Clounty St. l-ouis,Stateof Missouri. of of 7. Dcfendant12154Rock Road,Inc. is a Missouricorporation which operates a

"Hot Shots"restaurant bar at 12154St, Charles and Rock Road.Bridgeton.Missouri,63044, which is located within the Countyof St. Louis.State Missouri. of 8. Def'endant O'FallonPlace. 215 a MissourilimitedliabilitvcomDany

which operates "Hot Shots"restaurant bar at215 O'F'allonPlaza,O'Fallon,Missouri, a and 63366,which is locatedwithin the Countl'of St. Charles, Stateof Missouri.


Defbndant HSBG. 730 LLC is a Missouri limited liability which company

operates "Hot Shots"restaurant bar at730 SouthBroadway,St. Louis, Missouri,63102, a and which is located within the City of St. Louis,State Missouri. of


Defendant 950-952SouthHighway,L,L.C. is a Missourilimited liability

companywhich operates "Hot Shots"restaurant bar at 950 SouthHighway Drive, Fenton, a and Missouri, 63026. which is located within the Countyof St. Louis.State Missouri. of 11. Defendant 1319Central an Illinoislimitedliabilitycompany

which operates "Hot Shots"restaurant bar at 13 19 CentralPark Drive, O'Fallon,Illinois, a and 62269.which is locatedwithin the Countyof St. Clair. Stateof lllinois. 12. Dcf'endant 1636CountryClub Plaza, a Missouricorporation which

operates "Hot Shots"restaurant barat 1316Country a and Club PlazaDrive,St. Charles, Missouri.63303. which is located withintheCountyof St. l,ouis.State Missouri. of 13. "[Iot Dcf-cndant Inc. is a Missouri 3333Ridgcway. corporation which operates

Shots"rcstaurants barsand maintains primaryplaceof business 12664DorsettRoad, and its aI Maryland lleights,Missouri, within the Countyo1'St. 63043.whichis located Louis.State of Missouri. 14. Defendant 4021Union,L.L,C. is a Missourilimitedliabilitycompany which

operates "Hot Shots"restaurant bar at 4021Union Road.St. Louis. Missouri,63129, a and which Louis,State Missouri. of is located within the Countyo1'St. 15. a Missourilirnitedliabilitycompany Del-endant 12664Dorsett Road,

which opcrates "Iiot Shots"rcstaurant bar at,12664DorsettRoad.MarylandHeights, and a within the Countyof St. Louis. Stateo1'Missouri. Missouri.63043,which is located 16. Inc. which operates a Defendant14051Manchester, is a Missouricorporation

"Hot Shots"restaurant bar at 14051Manchester Road,Ballwin, Missouri,6301I , which is and of Louis,State Missouri. located within the Countyo1'St.


joint employers a singleintegrated Defendants constitute and enterprise they as

share intenelation operations, an of commonmanagement, centralized controlof laborrelations, commonownership and commonfinancialcontrol,includingthe following:

Upon information and belief,Danieland Julia Volmert,husband andwife arethe majorityownersof all Defendants.



records rellectthat,duringtimes MissouriSecretary State's of

relevant. Det'endants 12154Rock Road,Inc., 1636CountryClub Plaza, Inc..333Ridgeway. Inc.and 14051 Manchester. share Inc. common officersas DanielVolmertwas the President all four of these of was corporations, Mark Pearlstone the Vice President two of these of and of corporations, Julia Volmertwas the Sccretary all lbur o1'these corporations. c. -l-he records reflectthat, duringtimes MissouriSecretary State's of RockRoad,Inc., 1636CountryClub Plaza, Def-endarrts 12154 relevant, Manchester. share Inc. common Inc. Inc..333 Ridgeway'. and 14051 of directors Danieland JuliaVolmert were directors all fbur of these as was corporations Mark Pearlstone the directorof two o1'these and corporatiolls. d. Upon infbrmationand belief,Danieland Julia Volmert werethe members L.L.C.,730 HSBG, 215 of and managers Defendants O'FallonPlace, l H . S L L C . 9 5 0 - 9 5 2 o u t h i g h w a y L . L . C . ,1 3 1 9C e n t r aP a r k ,L . L . C . , 4 0 2 1 Road,L.L.C. duringtimesrelevant. Dorsett LJnion. L.L.C..and12664

The Missouri Secretary State's of records reflectthat, duringtimes relevant, "principalplaceofbusiness corporate the or headquarters of Defendants 12154 RockRoad,Inc., 1636CountryClub Plaza,lnc., 333 Ridgeway. Inc.and 14051 Manchester, was 12664 Inc. Dorsett Road, MarylandI{eights, Missouri, 63043," which is alsothe location of Defendant12664DorsettRoad.L.L.C.'s "Hots Shots"restaurant bar, and "Hot Shots"websiteliststhe address the "corporate of ofl-rce" fbrall "Hot Shots"restaurants 12664DorsettRoad,MarylandHeights,Missouri, as 63043.


Thc MissouriSecrctary State's of records reflectthatduringall times relevant, DanielVolmertserved the registered as agento1'Del-endants 12154l{ockRoad.Inc.,730 HSBG.LLC, 950-952 SouthI{ighway, L . L . C . ,1 3 1 9C e n t r aP a r k , . L . C , , 3 3 3 3 i d g e w a yI,n c . , 4 0 2 lU n i o n , l L R t..l-.C..12664 Dorsett Road.L.L.C.,and 14051 Manchester. Inc.


Def-endants shareandtransfer storemanagers employees. and Venue& Jurisdiction


Matcrialcvcntsand occurrences underlvinsPlaintiffs' claimsoccurred within the

C)ounty o1'St. Louis,State o1'Missouri. 22. 'l'his Court maintains venueandjurisdictionover Plaintifl-s' claimsbroughtherein

p u r s u a n t R . S .M o . S e c . 1 3 . II 1 . 2 to RelevantFacts 23. On the evening October of 22,2011,Plaintiffs werecustomers Defendants' of

"Hot Shots"restaurant bar locatedat 12154St. Charles Rock Road,Bridgeton,Missouri, and

63044. 24. That night. Defendants' (hereinafter server "Server 1") refused wait on to

PlaintiffsRussellGreen.Millstone,Scottand Shelton, Server1 waitedon caucasian but customers. 25. When ServerI eventually waitedon PlaintiffsRussellGreen,Millstone,Scottand

Shelton, was rudeand abruptto PlaintiffsGreenand Shelton. she 26. ServerI did not retum to that tablefbr an unreasonably long periodof time,

therefore Plaintiff RussellGreenrepeatedly waivedhis armsat Server1 in an effort to obtain service. ?7. Ilachtimc that Scrvcr1 lookcdat PlaintiffRusscll Grccnwaivinghis armsat hcr,

shequickly turnedaway fiom him. 28. Plaintiff Millstonethenwaivedher armsat ServerI as if Plaintiff Millstonewas a

groundcrew memberwaiving an airplane into an airportterminal. 29. her arms. 30. patrons ratherthan waiting on Plaintifl's Server1 then satdown with caucasian by Server1 lookedawaywhen Plaintiff Millstonecaughther attention waiving

Russcll Grccn.Millstonc.Scottand Shclton. 3l . manaser thal the serverwould not wait Plaintiff RussellGreentold Defendants'

her obtained attention. on his tableeventhoughthey repeatedly 32. manager told PlaintiffRussellGreenthat he was having Def-endants' In response,

problems with the waitresses. 33. server(hereinafter'oServer manager replaced ServerI with another Defendants'

Green,Millstone.Scottand Shelton. by 2") as the serverfor thc tableoccupied PlaintiffsRussell


ServerI then rolled her eyes, huffedandpoutedas shepassed tableoccupied the

by PlaintiffsRussellGreen,Millstone,Scottand Shelton. 35. Defendants' manager saidthat he doesnot know why the second serverwas any

betterthanthe first servers because is "just as racistas the first one.,' shc 36. Laterthannight.ServerI refused wait on Plaintiffs to Deleonand PercyGreen

fbr an unreasonably long periodof tinreafier they arrivecl the restaurant, at 37. WhenPlaintiff Deleonattempted approach to Server1 to obtainservice, Serverl

duckedbehinda pole to avoid Plaintiff Deleon. 38. 39. Plaintiffs Deleon reported Servcr1's conduct Defendants' to rnanager. In rcsponse. Def'endants' ntanager infbrmedPlaintiflsDeleonand PercyGreen

that the servers would not servethem because they were"racist,"that the servers were "so racist here."andthat"all whitepeople racisl." are 40. Del-endants' ntanager told PlaintillsDeleonand PercyGreenthat he had been

dealingwith the sameproblemall night,then Defendants' manager pointedto the tablewhere Plaintiff-s Russell Green, Millstone. ScottandShelton weresitting. 41. 42. Servcr apologized Plaintiffs 2 to Deleon and PercyGreenfor Server1's actions. Defbndants' rnanager thentold PlaintiffsDeleonand PercyGreenthat he did not

know why Server2 apologized them because is 'Just as racist"as Serverl. to she 43. A man who had bccn talkingto Def-endants' servers walked by Plaintilf Deleon

and said,"'l'hese black bitchesaremessing with us." 44. pestered Server1 then repeatedly PlaintiffsPercyGreenand Michael Shelton a in

sarcastic insincere and tone aboutwhetherthey wantedntoredrinks.


About a month prior to October 22,2011,Defendants displayed sign at the same a

restaurant which announced "GhettoSpecials." Count I: LeslieDeleon Discrimination Public Accommodation in Comesnow Plaintiff Deleon,by andthroughher attorneys, states fbllowing fbr and the CountI of this Petition against De1'endants: 46. Plaintifl.Deleon realleges incoqporates reference and by eachand everyallegation

contained paragraphs through45 aboveas if fully setfbrth and restated in I herein. 47. On or aboutOctober 28,2011,PlaintiffDeleon filed a timely charge of

discrimination with the MissouriCommission HumanRights("MCHR") alleging on discrimination publicaccommodation the basis race. in on of 48. On or aboutNovember14,2012, MCHR issued the PlaintiffDeleona Noticeof

Itight to SueandPlaintill'Dcleon thereafier filed this actionin a timely manner.Seecopyof Noticeof Rightto Sueissued the MIICR attached by hereto "Exhibit 1." as 49. Plaintiff Deleonis a "person" within the scopeand meaningof R.S. Mo. $

213.010(14) a "person and within the.iurisdiction the state Missouri"within the scope of of and m e a n i n o f R . S .M o . $ 2 1 3 . 0 6 5.. 1 g 50. "Hot Shots"restaurant bar locatedaI12154St. CharlesRock Del'endants' and

Road,Bridgeton, Missouri, 63044is a "placeof public accommodation" within the scope and m e a n i n g f R . S . M o . 2 13 . 0 1 (15 ) . o 0 $ 51. By the conductallegedabove, Defendants deniedI'}laintifl'Deleon and equal full

useandenjoyment a placeof public accommodation of based her race,and Defendants on discriminated against Plaintiff Deleonin the useof a placeof public accommodation based on her race.

52. 53.

Def-endants'conduct, as afbresaid, violated R.S.Mo. $8 213.065.1 &213.065.2. As a directresultof Defendants' unlawfulactions. Plaintiff Deleonhasbeen

damaged the form of emotionaldistress humiliation. in and 54. Def-endants' actionswerc outrageous because Defendants' motive or of evil

reckless indifferencc the rightsof others, to andtherefbre entitlePlaintiff Deleonto an awardof punitivedamages. WHEREI"ORIT. Count I of this Petition. on PlaintifT Deleonpraysthis Court enterits judgmentand decree order, all'ardingher: a) relief making Plaintitf Deleonwhole for the harm caused, includingan orderto

pay her suchsumsas are.just and reasonable compensatory as damages, includingdamages for emotional distress hurliliation: and b) punitivedamages suchamounts 1opunishand deterDel'endants others in as and

fiom like conduct; c) d) e) 1) fees; an awardof attorney's costs litigation: of prc-judgment interest all monetary on sumsawarded; and just and proper. suchotherequitablc and furtlierrelief asthis Court deems Count II: I'ercv Green- Discrimination Public Accommodation in and Comesnow Plaintilf PercyGreen,by andthroughhis attorneys, states following the for CountII of this Petitionasainst Defendants: 55. eachand every Plaintiff PercyGreenrealleges incorporates reference and by

in I herein. allegation contained paragraphs through54 aboveas if fully setforth and restated



On or aboutOctober3 1, 201I , PlaintiffPercyGreenfrled a timely charge of

discrimination with the MCHR allegingdiscrimination public accommodation the basisof in on race. 57. On or aboutNovember 4. 201 the MCHR issued I 2, PlaintiffPercyGreen a

Noticeof Right to Sueand Plaintiff PercyGreenthereafter filed this actionin a timely manner. Seecopy of Noticeof Right to Sueissued the MHCR attached by heretoas "Exhibit 2." 58. PlaintiffPercyGreenis a "person" within the scope andmeaning R.S.Mo. $ of

213.010(14) a "person within the.jurisdiction thestate Missouri"within the scope and of of and m e a n i n g f R . S .M o . $ 2 1 3 . 0 6 5 . 1 . o 59. "Hot Shots"restaurant bar located 12154St. Charles Defendants' and Rock aL

Road,Bridgeton, Missouri,63044is a "placc publicaocommodation" of within the scope and m c a n i n g 1R . S . M o s \2 I 3 . 0I 0 ( 1 ) . . 5 o ' 60. By the conductallegedabove,Def-endants deniedPlaintifl'Percy Greenlull and

equaluseand enjoyment a placeof publicaccommodation of based his race.and Def-endants on PlaintiffPercyGreen the useof a placeof publicaccommodation in based discriminated against on his racc. 61. 62. v R . D e t ' e n d a n cs 'n d u c ta sa l b r e s a i d ,i o l a t e d . S .M o . S $2 l 3 . 0 6 51 & 2 1 3 . 0 6 5 . 2 . to , As a directresultof Defendants' unlawfulactions, Plaintiff PercyGreenhasbeen

in and damaged the fbrm o1emotionaldistress humiliation. 63. were outrageous because Det-endants' motive or of evil Defendants' actions

andtherefore entitlePlaintiff PercyGreento an reckless indifference the rightsof others. to punitivedamages. awardo1' PlaintiffPercyGreenpraysthis Coufl WIIEREI-ORE.on C'ount of this Petition. II


judgmentand decree enterits order, awarding him: a) relief making Plaintiff PercyGreenwhole for the harm caused, includingan order

to pay suchsumsas arc'iustand reasonable compensatory as damages. includingdamages for emotional distress humiliation: and b) punitivedamages suchamounts to punishand deterDefendants others in as and

fiom like conduct: c) d) e) 1) an awardo1'attorney's fees; costs litigation; of pre-.judgrnent interest all monetary on sumsawarded; and suchotherequitable further reliel'as and this Cor,rrl deems.iust proper. and Count III: Russell Green- Discrimination Public Accommodation in Comesnow Plaintiff Russell Green. andthroushhis attornevs. states bv and the tbllowinglbr Clount of this Petition lll against Def'endants: 64. I'}laintilfRussell(ireen realleges incorporates refbrence and by eachand every

allcgation contained paragraphs through63 aboveas if fully setforth and restated in 1 herein. 65. On or aboutOctober I . 2011, PlaintiffRussell 3 Greenfiled a timely charge of

discrimination with the MCHR alleging in discrimination publicacconrmodation the basis on of race. 66. 14,2012, MCHR issued the On or aboutNovenrber PlaintilTRussell Green a

Noticeof Right to Sueand Plaintiff Russell Greenthereafter filed this actionin a timely manner. heretoas "Exhibit 3." Seecopy of Notice of Right to Sueissued the MHCR attached by


6l .

PlaintifT RussellGreenis a "person" within the scopeand meaningof R.S.Mo. $

213.010(14) a "person and within thejurisdiction the state Missouri"within the scope of of and m e a n i n g f R .S . M o . $ 2 13 . 0 6 5I.. o 68. "Hot Shots"restaurant bar locatedat 12154St. CharlesRock Defendants' and

Road.Bridgeton, Missouri. 63044is a "placeof public accommodation" within the scope and m e a n i n o f R . S . M o$ 2 1 3 . 0 1 0 ( 1 5 ) . g . 69. By the conductallegedabove.Defendants deniedPlaintitf RussellGreenfull and

equaluseand enjoyment a placeof public accommodation of based his race.and Defendants on discriminated against PlaintiffRLrssell Green the useof a placeof publicaccommodation in bascd his race. on 70. 7l. D e f b n d a n tc o n d u c ta sa f o r e s a i d , o l a t e d . S .M o . $ $ 2 1 3 . 0 6.5 & 2 1 3 . 0 6 5 . 2 . s' , vi R 1 As a directresultof Del-endants' unlawtulactions, Plaintill'Russell Green has

beendamaged the lbrm o1'cmotional in distress humiliation. and 72. Del'endants' aclionswere outrageous because Defendants' motive or of evil

reckless indifference the rightsof others, to andtherefore entitlePlaintiff RussellGreento an punitivcdamages. awardo1WIIEREITORL,. CounlIII of this Petition, on Plaintill.Russell Greenpraysthis Court judgmentand decree enterits order, awarding him: a) relief making PlaintifTRussell Greenwhole fbr the harm caused, includingan

orderto pay him suchsumsas arejust and reasonable compensatory as damages, including damages emotionaldistress for and humiliation; b) punitivedamages suchamounts to punishand deterDef-endants others in as and

from like conduct:

l a I J

c) d) e) 1)

an awardof attorney's fees; costsof litigation; pre-.judgment intereston all monetarysumsawarded;and just and proper. suchotherequitable and furtherrelief asthis Court deems Count [V: AngelaMillstone- Discriminationin Public Accommodation

Comesnow Plaintiff Millstone,by and throughher attorneys, states fbllowing for and the Count IV of this PetitionasainstDef-endants: 73. Plaintilf Millstonerealleges incorporates reference and by eachand every

allegation contained paragraphs through72 aboveas if fully setforth and restated in I herein. 74. On or aboutDccembcr 27,2011,PlaintiffMillstonefiled a timelycharge of

discrimination with the MCHR alleging in discrimination publicaccommodation the basis of on her association with Atiican-Americans. 15. On or aboutDecember 6.2012.the MCHI{ issued Plaintifl'Millstone Noticeof a

llled this actionin a timely manner. Seecopy of Right to Sueand Plaintif Millstonethereafter f hereto "Exhibit4." as Noticeof Rightto Sueissued the MHCR attached by 76. within the scope is andmeaning R.S.Mo. $ of Plaintifl'Millstone a "person"

of of and 213.010(14) a "person within thejurisdiction the state Missouri"within the scope and I m c a n i n g f R . S .M o . $ 2 1 3 , 0 6 5 . o 77. "Hot Shots"restaurant bar locatedat 12154St. CharlcsRock and Del'endants'

within the scope and Road,Bridgeton, Missouri, 63044is a "placeof publicaccommodation" m e a n i n o f R . S . M o{ 2 1 3 . 0 1 0 ( 1 5 ) . g . 78. deniedPlaintiff Millstonefull and By the conductallegedabove,Defendants

with on based her association of equaluseand enioyment a placeof public accommodation


African-Americans, Defendants and discriminated against Plaintiff Millstone in the useof a placeof public accommodation based her association on with African-Americans. 79. 213.070(4). 80. As a directresultof'Def-endants' unlawfulactions. Plaintiff Millstonehasbeen l ) e f e n d a n t s ' c o n d ua sa f o r e s a i d , o l a t e d . S .M o . 8 8 2 1 3 . 0 6 5 . 1 : 2 1 3 . 0 6 5 . 2 ct, vi R &

damaged the lbrm of emotionaldistress humiliation. in and 81. Defendants' actions were outrageous because Defendants' motive or of evil

reckless indiff-erence the rightsof others. to andtherefore entitlePlaintiff Millstoneto an award of punitivedamages. WHERE,FORE, Clount of this Petition, on IV PlaintiffMillstonepraysthis Court judgmentand decree enterits order, awarding her: a) relief rnakingPlaintitl'Millstone whole fbr the harm caused, includingan orderto

pay her suchsumsas arejust and reasonable compensatory as damages, includingdamages fbr emotional distress humiliation: and b) punitivedamages suchamounts to punishand deterDefendants others in as and

from like conduct: c) d) e) 0 f-ees; an arvard attorney's of costs litigation; of pre-judgment on sumsawarded; and interest all monetary just and proper. and furtherrelief asthis Court deems suchotherequitable Count V: MicheleScott- Discriminationin Public Accommodation the and Comesnow Plaintiff Millstone,by andthroughher attorneys, states following for CountV of this PetitionasainstDefendants:



Plaintiff Scottrealleges incorporates reference and by eachand everyallegation

contained paragraphs through81 aboveas if fully setforth and restated in I herein. 83. On or aboutDecember .201 1, PlaintiffScottfiled a timely charge 27 of

discrimination with the MCHR alleging discrimination publicaccommodation the basis in on of her association with Afiican-Americans. 84. On or aboutDecember 6.2012,the MCHR issued PlaintiffScotta Noticeof

Right to Sueand Plaintill'Scottthereafier llled this actionin a timely manner. Seecopy of Noticeof Right to sue issuedby the MHCR attached heretoas "Exhibit 5." 85. PlaintiffScottis a "person" within the scope and meaning R.S.Mo. $ of

2 1 3 . 0 1 0 ( 1 4t)n da " p e r s o n ' i t h i n h e . j u r i s d i c t i o 1 - t h s t a t e l - M i s s o u r iw i t h i nt h es c o p e n d i w t n e o " a m e a n i n o f R . S .M o S 2 1 3 . 0 6 5 . g L 86. "Hot Shots"restaurant bar locatedaL 12154St. Charles Delbndants' and Rock

Road,Bridgeton, Missouri,63044is a "placeof publicaccommodation" within the scope and m e a n i n o f R . S . M oS 2 1 3 . 0 1 0 ( 1 5 ) . g . 87. By the conductallegedabove, Defendants deniedPlaintiff Scottfull and equaluse

andenjoyment a placeo1'public of accommodation based her association on with AfricanAmericans, Dcl'endants and discrirninated against Plaintiffscott in the uscof a placcof public accommodation bascdon her association with African-Americans. 88. D e f ' e n d a n t s ' c o n d u c a,f b r e s a i d , o l a t e d . S .M o . $ $ 2 1 3 . 0 6 5 . 1 ; 2 1 3 . 0 6 5 . 2 a st vi R &

89. As a directresultof Defendants' unlawfulactions. Plaintiff Scotthasbeen

damaged the form of emotionaldistress humiliation. in and 90. Defendants' actions were outrageous because Defendants' motive or of evil


reckless indifference the rightsof others, to andtherefore entitlePlaintiff Scottto an awardof punitivedamages. WHEREFORE.on CountV of this Petition. Plaintiff Scottpravsthis Court judgmentand decree enterits order. awarding her: a) reliel making l']laintiffScottwhole fbr the harm caused. includingan orderto pay

her suchsumsas arejust and reasonable compensatory as damages. includingdamages fbr emotional distress and humiliation; b) punitivedamages suchamounts to punishand deterDefendants others in as and

from like conduct: c) d) e) f) an awardof attorney'sl'ees; costs litigation; of pre-judgment interest all monetary on sumsawarded; and and turtherrclicf asthis Court deems.just proper. suchothercquitable and Count V[: Michael Shelton Discriminationin Public Accommodation by Comesnow Plaintiff Shelton, andthroughhis attorneys. states lbllowing for and the CountVI of this Petition asainst Def'endants: 91. by Plaintiff Sheltonrealleges incorporates reference and eachand everyallegation

I herein. containedin paragraphs through 90 aboveas if fully set lbrth and restated 92. On or aboutl)ecember28,201l, Plaintiff Shcltonfiled a timely chargeof

in with the MCHR allegingdiscrimination public accommodation the basisof on discrimination race. 93. the PlaintiffShelton Noticeof a On or aboutNovember14-2012- MCHR issued

Rightto Sueand PlaintitfShelton thcreaftcr filedthis actionin a timely manner.Seecopyof


Notice of Right to Sueissuedby the MHCR attached heretoas "Exhibit 6." 94PlaintiffShelton a "person" is within the scope andmeaning R.S.Mo. $ of

213.010(14) a "person and within thejr-rrisdiction the state Missouri"within the scope of of and m e a n i n o f R . S .M o . $ 2 1 3 . 0 6 5 . 1 . g 95. "Hot Shots"restaurant bar located 12154St. Charles Def'endants' and at Rock

Road,Bridgeton, Missouri. 63044is a "placeof public accommodation" within the scope and m c a n i n o f R . S . M or s2 1 3 . 0 1 0 ( 1 5 ) . g . 96. By the conductallegedabove,Defendants deniedPlaintiff Sheltonfull and equal

useandenjoyment a placeof publicaccommodation of based his race.and Defendants on discriminated against PlaintilfShelton the useof a placeof publicaccommodation in bascd on his racc. 97. 98. D c f ' e n d a n t s ' c o n d u c t . l b r e s a i d , o l a t e d . S .M o . $ $ 2 1 3 . 0 6 5 .& 2 1 3 . 0 6 5 . 2 . a sa vi R l As a directresulto1'Def.endants' unlawfulactions. Plaintiff Sheltonhas

beendamaged the form of emotional in distress humiliation. and 99. Def-endants' actionswereoutrageous because Defendants' motiveor of evil

reckless indiff-erence the rightsof others, to andtherefore entitlePlaintiff Shelton an awardof to pLrnitive damages. WFIEREITORE, Clount o1'this on VI praysthis Court Petition, PlaintiffShelton judgntcntand decree enterits order, awarding him: a) relief making Plaintiff Shelton whole fbr the harm caused, includingan orderto

pay him suchsumsas are.iust and reasonable compensatory as damages, includingdamages for emotional distress and humiliation:



punitive damages suchamountsas to punish and deterDefendants in and others

from like conduct: c) d) e) 1) an awardof attorney's fees; costs o1'litigation; pre-judgment interest all monetary on sumsawarded; and just and proper. suchotherequitable and furtherrelief asthis Court deems

Respectfully submitted, WEINHAUS & POTASHNICK

11 5 0 0 l i v el l l v d . .S u i t e1 3 3 O St, Louis.Missouri 63141 P l r o n e(:3 1 4 )9 9 7 - 9 1 5 e x t ,2 0 Fax:(314\ 997-9170 markp(r)up-attornc)'s. rn co and RIGGAN LAW FIRM, LLC Itussell Riggan, C. #53060 2000 South8t" Streel St. Louis,Missouri63104 P h o n e :( 3 1 4 )7 7 1 - 5 5 5 5 Fax: (314)735-1054 g russ(@ri ganlawfl com rm. Attorneysfor Plaintffi



MrssouRr oN CoMMrssroN HUMAN RtcHTS


Ai-vrr! Clnten CoMMrssroN CHATRPERSoN


Leslie Deleon Apt. 3507Sugarcrest, A Florissant, 63033 MO

R E:

HOTSHOTS BARANDGRILL, AL. ET Leslie De|eon ,12154 vs. ROCK ROAD D/B/A SPORTS P - 1 0 /1 - 0 3 5 1 0 1

(MCHR) terminating proceedings issuing notice yourright sue its The Missouri Commission Human Rights is this of to on and you the a of to HumanRights because haverequested notice yourright sue. Act under Missouri that you have the rightto brrnga civilactionwithin90 days of the date of this letteragainst the You are herebynotified namedin the complaint. Suchan actionmay be brought any statecircuitcourt in any countyin whichthe in respondent(s) judge. Not onlymust practice alleged haveoccurred, a circuit unlawful discriminatory is to eitherbefore circurt associate or pursuant this rightto sue authorization filedwithin90 daysfrom the dateof this letter, any in to be any actionbrought court discovery the of suchcase mustalso be filedno laterthan two vearsafterthe alleoedcaugeoccurredor yourreasonable cause. alleged IN COURTRELATING THE MATTERS TO ASSERTED YOUR IF YOU DO NOT FILEA CIVILACTIONIN STATECIRCUIT (ANDWITH|NTWO YEARSOF THE ALLEGED CAUSE, CoMPLATNT WrrHrN90 DAYSOF THE DATEOF TH|SNOTTCE TO CAUSE, YOURCOMPLAINT), YOURRIGHT SUEIS LOST. OF OF OR THE DISCOVERY THEALLEGED Director administratively closing all You are also notified that the Executive is thiscase and terminating MCHRproceedings withthe MCHR with relating your complaint You may not reinstate complaint the MCHRor file a new complaint to this you yourcomplaint, mustdo so in courtas to relating the sameact or practice, rather if you choose contrnue pursue to but to period anyfederal of claims. in of described thisletter This notice rightto sue has no effecton the suit-filing the of above,if any partyis aggrieved thisdecisron the MCHR,that partymay appeal by to described In addition the process in of Statutes Missouri statecircuitcourt. Any suchpetition by under$ 536 150 of the Revised decision filinga petition .must be filedin the circuit courtof ColeCounty Respectfully,

Ph.D. Alisa Warren. Director Executive 12154 ROCKROADD/B/AHOT S B S H O T S P O R T S A RA N DG R I L L , E TA L RockRd St, 12154 Charles MO Bridgeton, 63044 & Valmert ATTN: Daniel Julie
N 3 3 1 5W . I R U M A 8 T V D , P.O Box1129 Ct , J E F F E R S o NT Y M O 6 5 10 2 . 11 2 9 57 PHONET 3-751-3325 FAx:573-751-2805

Novem.ber 2012 14, Date

Donna Harper Harper PC Sedey 2 7 1 1 l i f t oA v e C n , S t .L o u i sM O6 3 1 3 9

S a m u e l WM o o r e . Riggan LawFirmLLC Ave 132W Washington Ste100 MO Kirkwood, 63122

T-lt t
1 4 ' t 0 E N E S SS u r,r E 6 0 G EE 2 64102 KrNs.cs Ctrv,lVlO FM 816-889-3582
STREl 106 ARTHUR :iUITE U MO SrKESroN, 63801-5454 F,.)..573472-5321

9 S r I 11 N , 7 r H r R E ES.u r r E 0 3 M Sr Lours. O63101-2100 3 P H o N E1 4 - 3 4 0 - 7 5 9 0 FAx:3'14.340-7238

P . O . o x13 0 0 B O Z A RM O 6 5 7 2 1 - 1 3 0 0 K, FM.417-485'6024

1 R e l a y M i s s o u r l 1 - 8 0 0 - 7 3 5 - 2 9 6 6 ( T D D )- 8 0 0 - 7 3 5 - 2 4 6 6 ( V o i c e ),gov



Mrssounr DEpARTMENT or LReon InousrntalRellrrons lNo

MrssouRr oN RTGHTS CoMmrssroN HUMAN


DepeRrmErur Drnecton


ALIsAWARREN, PH,D. E x E 0 u i l v ED T R E C I o R

Percy Green Apt. 3507Sugarcrest, A MO Florissant, 63033 RE: ET BAR& GRILL, AL, ROCK ROAD HOTSHOTS SPORTS Percy Green 12154 vs, D/B/A P-10111-03511

(MCHR) terminating proceedings issuing notice yourright sue of to is its and this The Missouri Rights Commission Human on you of to Human Rights because haverequestednotice yourright sue. Act a the under Mrssouri You are herebynotified that you have the rightto bringa civilactionwithin90 days of the date of this letteragainstthe in namedin the complaint. respondent(s) Suchan actionmay be brought any statecircuitcourt in any countyin whichthe judge. Not only must circuit practice alleged haveoccurred, or to eitherbeforea ctrcuit associate is unlawful discriminatory any the dateof this letter, be in to any actionbrought courtpursuant this rightto sue authorization filedwithin90 daysfrom glleqedcauseoccufred or yourreasonable discovery the of suchcase mustalsobe filedno later than two vearsafterthe cause. alleged IN TO ASSERTED YOUR COURTRELATING THE MATTERS IF YOU DO NOT FILEA CIVILACTIONIN STATECIRCUIT CAUSE, (ANDWTTHTN TWO YEARSOF THE ALLEGED coMpLAtNT WtTHtN DAYSOF THE DATEOF TH|SNOTTCE 90 TO CAUSE, YOURCOMPLAINT), OF YOURRIGHT SUEIS LOST. OF OR THE DISCOVERY THEALLEGED all closing thiscase and terminating MCHRproceedings Director administratively is that the Executive You are also notified with the MCHR with the MCHR or file a new complaint this complaint relatingto your complaint.You may not reinstate you yourcomplaint, mustdo so in courtas to to if but relating the sameact or practice, rather, youchoose continue pursue to period any federal claims. of on This notice rightto sue has no effect thesuitfiling in of described thisletter. by of above,if any partyis aggrieved thrsdecision the MCHR,that partymay appealthe to described In addition the process must court. Any suchpetition in of of Statutes Missouri statecircuit under$ 536.150 the Revised by decision filinga petition courtof ColeCounty. be filedin the circuit Respectfully,

Ph.D. Alrsa Warren, Director Executive 12154 ROCKROADD/B/AHOT ET BAR& GRILL, SPORTS SHOTS AL. RockRd 12154 Charles St. MO Bridgeton, 63044 & ATTN:Daniel JulieVolmert Haroer Donna PC Harper Sedey Ave Clifton 271'1 , S t .L o u i sM O6 3 1 3 9
14 November 20'12 Date

S a m u e l WM o o r e LawFirmLLC Riggan Ave 132W Washington Suite 100 MO Kirkwood, 63122

5 BLVO 331 W. TRUMAN PO.80x1129 1 CI NM J E F F E R S OT Y , O6 5 1 0 2 -1 2 9 PHoNE:5/3-751-3325 FAX. 573-75'1-2905 S 111 N .7 r HS T R E E I l,i t E9 0 3 Sr Lours O63101-2100 M PHONE:314-340-7590 F A X3 1 4 - 3 4 0 - 7 2 3 8 r P . O . o x13 0 0 B O Z ^ RM O 6 5 7 2 1 - 1 3 0 0 K F^x 417-485'6024

TI t__J
S J 4 1 0G E N E s s t t , u l r E2 6 0 64102 KANSAS CrrY l\,'lO FAX816-889-3582

r--'l t_t

D SU|lE -5454 Mo stKEsToN, 63801

1R s l a y l v l i s s o u r i1 - 8 0 0 - 7 3 5 " 2 9 6 6 ( T D D ) 8 0 0 - 7 3 5 - 2 4 6 6 ( V o i c e )


AND ReuttoHs DeplnruEnT LABoR lNDUSTnret Mrssounr oF

oN Rtcnrs MrssouRr CoMMrssroN HUMAN


ExEcurrve Drnrc-roR

Russell Green 3423SanSevilla Court MO Bridgeton, 63044 RE. BARANDGRILL, AL. ET ROCK ROAD HOTSHOTS Russell Green 12154 vs, D/B/A P-12t11-03534

to (MCHR) terminating proceedrngs issuing notice yourright sue its of and this rs Commission Human on Rights The Missouri you of a HumanRights because haverequested notice yourrightto sue. Act underthe Missouri that you have the rightto bringa civilactionwithin90 days of the date of this letteragainstthe You are herebynotified in respondent(s) namedin the complaint. Suchan actionmay be brought any statecircuitcourtin any countyin whichthe judge. Not only must practice alleged haveoccurred, or circuit discriminatory is to eitherbeforea circuit associate unlawful any be in to any actionbrought court pursuant this rightto sue authorization filedwithin90 daysfrom the dateof this letter, discovery the of suchcase mustalsobe filedno later than two.vearsafterthe alleqedcause occurredor yourreasonable cause. alleged IN ASSERTED YOUR COURTRELATING THE MATTERS TO IF YOU DO NOTFILEA CIVILACTIONIN STATECIRCUIT (ANDWtrHtN TWO YEARSOF THE ALLEGEDCAUSE, coMpLAtNT WtTHtN90 DAYSOF THE DATEOF TH|SNOTTCE YOURRIGHTTO SUE lS LOST. OF OF oR THE DISCOVERY THE ALLEGEDCAUSE, YOURCOMPLAINT), closing this caseand terminating MCHRproceedings all Director administratively is You are also notified that the Executive with the MCHR with the MCHRor file a new complaint your complaint. You may not reinstate this complaint relatingto yourcomplaint, mustdo so in courtas you to to relating the sameact or practice, rather if you choose continue pursue to but period any federal claims of on in This notice rightto sue has no effect the suit-filing of described thisletter. the of by above,if any partyis aggrieved thisdecisron the MCHR,that partymay appeal described In addition the process to must court. Any suchpetition In petition of the Revised Statutes Missouri statecircuit a by under$ 536 150 of decisron frling courtof ColeCountv. be filedin the circuit Respectfully,


14,20'12 November Date

Ph.D. AlisaWarren, Director Executive 12154ROCK ROAD D/B/A HOT SHOTSBAR AND GRILL,ET AL. 12154St. CharlesRock Rd MO 63044 Bridgeton, ATTN: Daniel& Julie Volmert

Donna Harper PC Harper Sedey Ave 2711Clifton , S t .L o u i sM O6 3 1 3 9

S a m u e l WM o o r e , LawFirmLLC Riggan Ave, 132W Washington Ste 10 0 , MO Kirkwood, 63122

|\7 IZ-\I
BLVD. 3315 W. TRUMAN P O Box1129 C|T , J E fT . E R S O N Y M O 8 5 10 2 - 11 2 9 PHONE573751-3325 FM: 573-751-2905 1 1 1N . 7 T H r R E E iS u i l E9 0 3 S , ST Louls,l\,'1O63101-2100 P 8 0 N E3 1 4 - 3 4 0 - 7 5 9 0 3 FAX. 14-340-7238

P . O .B o x 1 3 0 0 Oz RK,MO65721-1300 FAX:417-485-6024


t--l L_t
106 ARTHUR STREET SUTED Mo stKESrON, 63801-5454 Fl'r..573-472-5321

O 2 1 4 1 G E N E S S ES U I T E 6 0 E, Ctrv, l\4O64102 Kerusns FAX816-8893582 :

1 R e l a y M i s s o u r i 1 - 8 0 0 - 7 3 5 - 2 9 6 6 ( T D D )- 8 0 0 - 7 3 5 - 2 4 6 6 ( V o i c e ) wwwlabor.nlogov/hr

?01?-1?-06:51 7

H u m aR i g h t s- K C n

>> 8168893582 351054

P 4/6



LAWfleNceG, RcoMAN

0cplntuctrr necron D

Alvrn CeRtcn COMMrSsroN ChArRpEr{sON

AUsAWARREN, PH,0, Exccutrvc Ornccton

Angela Millstone 3423 SanSevilla Court Eridgoton, 63044 MO RE: A n g e lM i l l s t o n e v s .1 5 R o c k o a d / b / a o t S h oSs o r tB a r &G r i [ e t a t a 12 4 R H tp s P-12t11-03542

TheMissouri Commission Human on (MCHR) terminatingproceedings issuing notice your Rights is its and this of right to sueunder MrssouriHuman Actbecau$e have the Rights you requesied a notice !ourright sue of to

Youaro hereby notified yOuhavethe rightto bnnga civilaction that wrthin daysof the dateof thisletter 90 against the respondent(s) in thecompJaint' an action be brought anystate named Such may In ciriuit court anycounty whjch in in the unlawful practico alleged have discriminatory is to occurred-, b6fore ckcuit urit.irt" oircuit,ludge, onlyrnust either a ol. Not anyaction brought court in pursuant thisright sueauthorization gO to to befited within days from lati the tetrer, s u c h c a s e m u S t a | S o b e f i l e d n o l a t e r t h " n o ' y o , , r e a s o n a ot this d i s any v e r y b | e c o atleged oause, IF YOU DO NOTFILEA CIVILACTION STATE IN CIRCUIT COURT RELATING THE IVIATTERS TO ASSERTED IN YOUR COMPLAINT WITH|N DAYS THEDATE THtsNoTtcE 90 OF OF (AND WtTHtN TWOYEARS THEALLEGED OF

cAusE, THE oR DlscovERY THE oF ALLEGED cAUsE, youR oF corupmtruri, RTGHTsuErsLosT. Voun To

Youarealsonotified theExecutive that Director administratively thiscese is closing andterminatingMCHR atJ proceeotngs relating yourcomplaint to Youmaynotrejrrstate complaini the MCHR fitea newcomp/6int this wrth or withtheMCHR relating thesame or practice rather,youchoose contrnuepursue .orpr"int, to act but if to to you;. youmust so incourt do as described thislotter. notice right suehasnoeffect thesurt-filing in This of to on peri'oO anyfederal of claims. In addition theprocess to described above, anypgrty ag_grieved decision theMCHR, party if is -Siatutes this hy of that mayappeet the dec]sion filing petition by a under 536,I of theReviseo 50 o?Missouri state $ in circuit court,nnysLcnfetitiorr rnust in befrlod thecircuit court Colo of Countv,
Respectfully, ,, '''.| .,,-..-.''\ /'- /,' December6,2012 Date

Warren, Alisa Ph.D. Director Executive

C; additional respondents nexlpages on

t\11 |l:t

I 11 N .7 1 H T R E E Tu t T 9 0 3 S S. r S r . L c u t sM O 0 C 1 0 1 - 2 1 0 0 , P H o N c r1 4 - 3 4 & 7 5 8 0 3 F A xc 1 4 - 3 4 F 7 ? 3 8 :

P . O . o x13 0 0 B o Z A R X .0 6 5 7 ? 1 . 1 3 0 0 M FAx:417-,188,60a4

1 4 1 0 T N E G SS u:r,r E d 0 G Et 2 K,^Ns^:; MO 84102 CrrY, F^x:810.880.950?


3315W TtruuevBrvo P.O. 1129 Box J!t'H:rrggru M0 95102-,1 CLIy, 120 PHoNEi 57o.7bt-332s -2905 Frx:573.75 1

0 SutrE


R a l a y f \ 4 l s 3 o u f i1 . d 0 0 . 7 3 5 . 2 9 0 6 ( T D D ). 8 0 0 , 7 3 $ . 2 4 8 0 ( V o i c o ) 1 wwvy i0bornto0oy/hr mchrdlibor mo.Oov

?01? 17-06 07=5? Human Rishts- KC

>> 8168893582351054

P 5t6

Michele vs,12154 Road scott Rock dllla Hot$hots $ports & Griil al Bar et P_12t11-03543
12154 Rock Road d/b/aHotShots Sports & Griil Bar 12154 Charles St, Rock Road Bridgeton, 69044 MO Daniel Julie & Volmert 12664 Dorsett Road Maryland Heights, 63043 MO Donna Harper 2711 Clifton Avenue St,Louis, 63139 MO S a m u e l W , oo re M 132W,Washington Avenue, Suite 100 K i r k w o oM,O6 3 1 2 2 d 12154 RockRoad d/b/aHotShots Sports & Grill Bar c/oDaniel Julie & Volmert, Owners 3333 Ridgeway Drive St.Charles, 63033 MO 2 1 5O ' F a l l o n a ceL L C Pl . dibla HotShots Sports & Grill Bar do Daniel Julie & Volmert, Owners 3333 Ridgeway Drive St.Charles, 63033 MO 730HSBG, LLC d/h/aHotShots Sporls & Grilt Bar do Daniel Julie & Volmert, Owners Ridgeway 3333 Drive St.Charles, 63033 MO 950-952 South Highway LLC d/b/aHotShots Sports & Gritl Bar c/oDaniel& Volmert, Julie Owners 3333 Ridgeway Drive St.Charles, 63033 MO 1 3 1 9 e n t r a la rk, L C C P L d/b/a HotShots Sports & Gritl Bar c/oDaniel Julie & Volmert, Owners 3333 Ridgeway Drive MO St,Charies, 63033

?012 ?-06 7:5? 1 0

H u m aR i s h t s - K C n

>> 8168893582 351054

P 6/6

Michele scottvs' 12154 Rock Road d/b/a sports & Grill al Bar _Hotshots et P- 12t11- 03543 1636 Country plaza, CJub Inc, dibia Hotshots Sports & Gritl Bar c/auaniel Julie & Volmert, Owners 3333 Ridgeway Drive St.Charles, 63033 MO 3333 Ridgeway, Inc. d/b/aHotShots Sports & Griil Bar c/oDaniel Julie & Volmert, Owners 3333Ridgeway Drive St.Charles, 63033 MO 4021 Union LLC d/b/a HotShots Sports & Grill Bar do.Daniel JuJie & Volrneft, Owners 3333Ridgeway Drive St.Charles, 69039 MO 12664 Dorsett Road, LLC dibla HotShots Sports & Grjll Bar c/o_Daniel & Julie Volmert, Owners 3333 Ridgeway Drive St.Chartes, 63033 MO 14051 Manchester, Inc, d/b/a HotShots Sports & Griil Bar c/oDaniel Julie & Volmert, Owners 3333 Ridgeway Drive St,Chartes, 63098 MO

?012 2-06 7:50 1 0

H u m aR i g h t s- K C n

>> 816889359?351054

P 1/6

MtssouRt CoMMtsstoN HuMAN oN RrcHrs




ti" '-l

' --'---7,i


LAwRcNcC RcnNlx G, DEp^FTMINr DrRecron

ALVrN CaRr[R CotttutssrOlCxlrnpcnsOn


Michele Scott 2440Brown Road S t .L o u i s , o6 3 1 1 4 M RE: Michele vs.12154 Scott Rock Road d/b/aHotShots Sports & Grilot al Bar P-12t11_03s43

TheMissouri commission Human on (McHR) terminatingproceedings rssurng notice your Rights is its and this of rrght to sueurrder Missouri the Human Rights because have Act you requesieo a notice lour r,gt,t sue. of to

alleged cause

urio.iri. .i,.;i'jlo* "idiffi#: ::5y:Tt.":tl1l?1,"-'lti1.1i:g_i:_Slfggg eitherbe ".il.,lt J'. lo!ly: occurred',b6rorewithin rired e0grvr ir.'u orin,s ,ry t.* ort,i :llJ":|i!::l?"1sj:I^:tYtlJ:,:r,-t1,.':"1'..i,.s_h.ll?"t^'g.^lltl.oiitqlon reasonable r.tiJ'., suchcasemustalsobe filedno I cause occurred yOUr or

action within or date tetter the :HA:j:,:1tl:tj,l,:1 ll^",^1.j^ll1:.. action a civir $ils_lt lg.!rl.e be.brousht e0days the orthis againsr S_":l,an iray in anystai"'ri'-"uir.oru
::"t,LTi":,f1,:il:^'ll:,li! in anycounry which in rhe
discovery the Of
uu9r r91 il t9

cAUsE' THE oR DlscovERY THE oF ALLEcED cAUsE, youR oF coupLairlrt, ioun RTGHTsuEts Losr. To


Youarealsonotified theExecutive that Director administratively thiscase ls closing andterminatingMCHR proceedrngs all to relating yourcomplaint, maynotreinstate complaini thel\4CHR fitea nowcomptatnt the You this wilh or with MCHR relating thesame or practice, father youchoose continue pursue complaint, must so in to act but if to to your you do court as rn described thisletter. notrce right suehasnoeffect thesuit-fiirng This of to peribO anyfeOeral on of ctaims Inaddition theprocess to described if above, anypany aggrieved this 1s by decision theMCHRthat of party appeat may the d e c i s i o n b y f i l i n g a p e t i t i o n u n d e r $ 5t3 6 ,R e v i0 fe d S t a t u t e s o i Mi in s to uejc i r c u i t c o u ry . l c rp e t i r i o n m u s t he 150 s ss at r nn t s r bofiledinthecircuit court Cole of Countv, Respectfully,
\ / '* -t 1 ,

, { \ *- - *'



// Alisa Warren, Ph.D, Director Executive


December6 12 ?0 Date

respondents nextpages additional on

' l1 ' 1 T l H S l ( n r ; r , S u r r r 9 0 3 pO Box1300 3315WTltuvuruBlvo N 1 4 1 0 e x c e g r S, T E . 2 0 0 G eu P . O B a x1 1 2 9 . S r .L o uS ,M 0 e 0 1 0 1 - 2 1 0 0 0 r r r x ,M 0 0 5 7 2 1 - 1 3 0 0 l(ANsAs CrrY, 6d102 [4o J F . F F E h S 0 r YM 0 0 5 1 0 2 - 1 1 2 0 CrN , PHoNE 14-34G75S0 3 4 F A X ]1 7 . d 8 5 - 6 0 ? d F ^ x :I 1 6 - 8 8 9 , 3 5 8 ? PH0NE:573-751-3325 FAx.314-340-7238 F A X5 7 3 . 7 5 1 - 2 9 0 5 R o l o y M i s F o u r i 1 . $ 0 0 . 7 3 5 - 2 0 0 0 ( T D O ), 0 9 A . 7 0 9 - ? 4 0 0 ( V o i c a ) 1 wwwl0borrnooov/hr

S I O gA R T h U R I R C T T

1 ?012 2-06 7:51 0

H u m a ni g h t s K C R

>> 8168893582351054

P 2/6

Angela Millstone 12154 vs. Rock Road d/b/aHotShots $por1s & Grill al Bar et P-12t11-03542 1?154 Rock Road d/h/aHotShots Sports & Grill Bar 12154 Charles St. Rock Road tsridgeton, 63044 MO Daniel Julie & Votmert 12664 Dorsett Road Maryland Heights, 63043 MO Donna Harper 2711 Clifton Avenue S t ,L o u i s , Q6 3 1 3 9 M Sa m u e l W , o o re M 1 3 2 ,W a s h i n g to n n u e ,u i te 0 0 W A ve S 1 Kirkwood, 63122 MO 12154 Rock Road d/b/a HotShots Sports & Grill Bar do Daniel Julie & Volmerl, Owners 3333 Ridgeway Drive St,Charles, 63033 MO 2 1 5O ' F a l l o n a ce , L C Pl L d/b/aHotshots Soorts & Grill Bar c/oDaniel Julie & Volmeft, Owners 3333 Ridgeway Drive St,Charles, 63033 MO 730HSBG, LLC d/b/a HotShots Sporls & Gritl Bar do Daniel Julie & Volmert, Owners Ridgeway 3333 Drive St.Charles, 63033 MO South Highway 950-952 LLC d/bia HotShots Sports & GriJl Bar c/oDaniel Julie Volmert, Owners & Ridgeway Drive 3333 St.Charles, 63033 MO Pa L 13 1 9 e n t r a l rk, L C C Bar Sports & Grill d/b/anotShots & Volmert, c/oDaniel Julie Owners Ridgeway Drive 3333 MO St.Charles, 63033

2 0 1 ?1 2 - 0 6 7 : 5 1 0

H u m aR i s h t s - K C n

>> 8168893582 351054

P 3/6

Angela Millstone 12154 vs, Rock Road d/b/aHotshots sports & Grill al Bar et P-12t11-03542 1036 Country ptaza, Cluh inc. d/bia HotShots $ports & Gritl Bar do Daniel Julie & Volmert, Owners 3333 Ridgeway Drive St,Charles, 63093 MO 3333 Ridgeway, Inc, d/b/a HotShots Sports & Griil Bar c/oDaniel Julie & Volmert, Owners 3333 Ridgeway Drive St,Charles, 63033 MO 4021 Union LLC d/b/a Hot$hots Sports & Gritl Bar c/oDaniel Julie & Volmert, Owners 3333 Ridgeway Drive St.Charles, 63033 MO 12664 Dorsett Road, LLC d/b/a HolShots Bar Sports & Grill do Daniel Julie & Volmert, Owners 3333 Ridgeway Drjve St,Charles, 63033 MO 14051 Manchester, lnc. d/b/aHot$hots Sports & Grill Bar c/oDaniel Julie & Votmert, Owners 3333 Ridgeway Drive St,Charles, 63033 MO

exo Depenrmexr Laeon lNousrRrAL RELATIoNS MtssouRr or




Michael Shelton 12766Spanish VillageDrive MO Bridgeton, 63044


Shelton 12154 vs. ROCK HOTSHOTS ET Michael ROAD D/B/A SPORTS BARANDGRILL, AL. P-11t11-03523

(MCHR) terminating proceedings issuing The Missouri is its and thisnoticeof yourrightto sue Commission HumanRights on you of a Act underthe Missouri HumanRights because haverequested notice yourrightto sue. You are herebynotifred that you have the rightto bringa civilactionwithing0 days of the date of this letteragainstthe in respondent(s) namedin the complaint. Suchan actionmay be brought any statecircuitcourtin any countyin whichthe judge. Not only must practice alleged haveoccurred, circuit a or eitherbefore circuit associate is to discriminatory unlawful any be any actionbrought court pursuant thrsrrghtto sue authorization filedwithin90 daysfrom the date of this letter, in to discovery the of suchcase mustalso be filedno later than two vearsafterthe alleqedcauseoccurred or yourreasonable alleged cause. IN TO ASSERTED YOUR COURTRELATING THE MATTERS IF YOU DO NOT FILEA CIVILACTIONIN STATECIRCUIT (ANDWITHTN CAUSE, TWO YEARSOF THE ALLEGED WtTHtN90 DAYSOF THE DATEOF TH|SNOTTCE coMpLAtNT YOURRIGHT SUElS LOST. TO CAUSE, YOURCOMPLATNT), OF oR THE D|SCOVERY THEALLEGED OF closing all Director administratively is this caseand tefminating MCHRproceedings You are also notified that the Executive with the MCHR with the MCHRor file a new complaint this complaint relatingto your complaint You may not reinstate you yourcomplaint, mustdo so in courtas to to but relating the sameact or practice, rather if you choose continue pursue to period anyfederal of claims. in This notrce rrght sue has no effecton the suit-filing of to described thrsletter. the by of In addition the process to described above,if any partyis aggrieved thisdecision the MCHR,that partymay appeal in court, Any suchpetition must of of Statutes Missouri statecircuit under$ 536.150 the Revised by decision filinga petition be filedin the circuit courtof ColeCountv Respectfully,

/{ Ph Alisa Warren, D. Executive Director

',- :/7-t 1 ' L-t..'.--Oz'

//-->-1 N o v e m b e r4 , 2 0 1 2 Date

ROCKROADD/BiAHOT 12154 BARANDGRILL SPORTS SHOTS ET AL. RockRd 12154 Charles St. MO Bridgeton, 63044 Volmert & ATTN: Daniel Julie

Harper Donna Harper PC Sedey Ave 2711Clifton , S t .L o u i sM O6 3 1 3 9

S a m u e l WM o o r e . LawFirmLLC Riggan Ave 132W Washington 100 Suite MO Kirkwood. 63122

lvr tat
BLVD, 3315W TRUMAN P O . B o x11 2 9 JEFFERSoN MO 65102-1129 C|TY, P H o N E7 3 - 7 5 1 . 3 3 2 5 5. FAx:573-751-2905

Su 9 111 N .7 r HS T R E E T , r r E 0 3 , S r L o u r sM O6 3 1 0 1 - 2 1 0 0 3: PHoNE14-34c-7590 F A X3 1 4 - 3 4 0 ' 7 2 3 8 : P . O B o x13 0 0 . o z A n K O6 5 7 2 1 - 1 3 0 0 M FAX 17-485.6024 4
2 1 4 1 0G E N E S S ES U I T E 6 0 E, KANSAS Clft, MO 64102 FAx 816-88s-3582 106 ARTHUR STREET

D Sutre MO SrKEsroN, 63801-5454

1) RelayMissoun 1-E00-735-2966(TDD-800-735-2466(Vorce)"gov

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